Feeling low, but determined to break free of this zone? You couldn’t be stronger for wanting to do that, and I am here to ensure you succeed.
Here are 11 uplifting ways to turn your mood around.

Low moods are a part of life. And wanting to get rid of them is a natural human response.
If I could choose to be merry all the time, I’d probably grab the opportunity in an instant. And who wouldn’t? It feels good to be happy, after all.
But at the same time, I recognize the value that low moments bring to our life. They remind us to appreciate the good times, and also test our ability to be kind to ourselves.
Life is a cycle of ups and downs. And as someone who’s gone through a lot of these cycles (as have you, I am sure), I believe there are ways to handle moments when we’re feeling low.
You’d be surprised by what a difference some gentle efforts can make to your mood. 🙂

Here are 21 methods that work splendidly for me when I am feeling low. Hope you find them helpful.
Let’s get started.
21 Ways To Lift Your Mood When You’re Feeling Low
1. Reflect On Your Low Mood
You should start your get ‘out of the low zone’ process by examining your bad mood.
Dealing with negative emotions should first involve sitting with them before you can work on getting rid of them.
It’s a great way for you to gain control over your mind.
Spend 15 minutes with yourself in quiet. Give in to whatever’s got you feeling so low.
This isn’t you surrendering to your spirits, just a gentle way to acknowledge the part of you that wants you to stay down.
Some important questions you can ask yourself are:
- What is causing me sadness?
- When was the last time I felt fine?
- What happened at the exact point that made my mood spiral?
- What would I rather be feeling at the moment?
- What can I do to make myself feel better?
After your self-reflection, pick one of the below activities and get started on lifting your mood.
2. Talk To A Friend
If you have a friend who lives nearby, now is a good time to visit them.
I get you might not feel like doing it. The task might even seem daunting. Who wants to talk when there’s no energy to even lift a finger?
There have been days when even I haven’t felt like dealing with my low mood through a friend. But whenever I nudge myself to do it, I always feel lighter.
A conversation with a friend can help you unearth feelings you can’t reach on your own.
Visit a safe friend, or dial their number. Face-timing is a great option too.
As long as you get to talk your heart out, you’re going to be just fine.
3. Have A Cup Of Green Tea
Green tea is a hailed drink when it comes to anything related to wellness. And I truly feel like it helps soothe your senses as well.
So make yourself a cup, and sit at your favorite spot in the house.
(I often pour some hot water into a takeaway glass, add a green tea sash, and head to the rooftop. It’s a heavenly feeling to sip tea under the clear blue sky.)
Also, don’t forget to stay hydrated. Water is your best friend during any kind of life crisis. It is magical, and I won’t let you believe otherwise.
You might like to read: Amazing Benefits Of Green Tea
4. Practice Self-Care
The arena of self-care is vast. There is a ton of things you can and should be doing, on a daily basis to take care of your well-being.
Especially in moments when life’s got you feeling down, self-care can act as a refresh button.
For this particular post, this is my recommended one-hour self-care process for you:
- Take a shower using your favorite bath products.
- Do basic skin care.
- Moisturize your arms and legs.
- Sit in bed with your favorite book/movie and a cup of coffee.
5. Journal Your Thoughts
I think most of my posts containing tips, have journaling stashed in somewhere. It’s a gem of a habit that could give you a mindful reprieve from your low day.
It’s best for self-reflection, and for venting your feelings. You can fully entrust a journal to keep all your thoughts secret. Nobody would ever know your secrets.
Here are some journaling prompts to help you beat a low mood:
- I am sad, but my mind is wrong to think that _____.
- One word I can use to describe my prominent emotion at the moment is ____.
- An animal I would love to be like right now is _____.
- I know I can get better if only I _____.
- Things in my life I can’t control: _____.
- Things in my life I can, and would love to control:_____.
Please note that harshness is seldom a solution to any problem, and only makes things worse.
Since we don’t want that, remember to be kind to yourself.
6. Get A Hold Of Your Breaths
Breathing should be human’s most cherished tool but is very easily neglected and underestimated.
It’s such a normal process for us, that we don’t even recognize the changes it can bring to our wellness.
Don’t make this mistake. Starting today, from this moment, you need to start using your breaths the right way.
Breathing deeply to lift your mood is a good start, and is also easy to practice.
Here are the steps you can follow:
- Sit in a quiet spot in your house.
- Set a timer of one minute on your phone.
- Close your eyes, and take deep breaths in and out.
