We might not admit it out loud, but smartness is a trait we all secretly desire. If you find that relatable, then here are 15 simple habits that will make you smarter and sharper in your everyday life.

I wouldn’t call myself the sharpest gal in this world, but lately, I’ve been doing my best to get smarter.
Why? Because it feels good to have a mind that’s always bubbling up with ideas!
And that, in my opinion, is the best perk of being a smart person. You can rely on yourself to come up with solutions to problems that others might find intimidating.
Also, have you ever noticed that smart people are eerily calm?
Seriously, they ooze confidence and patience with great ease and comfort, which are great incentives to build habits that make you smarter.

You are here to get your hands on some good habits to become smarter, and I shall not disappoint.
Read on to discover some daily hacks to make yourself smarter, brighter, and more intelligent.
15 Good Habits That Will Make You Smarter
1. Read Every Day
Rene Descartes once said, “The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.”
And that is so true! There is a reason why great people are also great readers. It’s one of the rarest activities that feeds your mind, your soul, and your heart at the same time.
You have a plethora of options to pick from. From self-help books to brilliantly-crafted fantasies, you can read every day and give yourself some food for thought.
You can educate yourself on various issues through newspapers, blog posts, and articles. And who knows, they might even inspire you to become a writer yourself.
2. Be Curious
Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back to life. You might not find the idea of curiosity very comfortable, because seeking the answers often involves going out of your way.
But if you are not questioning everything, how are you going to learn new things?
Instead of making assumptions at one glance, get your brain to raise questions, and then seek their answers. One good example is to look for the meaning of phrases and words that confuse you while reading a book.
By doing this, you will actively be seeking new information, and your knowledge will grow on an everyday basis.
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3. Do Your Tasks With Focus
You don’t need an exceptionally high IQ to be smart. You can raise your level of intelligence by doing one simple thing – paying more attention to what you do.
There’s no point in working with a wandering mind. It’s not fruitful and is also a major waste of your time.
Whatever task you do – whether it is reading, creating content, or learning a new skill – do it with utmost concentration.
If you have trouble focusing for a long duration, then use a timer to slowly raise your attention span. This habit will simplify your tasks and make you more oriented while working on a task.

4. Exercise And Meditate
If you want to be in better control of your brain, then learn to command your breaths first.
Mindful breathing is the simplest thing you can do to increase your focus and thinking abilities, which is why you should meditate every day without fail.
Exercising is another habit that makes you smart. It is linked with a sharper memory and a better ability to switch between tasks.
Also, being regular with your workouts is an excellent way to make yourself feel smart. It is a powerful habit that should not be excluded from your daily routine.
Don’t Miss: 5 Amazing Benefits Of Morning Exercise
5. Keep Extending Your Comfort Zone
People are always talking about stepping out of their comfort zones for personal growth, but there’s a better way to look at this idea.
What if instead of going out of your comfort zone and feeling scared to death, you instead focused on extending your comfort zone?
This means doing a little more of what scares you every day. It could learn a new skill that you feel you won’t be good enough at or be more social by going out with your friends.
Keep working on the areas of life that you want to get better at until they lie in your comfort zone.
This way, you’ll always be merging your comfort zone with your success points, which, if you ask me is a smart way to grow in life.
6. Solve Puzzles
There was a time when I was hooked on sudoku, and it wouldn’t be wrong to say that that was probably my smartest phase.
Anybody (and I mean it when I say anybody) can do these puzzles to sharpen their brains. You might be slow at them initially, but the more puzzles you solve, the better you will get.
Plus they are so fun that once you start, you’ll be addicted for life.
You can solve the crossword puzzles in the newspaper, do those jumbled word puzzles that will make your vocabulary rich, and try your hand at sudoku to increase your logic skill.
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7. Don’t Be Afraid To Fail
When you’re setting a new goal, create a solid action plan and give it your best shot. But if for some reason, you fail, then learn from your mistakes instead of taking your failure personally.
Being smart doesn’t mean succeeding at the first attempt. Every smart and successful person is a beginner before they master a skill or ace a challenge.
Be okay with failing. It means you’re trying, learning, and growing.
8. Dress Smartly
We all have days when you don’t care about styling up or looking sharp, but most days, it pays off to look classy. I mean, if you’re aiming to be a smart person, you might as well dress the part.
And no, you don’t need to be filthy rich to dress smart. The key to building a good wardrobe is to invest your money in the right places.
Buy two good things for your wardrobe every month instead of buying a dozen doable outfits. Try the clothes on before making your purchase, and if wearing them doesn’t make you feel confident, don’t buy them.
Own at least two pairs of well-fitting shoes, and don’t wait for special occasions to wear them on.
This is one of the underrated habits that make you smarter, but it’s vital to get it under your belt so that you can ace the art of looking sharp.
Must Read: 10 Girl Boss Habits For A Classy And Successful Life
9. Consume Brain-Boosting Foods
When I was in school, my mom would fill my plate with brain-boosting foods.
Now, I don’t know how much they helped, but I sure felt smart to be consuming them. It was like a secret hack to be smart that made me feel at the top of my game.
Here are some popular food items that will improve your brain health: Avocados, almonds, berries, green vegetables, walnuts, eggs, and dark chocolate.
For best results, try to include at least one of these foods in your diet every day. They are good options that will give you many health benefits.
Related: 8 Healthy Food Habits For A Beautiful Lifestyle

