Discover 9 secret hacks on how to glow up in a day and feel awesome in your skin.

If you read my blogs regularly, you’d know that I am all about slow and gradual progress.
But despite all my talk on consistency and long-term goals, I have days when I am just not up for the grind and need some quick fixes to make myself feel good.
Having talked to some other people in my circle, I know I’m not the only one who struggles with this.
Chalk it to a lack of patience or just not being in the zone for long-term commitments, but wanting to glow up ASAP is a common need amongst the masses.
And you know what? That’s just fine.
Sometimes, you just need to focus on today without stressing about your past health errors or fretting about the future.
And that’s exactly what this post is going to be about.
I’ll be taking you through a 9-step plan that you can follow in a single day to feel amazing in your body.
Believe me, there’s a lot you can do in 24 hours to flip your health without burning yourself out and actually enjoy the process.
Whether you’re looking to kickstart your wellness journey, glam up for an upcoming event, or gain some confidence for your present self, this one-day glow up routine is all you need to show your body some love.
But first, pin this post to keep it safe for later!

Are you ready for it? Let’s glow up!
How To Glow Up In One Day
1. Start With A Quick And Easy Workout
There can’t be a stronger way to start your challenge than a workout. It will make you feel good both internally and externally.
Without moving your body, you can’t expect any health changes, even when you’re looking at a one-day glow-up.
Since we have just 24 hours to get this right without losing our minds, we’ll keep our morning workout simple and relaxing.
Roll out of bed, drink a glass of water, freshen up, and hit play on a YouTube workout video in your PJs.
Don’t worry about sweating yourself out. We’ll take care of that later in the day.
The goal of this first step is to get your mind in the right space and get some positive energy through body movement.
My favorite beginner-friendly morning workout:
2. Get Your Breakfast Right
I am not going to ask you to create a detailed meal plan for the day.
Instead, we’re just going to focus on the most important meal of the day, which is your breakfast.
No skipping or slacking allowed. You are going to give yourself a healthy, protein-rich, and nutritious breakfast.
I love making cheese omelette with green onions and tomato, or boiling two eggs and having them with my favorite fruits.
You can never go wrong with an omelet and a toast.
If you have no time for all this, then make a fruity smoothie with some spinach thrown in.
Just thirty minutes of your morning to making and eating your breakfast will set the ground for your glow-up.
Your gut will thank you all day long for this.

3. Level Up Your Water Intake For The Day
Regardless of what your hydration looks like on a typical day, you’ll need to drink more than usual.
Water is key for giving your skin a healthy look, regulating your body’s temperature, and staying energized.
Make sure you drink at least ten glasses as a part of your one-day glow up challenge.
Track your intake in a food app, or do it manually if you have to.
If tracking stuff stresses you out, just sip some water every hour throughout the day to ensure you meet your goal for the day.
Don’t forget to carry a water bottle with you, even if you’re just sitting in your room at home. It’ll remind you to drink up and stay hydrated.
4. Practice Positive Body Affirmations
The term glow up immediately brings workouts, healthy eating, and beauty tips to mind. But how you look at yourself is just as important.
A positive body image reflects on the outside. Feel good about yourself, and you’ll naturally be more confident and happy.
Body positivity might be a long game, but affirmations can help you absorb its energy immediately.
Practice self-love affirmations by writing, reading, or speaking them out loud.
Help yourself realize that you’re worthy of love and respect, especially from yourself.
You deserve to feel your best, always.
Impactful affirmations that can make a difference:
- I love my body as it is today.
- I am grateful for all my body does for me.
- I am fierce, fabulous, and unstoppable.
- I am worthy of love and respect.
- I embrace my unique beauty.
- I am comfortable in my skin.
- My body is a vessel for strength and positivity.
- I choose to see the beauty in myself.

