These are the 14 habits that secretly sabotage your happiness and should be ditched asap.

Happiness is built in the small things you do (or don’t do) every single day.
The problem is, that some of your daily habits might be quietly stealing your joy without you even realizing it.
Maybe you’re stuck in a cycle of negative self-talk, ignoring your body’s needs, or surrounding yourself with people who drain your energy.
Some of these habits are minor, some serious, but they all add up and make life feel heavier than it should.
Once you recognize the habits that are holding you back, you can start making small changes to bring more happiness into your life.

Here are 14 habits that stop you from being happy, because you deserve better than just going through the motions.
14 Habits That Stop You from Being Happy
1. Always Waiting for the ‘Big’ Moment
If you’re constantly putting off happiness in wait for big moments, you might never actually get there.
Yes, promotions, parties, and traveling feel awesome, but they do not happen every day. Does that mean you will be unhappy or just in a neutral state for the majority of your life?
You gotta learn to find joy in the little things that are happening right now.
Enjoy your cup of coffee, love your friends and family with abandon, appreciate the beauty of nature that surrounds you, and do things that make you happy in imperfect moments (that’s how you’ll actually be happy).
2. Dwelling on the Past or Worrying About the Future
Spending too much time rehashing past mistakes or stressing over the future robs you of the present.
You can’t change the past, and the future isn’t here yet—so why not make the most of today?
What are the things that are in your control right now? Do them and do them more and more.
There is no limit to the ways you can improve your present, but there is zero you can do to change the past.
Today’s actions will impact the future, but just thinking about your future won’t get you anywhere at all.
So, plan if you need to and learn from your past mistakes, but more than anything else, live in the now and do it well.

3. Comparing Yourself to Everyone Else
Scrolling through social media and comparing your life to others’ highlight reels is a surefire way to feel miserable.
Your journey is your own, and no two paths look the same.
Focus on your own growth and achievements instead of measuring yourself against others.
No one else is like you, friend, and that is your superpower.
But to access this power, you first need to start treating yourself as a unique person, and that won’t happen by comparing yourself to everyone else.
4. Letting Negative Self-Talk Run the Show
If you’re constantly telling yourself you’re not good enough, smart enough, or attractive enough, your brain will believe it.
And you know what? All those things are lies anyway.
We are habitual of self-sabotage, and this habit is the reason many of us struggle to cross our goals and feel awful about ourselves.
Stop that negative self-talk right now. Don’t let it tell you what to do and how to feel.
You are worthy of being loved, by others and by yourself too. So, treat yourself nice. Anything else is unacceptable.
5. Holding Onto Toxic Relationships
If a relationship drains your energy and brings more stress than joy, it’s worth reevaluating.
You deserve connections that uplift and support you, not ones that make you feel worse about yourself.
You also need to stop thinking about bad relationships from your past.
It can make the process of moving on quite difficult. Not to mention it takes up space in your mind which could be used to store better thoughts.
This habit can also suck at your energy, hinder your self-growth, and cause troubles in your current relationship.

6. Not Setting Boundaries
If you say yes to everything and everyone even when you don’t want to, you are putting your well-being secondary.
And this is a direct path to burnout and unhappiness.
The only way to avoid this is to set boundaries between your inner self and the outer world. This is necessary to protect your energy and peace.
Let others know politely but firmly when you are not in the mood to be a part of something that doesn’t align with your needs or values.
The people who love you will always understand and even appreciate your need for boundaries.
Also, respect other people’s boundaries and learn from them. It will help you maintain your own need for distance and quiet time.
7. Avoiding Physical Activity
I know physical activity isn’t everyone’s idea of a happy time.
But a sedentary lifestyle can take a toll on your mental health just as much as your physical health.
Movement releases feel-good endorphins that naturally boost your mood. But always sitting on the couch does nothing but cause stagnancy in your mind and body.
You don’t have to run a marathon, you know. Just start with small daily activities that get your body moving.
Go for a walk, do 20-minute workouts off of YouTube, and do your house chores today instead of putting them off and avoiding them.
Happiness thrives where there is good movement. Always remember that.