- Do this till the timer goes off. Then open your eyes, notice how your thoughts have changed, and then repeat the process for as long as you need.
I am not really talking about meditation here (which is another activity with next-level benefits).
So, I won’t ask you to focus on your brain while you do this exercise. That might be tiring to do when you’re already feeling low. Simply working with your breaths should be fine.
7. Write Yourself A Gentle Letter
People often say you should treat others the way you want to be treated. That is such good advice, but here’s another golden one for you.
You should treat yourself the way you would treat a good friend.
A self-love letter would make sure to remind you of how great you are.
And you would also really feel in your bones, that how much you truly matter to yourself.
Grab a piece of paper, and a colored pen if you have one.
Start with a simple Dear (your pretty name), and write your heart out to yourself. In this letter, you’re your own best friend, so make sure to be loving and kind.
8. Take A Stroll
A short walk can be a superb idea to free yourself of troublesome thoughts.
You might not feel like moving, and that’s something I totally get. It’s relatable.
But every time I push myself to take a walk, I come back with a fresh mind. And I really want you to do the same.
Head to the nearest park, or if there isn’t one around, stroll on the road. You just need to move and connect with the world around you.
Plug in your earphones, or forgo them if you’re looking to hear some birds or the buzz of people around you. Feel the earth beneath your feet, and absorb some goodness from nature.
(When you come back, don’t forget to sit down and sip a glass of water. Hydration forever, remember?)
9. Cook Something
I don’t know about you, but when I feel low, I crave food often.
While I don’t encourage emotional eating (for health reasons), I think cooking is a positive diversion that everyone can use to relax.
If you love food, like me, you should head to the kitchen and make yourself something delicious and healthy.
Your mind would love being surrounded by the smell of ingredients as you cook, and your body would thank you for your efforts.
I love making fruit salads. It’s not a proper dish, I know, but my cooking skills don’t allow me to do more than that. I would burn the kitchen down, seriously.
If you’re nonculinary like me, here’s something fruity you could try:
10. Read A Book
When trying to get out of a low mood, a good book can be the perfect antidote.
There’s something soothing about the smell of a book, and the pages that are filled with words from a person who you haven’t even met but get to connect with from the solace of your room.
You can pick a fictional book if you like the idea of escaping to another world with awesome fictional characters.
Browse GoodReads for your favorite genre and pick something that appeals to you.
(In case you haven’t tried Harry Potter yet, read it now! It was the first book series I ever read.)
Books are uniquely portable magic.
-Stephen King
If non-fiction fits your cup better, go for The Power Of Now (by Eckhart Tolle).
11. Draw Something
A year ago, I would have laughed if somebody gave me this advice.
I have always been astounded by people who can ace draw. Partly because creating something beautiful seems so hard, and also because I can’t draw to save my life.
(I studied Math Hons in college, and couldn’t even draw a circle without it resembling an egg.)
So, coming from someone like me, you should know I mean it when I say drawing can help you brighten your mood.
I started creating art in my journals, and soon fell in love with the activity.
My journal drawings resemble more like doodles, but I adore them because they tell me so much about what’s going on in my brain.
So, please, doodle something. Make zigzag patterns, or draw an apple. Use crayons, or a broken pencil.
Feel like a kid again, and let go of the heaviness in your heart. It doesn’t belong there.
12. Listen To A Motivational Speaker
This might sound like cliche advice, and I get why.
There was a time when even I wouldn’t turn to a speaker for motivation. It always seemed like they were happy and had everything figured out, while I didn’t.
I was wrong. I couldn’t and shouldn’t have dismissed the option without giving it a fair shot.
So I hit play on a youtube video on a random day, and my day instantly brightened! I realized then that these speakers weren’t trying to tell me how to live, they were rather trying to help me live.
There’s a reason why Mel Robbins is so popular. It’s because people out there connect to what she has to say, and find meaning in their lives through her.
It’s totally fine if this tip isn’t for you, but do give it a shot once.
Go to youtube and listen to a Ted Talk, or check out someone like Mel Robbins.
You might end up keeping this advice after all, and I’d be glad if that happens.
13. Light Scented Candles
Your sight and smell are one of the most powerful senses in your body. Making positive use of them can improve your state of mind.
I love scented candles because they’re a splendid sight for sore eyes and aromatic for our smelling senses.
Remember that light brings positivity, and candlelight is even better because it’s a natural form of brightness.
And something about the yellow flame is so enlightening that you’d find yourself feeling better within seconds of lighting a candle.
