This post will tell you everything you need to know about Chloe Ting’s 2022 Summer Shred Challenge. By the time you’re done reading this, you’ll have an idea about whether this workout program is for you or not.

Hello, sweet plums!
Hope you’re feeling fine and healthy. And in case you’re not, don’t be hard on yourself at all.
The fact that you’re here shows that you want a healthier lifestyle, and you’re willing to sweat your way to it.
Online workout programs are one of the best ways to shed extra kilos.
Not only are they extremely helpful and convenient (since you get to do them from your home, in your chosen setting), but they’re also absolutely FREE!
I was someone who has a very unhealthy lifestyle before I made the necessary changes and lost 22 pounds.
My fitness journey is still ongoing, but I’ve come along far enough to know just how important a good workout program can be.
I’ve lost weight so far just by clicking ‘play’ on Youtube workout videos and following a good diet.
So you can see why I am an advocate of all things youtube when it comes to workouts.
Chloe Ting is a popular fitness YouTuber who’s known for launching workouts aimed toward weight loss.
I’d been meaning to try her challenge for a long time but could never find the right zone for it until I finally did.
Today’s post is all about reviewing the Chloe Ting Summer Shred Challenge.
About Chloe Ting Summer Shred Challenge
As of today, 02 July 2022, Chloe Ting’s Summer Shred Challenge is the latest fitness program on her website. You can check it out by clicking here.
The Summer Shred Challenge is a 21-Day workout program, with 16 days of exercising and 5 days of rest at necessary intervals.
You can have more rest days if you need to. You don’t necessarily have to complete the workouts in exactly 21 days.
It’s just important that you do them in the right order, and if you manage to execute all of them within the recommended time, GOOD FOR YOU!
Each day of the workout has the same warm-up and cool-down routines, which are not mandatory but are recommended.
The warm-up is of 6 minutes, and the cooldown spans 15 minutes.
You’d find a minimum of 2 main exercise videos, each of which would be 10-20 minutes long.
And as you get deeper into the program, you’d start getting 3 videos for your daily challenges.
So, including the warm-up and the cool-down, you’d be completing 4 or 5 workout videos every day.
She has exercise days dedicated to the legs, butt, abs, and arms. So you get to work on every part of your body on specific days, which won’t tire you out or bore you.
I say yay to that because I’ve found I can be bored easily if I don’t get variation in my workouts.
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My Review of The Summer Shred Challenge
I started this challenge on 10 June 2022, and completed it on 1 July 2022 (took an extra day off because I was tired.)
This is an honest review of my experience with this challenge during these 21 days.
Did I Lose Weight?
Let’s cut straight to the chase and answer the question you’re here for:
But do I blame the challenge and say it’s faux?
Again, no. And I’m going to explain why.
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Why Am I Okay With The Results?
Because I didn’t take care of my eating habits!
And I bet you already know the infamous, widely distributed piece of knowledge in the fitness world:
It’s 20% exercise and 80% diet that would bring you weight loss results.
I can’t expect any program in the world to work unless I’m being mindful of what I eat, and you shouldn’t either.
It’s hard, really really hard, to eat unhealthy, work out like a beast, and expect a good weight loss.
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Now, why didn’t I take care of my diet during this workout?
Because I was building myself up to a healthier diet, rather than going all-in at once. Let me explain that better.
Living with bad eating habits for a long time, and suddenly going clean the next day isn’t sustainable.
Whenever I’ve tried this approach in the past, I’ve ended up giving up after one week.
It takes time to fix something that hasn’t been right for a long time.
So rather than cutting unhealthy food from your diet (like sugar) within a day, and going cold turkey at once, it’s better to slowly build your way to a better diet.
I wanted to get back to healthy food habits and gave myself three weeks.
During this, I wanted to develop my muscle power with a good workout challenge so that I could get started on my fitness journey once my diet was good and healthy.
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I needed a workout program that could challenge my strength (considering I’m not a beginner at exercising.)
Ding, ding, ding!
Enter the Summer Shred Challenge!
Why I Picked The Summer Shred Challenge
My motivation at the beginning of this challenge was simple: Get back on my fitness journey and keep going.
Now those of you who’ve lost weight, and then fell off the wagon would relate to this:
It can be hard to maintain weight and keep losing if you’ve still got a few more pounds to go.
My fitness journey has been on a speed breaker for the last year (I know, that’s a long time, but I don’t beat myself up for it, because that’s never the solution).
Life got in the way and I couldn’t find the right mindset to continue.
My aim with this challenge was to get back to my health goals, and I am happy to say it did that for me.
I loved the overall structure of this challenge, and also enjoyed it at times when I was pushed to my limits.
There’s nothing sweeter than muscles cramping after a good workout 😉
So would I recommend this challenge to people?
Regardless of your fitness goals, this is something I feel like most of you might enjoy.
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Just for the sake of classification (because what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for everyone), I am recommending this to certain types of people who might like to take up this challenge and suggesting others skip it for now.
Read on to see if this is for you or not.
Who Should Do The Summer Shred Challenge (And Who Can Skip It)
1. Fitness Enthusiasts (Do it!)
If you’re someone who enjoys new workouts and is always on youtube to discover fitness influencers, this workout is for YOU!
As someone who loves workouts, I enjoyed every second of this, and you might too.
So if the idea of new workouts lights a spark in your eyes, give this thing a go. If you’re anything like me, you wouldn’t mind dropping it in the middle if it isn’t working out for you.
But at least you’d know what the hype is about, and whether you belong to the category of people who hail this challenge.
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2. Beginners (Skip it)
Look, here’s the deal.
I am no one to tell you if there’s something you should try or not.
As a beginner in the world of fitness, there’s a lot of noise around what should and shouldn’t be done.
I really don’t want to be another voice that tells you not to do something.
Here’s the deal: If you’re just starting out with your fitness journey, and Chloe Ting is someone who’s always inspired you, don’t let me stop you.
Try it for yourself and see whether you like this challenge.
But if you’re uncertain, have been desperate to get fit, and are just running toward what’s in trend these days, I am telling you there are easier ways for you to get started.
Taking up a challenge as a beginner, and not being able to finish it can be disheartening.
Why not test the waters by doing a few workouts of your own choice instead?
You can switch to challenges a month later when you’ve built up some strength and are less likely to drop a program.
This way, you get to explore a bit before delving into workouts that are a bit hardcore.
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3. People looking to get back to their fitness goals (Do it!)
For people who’ve been too busy lately to pay attention to their health, this is a SUPERB challenge to get back on track.
This was my sole reason for doing these workouts.
And seriously, no regrets. And you won’t have any either.
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4. If You’re Running Low On Motivation At The Moment (Skip it)
This advice might not work best for everyone.
There might be some of you who get out of low zones by taking up hard challenges and coming out like a champion (seriously, I envy you.)
For me, it’s very hard to complete tough workouts when I have no motivation. The best way to build mental stamina in such cases is to start slow.
I started one of Chloe Ting’s programs last year but never got past Day 7.
My mindset wasn’t strong enough to make it past her workouts, so I ended up quitting. That was not the motivation hit I needed.
Go to easier workouts. Start taking walks, build your mental stamina, raise your physical activity bar, then jump into this challenge head-on.
The Summer Shred Challenge Is Doable
I mean, come on, I did, so basically, anyone who’s got even a little sparkle of motivation can.
If any of you did this challenge, I’d love to know how it went for you.
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