This 8-step guide will help you become your best self with the help of your own power and embrace the version of you that you’ve always wanted to be.

We all have a vision of our best self in mind, the idea of who we would like to be and who we could be if we were one hundred percent dedicated to this vision.
But because of overflowing commitments and a lack of direction, it can be hard to start working on yourself.
But here’s the deal — Being your best self isn’t about achieving some kind of perfection.
It doesn’t come from achieving all your goals either (because let’s be honest, there’s never going to be an end to the things we want in life).
Becoming your best self is actually about embracing the happiest and healthiest lifestyle that you can create for yourself now.
If you start doing whatever you can to live your best life presently while working on your goals side-by-side, then you will become your best self.
The reason I’m so comfortable stating all this is because right now, I feel the best I’ve ever felt in life.
Be it in my relationships, my body image, or my career, I am prioritizing everything equally and somehow succeeding.
Do I still have bad days? Um, you bet I do.
But the default mode that I keep coming to is a state of fulfillment and calm confidence.
I won’t lie, getting to this stage is not an overnight process, but it’s not backbreaking either (contrary to what you might think).
These past few months, I’ve had a blast experimenting with new ideas and building myself up, and isn’t joy the whole point of why we do anything in life?
In this post, I’ll share 8 best tips that will help you become your best self and embrace all the goodness that’s right within you.
But first, pin this post for safekeeping, please.

Here are the 8 things that I did to get closer to my best self and that you can do too to unlock your full potential!
8 Amazing Ways To Become Your Best Self
1. Get To Know Yourself
Self-awareness is the basic first step to any kind of personal growth.
Before you can reach for the stars, you need to understand the ground you stand on.
Time and again, reflect on your values, your strengths, and your weaknesses.
What are your core beliefs? What makes you tick? And what are you passionate about?
Journaling, reading self-help books, taking personality tests, and talking to friends about your thoughts on yourself can be great starting points for this.
The more you understand yourself, the more likely you are to set the right goals instead of wasting time chasing the wrong dreams.
Here’s a fun question that can help you get started — What five words or phrases would you use to describe yourself?
My response: Mindful, nature lover, ambitious, happiness-seeker, and reader.
2. Find Your Set Of Good Habits
Ask a successful woman what it is that she does to stay focused and happy, and her answer might be something like ‘waking up early’ or ‘working out to vent all the negativities’.
Daily habits can make all the difference to the picture of your life.
When you are consistently doing a set of healthy things every day, you are choosing to be consistent.
Your mind becomes accustomed to showing up and sticking to things that are important to your well-being.
So, today, ask yourself this — ‘What are the set of habits that will help me thrive?’
For me, it’s healthy eating, working out, walking, reading, and meditation. No matter what’s going on in my life, I do my best to tick these off.
Once you know what your key habits are, write them down in the form of a checklist every morning, and tick them off before your bedtime.
Some habits you might want to consider:
- Journaling
- Drinking a glass of warm water in the morning
- Practicing skin care twice a day
- Catching the sunrise
- Sipping green tea
- Making a protein-rich breakfast
- A 25-minute focus session
- 5-minute guided meditation in the morning or before bed

3. Write Things Down
The good ideas in your head — all those plans and massive self-realizations — are wasted if not acted upon.
Writing down your thoughts in clear words is the first step to giving life to a plan.
Create bucket lists, make that schedule and stick it on your cupboard, and journal whenever you feel troubled,
All those habits and routines you want to work on? Get them down on paper in the form of daily checklists that you can tick off before the end of the day.
On your growth journey, you’re going to realize some things about your behavior, stuff that you’d want to change about yourself.
Write down these realizations the moment they pop into your head.
Don’t be afraid to affirm thoughts like ‘I want to be less angry and more loving. This irritated person is not me.’
There is power in the act of writing, and it might be just the habit you need to bridge the gap between your present self and your best version.
4. Give Time To Self-Care Every Day
Fitting self-care into your busy routine can be tough.
Between work, family, and ever-growing to-do lists, it feels like there’s barely a minute to spare.
But trust me when I say that self-care is necessary for every single soul on this planet.
It’s the practice that will tune up your mind and body, saving you from burning yourself out while working on becoming your best self.
Even 15 minutes of jogging in the morning or reading a few pages before bed can make a world of difference.
Schedule these moments if you have to, and pour into your self-care cup every day to keep yourself glowing.