(You can light a scented candle in your room, and combine it with some of the other activities listed in this post.)
14. Play An Outdoor Game
Anything that makes you relive your childhood is the best way to revitalize your soul.
Among a dozen things that you can do to awaken your inner child, an outdoor game is the most convenient and fun.
You can pick a sport you last played in school, and head out with a friend. Maybe go to the park and sit on a swing? How about riding a bike?
The options are endless. You just need to get out and do something to tap into your energy. The sport you pick will do the rest of the job.
15. Play Low-Volume Music In Your Room
Music is a blessing to human life, and you can count on it to help you out on your low days.
You don’t have to be alone with your low thoughts. Hit play on a song that makes you smile, or pull up an online playlist that’s designed to beat your low mood.
One good song and your whole perspective can shift toward a positive light. So make sure you try this out.
I think music in itself is healing.
-Billy Joel
16. Watch A Fun Movie
This is probably the least energy-taking activity on this list. Many might not even recommend anything media-related when you feel down.
But honestly, I love watching something fun during a low zone, for obvious reasons. A comedy movie is likely to make you smile, or might even get a laugh out of you.
And what do they say again by laughter again? Best medicine and all that? Yes, you know what I mean, so try using this tip.
Here are my favorite feel-good movies:
- Monte Carlo
- 13 Going On 30
- Enchanted
- My Big Fat Geek Wedding
You could even rewatch an episode from your favorite sitcom. Best way to connect with yourself. Never gets old.
17. Do A Light Workout
When you feel low, exercise can be the farthest thing from your mind.
The impulse to do nothing is strong, but deep down, you know that if you could muster up even a bit of energy, a workout would make you feel great.
During exercise, your body boosts endorphins, which directly impact your mood (in a super-positive way, of course.) Hence, it’s an effective way to beat stress, anxiety, and low moods.
I really want you to roll out your exercise mat, and push yourself to step out of your low mood. It isn’t going to be easy, I know.
But just take a quick minute to get dressed and put your shoes on. The rest of the workout time will pass in a breeze, and you’ll thank yourself afterward.
Here’s a low workout you might love.
18. Take A Soothing Shower
Taking a shower is a cleansing way to calm your thoughts.
I often sit under the running water in a meditative position and close my eyes for a minute or two to let my mind go blank. Then I treat my body to gentle cleansing and pamper my skin with a good lotion.
You can be assured that doing the same process will help you elevate your thoughts, and inspire you to get on with your day with more gusto.
Again, your low mood might try to convince you otherwise, but I urge you to resist.
Step into the shower. Make the water temperature the way you like it best. Use a nice scented body lotion. Wash your hair, if you need to. And don’t forget to take care of your skin afterward.
19. Take A Nap
If no activity appeals to you at all, it might be a good idea to let your body and mind rest for a while. The best way to achieve this is to grab your most comfortable pillow and take a nap.
Naps help you relax and are known to reduce stress and anxiety.
If you have trouble falling asleep when you’re feeling low, I recommend listening to a guided-sleep meditation. It can help you clear negative thoughts and delve into a peaceful sleep.
Here’s a calming sleep meditation you can play and fall asleep to:
20. Try 30-Minutes Of Yoga
Yoga has quickly gained fame for its calming nature, and all for good reasons. This activity is so powerful that spiritual awakening is often associated with it.
It’s surreal how people from old times (as back as 2700 B.C.!) used to practice yoga for meditation and health, and have passed this bliss down upon us as a gift.
For me, stepping onto a yoga mat is a guaranteed way of lifting my mood.
It brings with it strength and peace, the kind that nothing else in the world can be compared to.
Here’s my all-time favorite yoga workout, which is absolutely true to its name (35 minutes of pure joy).
21. Read A Mindful Blog
Sometimes, all you need to ditch your low mood, are some inspiring words that can connect with your soul.
There are amazing wellness blogs out there that can help you pull yourself up.
Here are some blogs on mindfulness, that you might like to visit when you’re feeling low:
Bookmark the ones you like and keep visiting for some much-needed positive vibes.
You are also welcome to breeze through my Self-Care archives. It’s my favorite section of my blog, and you might find some helpful content there.
In The End…
Sometimes, It’s okay to not be okay.
Just know that you have the power to spin your mood around. The steps you take might not be enough to completely rid you of your low thoughts, but even something that makes you smile can help a lot. 🙂
With time, everything comes around in your favor.
Got a question for me? Leave a comment. I would love to be able to help.
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