Want to be more fun and exciting without losing your authenticity? Here are 11 wholesome ways to be a more fun person while staying true to yourself.

There was a time when I genuinely did not understand people’s need to be more fun. It felt inauthentic and like trying too hard to be likable.
But that was my solitude-loving self that wasn’t willing to step out and be wild.
The present me is having a blast exploring her social life while still maintaining a healthy relationship with herself.
I’ve been taking trips, hosting tea parties, and getting myself to love people despite their flaws.
And this blossoming phase of my life has taught me that we all have a fun side to us.
There is a part of our personality that is open-minded, full of youth and vitality, and capable of making people laugh without trying too hard.
We just hesitate to let it out because we don’t think we’re cool enough, but I am telling you that you are cool. And fantastic, and loveable, and all those things that you envy in other people you consider ‘fun’.
You just need to put some work to bring those traits to the surface and use them to make your social life more interesting, which is what this post is all about.
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In this post, you’ll find 11 ways to be a more fun person for yourself and those around you.
Keep reading to activate your free-spirited self and embrace the joy of life.
11 Ways To Be A More Fun Person
1. Allow Yourself To Be Silly
People these days want to appear cool and classy.
In order to appear composed, they stop themselves from being too loud, making dumb jokes, or laughing freely.
That, to me, sounds like the death of freedom and your wild side.
To be fun and happy in life, you need to fully embrace your playful side.
Stop worrying about looking silly or foolish and give yourself permission to be a kid.
Being able to laugh at yourself and let loose is incredibly freeing and endearing to others.
2. Focus On Creating Experiences
Instead of forcing yourself to “act” fun, focus on creating enjoyable experiences for yourself and those around you.
Be that person in your group who plans stuff and brings everyone together for fun things, be it a game night or a day trip to a new place.
The memories you create with your people are what truly matter, and the power to create such memories is in your hands.

3. Don’t Be Too Rigid In Your Values
We all have beliefs, morals, and values that shape us and make us who we are. It’s good to be virtuous and to stick to what you believe is right.
But the world we’re living in is rapidly changing every day. You don’t have to change alongside, but your mindset should be adaptable to some extent.
A strict belief system can make you rigid and unapproachable.
Your own people might hesitate to talk to you or be themselves around you, which beats the whole point of being fun.
At its core, being a fun person is all about spreading joy where you go. You can’t do this if you’re not willing to evolve.
Be open-minded and understanding, and turn off the judge in you that squeezes fun out of your bones.
It’ll make your mind an easier place to live in, trust me.
4. Be Spontaneous
I am an organized person in every sense of the word, but lately, I’ve been getting myself to embrace spontaneity, and oh what a joy it is.
Sometimes, the best-laid plans can turn out to be bland, but a spontaneous trip can end up being the highlight of your year.
I guess it’s because spontaneous plans have the element of surprise in them, and they also don’t give you much time to second guess or be cautious.
So, give yourself permission to go off the script sometimes. Embrace the flow of life and seize opportunities as they arise.
It ain’t bad at all to be labeled ‘fun and spontaneous’.

5. Live In The Moment
Look, I am all in favor of clicking pictures and showing off your fun moments on Instagram.
But there should be a limit to such habits that take you away from the present.
You want to be fun and stay authentic at the same time?
Then put away your distractions and fully engage in the present moment, even if it makes you the odd woman out.
Whether you’re at a party, working at the office, or cooking a meal alone at home, fully experience and enjoy the here and now.
It’s the people who’re friends with the present who’re the happiest and chirpiest in the world.
Read: How To Live In The Moment – 11 Valuable Tips
6. Engage In Activities That Make You Happy
Think of fun and joy as a well inside you.
This is the place where you’re supposed to draw energy from to be naturally fun and exciting to be around.
But you can’t constantly draw from this well without giving it something in return.
To keep your well of happiness flowing, you need to engage in hobbies and activities that give you joy and fulfillment.
This can be cooking, drawing, watching the night sky, evening shower with soothing music, reading before bed, or strumming a guitar by the window in your room.
Whatever stuff makes you genuinely happy on the inside, do it more and do it regularly.
Fill up your happiness well and draw from it to stay blooming in the presence of others.

7. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously
Being fun is supposed to be light and fluffy for your heart.
To make this feeling a permanent part of your being, you need to stop taking yourself too seriously.
Sure, be responsible and act like an adult, but also teach yourself to laugh at life’s weirdness, even if it’s at your own expense (within reason).
Instead of overanalyzing your mistakes and imperfections, take lessons and move the heck on.
People gravitate towards those who can find joy in the unexpected and don’t take themselves too seriously.
It also makes you humble and relatable to others.
8. Show Interest In Other People’s Passion
People light up when they talk about things they love. So, be the spark that ignites their fire.
When you meet someone new, ditch the generic “What do you do for work?” routine.
Instead, delve into their passions and ask thoughtful questions about their hobbies and dreams.
Know what excites your loved ones, and ask them about their passions regularly.
Listen attentively when someone’s talking about their favorite songs, movies, and shows, and ask genuine questions to understand their interests better.
Their enthusiasm might just rub off on you, leading you to discover a hidden passion of your own!

9. Be Curious
Curiosity is the fuel that propels fun.
It’s a fact that my pomeranian reminds me of every time I find him sniffing around or wagging his tail at colorful things.
You might know enough about the world around you to survive, but should that stop you from being an explorer? Absolutely not!
It’s fun to act like a five-year-old on a sugar rush and ask yourself “Why?”.
The world is brimming with hidden gems waiting to be unearthed.
Take a different route to work, explore a new neighborhood, and strike up conversations with people you wouldn’t normally talk to.
Check out quirky bookstores, read the historical tidbits about your local park, and order something new at your favorite food stall.
Ask questions, explore new interests, and seek opportunities for growth.
Being curious will turn your days into mini-adventures and keep your mind sharp, and your spirit young.
10. Find Joy In The Little Things
We depend too much on the next big vacation or milestone to make ourselves happy, when true joy is available all around us in little things.
I’m talking about things like the first sip of your favorite coffee, feeling sunshine warm your face, or wiggling your toes in the cool grass.
These simple pleasures are easily accessible to all of us, but few have the mindfulness to appreciate them.
To spark up your fun meter without going broke, tap into the magic of the everyday moments.
Enjoy your evening cookies as if you’re tasting them for the first time, cuddle with your pet, and greet your friend with a big hug with a big smile, even if you see her every day.
Best thing about such happy moments is you can hit repeat on them over and over again and make fun an eternal part of your life.

11. Be Kind And Generous To Your People
Kindness and generosity aren’t just good for your soul, they’re also one of the key habits that can make you super fun to be around.
Think about it — Would you rather hang out with someone who’s constantly focused on themselves or someone who makes you feel good and brings a smile to your face?
Be the friend who always remembers birthdays and wishes with a silly card and a thoughtful gift (doesn’t have to be expensive).
Offer to help your friend move, complete with pizza and bad karaoke afterward.
Share your fries, offer a genuine compliment, or simply lend a listening ear.
These acts of kindness show that you care, and caring people are always fun to be around.
Ready To Meet Your Fun Self?
Being fun isn’t about being the life of the party (though there’s nothing wrong with that).
It’s about embracing life’s adventures, big and small, with an open heart and a playful spirit.
Use the 11 tips from this post to make yourself more fun and become a magnet for positive connections.
The world needs your unique spark as much as you do.
Read next: 10 Different Ways To Enjoy Life To The Fullest
Your turn to share! What are the two things you find most fun in your personality? For me, it’s my love for traveling and trying new food. Share yours in the comment box. I’d love to get to know you.
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