These are the 10 unnecessary things you need to quit buying to save your precious money and stop being broke.

Ever feel like your paycheck just disappears into thin air?
Like, you got paid three days ago, and now your bank account is looking at you like, “Girl, what happened?”
Yeah. Same.
A lot of the time, it’s not the big expenses that ruin us.
It’s the small, sneaky purchases, the ones that feel harmless at the moment but add up to an “Oops, I’m broke again” situation.
And the worst part? We don’t even realize we’re doing it.
So, if you’re tired of running out of money before your next payday, it might be time to take a good look at where your cash is going.

Here are some things you should quit buying if you want to stop being broke. (Don’t worry, I’m calling myself out too.)
Let’s go!
10 Things To Stop Buying To Save Money
1. Random Online Purchases
You know exactly what I’m talking about here, don’t you?
You open the Amazon app at 2 am, or any shopping app, and think, Oh, I could totally use this mini waffle maker!
And suddenly, you’re $100 out because of something you never even knew existed before tonight.
Online shopping is dangerous because it doesn’t feel like spending real money. It’s all just a couple of clicks and—poof—your savings are gone.
So, does this mean you quit online shopping altogether?
No, I am not saying that. Because at the end of the day, this is a blessed service and we should avail it, but only when needed.
Here’s what I do to stop myself from buying random stuff online – Instead of buying something immediately, add things to your cart and wait 24 hours before checking out.
Seriously, do it. If you still want the thing the next day, then maybe it’s worth it. But 90% of the time, you’ll forget about it by morning or the impulse won’t be as strong. Win!

2. Subscription Services You Forgot About
Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Spotify, that meditation app you downloaded once and never used… we all have at least one subscription draining our account every month.
And these companies love it when we forget! That’s how they make the big bucks, you know.
So, if you want to stop burning your money into these unwanted subscriptions, then kindly unsubscribe.
Go through your bank statements and cancel anything you don’t actively use.
You might be shocked at how much you’re paying for stuff that isn’t even adding value to your life.
3. Fancy Takeout Coffee Every Single Day
Listen, I love a good oat milk latte as much as the next person, but spending $6 on coffee five days a week?
That’s $120 a month! Imagine what you could do with an extra $120.
I’m not saying you should never treat yourself, but making coffee at home most days and saving the fancy drinks for special occasions can seriously help your budget.
Instead of splurging on takeout coffee every day, I would suggest you to invest in some quality coffee-making stuff at home.
Get a frother, quality coffee in different flavors, a nice mug, and then make your coffee at home whenever the urge hits.
This will also give you a nice everyday hobby and save you money in the long run.

4. Fast Fashion That Falls Apart in Two Washes
It’s tempting to grab that $5 t-shirt because it’s cute and cheap, but if you have to replace it every couple of months, are you really saving money?
I used to be someone who had mostly cheap stuff in her wardrobe, and I was shopping for things every week because of how often my wardrobe would fall apart. a
And nothing ever satisfied me because what I was wearing wasn’t good.
If you can relate, then you need to stop just like I did.
Start investing in fewer and higher-quality pieces. It will save you in the long run and keep your wardrobe from looking like a chaotic mess of impulse buys.
5. Takeout When You Have Food at Home
Nothing makes you feel more like an adult than realizing you have food at home but still deciding to order something because you don’t feel like cooking.
We’ve all been there. But those $15-$20 meals add up fast, you know.
And you must also know that it’s better for your pocket (and your health) to stop grabbing takeouts and start cooking at home.
If you find cooking a drag like me, then try meal prepping.
Or just keep quick and easy foods on hand (like frozen dumplings or pre-marinated meats) so you can throw something together without the hassle.

6. Every Sale Item That ‘Saves’ You Money
Sales trick us into thinking we’re being financially responsible.
You might argue, “But it was 40% off!”
And I am going to argue right back by saying that, “No, girl. You didn’t save money. You spent money.”
If you weren’t already planning to buy it, then the discount isn’t helping your wallet. Is it?
So, instead of letting sales trick you into opening up your wallet, here’s what you need to do — Walk away.
Make shopping lists in advance, even for your clothes, and unsubscribe from those store emails. Your bank account will thank you.
Recommended: 15 Money Habits Of Rich People That You Can Adopt Too
7. Expensive Beauty Products You Don’t Need
That $80 serum might promise to give you glowing skin, but so does drinking water and getting enough sleep.
Now, I am not saying that beauty products are bad altogether. For us women, it’s a sort of staple.
But unless you are using every single beauty item in your bag, you are wasting money in this area of your life and need to change your habits.
A lot of high-end beauty products have drugstore dupes that work just as well (sometimes better). So, do your research before going for expensive stuff in hopes of some miracle cure.
Don’t fall for the hype; your skin doesn’t need a 10-step routine to thrive. Good habits will give you better and quicker results.

8. Bottled Water
This one is just ridiculous to me. Why are we still paying for something that literally comes out of the tap?
I mean, I’ve had days in the past when I’ve stepped out of the house without a water bottle in tow and then cursed myself while paying for bottled water.
These days, I hardly ever make this mistake. My water bottle goes where I go, and it should be the same for everyone.
Get a good reusable bottle and fill it up before you leave the house.
If you’re worried about taste or quality, invest in a water filter. You’ll save money and help the environment. Win-win!
9. Expensive Gym Memberships You Never Use
If you’re hitting the gym regularly, great! Keep that membership and keep pouring into your fitness.
But if you signed up with the best intentions and haven’t stepped foot in the place since January, it’s time to let it go, dear reader.
You don’t have to throw money away on something you’re not using, especially not on your health.
Gym is not for everyone (including me), and you do not have to beat yourself up over not being able to be regular at it.
There are so many other free and fun ways to work out.
You can try YouTube workouts, go for runs and walks outside, and do resistance bands at home. Ever did yoga at the park? It’s so so fun!
But wait, first things first. Stop that gym membership and the next time you want to genuinely try the gym, pay for just one month and then see how it goes.

10. Impulse Snacks at the Gas Station
Raise your hand if you:
Stop at the gas station to fill up your car, and then end up with a bag of chips, a candy bar, and an overpriced bottle of iced tea in your hand.
Ugh, I’ve been there too, and then reached my destination with the realization that I could’ve avoided this expenditure by planning ahead.
These small and unnecessary buys are what lead to the wastage of money, especially if you travel often.
You can save yourself here by keeping snacks in your car or bag at all times. This way, you won’t be tempted to grab overpriced stuff every time you’re out.
You’ll also be more mindful of your eating choices this way. Berries and pineapple taste just as good as flavored candies during car rides, just saying.
It’s Time To Stop Wasting Your Money
At the end of the day, being broke isn’t always about how much you make; it’s about how much you keep.
The little things we spend on without thinking are often the ones that drain our wallets the fastest.
So, the next time you catch yourself about to make an unnecessary purchase, pause and ask: Do I really need this?
If the answer is no, put that money back in your pocket. Your future self will be glad you did.
Read next: How To Invest In Yourself The Right Way – 11 Tips Worth Trying
Let me know the best tip that was an eye-opener for you. The comment box is all yours.
Such a great list! Definitely going to keep these tips in mind. Thanks for the helpful post!
So so happy to know you found the post helpful!