Check out the 11 bad habits that affect your mental health badly and discover some simple tips to elevate yourself mentally.

Over the course of the past 5 years, I’ve seen rapid growth in mental awareness around me, which is a cause for celebration.
Nothing makes me happier than people looking for ways to improve their mental health and pour into their self-care habits.
You have a beautiful mind and it deserves all your love, attention, and care.
But one thing I’ve learned in my wellness journey is that it’s easier to work on your mind if your life isn’t ruled by bad habits that affect your mental health.
Because of societal pressure, getting influenced by the wrong things, or feeling scared to step outside our comfort zone, we end up picking up habits that don’t serve us in any way and instead drain our mental reserves.
It’s important to rid yourself of these habits so that you can make space for better, happier, and healthier habits.
In this post, we’ll look at 11 seemingly harmless habits that affect your mental health negatively.
Please keep in mind that every person is different. What might be detrimental to someone’s mental health might not affect someone else the same way.
So, feel free to heed the tips that you relate to, and skip past the habits that you think don’t affect you badly.

All that being said, here are 11 habits that I personally think are bad for your mental health.
Read on to become more self-aware of your mind space and improve the quality of your life.
11 Worst Habits For Your Mental Health
1. Having A Bad Morning Routine
Starting the day with a bad routine spells trouble for your mental health.
Bad morning habits such as rushing in the morning, waking up late, and ignoring your self-care needs can spike anxiety, drain energy, and shrink your daily productivity.
In my school days, I used to be a stress ball in the mornings. I’d get out of bed, shower in minutes, swallow down my breakfast, and get out of the house in 30 minutes.
Yeah, that scene might look all shiny when done by a girl boss in a movie, but in real life, it’s not a treat.
You don’t have to build ‘the perfect’ morning routine, but just get yourself to ditch all the morning stuff that causes you stress and make way for some better habits.
It feels nice to wake up at a good hour (preferably before 8 am), breathe in some fresh air, meditate, and work out before setting out to conquer the world (the conquering goes much more smoothly this way, trust me.)
Embracing a healthy morning routine isn’t just a choice; it’s your key to a brighter mindset and a more balanced life.
Whenever you’re ready, check out: 11 Brilliant Morning Habits That Will Change Your Life

2. Staying Indoors All The Time
See, I am an indoor girlie who loves curling up in bed with a good book and a cup of steaming tea.
But if I keep myself indoors too long, my mind goes haywire and starts sending me desperate signals to get outside and absorb some good vibes from the world.
Being indoors for long periods of time might give you comfort, safety, and a controlled environment, but it also comes with isolation and a lack of exposure.
It can lead to reduced physical activity, disturbed sleep patterns, negative thoughts, and cabin fever.
To thrive and welcome positive thoughts, your mind needs the freshness of the outer world and exposure to natural stimuli.
I am talking about soaking in the sunlight, sitting under a tree, going outside for long walks, reading in a cozy cafe, or just strolling in the street with a friend while sipping coffee.
Little things like these are good for your soul and can make your mind happy. The best thing is, they are free of cost and available to all of us.
3. Lack Of Movement
When I’m stuck in one place for too long, whether it’s at my desk or on the couch, my mood tends to dip.
In such moments, it can be hard to remind yourself that your body and mind are interconnected.
When you don’t move much, it puts a damper on your mental state as well.
Moving your body gets your endorphins flowing, which boosts your mood and helps you think more clearly.
That’s why it’s so important to be active throughout the day, whether it’s through small actions like getting up, stretching, doing chores, or making time for walks and exercise.
Wear a fitness band, stick a reminder on your cupboard to be more active, and take those stairs instead of going to the elevator (cliche advice, I know, but it helps!)
Remember that as long as you’re moving, you’re winning (both mentally and physically.)

4. Excessive Social Media Usage
Spending too much time on social media can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and decreased self-esteem.
You might find yourself comparing your situation to the seemingly perfect lives of people on social media, which creates a feeling of lack instead of nurturing gratitude.
Not to mention, there are healthier and better ways to spend your time than scrolling mindlessly through your feeds, a habit that does your mind more harm than good.
To decrease your social media consumption, challenge yourself to use your digital devices for other purposes.
Watch a movie, discover motivational content on Youtube, and read blog articles that inspire you to be better.
As it gets easier for you to not check your social media feeds every other hour, start investing your free time in screen-free activities like reading, walking, journaling, and meditation.
Related post: How To Glow Up Mentally – 9 Fulfilling Ways
5. Neglecting Self-Care
Just like a neglected plant wilts and struggles to thrive, your mind can experience a similar decline without regular self-care.
Your thoughts and emotions might become tangled, you might struggle to concentrate or make decisions, and your relationships might suffer too as you become irritable and disconnected.
It’s a vicious cycle. Neglecting self-care leads to worsened mental health, which then makes it even harder to practice self-care.
Dear reader, I want you to realize that self-care isn’t selfish; it’s a crucial investment in your overall well-being.
It’s about recognizing that you deserve to feel good by engaging in simple acts that bring you joy.
This might include journaling, engaging in hobbies, resting when you are tired, or simply setting boundaries by saying no when you need to.
Your body, mind, and soul all deserve to be pampered with self-care on a daily basis.
It’s the best way to connect to your inner self and make it feel cherished and comfortable.

