Lazy habits are the worst enemies of productivity.
They stick to you like glue, blending into your life so seamlessly that it can be hard to detect their presence.
And just because what you don’t know won’t hurt you, that doesn’t mean it’s healthy either.
Now, nobody loves calling themselves out for being lazy, but we all find ourselves facing this hard truth at some point.
On your good days, it’s easy to stay oblivious to things that we might be doing wrong.
But on our bad days, even the harmless act of napping sticks out as a sore thumb, causing a truckload of guilt that none of us need in our lives.
The line between taking care of yourself and being lazy can seem blurry, which is why it might be time to recognize your lazy habits and start putting them to bed.
Doing so will help you manage your time better and make you turn to more fruitful activities that can add to your growth.
Consider this a kind of routine decluttering, if you will, which is something we should do from time to time for a balanced way of life.

We are about to look at some common lazy habits that might have accidentally become a part of your routine. If you’re looking to raise your productivity bar, these are the habits you need to ditch.
Read on if you’re ready to embrace a more active and mindful lifestyle.
15 Lazy Habits You Need To Give Up
1. Sleeping In On A Regular Basis
Late risers are going to hate me for this. How dare I raise a finger at them getting their precious late morning sleep?
Believe me, peeps, my past self knows how alluring it is to sleep in late. But you end up missing out on the golden opportunity to start your day right.
I’m not asking you to wake up at 5 am, because that’s not everyone’s cup of tea.
But if you find yourself sleeping past 10 am every single day, then maybe it’s time to reinvent your morning routine.
Leave your bed by 8 am. The earlier your wake-up time is, the more time you’ll have to indulge in some healthy morning habits.
Drink a glass of warm water, do some stretching exercises, step outside for some fresh air, and write something in your journal.
Basically, do anything but stay in bed. You’ll be surprised by the drastic and welcome changes this will bring to your life.
Similar: 11 Bad Morning Habits You Need To Quit
2. Working On Laptop In Bed
We all like sprawling on the bed and typing furiously on our laptops.
After all, what’s the purpose of having a computer crammed into a slim and compact device if you can’t use it from the comfort of your bed?
Okay, that’s valid, I guess, but I’ll give you some strong points in opposition.
For starters, our productivity while working in bed is no match for what a desk can do for us.
And secondly, beds are supposed to be a resting zone. Work should be the last thing on your mind when you’re snoozing off on your soft mattress.
By bringing your work to bed, you end up walking all over the boundary that’s supposed to keep your work life away from your personal space.
It’ll take time to let go of this particular comfort, but you know deep down that it needs to be done.
Recommended Post: How To Sleep Better At Night (10 Perfect Ways)