5. Take Online Challenges
Online challenges are ready-made ways for you to step out of your comfort zone and try new things.
From self-care to organization, you can find loads of challenges on Pinterest or with a simple Google search.
See what area of life you need to improve on, and pick up a challenge related to the same.
If it’s fitness you’re after, then you can take Chloe Ting’s challenges. I finished her Summer Shred Challenge last year and had so much fun with it.
If you want to work on your mental health, then try a happiness challenge.
And if nothing seems to lure you in, you can always create a challenge for yourself.
Pick any five habits you’d like to work on and tick them off every day for the next 21 days.
Giving yourself challenges like this will keep your goals fresh, fun, and exciting.
Check out: 30-Day Self Improvement Challenge You’ll Love
6. Open Yourself Up To Love
Love is often seen as a weakness, but I say it is the greatest force of all.
It can beat all odds, make you do the unexpected, and bring out the very best in you.
If you’ve seen Interstellar and the Harry Potter movies, you’d know what I’m talking about. Both franchises have shown love as the ultimate force that can beat time and deadly spells.
I know it can be scary — the thought of facing rejection, pain, and hurt. But true power lies in being able to give love and receive love despite everything.
Instead of closing up your heart to protect yourself, open yourself up to love in every form.
Show your care openly, appreciate people with their good and bad, and be kind toward everyone.
Understand, empathize, choose love over misery, and be okay with showing your need for love to people who can give you that.
Lastly, embrace self-love and be madly in love with yourself.
Even when things are going south, your tendency to love others and yourself will save you and ultimately take you where you need to be.

7. Find Your Role Models
We all need a little inspiration from an outer source sometimes. Role models can help you get into the ‘if they can do it I can do it too’ mindset.
Look for people you admire, those who embody the qualities you want to cultivate in yourself.
Your role models could be successful people in your field, historical figures you find fascinating, or even everyday people who are kind, courageous, and resilient.
You can have multiple role models, each inspiring you in different ways. For example, you might admire one person for their work ethic and another for their creativity.
Read about their journeys, learn from their experiences, and let their achievements motivate you to pursue your own goals.
Currently, my role models are Taylor Swift, Ava Jules, and blogger Sophia Lee — all awesome women who inspire me to give my best and be my best.
Related post: 10 Amazing Habits Of Motivated People That Will Inspire You
8. Stop Playing It Safe
Unless you do things differently, there won’t be any change.
To become your best self, you need to slowly step out of what is familiar to you and explore the unknown.
In your daily life, you probably have moments where you want to do something crazy (like planning a solo trip to the mountains).
But how often do you heed these wild callings? Not that often, I bet.
You probably stick to your routine and save your insane plans for some future day, which surprisingly never comes.
To quote Ms. Swift, “Nothing safe is ever worth the drive.”
When you have to make a choice between the unknown and the safe, go for the unknown and see what’s in store for you there.
This could mean trying a new dish at your favorite restaurant, saying yes to a blind date, or going to the movies alone when all your friends are busy.
Might even mean starting a side hustle even when you’re full of self-doubts.
Because agree or not, it’s better to do something and regret it than regret not doing it.

Step Into Your Best Self With These Power Tips
The idea of becoming your best self might sound intimidating as heck, but as grand as the destination is, the journey is actually supposed to be sweet and extremely rewarding.
It only takes the right habits and tips to bring yourself out of your comfort zone and take those baby steps you need to move toward your best self.
There will be a few hiccups along the way, but the work and effort are totally worth the wait.
The good news is, that once you start working on yourself, it only takes a week or two for you to start noticing changes in yourself.
Good changes that will make you weep in joy and take you to your best self.
Read next: 31 Simple Reset Day Ideas To Revamp Your Life
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