Take this 30 day glow up challenge and discover some unique habits and rituals that you might want to keep for life.

I am a girl who prefers sticking to her habits and routines. I love it when I wake up on time, have a good breakfast, and do all my tasks on time.
But then boredom strikes and I slowly lose the motivation to keep up with my routine.
Being stuck in the same cycle, no matter how healthy, can be exhausting.
Our minds and bodies thrive on being challenged.
It’s fun to create an action plan for a new month, set new health goals, and pour into your well-being with strong intentions and renewed determination.
And glow-up challenges are the ultimate way to tick off all of that.
In this post, I’ll be taking you through a 30-day glow-up challenge that is designed in a way to give your health a major boost and make you realize how rewarding it can be to pour into your wellness cup.
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Grab your notepad, take a deep breath, and get ready to glow up in the next 30 days.
The Ultimate 30-Day Glow-Up Challenge
This challenge is divided into four weeks.
Each week comes with three challenges that you’d need to tick off before moving on to the next three challenges for the new week.
For example, in week 1, I’ll give you three habits to work on.
One habit will help you boost your physical health, another will help your mind, and the last one will be for your personal growth.
You can keep carrying forward whatever habits make you feel good.
Nothing hard or intimidating, but we will be leveling up as we move from one week to the next.
Let’s dive in!
1. Give Yourself A Hydration Boost
When it comes to getting healthy, water is your best friend, regardless of what your health goals are.
It can do wonders for your skin, is amazing for your gut health, and keeps you calm under stressful situations.
For week one, you’ll be aiming for at least eight glasses of water per day.
Start your mornings with a glass of warm water, and carry a bottle with you throughout the day to stay hydrated.
Cut back on sugary drinks and focus on herbal teas and infused water. Track your water intake in a food app to make sure you hit the target every day.
2. Practice Mindfulness Meditation
The initial days of any challenge can be hard.
Your willpower might run low, you might get demotivated since there won’t be any noticeable changes at the beginning, and that can lead to a mentality to quit.
Meditation will help you avoid getting overwhelmed and stay cool during the first week.
Find 10-15 minutes each day to sit in a quiet spot, close your eyes, and focus on your breaths.
Bring your attention to the present moment as you breathe deeply, and let go of anything that is bothering you.
If you have trouble focusing on your own, tune into a short guided meditation from YouTube. It really helps.
3. Gratitude Journaling Before Bed
Participating in this glow-up challenge is a sign that you want to improve yourself, which is great.
But even as you are working your way up, it never hurts to stop for a moment and acknowledge all the good stuff that you already have in life.
Every night before bed, write down five things in life that you are grateful for.
This could be anything from everything. A loved one, a beloved possession, a self-care ritual, or a beautiful memory from your past.
Here, I’ll start first. Right this moment, I am thankful for:
- My blog readers
- Mom’s hugs
- Cozy winter mornings
- My dog Arry’s good health
- Scented candles

1. Develop Healthy Eating Habits
Once you cross the 1-week mark of the challenge, it’s time to work on your eating habits.
Your body reflects your gut health; eating better is the best thing you can do to glow up on the outside.
Start consuming more fruits, vegetables, and whole foods. Cut down on processed foods and try cooking at least one nutritious meal each day.
You don’t have to ban any food items from your diet, but avoid overeating and practice the art of mindful eating for a healthy relationship with food.
2. Start A New Skill Or Indulge In A Hobby
For your personal growth during week 2, I want you to engage your creativity and make time for a beloved hobby or a new skill.
Dedicate a small amount of time each day to your chosen activity. This will be your way to prioritize your me-time and get something meaningful out of your free hours.
If you’re interested in developing new skills, you can learn a new language, take an e-course, or pick up an old skill that you left behind.
But if you’d rather keep it chill and relaxed, then go for hobbies that make you happy. Could be gardening, reading, creating DIY things, or
3. Connect with Loved Ones
As empowering as it is to be in charge of your happiness, it’s also good to reach out to your people and involve them in your glow-up challenge.
Start by connecting with friends or family members you haven’t spoken to in a while. You can leave a text, call them, or facetime for a more personal conversation.
Don’t force yourself to connect with people who make you uncomfortable as that won’t help your morale.
Meet up with your best friend for coffee, go on a date with your partner, and invite your extended family for dinner.
Help yourself realize that you are surrounded by love, and only need to reach out to be able to feel it.
Please note that this part of the challenge isn’t about quantity. If you can nurture even a single bond during the week, consider this task a success.