3. Eating On The Couch
If you are able to leave the couch within 10 minutes after you’re done eating, then kudos to you! You can keep this habit because I don’t see it doing you any harm.
But it’s just not possible for me to eat in front of the television without turning into a couch potato.
Not to mention, it stops you from practicing mindful eating.
You might end up consuming more than you need to, not chewing your food properly, or missing out on the joy of savoring every bite of your meal.
So, ditch the couch, and say yes to your dining table. It’s a perfect way to converse with your family and pay attention to your food.
Related Post: 8 Healthy Food Habits For A Beautiful Lifestyle
4. Skipping Shower
In my house, my mother is always schooling my brother for missing his showers.
Seriously, that boy can go for days without bathing himself and that’d be fine if it weren’t for the fact that he stinks.
You need to shower every day because it’s the basic rule of hygiene.
Our world is surrounded by dirt and pollution. It’s a sad truth, one that demands us to be more regular with our skincare.
Being regular with our showers is the least we can do to protect our skin from pollution.
If you’re groggy in the mornings, then take a shower during that time to start your day on a fresh note.
And if you’re looking to build a stress-busting self-care night routine, then build a habit of taking an evening shower.
Once it becomes a part of your routine, you won’t be able to go without it.
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5. Saying No To A Plan You Agreed To Earlier
Here’s the thing – when we say yes to a plan, a part of us knows what we’re agreeing to. There must be something about it that excites us, prompting us to join in.
But then comes the moment of action, when you have to step out of your house to actually do the thing.
That’s where our laziness kicks in, sprouting a bucket full of reasons why it’s not a good idea to go ahead with this plan.
If you can relate, then let me be the one to tell you that those reasons are lame. Harsh truth, I know, but I am okay being the bad guy here.
Doing this repeatedly makes you come off as unreliable. You might also become more hesitant to step out of your comfort zone, which I always discourage for obvious reasons.
As I said, you must have said yes to the plan for a reason, and that’s all that matters.
So, next time you are thinking of backing out of such a situation, I want you to change the conversation in your head.
Think back to the moment when you agreed to the plan, hold on to the reasons that excited you, and flush the weak excuses out of your brain system.
6. Leaving Unwashed Dishes In The Sink
Do you throw your dishes in the basin, leaving them untouched for hours? If yes, then you might want to discontinue this unhygienic habit.
Your kitchen is perhaps the most important area of the house. It’s where you cook, which is the only reason you need to keep this space clean.
Unwashed dishes ruin the atmosphere, give off unpleasant vibes, and encourage laziness like nothing else.
The only good thing about this habit is that it’s easy to discard. You can change this behavior from today onward.
Do your dishes within 30 minutes of putting them in the sink. Be disciplined about this and don’t allow any distractions to sidetrack you.
As a side perk, you won’t feel sleepy after eating a meal. After all, scrubbing the dishes is a tiny form of exercise.
Bookmark For Later: 11 Toxic Habits You Need To Discard Right Now

7. Missing Your Workouts
Despite the superb benefits of exercise, people have trouble keeping up with it. The reason is that it requires you to move your body by choice.
You might find yourself ditching the gym 5 days a week, not completing your daily step count goal, or using your yoga mat once in a blue moon.
There are times when even I fall into a physical rut and then struggle to get out of it, but I try my best to keep this habit going.
People who realize the importance of a good workout always manage to exercise for the most part of the year, despite there being occasions when they are not that active.
The trick is simple. When it’s time to exercise, don’t give your brain the time to talk you out of it. Get off the bed, put on your clothes, wear your shoes, and get moving.
Make it a rule to work out at least 2 days in a row. Take a break on the third day if you must, but then hop back in the next day.
Maintain 2-day streaks like this and you’ll find yourself loving your workouts and being regular with them.
If you still find yourself at a loss, check out: How To Motivate Yourself To Workout
8. Avoiding Cleaning And Organizing
Being disorganized is akin to being ignorant of your need to have order in life. Even if you claim to be a ‘messy person’, doesn’t mean you have to attach this to your identity.
Keeping your surroundings clean is a good place to start. Make bathroom scrubbing, dusting, and changing your sheets a part of your Sunday routine.
Declutter your house at the start of the month, clean your room every two weeks, and organize your wardrobe whenever you find it getting messy.
Don’t keep any strewn papers on your desk, keep everything where it belongs, and make sure your bookshelf is organized.
When you’re just starting out with this, you might struggle a little. But soon, you’ll discover organization hacks that best work for you.
Related Post: 13 Habits Of Organized People That Will Make Your Life Easy

