Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or sad? It happens to the best of us and can be exhausting to deal with. Hoping to help you in these stressful moments, I bring to you 10 instant ways to calm yourself.

If ’24-hour calmness’ was a product, we’d all be rushing to the nearest store to buy it. I know I would love to get my hands on it.
Who doesn’t want to be in a relaxed state of mind all day long?
But since in this beautiful journey called life, we have to work to get our hands on anything good.
Being calm during tough situations requires patience, and practicing a few techniques that can be perfected over time.
But before we dive into the super-simple techniques you can use to calm yourself, it is essential that you learn to recognize the emotions that might cause you trouble.
Do not skip this section. You need to know this before you can make use of the listed techniques.
Instances That Would Require You To Calm Yourself
These are the emotions you need to be on the look-out for:
1. Anger
It’s been wisely said that anger eats the mind where it resides, more than the people who it might be aimed at.
Nobody wants to engage with this negative emotion, but we all run into it from time to time.
It’s of utmost importance to erase this emotion the moment it starts to breed. Otherwise, it can leave a lot of guilt, and dull energy in its wake.
2. Stress
Many people say stress is a necessary evil for productivity. I think I see their point, but honestly, this is a feeling I can do without.
Stress leads to many health problems – obesity, depression, and overthinking, to name a few.
It robs you of your right to ‘live in the moment,’ and hence needs to be minimized as much as possible.
3. Anxiety
Anxiety needs the utmost kindness, patience, and understanding. It demands special attention and isn’t something to make light of.
A few calming techniques can be used for instant calmness.
But for long-term effects, self-care, self-love, and personal growth are some aspects that need to be worked on while dealing with this issue.
Oftentimes, talking to an expert in this field is also recommended.
4. Nervousness
When there’s a big change in life waiting to happen, or any event where we’re required to give our best, nervousness is the first emotion to show up at the party.
A lot of times it’s harmless, but nobody likes feeling nervous.
It’s a dreadful feeling that spoils big moments. In extreme cases, it can even lead to disruption in performance or cloud a person’s decision-making skills.
It’s important that you recognize these emotions on time, and give yourself a pinch to fire an alarm in your brain.
An alarm signal would look something like – ‘I’m losing my cool here. Anger alert!’
Or something like – ‘It’s getting a little difficult to breathe. Nervousness incoming, brain!’
Got it?
If you create an alarm system for yourself, then you’ll find it easier to get to the next step, i.e., using a technique to calm yourself.
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In this post, we talk about 10 ways you can use to calm yourself down if any of the above-listed emotions hit you out of nowhere.
Don’t forget to write them down, or lock them in your memory to be able to make use of them on time.
Let’s calm down. 🙂
How To Calm Yourself Down (10 Simple Ways That Work)
1. Take A Moment To Pause
A lot of times, it’s a bundle of little worries that can cause you to overwhelm.
It’s important to detach yourself from such moments, and retrieve to a quiet space, both literally and in your head.
Give yourself some time to absorb the air around you.
Sit in a chair, or stand on your balcony. Let your mind breathe so that it can slowly step out of the fog of its worries and start seeing clearly.
For the next few minutes, your priority needs to be to calm yourself. The rest can wait.
Read: 21 Ways To Lift Your Mood When You’re Feeling Low
2. Sip On Water
Did you know that drinking more water has been linked with reducing stress and anxiety?
Not surprising at all, considering that water is one of the basic elements of sustenance for every living being on this planet.
It’s a pure liquid that revives and rejuvenates your mind like nothing else.
That’s why when you feel your control over things slipping, drinking water can calm you down in an instant.
I always keep a bottle of water with me at all times, while I’m heading outside or even when I’m sitting in my room.
At this point, it’s become a habit that I just can’t do without. And it’s something I believe you’d benefit a lot from too.
Hydration is the key to good health, both mental and physical. And it’s something you should use to your advantage throughout the day.
So, drink more water. Period.
You’d find yourself getting stressed less frequently, and in moments when you do feel anxious, this habit will help calm your nerves.
3. Do 100 Jumping Jacks
Any kind of exercise might be the last thing on your mind. But moving your body might be just the thing you need.
When you’re sweating it out, it’s really hard for your mind to give you worries. All your anxious energies get channeled into working with your body.
This results in the disruption of your stress, which is the exact thing we want to be doing.
Whenever I feel anxious, I try to find a quiet spot to do a low-impact exercise. And most of the time, I go for jumping jacks.
It’s so simple to do, yet can make your legs and arms really work for it.
You could find a quick exercise that works for you (squats are great too.) But the next time you find yourself getting hyper, try challenging yourself to 100 counts of jumping jacks.
I can almost guarantee that you’ll be calmer by the end.
At least, your mind will be. Your body might tell a different story, but that’s all in good fun.
4. Take In Mindful Breaths
Your breaths aren’t mere means of survival. They are so much more than something your body needs to live.
Just like water (which I fully believe to have mental healing tendencies), your breathing is a powerful tool waiting to be unleashed in full force.
To calm yourself, stop whatever you’re doing and start taking deep breaths, focusing all your energies on this one practice.
This is what we call mindful breathing. It’s a known meditative technique that many swear by for calming their minds.
