Eating healthy during the holidays might seem like a hard-core challenge. Many even see it as an unachievable task. But obviously, there is no such thing as ‘impossible’ when it comes to being healthy.
Here is your guide to healthy eating for this season, all without sucking the joy from the delicious Christmas food.

Oh, my, the season of joy is here! Winter, mist, Christmas, jingle bells, and then the excitement of setting up new resolutions to welcome the new year.
Everything seems too good to be true, and the same can be said about holiday food. Every year, you might look forward to eating cake and coffee desserts with the excitement of a child.
However, there might also be a dreadful fear of eating too much and being unjust to your gut health. I know I used to feel this way, prior to teaching myself the ways of healthy living.
I strongly believe that celebration food should be, well…celebrated.
But if we’re overconsuming, and feeding ourselves the wrong food in excitement, that just seems unfair to our bodies.
I figured since I used to worry about these things, there has to be someone out there who’s also trying to avoid overindulging during the holidays.
So, I decided to write in detail about finding a healthy way around holiday food. I mean, it’s a good time to end this conundrum once and for all.

This super-important post is all about tips for eating healthy during the holidays. I promise I won’t damper your holiday spirits, and will instead help you see your sweet treats in a new light.
Let’s roll in!
7 Simple Ways Of Eating Healthy During The Holidays
1. Start Slow With The Winter Treats
When the holidays are just starting in, you’d notice an immediate surge of treats in your house. While it can be tempting to taste everything and fill yourself up, I suggest you start slow instead.
Immediately jumping in on the holiday food wagon can be harmful to both your mental and physical health.
The fitness freak in you would end up feeling guilty about this. Not to mention your gut health might also take a hard hit, not being used to creamy and heavy food on the daily basis.
Related Post: 13 Clever Ways To Stop Overeating
Instead of going all in, introduce yourself to the holiday treats slowly. Eat biscuits one day, then try cake the next day.
If you’ve already had your fill of spaghetti and meatballs one night, wait for a full day before having a heavy meal again.
Don’t binge from the beginning, and you’ll have an easier time maintaining your healthy spirits.
Struggling to see your food in a better light? Learn how I healed my relationship with food using 5 gentle techniques that are extremely simple to implement.
2. Get Involved In The Cooking Process
I have noticed whenever I am involved in cooking, I eat mindfully. I asked around a few more people and was intrigued to know they felt the same. And I guess there’s some logic to be found behind this phenomenon.
If you’re already exposed to the food from the get-go, half your senses will already be satisfied by the time you sit at the table to eat.
So, here’s my advice to you for this holiday season – get involved in the cooking process. Act as an assisting chef, and savor the joy that comes from meal preparation.
If you’ve been invited over for a holiday at a friend’s place, show up early to help with the meal. You’ll be surprised by how big of a difference this will make in your mission of eating healthy during the holidays.
P.S: Holidays aren’t just about big meals and desserts. You can always turn to self-care for healthy distractions from your eating urges.
Pamper yourself using these 15 winter self-care ideas to make your days cozy.
Some of these winter care tips do indeed involve treats. But rest assured, it’s for self-care and something you’ll absolutely love. 😀
3. Don’t Wait For New Year To Turn Yourself Healthy
Are you someone who’s added ‘be more healthy’ to their list of New Year resolutions? If yes, then, first of all, give me a high five. I am also in the same boat!
Now, let me ask you another important question. Are you also among the people who have given themselves free rein to be unhealthy until the 31st of December?
If yes, then a low five, perhaps?
No, I am not trying to make you feel guilty. I have been in this situation in the past, and know firsthand how harmful it can be. But once I realized this was an unhealthy line of thought, I did everything I could to change my mindset.
Recommended: 10 Best Health Tips For Winter To Keep You Strong
Do you really think you can gorge on sugar till the 31st, and then switch to green veggies on the 1st? Is that even a realistic expectation?
Sure, you might be able to stay healthy for a couple of days, but it won’t be long before you stumble back into your unhealthy eating habits.
Change takes time, so use the time till the New Year to set a foundation for your health routine. Instead of thinking, ‘I’ll be healthy from ____ onwards,’ adopt the mentality of ‘Since I’ll be healthy from ___, I have to start preparing now!’
