Believe it or not, there are hobbies that make money and can be a sweet source of income. Pick your favorite from this list of 15 profitable hobbies and create a side income to support yourself. When I was in…
How To Embrace Change In Life – 8 Tips For A Graceful Transition
The ultimate motivational guide on how to embrace change (both negative and positive) and make the best of your new opportunities. The world is in the midst of autumn as I’m writing this post, and while normally I’ll be gearing…
How To Be More Secure In Yourself – 10 Ways To Fight Insecurities
Learn how to be more secure in yourself and raise your self-esteem with this gentle 10-step approach. Best tips for healing your inner self and embracing the world around you with open arms. In a world filled with constant comparisons…
Powerful Monday Morning Routine For A Confident Start Of Week
Set yourself up for a powerful week with this smart Monday morning routine and learn to master the most dreaded day of the week. If I did a vote for the worst day of the week, Monday would definitely come…
How To Reinvent Yourself – 9 Ways To Be Brand New
Learn how to reinvent yourself and embark on a powerful journey of transformation in 9 doable steps. I was 12 when I first came across the mythical bird called Phoenix while reading Harry Potter. This magical creature would burst into…
5 New Habits To Start This Month For A Refreshing Time
Add these 5 refreshing habits to your monthly routine to make your days more balanced, joyful, and intentional. When we talk about setting monthly goals, productivity and fitness are the top areas of life that people set out to improve…
The Ultimate Sunday Reset Routine For A Great Week Ahead
Get yourself organized and recharged with this ultimate Sunday reset routine, and make way for a positive week ahead. Picture this – It’s Sunday morning, and you’re lying in bed, half-awake, half-dreaming about the brunch you’re about to demolish. But…
11 Simple Habits To Start Before New Year
When it comes to preparing for a successful new year, there is no such thing as too early or too late. Here are 11 habits you can start before the new year for a smooth and graceful transition into 2025….
How To Be A Unique Person – 11 Authentic Ways
Here is your ultimate guide on how to be a unique person and make yourself stand out in a crowd. As long as I’ve been alive on this planet, the idea of uniqueness has fascinated me to no end. It’s…