1. Create An Exercise Routine
I know exercising isn’t something people generally enjoy, so I’ve placed it at exactly the middle of the challenge. By this point, you’d already be in healthy spirits, and creating an exercise routine will be an easy peasy job.
On the first day of the third week, start a workout routine that seems appealing to you.
It could be a 30-minute jog, yoga, or a combination of home workouts. Could even be a 15-minute cardio at home, followed by a long walk in nature.
Play around with your routine every day by exploring different exercises, and feel free to adjust according to your energy levels.
The target is to not miss any day, and make your body feel amazing by sweating it out. It feels good to feel good; feels good to feel strong.
2. Do A Digital Detox
I can’t imagine my life without my digital devices. They are the reason I can work from home, stay connected with my people, and watch movies and shows that I love.
But at the same time, I can’t imagine life without digital detoxes either.
It’s something I started doing about a year ago, and it’s completely changed my relationship with technology (for the better, of course).
During the third week, your goal is to reduce your screen time and help yourself become less dependent on your digital devices.
Limit how much time you spend on social media every day, read a paperback instead of watching Netflix, and spend more time in nature.
Do your workouts without your phone, avoid screens after 9 pm, and turn off your notifications when you’re at home.
If you’re ready to take this a step further, consider deactivating your social media accounts for the week.
It’s the best thing you’ll ever do to get mindfulness in your corner and stop comparing yourself to others.
3. Practice Daily Affirmations
Affirmations are the ultimate tools for challenging your negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones.
These are positive statements that help you shift your mindset and focus on the good things in life.
Start your day by reading some morning affirmations and cleansing your mental energies before diving into your daily activities.
During the day, whenever you feel stressed or overwhelmed, create an affirmation to target your negative thought line and write it down somewhere.
Write an affirmation in your journal at the end of the day to solidify your positive mindset. Repeat the whole process the next day.
Again, don’t overdo it. If one affirmation a day feels natural and works best for you, do just that.
The goal is to change the story in your head by reaffirming simple truths like ‘I am beautiful’ and ‘I have everything I need in this moment to be strong.’

1. Work On Your Sleep Routine
After hydration, food, and exercise, the only aspect of your physical health that is left to be worked on is your sleep.
Quality sleep is of utmost importance when it comes to keeping your mind and body fresh. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
If sleep isn’t exactly your strong point, then it’ll take time to work on this. Be patient here and gradually shift your bedtime so that it aligns with your desired hours.
One thing I’d highly recommend you do is create a self-care night routine.
It’ll help you relax and put your stressful thoughts to bed. You can do some journaling, sip a cup of herbal tea, read a book, and avoid touching your screens to tune into yourself.
2. Reward Yourself With A Self-Care Day
This is the last week of the glow-up challenge, and instead of going hard and fast, I’d like you to slow down and take a day to yourself.
You’ve been doing so great (regardless of how the challenge’s been going so far) and you deserve to unwind and relax.
Dedicate a day to self-care activities such as a bubble bath, skincare routine, and mindful relaxation.
Watch a feel-good movie, light some scented candles, and cozy up under a blanket with a book.
You can paint your nails, cook while sipping a smoothie, and enjoy a nice meal while watching your favorite sitcom.
Hopefully, you’ll enjoy the day enough to incorporate more self-care days in the future.
3. Do Three Things Outside Your Comfort Zone
Whenever I find myself being stuck in life, I remind myself that the comfort zone is a nice place to be in, but nothing new ever grows there.
Wrap up your 30 day glow up challenge with three tasks that push the bounds of your comfort zone, and explore parts of you that have been hidden so far.
Here are some ideas you can take inspiration from:
- Initiate a conversation with a stranger
- Go on a hiking trip
- Tackle a new type of exercise
- Volunteer for a cause you’re passionate about
- Attend a hobby class (pottery, anyone?)
- Sign up for an online course
- Take yourself on a solo date to a cafe
There might be some discomfort initially, but embrace it as a sign of growth. After every task, reflect on the insights and lessons from your experience.
Feel free to discard the activities that don’t do much for your soul, but also make it a resolution to do more of what makes you feel like your best self.

One Month To A Better You
I’ve tried my best to design this 30 day glow up challenge in a way that feels natural and flowy, but there is no such thing as one size fits all.
Feel free to customize this challenge and the tasks to make it a better fit for you, and don’t give up in between.
One month later, you will thank yourself. 🙂
Want something shorter instead? Check out: How To Glow Up In A Week Naturally – 7 Day Glow Up Challenge
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