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Discover 13 unique joyful activities to level up your happiness and make your life more interesting.

Hey, reader!
Interesting post we have here with us today.
I was reflecting on 2023 by looking at my old journal and realized just how strongly I prioritized self-care last year.
My habit tracker tells me I was consistent with habits like meditation, sleeping on time, having a morning routine, and writing in my journal every three days or so, which is pretty awesome.
But the entries that stood out to me were the ones in which I did something simple yet out of the box to tap into my inner joy.
Reading about some of those memories made me go – ‘Huh, that’s pretty unique. I would like to do that again this year.’
I swear by the power of simple daily habits for good mental health, but extreme joy often comes from unique things that we don’t do enough in life.
In this post, you’ll discover 13 unique joyful activities that are super fun and will make you appreciate the simple pleasures in life.

I think these are pretty amazing ideas, and anyone who’s up for doing something unique will love them.
Check them out!
13 Joyful Things To Do For A Fun Time
1. Read At The Park
If you want to romanticize your reading experience, head outside to a park with whatever book you’re reading at the moment.
Choose a quiet spot under a tree or sit on the bench as you indulge in a fun reading sesh with nature as your companion.
I love this one because it gives me major main-character vibes.
Every time I glance up from my book, there’s so much to look at and observe in solitude.
It’s the perfect weekend activity for bookaholics (or wannabes).

2. Go Self-Care Shopping
I used to buy my self-care products online or add them to my cart along with the rest of my stuff.
But once I stepped foot inside a Miniso outlet, there was no stopping me from turning it into a monthly ritual.
On a free evening, visit your favorite lifestyle store and shop for self-care products.
Buy scented candles, face masks, nail paints, a cute stuffed toy, or whatever helps you fill your cup.
To ensure you don’t overspend, set a budget beforehand and stick to it while buying.
You can always come back on another day to get more stuff. Happiness is all about quality rather than quantity!
Bookmark now: 30 Day Glow Up Challenge For The Ultimate Health Boost
3. Get Pretty And Go Out For A Walk
For the longest time, my fitness routine would include a home workout and then immediately hopping onto the road for a brisk walk.
But it didn’t feel like I was connecting with nature, which is my sole purpose for going on walks.
One evening, I got all dolled up and just headed out and had the best time ever walking around my locality.
You don’t have to go all in with your best skirt or favorite boots; just wear something cute that makes you feel amazing, and then go for a walk in the park or on a tree-lined road.
If I had to rate this activity out of 10, it’d receive a solid 9. It’s that good.

4. Dance To Taylor Swift’s ‘Lover’ Album
Is Lover my favorite album by Taylor Swift? No, it’s not. But would I say it’s her happiest and most sparkly one? Absolutely.
If you have an hour to spare and are in the mood to groove, then hit play on this album.
You’ll start with the happiest post-breakup song ‘I Forgot That You Existed’ and go straight into the crazy beats of ‘Cruel Summer’.
Feel free to skip the sad songs, but I personally love listening to the whole album in order and always leave feeling lighter and happier.
5. Make A Special Cup Of Coffee
Coffee isn’t just an energy-boosting beverage anymore. It has a loyal fanbase, and yours truly isn’t any different.
If coffee makes your soul sing like it does for me, then make it more interesting by trying a new coffee recipe once in a while instead of your usual one.
Look up a recipe online, get all the ingredients, and make yourself the best cup of coffee to enjoy during your solo time.

6. Spend Quiet Time In Sunlight
I’ve always been more of a moon person, but after realizing the power of good sunlight, I have started seeking it out more often.
In the right setup and with the right intention, sun rays can heal your thoughts and nourish your mental energies.
On a sunny morning or when the sun isn’t too bright, find a sunlit corner of your house and lay down a mat.
Journal your thoughts, read. a book, paint your nails, or just close your eyes and lie down as the sun kisses your face.
In the presence of this warmth, you’ll find no space for negativity, only joy and positivity will thrive.
7. Bake Treats With A Friend
Baking is a joyful activity on its own, but can be frustrating at times, especially if the result turns out bad.
But when you’re in the kitchen with your friend, there is only laughter and gossip floating around.
Organize a baking day at your home and recruit a friend who you know will be up for the baking hassle.
Whether you are making cookies or a fancy cake, you both will have a wonderful time.
Plus, it’s always great to fill up your treat jars. It’s like capturing happiness in a jar and indulging in it whenever you want to.

