Plum Healthy Fine – Your One-Stop Guide To Wellness
8 Slow Morning Routine Ideas To Wake Yourself With Love
These 11 slow morning routine ideas will help you embrace mindfulness and step into the new day with a soft mind. In the hustle-bustle of everyday life, a slow morning…
10 Amazing Habits Of Motivated People That Will Inspire You
Discover 10 golden habits of motivated people that will change the way you approach your goals and ambitions by helping you channel your motivated self. I wouldn’t say I’m motivated…
How To Romanticize Your Everyday Life – 12 Joyful Ways
Here is a beautiful guide on how to romanticize your life by making some simple tweaks to your daily habits and routines. One of the things I love most about…
How To Do A Digital Detox: 9 Steps For A Screen-Free Time
Raise your hand if any of this sounds like you: Check any of those boxes? One, two, or maybe all of them? If yes, then you need to learn how…
14 Things To Do In February For A Fun And Fulfilling Month
Here are 14 incredible things you can do in February to celebrate love, joy, and wellness, and make the shortest month of the year count. Each month of the year…
12 Mindful Ways To Declutter Your Mind And Feel Lighter
Discover 12 mindful ways to declutter your mind and keep your mental space free of noise and worries. From social media feeds to office chatting hours, there is a lot…
30-Day Glow Up Challenge For A Fabulous Transformation
Take this 30 day glow up challenge and discover some unique habits and rituals that you might want to keep for life. I am a girl who prefers sticking to…