8. Eating in a Way That Drains You
Your diet plays a huge role in how you feel, both physically and mentally.
If you’re fueling your body with processed junk, excessive sugar, or skipping meals altogether, it can leave you sluggish, irritable, and more prone to anxiety or depression.
What happens in your gut directly affects your brain.
If your digestion is off—whether from stress, lack of fiber, or not enough probiotics—it can contribute to fatigue, brain fog, and even mood swings.
A happy gut means a happier you, so try to stay away from food that feels bad in your tummy and add more gut-friendly foods that feel good.
9. Putting Off Rest and Relaxation
Constantly being ‘on’ and never allowing yourself time to recharge leads to stress, exhaustion, and eventually burnout.
You are a human. Not a machine.
I know you have roles to play in your daily life. You may be a mother, a boss, a hard-working employee, or a student with exams hanging over your head.
But if you are constantly working and avoiding resting, then you will burn yourself out. The result will be less productivity and no happiness.
So, take intentional breaks through sleep, mindfulness, and hobbies. Make the weekends all about self-care and relaxation.
Schedule in your downtime if you need to. It is very necessary for a balanced and happy life.

10. Overloading Yourself with Unrealistic Expectations
I get the need to expect the most from yourself. But just think for a moment.
Is it realistic to expect yourself to get it all done at once?
Believe it or not, you have limited energy, time, and resources. You can try to build high focus and productivity, but there will still be things that will be left undone.
You are not supposed to live your life like an overloaded truck. You are meant to do, enjoy, and live, and also navigate the highs and lows of life.
So, stop chasing perfectionism and stop setting impossibly high standards for yourself. They will only leave you feeling like you’re never good enough.
Aim for progress, not perfection, and be kind to yourself when things don’t go as planned. You’ll save yourself from unnecessary disappointment and unhappiness.
11. Forgetting to Express Gratitude
When was the last time you expressed your gratitude to God, the universe, yourself, and your loved one?
Life is made up of many good things. Yes, there are bad things too, and sometimes they can cloud your ability to focus on the good.
But focusing on what you lack instead of appreciating what you already have is a major happiness blocker.
Practicing gratitude every day, for the simple and grand things. It will shift your perspective and help you find joy in your daily life.
12. Spending Too Much Time Indoors
Listen, I am mostly an introvert, and I get the appeal of staying locked indoors reading or binging stuff or just staring at the way.
But even if you don’t realize it, your body and mind crave and need contact with the outdoor world, especially nature.
Staying cooped up inside all the time can make you feel sluggish and unmotivated. But fresh air and sunlight do wonders for your mood, health, and soul.
Whenever I feel the need to load up my mental energy and happiness, I just take a short walk and it feels like I’ve done a life reset.
There’s happiness in the rustle of trees, the wind, and the open sky. Take as much as you want; there will never be enough for you there.

13. Letting Small Things Ruin Your Day
A rude comment, a delayed plan, or spilled coffee might seem terrible in the moment, but if you think about it, you’ll realize they’re minor inconveniences and don’t define your life.
But you know what does define your life?
How you choose to deal with such bad moments.
Because your reaction to these moments decides the state of your mind when things don’t go your way (which happens all the time).
Dwelling on these small hiccups can ruin an otherwise good day.
So, learn to brush off the little things and keep moving forward. You will be happier because of it.
14. Neglecting Meaningful Connections
We’re social creatures, and loneliness can have a serious impact on our happiness.
If you’re withdrawing from loved ones or not making time for deep, fulfilling relationships, you may feel more isolated than you need to be.
While alone time is important, avoiding social interactions altogether can make you feel disconnected and unfulfilled.
Make the effort to connect; it’s worth it.
Reach out to loved ones for a quick chat or a casual meet-up. Engage in meaningful conversations and spend time with people who uplift.
It can greatly enhance your happiness and emotional well-being.

Let’s Clear The Way For Happiness
Happiness isn’t just about adding good things to your life. It’s also about removing the habits that drain your joy.
Recognizing these patterns and breaking out of them is an important step toward a happier and more fulfilling life.
I hope this post has helped you become aware of some of your own habits that are blocking your happiness.
Let go, and see how your mind thrives in the absence of these negative habits.
Read next: 12 Minimalist Habits For A Simple And Sweet Life
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