By focusing on your breaths, you can bring every part of your body into alignment.
This forces your mind to stop being a nuisance, and instead coordinate with your body to make you feel better.
Basically, the hyperactive thoughts that were causing you stress, start to slow down.
The longer you practice mindful breathing, the more control you gain over what you’re thinking.
A few minutes of working with your breaths, and you’ll be calmer and in better health.
Here’s a mindful breathing meditation you can use.
You’ll love reading: 35 Little Things In Life That Can Make You Happy
5. Go For A Walk
Looking to calm down your stressed energy? You might want to cool yourself by walking it off.
Walking releases endorphins, which are ‘feel-good’ hormones that can help lift your mood.
It’s an activity that doesn’t require much sweating but can have the same impact as a workout.
A short walk can give you time to self-reflect and indulge in healthy introspection. It can be your me-time, away from your stressors and all those pesky worries.
To soothe yourself better, take your headset with you. Plug in some calming music, and stroll on a path surrounded by trees.
Nothing heals the mind quite like some quality time with mother nature. 🙂
6. Chew A Gum
There have been many studies conducted in recent years, that prove chewing gum to be effective for stress relief.
It’s also a quirky way to avoid emotional and mindless eating, which are habits that get developed as a result of stress.
Chewing gum might lead to stress reduction, alertness, and increased focus.
Right before a big performance or speech, it’s a good idea to chew gum to raise your focus and dodge nervousness.
Buy a pack of your favorite flavor gums, and carry it with you at all times.
Whenever you encounter a situation that might cause you mental stress, reach for this solution to combat your worries.
P.S: Besides helping you calm down, chewing gum has many other health benefits that you might want to look into.
7. Sip Green Tea To Calm Yourself
I always refer to green tea as the golden liquid. It’s jam-packed with health benefits and is an amazing stress buster.
It contains theanine, an amino acid that has been found to calm the mind. That’s why it’s something experts recommend for mental health.
Whenever you find yourself struggling with troublesome thoughts, fill a cup with hot water and dip a green tea bag in it.
With this tea in your hand, you’ll be calmer, and make sound decisions while struggling with an overwhelmed mind.
Besides helping you soothe your nerves, green tea has a ton of other benefits. It’s amazing for weight loss and weight maintenance and can help you increase your focus.
It boosts your immune system, acts as a splendid detox drink, and keeps you hydrated.
It’s also been linked to benefit the skin. With such good benefits, this is a drink worth incorporating into your routine.
For more details, check out: 7 Amazing Benefits Of Green Tea
8. Yoga To Heal Your Thoughts
Yoga is a traditional practice that was born with the intent of binding humans to their higher selves.
It’s a spiritual activity that you should use to your benefit in moments when you don’t know how to calm down.
It brings your attention to your breaths, which we’ve already established to be of great importance for mental wellness.
In moments of stress or anxiety, you can spread out a mat and practice a short yogic exercise.
You might want to do the same to cool off a high temper. It’s hard to entertain anger while doing yoga, trust me.
Here’s a relaxing yoga you can try for stress relief. It’s just 10 minutes, but it’ll be the highlight of your day and shift the direction of your thoughts.
9. Take A Shower To Cool Off
I recently stumbled upon a post where the writer changed her life after her therapist described hydrotherapy for mind healing.
The changes she saw in her life are staggering, and actually very believable for anyone who believes in the healing tendencies of water (like me.)
Water is a life force, and using it in any way (either drinking or splashing it on your skin), can help you acknowledge your fears.
Cold water is even better because it brings with it a feeling of alertness that spins your mind to run in a different direction.
Cold showers can help you deal with fear, anxiety, stress, and basically everything in your life that makes things difficult for you.
So, the next time you are in a need to cool down, go for a one-minute cold shower. You’ll step out feeling way calmer.
10. Use Positive Affirmations To Calm Yourself
The power of words should never be underestimated.
The right thing said at the right moments can flip your thoughts, for the better and the best.
Some small reminders can make big difference to your mood. Below are some re-affirmations you can use to calm yourself.
For best results, write them down in your journal. If you don’t keep one, use a stray piece of paper.
Doing so will help you re-affirm these truths to your inner self.
Positive Affirmations To Calm Yourself
- I might not feel like it right now, but I am 100% in control of my thoughts.
- I can choose to feel whatever I want to.
- I recognize the power of my inner strength.
- My mind, body, and soul are at peace.
- This moment is fleeting. Things will get better after this.
- I am grateful for this life.
- I choose happiness.
A Post I highly recommend: 11 Important Things To Remember When You Feel Overwhelmed
To Calm Yourself, Be Willing To Act First
In this post, we covered some effective small action steps you can take to find your cool.
Just try some of these the next time you need to calm down, and I am sure you’ll find results in an instant.
Take a moment’s pause to reflect on yourself. Grab a glass of water, and let it heal your worries.
Do 100 jumping jacks. Breathe deeply and mindfully. Take a short walk (it really helps.)
Chewing gum can help you calm yourself, and green tea is a known antidote against stress.
At last, believe in your tendency to stay calm and follow these methods. The rest will take care of itself.

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