I am Akansha, a twenty-something girl from India, and your go-to friend for all things related to wellness.
The first thing you should know about me is that I am a crazy daydreamer. I started cooking up stories in my head when I was a wee child, and to this date, I haven’t found a way to stop.
I sing in my free time, dance when no one’s around, and read books as if there’s no tomorrow. Seriously, I’m obsessed with novels and think they are a blessing to the entirety of the human race.
I eat my fruits and vegetables but also know how to enjoy a batch of chocolate cookies to celebrate the sweetness that is life.
I live a simple and slow lifestyle and wake up each morning excited to create happiness for myself and the people around me.
On my bad days, you’ll find me tucked in bed, sipping on green tea while kindly reflecting on my mental health.
And on my good days, you’ll find me right here, on Plum Healthy Fine – a shared space for people who struggle with finding balance in their daily life. You don’t have to go at it alone.
It took me years to build faith in my abilities, open myself to self-love, and accept myself in every form. But every moment I spent improving myself has paid me back tenfold. Through this blog, I hope to inspire people to do the same.
I am here to help you believe in yourself, guide you toward a healthier mind space, and encourage you to do your best.
It is my firm belief that if you want something with all your heart, then actions, plans, and habits are all you need to get to your destination. You can do anything you put your mind to. And I mean it when I say anything.
In the words of Winnie-the-Pooh,
“You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
Sometimes, all you need is a gentle nudge from someone to get moving, and it is my heartfelt desire to be able to do that for you.
Let’s learn, grow, and evolve together.
See you around!
Akansha xx