Discover 10 golden habits of motivated people that will change the way you approach your goals and ambitions by helping you channel your motivated self.

I wouldn’t say I’m motivated all the time, but lately, I’ve been coming pretty close to being my best self.
I’ve been working on my blog steadily, making plans to expand my online business, and have also been crazy enough to take up the 75-day hard challenge (a post on that coming soon).
A big reason why I’m able to do all this is because I’ve been actively working on my motivation.
In the past, whenever I’ve abandoned my goals, it’s happened after I ran out of all the motivation that I’d started with in the beginning.
Without motivation, there can be no action, and without action, there can be no manifestation.
The idea of being in a constant state of motivation might sound like a pipe dream, yet there are people out there who are insanely good at keeping themselves motivated.
They are not perfect people, and they certainly weren’t born with any special genes.
They nurture unique habits, practices, and mindsets that help them rise above their excuses and create their own reality, in which they are bigger than their challenges and capable of doing anything they put their minds to.

In this post, we’ll be looking at 10 habits of highly motivated people that will inspire you to become your best self.
If you’re ready to overcome the mental blocks that are stopping you from channeling your inner motivation, read on.
10 Amazing Habits Of Motivated People
1. They Set Clear And Manageable Goals
Motivation also needs motivation to fester and grow.
That’s why motivated people set goals for themselves, and are always working on new challenges to sustain their motivation.
For example, you might want to get fitter, but this idea isn’t solid enough to do something about. But a goal like ‘Lose eight pounds in two months’ is tangible enough to go after.
But stop. So many people around us are trying to get healthier and also failing to hit the mark. What would set a motivated person apart from the rest?
That’d be their habit of breaking down their goals into smaller and manageable parts.
They assess the big picture, keep it in their mind, but then focus on what they can do today, tomorrow, and a week later to slowly get to their big goal.
They break down their major goal into small action plans, which might look something like this:
- Drink eight glasses of water a day
- Walk 8k steps and run for two miles
- Take a rest day after every four days of effort
Once they become comfortable with these habits, they give themselves new goals to elevate their level and expand their comfort zone.
By constantly working on small goals and accomplishing them, they fuel their motivation and keep it burning bright.
It’s a simple yet smart approach, and every person who’s ever inspired me has always had this one habit as a major driving force behind their motivation.

2. They Ask Themselves Important Questions
I feel like with the rise in technology, social media, and all things digital, people are becoming less self-aware.
To stay motivated in life, it is important to be fully aware of your intentions, potential, and abilities.
This can only come from asking yourself important questions every day, something motivated people do without hesitation.
They don’t fear confronting themselves, knowing that asking questions now is better than facing sudden realizations down the road.
When they react negatively to a situation, they pause and ask, ‘Why did I do that? What did I lose from doing this? How can I do better in the future?’
This habit of asking themselves mindful questions is what makes them self-aware, and makes it easier to direct motivation in places where it’s needed.
Might help: 45 Journal Prompts For Personal Growth – Discover Your Best Self
3. They Prefer Adapting Over Complaining
When things don’t go according to our plans, we are quick to complain.
We might blame the cold or the rain for not being able to go on our run, even though we were determined to continue our streak.
But a motivated person would simply pull out their exercise mat and do a home workout.
They choose to adapt rather than complain, and it keeps their motivation protected.
Complaining takes energy, and it makes you feel like a victim, even in situations in which you can easily be a victor.
The next time you find yourself complaining, pause for a moment, and ask yourself ‘Is this the best I can do? Or am I just not willing to look for another way?’
Even when you think you have no options, you always do.
You just have to stop the negative talk in your head long enough to gain clarity and adapt to the changes to the best of your abilities.

4. They Use Pen And Paper To Sort Their Thoughts
There are loads of digital ways to organize your thoughts, from Google Calendars to writing blogs, but nothing beats the good old paper.
There is something soulful and soothing about the act of scribbling your thoughts down. It gets your brain moving and helps you visualize your plans better.
Motivated people use the power of writing to keep their thoughts straight.
Some of them might have a habit of journaling before bed, and some create a to-do list every morning and tick it off as they go about their day.
They might have a daily planner that they use to keep track of their daily goals, or they might have a scribble pad that they use to jot down random ideas and reminders for later.
If you want to be more self-motivated, start writing more, in whatever way best fits your needs.
It’s the ultimate way to declutter your mind, set your priorities, and find motivation even during the lowest of times.
Related: 15 Lists To Make To Organize Your Life
5. They Consume Positive Content
Motivation is a positive force, and to nurture a positive force of any kind, you need positive thoughts.
In the good old times, people would sit by the rivers, or walk on a nature trail to absorb positivity from nature.
But we’re living in an age where consuming content is a bigger part of our routine than connection with nature.
Motivated people use the presence of content to their advantage by feeding themselves the positive side of it.
Their social media feeds are smartly curated so that they interact with content that helps them.
They read uplifting books, watch movies and shows that resonate deeply and listen to motivational podcasts.
This isn’t a hard feat, you know. You’re already consuming content daily. You just need to start seeking stuff that will fill your motivation bucket.
And trust me, once you start looking for it, you’ll be amazed by how much positivity is surfing out there, just waiting for you to find it.