This will bring a drastic shift in your mindset. And trust me, it’s also the right way to look at your fitness goals.
4. Fill Your Plate With Seasonal Fruits And Veggies
When there are numerous tasty dishes up for grabs, it can be all too convenient to skip out on the healthy stuff.
Piling up on seasonal fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to counter this.
Don’t wrinkle your nose just yet, because I am going to remind you that winter produces some of the most delicious and healthiest food.
Shop for winter fruits and veggies, and then get creative with them.
- When picking out your dessert, specifically look for fruity recipes.
- Always prepare a salad to go with dinner.
- Your breakfast can include berries and smoothies, with a tomato-rich omelet on the side.
Seriously, there is no end to the ways in which you can consume natural winter food. You just have to be willing to adopt these changes, that’s all!
Want to unearth some best food-related practices? Read about 8 healthy food habits that can change your life.
5. Avoid Alcohol
Here’s a fun challenge for you – Get through these holidays without drinking. It might seem like I am asking for too much. But if you manage to pull this off, you’d avoid a lot of health troubles.
Not only is alcohol harmful to your physical health, but it also doesn’t add any value to your mental health. You might feel as if holidays and drinking go hand-in-hand, but that absolutely is not the case.
If holiday stress is making you reach for alcohol, then I highly recommend you read these amazing tips to avoid holiday stress. I love implementing these 7 strategies to help me with my own holiday worries. 🙂
Instead of alcohol, drink warm and healthy liquids. Your body will stay warm in the face of winter, and your mind will thank you for this decision.
Interested to learn about more harmful food habits? Read my post on bad eating habits and learn about ways to quit them right now!
6. Don’t Eat Everything On The Table
Oh, it’s Christmas eve, and the table’s been laid out. There’s enough food to feed an army, and everything looks so delicious that you can’t wait to get your hands on all of it.
Look, I get the desire to eat during the holidays. It’s a realistic and obvious feeling and isn’t something that should be chomped.
But binge-eating basically everything on the table? No, we do not need to do that, sir. Thank you very much.
If you decide to taste every possible option, not only will it take away the taste of your favorite dishes, but it’ll also give you gut problems.
Rule number 1 to eating healthy during the holidays is to listen to your body first and then reward your tongue with your food choices. It shouldn’t be the other way around.
Your tongue would want to try out the cake, the pasta, the wine, and this and that. But you are going to be smarter than that.
Ask yourself what you’re in the mood for, and then fill up your plate accordingly. Make sure to savor every bite, so that you’re fully satisfied by the end of your meal.
Have trouble curbing mindless food urges? Learn 13 unique ways to practice mindful eating, so that you don’t ever overeat again. 🙂
7. Find A Healthy Balance Of Fun And Control
The need to be healthy throughout life is real. Your body is a sacred and unique entity, and it should be treated as such.
Though it’s no secret that stressing about health doesn’t help in any way. In fact, it can even prove to be detrimental to your health.
So, take things slow and easy this holiday season. Because that would help you the most.
Remind yourself that things are in your control and that you deserve to be happy regardless of your fitness levels.
Holidays are supposed to be about joy, fulfillment, and family. It’s about exchanging joy and having loads of fun along the way.
Load up on your happiness, and you’ll naturally find yourself relying less on the food for the same.
Eating Healthy During The Holidays Is A Need Of The Hour
By following these 7 major tips, you can learn to draw a line between your emotions and holiday food. This is crucial for happy gut health.
To sum things up for you, start slow with the winter treats, and cook more. Stop putting off your health till the New Year.
Eat all the fruits and vegetables of the season. Avoid alcohol, and skip meal items that you don’t need to eat.
At last, balance healthy eating with fun. Both these things can exist together, and you’re going to prove it this holiday season. 🙂
I think I want to hear from you now. What is that one holiday dish you look forward to eating every winter? Drop your answer in the comment box, and I’d get back to you with my own response to the question.

I’ve already started with the baking… and it’s out of control. I need to work on making healthy festive recipes. I think that can serve the same purpose and enjoyment.
Definitely! Healthy and tasty eating can go hand-in-hand. And once you actually start with it, it becomes a joy and a blessing.
Wishing you healthy and fun times ahead!
Great tips for the upcoming holidays, thanks for the post
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