Make your life better with these 10 simple tips and embark on a mindful journey of happy changes and growth.

Whenever I find myself feeling low, I ask myself ‘What can I do to make myself feel better, even if it’s just a little?’
The answer often comes in simple forms like ‘Go make a cup of tea’ or ‘Get outside and take three deep breaths.’
And whenever I follow up on my advice to feel better, I most definitely do end up feeling better.
As appealing as it is to work toward your best life, I think the right way to approach things is to always aim for the ‘better’, whether it’s for your career, your personal life, or your productivity.
How can you be a better person? What can you do to make today better than yesterday? How can you be happier and healthier?
These are questions we rarely ask ourselves.
Everyone wants to be the best because the idea of anything less doesn’t appeal to them.
But change doesn’t happen in a day or two. It might not even happen in a month, or in some cases, a year.
Getting better, on the other hand, is something you can do from this moment on.

We all crave that extra sprinkle of happiness and fulfillment, and it’s totally within your reach.
In this post, I’ll share 10 awesome ways to make your life better starting today.
Read on if you’re ready to ditch the overwhelm and kickstart your journey towards a brighter and better life.
10 Simple Ways To Make Your Life Better
1. Start Your Day With Gratitude
You might not be able to have a dedicated morning routine throughout the year, but it doesn’t take a lot to start your day with gratitude.
You can do it while sipping your morning coffee while standing under the shower, or while eating your breakfast.
Begin by smiling at yourself before closing your eyes, taking a deep breath, and counting three things that you’re grateful for in your life.
It could be a loved one, some simple pleasures in life, or your beautiful body.
This is a genuine way to cultivate an abundance mindset. Whatever goals you tackle ahead in your day, you’ll do it from a place of strength instead of a place of lack.
Recommended: 30 Wonderful Things To Love About Life
2. Prioritize Self-Care
There are people in your life who love looking after you, but they can’t be there with you forever, only you can.
The strongest form of care and love is the one that you do for yourself.
When you take the time to pour into self-care, you’ll find each area of your life flourishing on its own, whether it’s your relationships, career, or confidence.
Carve out time in your schedule for self-care activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul.
Practice yoga on your day off, take a long bath after a tiring day, and savor your me-time by curling in bed with a good book.
Invest in your well-being through these simple acts of self-care, and enjoy high returns in the form of better mental health and a better life.

3. Simplify Your Life
You might be surrounded by fast-paced people and even things, but for a better life, it’s important to stick to the simpler things in life.
The less cluttered your physical, mental, and social space is, the easier your life will be. Keep your physical space neat and clean by organizing and decluttering every month.
Identify areas of your life where you can streamline processes, eliminate unnecessary tasks, and focus on what truly matters to you.
Simplify your commitments to reduce stress and overwhelm, and prioritize people who truly matter to you.
Don’t miss: 8 Things That I Gave Up To Simplify My Life
4. Invest In Lifelong Learning
If you want to keep improving your life, then never stop learning and growing.
Whether it’s acquiring new skills, pursuing hobbies, or exploring new interests, lifelong learning is the best way to keep your mind engaged and your curiosity alive.
Embrace opportunities for personal and professional growth, and be more curious to learn about new developments in your career.
Read books, check out well-written blogs, and invest in good e-courses to make yourself smarter and sharper.

5. Exercise Everyday (Even If It’s For Ten Minutes)
When we talk about improving ourselves, we take our minds into account but forget all about our bodies.
You need to keep your body active not for the sake of shape or size, but simply because it’s the key to productivity, stimulation, and a stress-free life.
Even if you can do it for just 10 minutes, exercise.
You can hit start on a YouTube workout, go out for a short walk, or just stretch on a mat.
Work out for 10 minutes every day for a week, and you might find yourself doing it for 15 minutes the next week.
All you have to do is show up for yourself and build a habit of moving your body, regardless of the duration or the form of workout you decide to go for.
Might help: How To Motivate Yourself To Workout When You’re Stuck In A Rut
6. Express Your Creativity
Growing up, I believed that I was not a creative person.
My definition of creativity was limited back then, but it was only after growing up that I realized that creativity is everywhere.
All of us have colorful thoughts that need to be expressed.
When you channel your expression through creativity, you release stress and tap into your inner happiness.
You can do this by drawing, journaling, or even writing down your ideas in a notebook.
Make collages, create a vision board, and pick back the hobbies you used to love as a kid.
Play an instrument that you haven’t picked in ages, and make something out of nothing, or write down a short story in your free time.
There doesn’t need to be any purpose behind your creative hour except for nurturing your spirit and expressing who you are at the present moment.

7. Find Your Micro Habits
Micro Habits are tiny habits that take a minute or two to do, but they can be life-changing in the long run.
People who have such permanent habits in their lives are usually more committed to their goals and dreams.
The best thing is that these habits are easy to build.
You could catch the sunrise every morning, drink eight glasses of water a day, wash your face for a minute, or make your bed at the start of the day.
My current micro habits are – reading one page of a self-help book, doing a 2-minute deep breathing exercise before bed, and having a detox drink every morning.
No matter what happens in life, these are the habits I never leave behind.
They ground me to the present and keep me motivated to stay consistent in every area of my life.
8. Keep A Self-Love Journal
I started a self-love journal last year, and I use it specifically in my moments of self-doubt or when I’m feeling amazing and want to solidify this powerful feeling.
A self-love journal can be your safe space to let out your feelings, reflect on your thoughts, and most importantly, be kind to yourself.
How you look at yourself is a huge part of who you are.
If you are in your corner and know how to tap into self-love, nobody can put you down or make you feel small.
Help yourself take back your power by starting a self-love journal where you can pen down your favorite affirmations, put down your intentions, and practice regular self-care.

9. Set Boundaries
Lack of boundaries with the outside world creates a disconnect between you and your true self.
How are you going to make time for personal growth if you are always saying yes to the wrong people and events?
Learn to assertively communicate your needs and set boundaries to protect your time, energy, and emotional well-being.
Say no to activities or people that drain you, and allow yourself to prioritize what truly matters in life.
I know I need to say no to someone when they ask me to do something and I feel anxiety bubbling up inside me.
The signs could be different for you, but they are there.
Recognize your need for a personal life and pour into that rather than draining yourself in the wrong places.
Similar post: 11 Habits That Affect Your Mental Health Negatively
10. Give Back
Sometimes, the best way to create a better life for yourself is to create positive changes in the world around you.
You can make an impact in your community by volunteering your time, skills, or resources to support causes you to care about.
Donate your clothes and belongings that are no longer in use, show up to a blood bank twice a year, and sign up as a volunteer for a good cause in your local community.
Giving back not only benefits others but also brings a sense of fulfillment, purpose, and connection to something greater than yourself.
It will make you a better person at the heart and inspire you to improve yourself even more so that you can keep giving back.

Do These 10 Things For A Better Life
Everybody’s idea of a better life is different, but these 10 habits have personally done wonders for my self-improvement.
Keep in mind that transformation is an ongoing journey, so embrace each day as an opportunity for growth and positive change.
And most importantly, be patient with yourself.
Everything will work out at its own pace as long as you keep putting in consistent efforts, no matter how small they are.
Read next: 10 Different Ways To Enjoy Life To The Fullest
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