8. Enjoy Cafe-Hopping
As great as it is to spend hours in your cozy cafe, the environment can get boring pretty quickly.
Also, it does not feel good to feel the staff’s eyes on you, waiting for you to empty the table.
That’s why cafe hopping is the perfect way to spend a day out. You get to go from cafe to cafe trying different things.
You can start with drinks at a small outlet, move on to appetizers at a different one, and then have the main course at the third one, before finally settling down in a bakery for dessert.
Joyful vibes all around!
Related post: 15 Things To Do On Your Day Off For A Meaningful Time
9. Try The 30-Min Pure Joy Yoga By Popsugar Fitness
If I said I enjoy all my workouts, I’d be lying. I love feeling strong when I am exercising, but it isn’t really my favorite part of the day.
A good yoga routine is a different story though, and the best one I’ve discovered yet is this 30-minute yoga session on YouTube.
It’s by Popsugar Fitness, which is my go-to channel for all my workouts. They have amazing videos, but their pure joy yoga session will have my heart forever.
True to its name, the workout is beautifully designed to boost your mood.
Right from the moment it starts to the moment it ends, you will feel the bliss of each second right in your spirit.
You can hit play on it once or twice every week to recharge your mind and enter your pure-joy zone.
10. Listen To Nanyna Florence’s ‘Growing With The Flow’ Podcast
If you ask me to pick my best discovery over the last year, I’d say it’s the ‘Growing With The Flow’ podcast by Nayna Florence.
Her podcast is just so descriptive and cozy in its narrative that I feel like I’m right there with her in Edinburgh.
The episodes sometimes touch upon light topics but she also doesn’t hesitate to talk about issues going on in the world.
Her voice is so soothing and soft, and…am I fangirling too hard?
If you’re looking for a joyful activity that you can indulge in while doing your chores or during your bedtime, this podcast is just the thing you need in your playlist.
11. Do Some Fun Coloring
We leave many hobbies behind in our childhood.
Some simply don’t fit our personality anymore, but most of them could actually make our adult lives more fun. Coloring is one such joyful activity.
You get to engage your inner child while busting stress. Filling colors in a colorless drawing is a satisfying act that will make you feel more content.
I got a coloring book some time back and am nearing the end now.
It’s been a lovely companion during my me-time and I look forward to indulging in this hobby more often for the sake of my happiness.

12. Paint On Cute Rocks
Since we’re talking about colors, might as well get into another wonderful hobby that will fill up your cup of joy.
Rock painting is something I’ve meaning to get back to for sometime, and perhaps the only activity on this list I am yet to try in my adult life.
I used to do it as a kid and absolutely loved it.
All you need is a painting set, some brushes, and different shaped rocks that won’t cost you anything at all.
The process is interesting as well.
You first wash your rock, dry it well, then apply some glycerine on it to smooth it out before getting creative with your brushes.
Think of the different colors and faces you could paint on your rocks. You could also create tiny designs or plain white polka dots. It’s hard to create an ugly painted rock, really.
After drying, put your rocks in at transparent bowl or a jar and use it as a decor piece.
Also, it’s fun to be on the lookout for unique rocks while going out for walks. It makes you more mindful and appreciative of your surroundings.

13. Dance In The Rain
This one depends on the weather and can’t be done at any random time. but I had to include it in the list.
Rain is one of the most beautiful gifts from Nature.
You can scowl at it for blocking the sun, or you can enjoy it by dancing in it.
Now, I usually prefer enjoying the rain from my balcony with a cup of coffee, and that’s a joy in itself too, but I’ve added rain dancing to my bucket list for this year.
Because every time I’d done it in the past, I’ve felt like my happiest and freest self.

Make Way For A Happier You
Happiness isn’t a privilege. It’s your right, and you should aim to create more of it in your life.
There’s always going to be the next big thing to worry about. You’ll always have stuff to do, places to reach, and goals to chase.
But one thing that can and should remain constant is your quest for happiness.
And I hope in this post, you were able to get some unique ideas to fill up your happiness bucket. Enjoy trying them out!
Read next: 8 Things That I Gave Up Simplify My Life
Reading comments from you is another joyful activity that is unique to me, and I’d love to get one from you. Share your thoughts or tips, and tell me what you liked from this post. I’ll get back to you the moment I read it.
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