Are you on a mission to declutter your life and create a healthier mental space? Here is a list of 10 crucial things to let go of to be happy in life. About two years back, when things were on…
13 Simple Things To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything
When I was a teen, I loved the concept of productivity. I wasn’t aware of this term per se but had somehow found my way to a routine that kept me busy. There was never a day when I could…
5 Things You Can Do To Stop Being Sad Right Now
It’s five A.M as I began writing this post on how to stop being sad, and there is a tad of mushiness in my heart while I wait for the sun to come up. I had some overwhelming thoughts bombard…
How To Be Kind To Yourself (15 Simple Ways)
Self-kindness might not be a popular concept, but it’s a key factor in improving your mental health. Here are 15 simple tips that teach you how to be kind to yourself and lead a better life. Kindness is an appealing trait….
11 Toxic Habits You Need To Discard Right Now
Ready to finally put your toxic habits to rest? You might want to start by taking a close look at your routine, and then uprooting everything that’s messing with your life. Here is a list of seemingly normal, but harmful…
10 Classy Benefits Of Being Single That No One Talks About
Doubting your choice to be single at the moment? Here are some underrated benefits of being single that will convince you to own your singlehood like a boss. Everything You’ll Find In This Post: Let’s face it, ladies. The struggle…
21 Amazing Habits Of Happy People That Are Life-Altering
Habits of happy people, when compiled together, can act as a soothing and mindful life guide. Inspired by the lifestyle of people who are always happy, here is the ultimate checklist of habits you need for a joyful and content…
10 Self-Love Habits Every Woman Needs To Be Mentally Strong
Self-love habits can be the strongest assets in a woman’s life. You need these habits to raise your confidence and be the boss of your own life. If you’re ready to finally take charge of your feminine energies, read on!…
11 Important Signs You Need A Mental Break In Life
Think you are mentally exhausted but don’t know how to be sure? Here are 9 crucial signs you need a mental break from life and rest that pretty little brain of yours. Everything You’ll Find In This Post: There is…