6. Unhealthy Diet
Your body isn’t a fan of an unhealthy diet, but your mind dislikes it even more.
After indulging in unhealthy eating habits, the uneasiness and discomfort your body suffers from goes straight to your head.
Think of all those times you’ve been cranky because of a stomach ache from eating out.
Wouldn’t your days be better if there are minimal mood swings due to a bad diet?
Habits like skipping meals, consuming too much junk food, and picking out the veggies from your meals won’t do your health any favors.
The key to mastering healthy eating is to aim for balance.
Eat those cookies, but also say yes to that fruit lying idle in your fridge. Grab takeouts, but make sure your next meal is healthy and home-cooked.
If you feed your body good food, your brain will receive the same goodness. The two are interrelated, remember?
7. Allowing Yourself To Overthink
We often believe that we simply have a habit of ‘overthinking’ and leave it at that. But your mind can’t slip into an overthinking zone without your permission.
Have you ever thought that you might be prone to overthinking because you allow it to happen?
Overthinking is simply another term for worrying. It leads you to get too deep into thoughts that are better being left off alone.
Overthinking is your mind’s way of trying to gain control over things that are actually not in your control, and that only leads to stress and overwhelm.
For better mental health, put a lid over your rampant thoughts and stop giving yourself permission to overthink. Your life will be lighter and more peaceful this way.

8. Not Sticking To Your Good Habits
We all have some personal habits that make our life better. For me, it’s my morning routine and bedtime reading, two prominent habits that I can’t go without.
But there are days when I fail to stick to these rituals, and as a result, my mental health deteriorates.
It’s important to stick to the habits that ground you and bring you contentment.
If you are always switching up your routine and forgoing your good habits, you’re also taking away your mind’s stabilizing points.
So, whatever those habits are that make you feel like wonder woman, stick to them and do them regularly.
Even when things are not going so well, as long as you have your good habits to come home to, you’ll be more than fine.
9. Being Too Busy
One of the worst habits that affect your mental health is staying busy all the time. Now, I know, for some of you, a busy routine isn’t a choice and you really are doing your better.
But I know there was a time in my life when I could’ve slowed down and let go of some of my goals (that didn’t even give me anything in return, surprise, surprise.)
I see so many people around me hustling and being stressed about getting it all done because that’s the only thing they know.
Though the truth is you can always choose to be easygoing and just focus on what matters.
Don’t try to fill your plate with more than you can eat. You’ll only end up with a tired body and an exhausted mind.
Read this, please: 11 Amazing Ways To Slow Down And Live Blissfully

10. Perfectionism
Ah, the dreaded bug called perfectionism.
At one point or another, we’re all bitten by it, but as a person who is looking to improve their overall well-being, it’s your duty to shake it out of your system.
Perfectionism creates an ‘all or nothing’ mindset.
It makes you set unrealistic standards for yourself, and when you fail to meet them, you end up feeling bad about yourself.
Wanting to be perfect is understandable, but not to an extent where this need is ruling every decision of your life.
It might be holding you back from getting started, quitting too soon, or even not sticking to goals that have no purpose behind them.
But more than your growth, it’s your mental health that suffers because of this.
Instead of trying to be a perfectionist, let yourself be a human. That’ll take you long and far in life.
11. Irregular Sleep Cycles
If I could give you the most important piece of advice in this post, it’d be to fix your sleeping cycles.
Irregular sleep patterns can lead to laziness, irritation, and mood swings, all of which your mind is better off without.
Go to bed at a fixed time, stop sleeping in late, and make sure you’re getting in 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
Your body and mind deserve a fixed period of time each day that is all about sleeping, resting, and recharging.
Without good sleep, it’s not possible for your mental health to bloom to its full capacity. After all, sleep is the best meditation.
Check out: 12 Amazing Ideas For The Best Self-Care Night Routine

Ditch These Habits For Better Mental Health
Some things in life are out of our control. We can’t save ourselves from pain, getting hurt, or experiencing all the tough situations that are meant to teach us important lessons.
But in your everyday life, you should always do what’s best for your well-being, and that includes flushing out all the habits that affect your mental health negatively.
So, take charge, and gently work on removing yourself from things that hold you back from being happy.
I wish you all the positivity in the world that you are so deserving of.
Read Next: How To Be A More Positive Person (10 Mindful Habits)
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