10. Embrace Changes
Some changes, like a breakup, need to be given time before you can start finding the good in them. But most of the time, changes like moving to a new place, are scary because you choose to look at them that way.
Smart people adapt themselves to changes and also look for silver linings in every situation. They don’t let their anxiety hold them back from seeking new changes.
Change is a sign of growth. You get to start a new chapter in life, which comes with fresh opportunities for your brain to develop and improve.
Embracing new changes with a positive mindset is, hands-down, one of the best habits that make you smarter and more mature.
11. Journaling For Self-Reflection
If you don’t own a journal, now would be the time to get one. There are a few habits that can impact you deeply enough to change your life completely, and journaling is one of them.
You must have days when you feel restless but can’t pinpoint the source of your nervous energy. Penning down a mindful journal entry can point you in the right direction and clear your mind.
With a journal, you get to put your thoughts into words, come up with new ideas on a daily basis, and explore parts of yourself you didn’t even know exist.
Every journaling session is a form of self-reflection. This habit will make you more self-aware, a quality that is very much needed to make your brain smarter.
Might Help: 50 Amazing Bedtime Journal Prompts For A Quiet Reflection
12. Stay Humble
There is a thin line between smartness and smugness, and to make sure you don’t cross over to the other side, practice humility in your conversations.
A smart person doesn’t flaunt his personality. They are soft-spoken, good listeners, and mindful of others’ emotions during conversations.
No matter what goals and ambitions you have in life, stay rooted in yourself while putting in the necessary work. Your positive attitude will lift you up and make you known for being a smart yet grounded person.

13. Keep Yourself Organized
I am yet to meet a smart person who isn’t organized. The state of your space is a direct reflection of your mind. Keeping your life sorted on minute levels can help your brain stay organized as well.
Keep your room and workspace tidy by cleaning up messes the moment they happen, and putting things back in their place after you’re done with them.
Clean your house at the start of every month, keep your shelves organized, and declutter your electronic devices weekly.
I’d highly recommend hopping onto a scheduling system for easier time management. Google Calendars is amazing for this purpose and will keep your whole life organized at all points during the day.
Try Reading: How To Organize Your Life In One Week
14. Strike Up Conversations
Sometimes, you naturally find yourself in the middle of a conversation. Other times, you need to be the one to stimulate one.
While you’re at a social gathering, be the one to start conversations.
Ask people questions about their careers, tell them about yours, and educate yourself through the wonderful magic of socializing.
Your brain will love feeding off of other people’s viewpoints, and getting to share its own thoughts would be nothing short of a blessing.
Also, don’t hesitate from ringing up a friend to discuss a particular topic you have in mind.
I’ve been doing more of this, and wow, I’m surprised by how interested other people can be to listen to ideas that I thought nobody cared about. It’s like exercise for my brain!
Try it yourself and let me know what you think in the comment box.
15. Sleep Well
We’re down to the last of the habits that make you smarter, and this one might be the most important one.
To boost your memory, avoid tiredness, and keep your mind active and focused throughout the day, you need a good night’s sleep.
The recommended sleep duration for a healthy brain is around 8 hours. Anything less than that might make you groggy and give you health troubles.
Besides getting the apt number of sleeping hours in, it is also crucial to focus on the quality of your sleep. You can use a humidifier, a sleeping mask, and quality bedding to sleep better at night.
Indulge in a self-care night routine to make your bedtime more relaxing and productive. It’ll help you put your thoughts to bed and doze off without any worries.
Read: 9 Important Things To Do Before Bed – Night Routine Checklist

Ready To Become Smarter?
As I’ve already mentioned, you don’t need to be exceptionally brilliant to become smart. I believe smartness is one of the golden traits that any person can develop by putting in some inner work.
In this post, we’ve touched upon some of the top habits that make you smarter every day. Pick the ones you like the most and slowly introduce them into your routine life.
Have fun creating a smarter and better you!
What does ‘being smart’ look like to you? Share your views in the comment box down below. I’m always up for a chitchat.
thank you too much for the smartest concerned points
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