6. They Seek Help When It’s Needed
Being motivated doesn’t mean doing everything on your own. Sometimes, you need to be vulnerable and reach out for help.
A motivated person doesn’t shy away from doing this.
They know the value of time, so they don’t waste time trying to figure things out on their own.
They turn to someone who they know will listen and offer sound advice, and it only makes them stronger.
You have people in your life who love you and can help you lift you in your low moments.
It’s okay to seek inspiration and love from others during such times.
It’ll just make you more humble and grounded, qualities that are always needed for positive motivation.
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7. They Believe They Can Do It
When I was in eighth grade, I failed a Math exam. It was important enough that I was going to be held back a year if I didn’t improve my score.
Up till then, I’d always told myself that I hated math and that it was too difficult for me to ever be good at it.
But since I had no other option, I pulled up my sleeves and got down to learning it from scratch.
I resolved to not only become good enough to pass the exam but decided to do it with excellent scores.
It was a crazy dream, going from a score of 19 to 91.
But that’s the beauty of the human brain. Once you get it to believe, it’ll assemble all its willpower and focus to ensure that your vision becomes a reality.
Not only did I pass my exam with an A grade, but I also went on to do my graduation with Math honors.
I didn’t narrate this long ass story to toot my own horn.
The moral is that self-belief can change the way you look at yourself and help you re-write the story of your life to your liking.
Just like any normal person, motivated people also go through phases of self-doubts.
But what makes them different is that they quickly overcome those thoughts by sticking to the voice in their head that says ‘You can do this.’
They are self-believers before they are anything else, and that’s the biggest secret of how they can accomplish all their goals, no matter how long it takes.

8. They Motivate And Uplift Others
Knowledge, motivation, and positivity are some of the things in life that spread the more you share them.
People who fester positive motivation in their hearts don’t build their dream life over others’ emotions and ambitions.
They believe in uplifting everyone around them and it genuinely makes them happy.
They show up as a cheerleader for a friend who has a big performance. To someone who’s in despair, they lend their ears and shoulders as support.
This amazing quality helps those around them, but more than anyone, it helps them.
Every time they say to a loved one ‘I believe in you’, they also strengthen their beliefs in themselves.
So, yeah, you can choose to save your motivation for yourself, but it’s much more rewarding to share it, just saying.
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9. They Are Consistent In Their Efforts
We all are very good at starting new goals and challenges with great enthusiasm, but only a few of us actually make it to the finish line.
It happens because we lack consistency in our efforts, which ends up becoming the greatest extinguisher of our motivation.
Motivated people, after setting a goal, create habits and routines that can help them accomplish it, and then they stick to these habits until the goal is achieved.
They don’t push themselves to go all in at the beginning (unlike most of us).
Instead, they start slow, gradually build themselves, and with the power of consistency, make it to the end line.

10. They Are Patient
Motivation might appear as if it’s a fiery power that demands unrest and impatience, but if that were true, then nobody would ever be able to sustain this energy.
No goal can ever be accomplished by jumping around in impatience.
There are times when you have to pause for a breath, reaffirm your self-belief to yourself, and keep going.
This is what all the motivated people who whenever they find themselves running low on motivation.
While an impatient person would quit at the first setback, a truly motivated person will learn from it, and get themselves to move on with a positive mindset.
“Why is patience so important?”
“Because it makes us pay attention.”-Paulo Coelho
By being impatient, you’ll run your self-motivation out of the ground faster than light.
But patience will help you contain your motivation, nurture it, grow it, and make it your greatest attest in the game of life.
Ready To Master The Art Of Motivation?
Motivation is not a fleeting emotion but a lifestyle anchored in purpose, discipline, and resilience.
The 10 habits discussed in this post are pure gold for a motivated life.
They’ll help you not only reach your goals but also surpass them, as all the other motivated people do with ease.
So, go ahead, make these habits your own, and watch as they propel you toward a brighter and more content tomorrow.
Read next: 11 Achievable Ways To Get Your Life Together Starting Now
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