5. Replace Sugar and Packed Food With Fruits
We all love our sugary treats and convenient snacks, but they can leave us feeling sluggish and not at our best.
For a quick glow-up, swap out those sugary and packaged goodies for some fresh and vibrant fruits.
Fruits are nature’s candy, packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and natural sugars that give you energy without the crash.
Munch on juicy berries, sweet mango slices, or a crisp apple. Instead of snacking on chips, snack on dry fruits with water.
Sodas can be replaced with freshly squeezed juice or a smoothie.
The natural hydration and nutrients in fruits can give your skin a lovely healthy glow, making you feel refreshed and revitalized.
Let this part of the routine be a sweet reminder to add more fruits to your diet. Your skin will love you for it!
You might like: 8 Healthy Food Habits For A Beautiful Lifestyle
6. Have A Detox Drink
Give your gut a clean-up with a simple detox drink. You need this to flush out toxins from your body and also give yourself a hydration boost.
One of my favorites is a simple blend of cucumber, lemon, and mint in cold water. It’s super easy to make and incredibly refreshing.
Here’s how you do it: slice up half a cucumber and a whole lemon, then add a handful of fresh mint leaves to a pitcher of cold water.
Let it sit for a bit to allow the flavors to infuse.
Cucumber helps hydrate and has anti-inflammatory properties, lemon boosts your immune system and aids digestion, and mint adds flavor while also helping with digestion and keeping your breath fresh.
I swear whenever I have this drink, I immediately notice changes in my body the next day.
Plus, it just feels fancy and makes you want to drink more water, which is always a good thing!

7. Exercise In The Evening
Ready to double down on that morning workout you did?
I hope so, because this is the last push you’ll need to give yourself to really feel the difference in your body once the 24 hours are up.
Do an exercise that gets your blood pumping and skin sweating.
Lift those weights, hit the road for a long walk, spend 30 minutes on the mat doing home cardio, or go cycling.
And hey, if you find yourself too tired to pull this off at the end of the day, then just do something for 10 minutes, even if it’s a freestyle workout or walking 1k steps with music plugged in.
Even though exercise is mostly done to get in shape, people tend to forget the other aspect of a workout, which is that it’s a great mood and confidence booster.
So, even if you have no plans of turning into a fitness enthusiast, that doesn’t mean you can’t hit the mat once in a while to bust stress, or in this case, glow up in a day.
You’ll be surprised by what your body is capable of when you focus on taking it just one day at a time.
Highly recommended post: How To Motivate Yourself To Workout When You’re Stuck In A Rut
8. Indulge In A Thorough Shower Routine
Now that we’ve taken care of working on the body from within (which is the most important thing ever), it’s time to have some of that shine reflect on the outside.
Take a cold or warm shower and make it thorough.
Use your best shower products, shave your legs and arms, wash your hair, use a hair mask, and dry yourself off with a fluffy towel.
If you’re up for some post-shower self-care, then put on a hydrating face mask.
I have sensitive skin, so I go for clay masks, but since they are messy, I have to do them before my shower.
Moisturize your body with a good lotion, paint your nails in a pretty color, and let your hair air dry after putting some serum on it.
Now, enjoy feeling brand new!

9. Get Quality Sleep At Night
It’s no secret that 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night is a must for good health.
If I claim to have this habit down like a champ, I would be lying.
I am a night owl some days and a sleeping beauty when my routine is running smooth.
But when you’re looking the glow up in a single day, there’s no question about how to spend your night — Sleep, sleep, and sleep.
And oh, add quality sleep in there too, which basically means sleeping deeply, soundly, and without any worries.
For a good night’s sleep, indulge in some night care rituals, like a short journaling session, drinking herbal tea, reading a book, or guided meditation.
These little activities can make a vast difference to your bedtime environment, and give you the sleep you need to wake up feeling recharged and glowy.
One Day Glow Up Checklist
To ensure you don’t end up abandoning this glow up routine in the middle of the day, make a checklist of all the points or download this free printable.
Carry the list with you to stay motivated and check off the tasks one by one as you complete them.
I love this part because it makes me feel like a girl boss, which is always a good energy to be in.

Feel free to add some more challenge tasks to this list if you’re up for it.
Have fun trying out this one-day glow up routine!
Read next: How To Become A Morning Person And Love It (10 Simple Ways)
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