9. Not Being Focused
When I was in school, my mind would often drift off amidst important lectures.
I’d scribble half-hearted notes, try to grasp the concepts with a dull mind, and later study the chapter on my own.
Ugh, what a waste of time, all because I’d allow myself to be inattentive.
Lack of focus brings unproductivity, makes you feel like a sloth, and wastes your precious time. The funny thing is that we don’t even realize it’s happening to us.
Being half-present isn’t good enough. Why settle for less when you can have more?
Going forward, try to be fully aware of your tasks, be it during work or while finishing a chore.
Try guided meditation to practice mindfulness. Set timers while doing your work and take short breaks in between to avoid mental burnout.
10. Passing Time
In the last few years, I’ve fully embraced the idea of slow living. It’s made my life more blissful and is a big part of my contentment.
But there’s a difference between living slowly and having too much spare time.
The former means spending your time mindfully and making each second count, while the latter usually happens when you’re not making good use of your days.
If you find yourself passing time by lying in bed, scrolling through your social media feeds, chances are you’re just passing your time.
Sometimes, it’s okay to not do anything and allow yourself to take a break from life. But it shouldn’t be a routine occurrence.
Instead of killing time just for the sake of it, find activities that fill your soul. Step outside for a walk, connect with your hobbies, or journal your thoughts for some self-introspection.
Use your free time to set new goals, work on your wellness, and take some active steps to improve your metal health.
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11. Not Making Your Bed
For many years, I made my bed once a week. Often, I’d even just crease out the wrinkles and be happy with a half-done job.
But ever since I started a morning routine, I make my bed the moment I am up.
You might not believe it, but making your bed every day can have drastic changes to your lifestyle.
It’s a simple activity and doesn’t require much effort.
Even the most stubborn lazy habits can be broken by taking some small measures, and for you, making your bed every day might be that small step you’re looking for.
Check Out: 12 Habits Of Successful People You Can Adopt Today
12. Texting More, Calling Less
The preference to text rather than call is understandable.
But if your people have forgotten what your phone voice even sounds like, you might be texting more than you need to.
If you need to deliver a small message, it makes sense to open a chat box and type a few words.
But don’t use texting as a way defense mechanism against socializing. It makes you tardy and inhibits your socializing skills.
For the sake of improving your communication and keeping your relationships intact, you should be calling more often than you text.
It’s more personal and helps you stay in contact with your loved ones.

13. Having Unread Books On Your Shelf
Even some of the most avid readers have unread books in their possession. But that doesn’t stop them from buying more, adding to their growing pile of unread stuff.
Buying books is great, but you know what’s even better? Reading them.
I know ebooks have made life easier and more convenient for book lovers, myself included, but nothing will ever replace the magic of paperbacks.
I am slowly making my way through my own stash of unread books, and it feels really good!
Cultivate a bedtime reading habit; it’s a simple tactic that will urge you to pick up your neglected books.
Carry a book with you on trips, and always keep one in your bag during your commute. You’ll learn new things every day and get to immerse yourself in a new world through each book.
A Fun Post To Read: 21 Amazing Habits Of Happy People That Are Life-Altering
14. Eating Unhealthy Food To Avoid Cooking
Chips, chocolates, and cookies might be easily accessible, but they do your body more harm than good.
It’s okay to entertain your cravings once in a while, but your hunger should be satisfied through nutritious food that you cook with love.
Prepare your breakfast on your own. It’s the most important meal of the day and will help you set a healthy standard for your coming meals.
Pack your lunch to avoid eating out at the office, and prepare dinner when you return. Youtube will help you discover quick and delicious recipes.
Having exceptions is fine and even fun, but your days of unhealthy eating should be overpowered by healthy meals that you cook yourself.
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15. Not Drinking Enough Water
I’ve saved the most important one for the last. Some of my female relatives complain to me about certain health issues, and I always ask in response – ‘Do you drink enough water?’
Most of the time, they think they do, but in reality, their water intake is very low.
Your reason for not staying hydrated comes down to many factors, one of which is not realizing how important it is for your body.
Water is responsible for every single mechanism in your system. You just can’t forgo drinking it without having unwelcome consequences.
And if you do know the benefits of water but still don’t drink it in the proper amount, then it’s a case of your lazy habits getting the better of you.
Out of all the 15 lazy habits mentioned in this post, this is the one I’ll urge you to fix first.
The simplest way to achieve this is to keep water within your reach at all times. Carry a bottle with you and take regular sips from it throughout the day.
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Ditch Your Lazy Habits Today
So, these were some of the most common lazy habits that you might be encouraging in your everyday life.
I was guilty of indulging in a lot of these lazy habits in the past. But letting them go helped me improve my life and bring more structure to my routine.
To be honest, I still find myself going back to a few of these occasions, but I am able to snap myself out of them.
It’s easier to do so once you’re aware of your patterns that need to be broken, and I hope this post was able to help you recognize yours.
Got anything you’d like to add to this list of lazy habits? Drop your response in the comment box below. I’ll get back to you ASAP.
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