Discover 9 major signs of mental burnout and learn some healing tips to slowly regain your zest for life.

I’ve spent the past week attending a dozen ceremonies for my cousin’s wedding, and while it was a pretty fun affair, I ended up exhausting all my energies in the process.
Woke up feeling tired and run down, and then wasted two whole days forcing myself to be “productive” instead of slowing the eff down. Ugh.
This is what happens when you fail to recognize the signs of mental burnout and push yourself to act normal instead of taking the right steps to heal your mind.
I’ve experienced burnout in the past from overdoing myself at work, hanging out with the wrong crowd, or neglecting my mental health for days to prioritize the wrong things.
And ignoring all the warning signs did nothing but make things worse for my health.
In this post, I want to explore some signs of mental burnout with you and also discuss the self-care ideas that can help cure each of those symptoms.

Read on to raise your awareness of your mental health and become more caring toward your mind when it needs you.
9 Signs Of Mental Burnout
1. Constantly Feeling Tired
Feeling constantly tired, even after a full night’s sleep, is one of the hallmark signs of mental burnout.
The fatigue from burnout isn’t just physical; it’s also mental and emotional.
You may find it difficult to muster the energy to complete even the simplest of tasks.
I know I am in the midst of burnout when I’m unable to muster the strength to do my skincare, make my breakfast, or type even a sentence for my blog.
Here are some things you can do for this:
- Give yourself a cleansing shower or take a long bath to wash away the fatigue.
- Pamper your body with self-care rituals.
- Do some stretching exercises, even if it’s in bed.
- Listen to guided healing meditations.

2. Lack Of Motivation
When you’re experiencing mental burnout, there can be a decrease in your motivation levels.
Tasks that once excited or interested you may now feel like burdens. Even activities you used to enjoy might not appeal to you at the moment.
What to do:
- Allow yourself to put off tasks that can wait so that you can prioritize your health.
- Break down your important tasks into smaller, manageable steps to make them feel less overwhelming.
- Set realistic goals and celebrate the small wins to reignite your motivation.
- Don’t be hard on yourself and avoid trying to desperately motivate yourself. Sometimes, you just have to slow down and let yourself be.
Might help: How To Deal With Lack Of Motivation – 8 Tips That Might Help
3. Getting Irritated Easily
Mental burnout can make you more irritable and prone to frustration.
You may find yourself snapping at loved ones or colleagues over minor issues.
Small inconveniences that you would typically brush off may now feel overwhelming (story of my life right now).
Here are some ways to deal with this:
- Practice stress-relieving techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness to calm your mind and body.
- Communicate openly with others about your feelings and set clear boundaries to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
- Step away from stressful situations and give yourself time to decompress.
- Write down your moments of frustration and think how else you could’ve reacted. Reflection will help you react better going further.

4. Difficulty Concentrating
Another common sign of mental burnout is difficulty concentrating and staying focused.
You may find your mind wandering frequently, making it challenging to complete tasks or follow through on commitments.
Concentration requires effort, interest, and self-discipline, and your mind won’t be up for any of those during burnout.
Try these tips to gain back your focus:
- Use time management ideas, such as the Pomodoro Technique, to break your work into focused intervals with short breaks in between.
- Minimize distractions by creating a clutter-free workspace and turning off notifications on electronic devices.
- Practice mindfulness exercises to improve your ability to stay present and focused on the task at hand.
- Drink water, herbal tea, or black coffee while working to keep your mind fresh.
5. Disturbed Sleep
Having trouble falling asleep or sleeping too much? It could be another indicator of mental burnout.
Racing thoughts and worries can keep you awake at night, leading to a vicious cycle of sleep deprivation and fatigue.
I find it hard to fall asleep when I’m not feeling like myself, and mental burnout does just that to the mind.
Here are some things that help me a lot:
- Establish a calming bedtime routine with herbal tea, candles, books, and a silky sleeping mask.
- Limit caffeine and alcohol intake, especially in the hours leading up to bedtime.
- Do mind-body exercises such as deep breathing or gentle stretching, to relax yourself before bed.
- Channel your bedtime restlessness by indulging in some other activity like reading, meditation, or a simple hobby that doesn’t require much focus.

6. Feelings of Detachment
Mental burnout can also cause feelings of detachment or cynicism towards work, relationships, or life in general.
You may feel emotionally numb or disconnected from the world around you.
I’ve come to realize that this is something my brain needs to do to protect whatever energy it has left, so I don’t freak out whenever this happens anymore.
Do this if you’re going through the same:
- Instead of forcing yourself to find a connection outside, tune inward and connect with yourself.
- Connect with supportive friends or family members who can provide empathy and understanding during difficult times.
- Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, such as hobbies, creative pursuits, or volunteering.
- Consider seeking professional counseling or therapy to explore and address underlying issues contributing to feelings of detachment.
You might like: 13 Unique Joyful Activities That Will Fill Up Your Heart
7. Decreased Productivity
It can be frustrating when your mental health starts impacting your productivity, but once again, this is something your brain needs to do in order to rest.
Of course, your work priorities won’t understand this.
What needs to be done has to be done, but you can still give yourself some room to breathe.
Do this if you’re struggling to be productive during burnout:
- Don’t try to be productive just for the sake of it. You have nothing to prove to anyone or even to yourself.
- Do some deep breathing work before sitting down to work.
- Take rest from your usual routine work and focus on recovery and healing instead.
- Try soothing activities that you usually don’t consider productive but actually are (like reading, cooking, gardening).

8. Negative Self-Talk
Mental burnout often accompanies a barrage of negative self-talk and self-criticism.
You may constantly berate yourself for perceived shortcomings or mistakes, contributing to feelings of worthlessness and low self-esteem.
I struggle to show myself love during my burnout phases because I’m not able to perform well, which doesn’t help my mind at all.
Some ways to deal with negative self-talk during burnout:
- Challenge negative thoughts and beliefs by reframing them in a more positive or realistic light.
- Seek out positive affirming statements to boost your self-esteem.
- Talk to someone who uplifts you and understands where you’re coming from.
Read: How To Be A More Positive Person (10 Mindful Habits)
9. Loss Of Creativity
If you’re experiencing burnout, you may notice a decline in your creative abilities.
Ideas that usually flow effortlessly may feel elusive, leaving you feeling stuck and uninspired in your work or creative pursuits.
This is a major sign of burnout for me. I’m not able to think of anything to write on my blog, and that’s when I know that I need to step back and recharge myself first before even thinking about creating.
Ideas that can help:
- Take breaks from your usual routine to explore new experiences and stimulate your creativity.
- Engage in activities that inspire and energize you. Taking a long walk works like a charm for me.
- Keep a creative journal or sketchbook to capture ideas and inspirations as they arise, even if they’re minor or unrelated to your work.

Be Kind To Yourself During Burnout
There is no sure-fit way to deal with mental burnout, but recognizing and accepting its signs is the first step toward recovery.
Protect your mental health by giving it the attention it needs during burnout, and remember that taking care of yourself isn’t selfish — it’s a necessity, always.
Leave a few words for me in the comment box before you leave. I’d love to know your thoughts on this post.
Thank you, reading this makes me feel I’m not alone, my mental burnout has effected me in so many ways, and I recognise this from your article.
I am struggling with burnout so much.
Hi Jean. So sorry to know that you are struggling with burnout.
I don’t know what situations are causing it for you, but I want you to know I can relate. And yes, you’re not alone in this.
Having recognized the signs now, you might want to softly work on healing yourself.
Here’s a post I recommend: How To Deal With Mental Burnout
Hope it helps.
All my love and good regards for you.