Looking forward to changing your life in the new year? Giving yourself a head start can help a lot. Here are 10 good habits to start before 2025 to set yourself up for a happy, healthy, and successful year.

The end of a year comes with plenty of excitement and anticipation to send your heart reeling.
We have plans to make, things to do, bucket lists to prepare, and most importantly, new habits and routines to build in hopes of changing our lives for the better.
But while the rest of those exciting things can wait till January 1st, I don’t think you should be waiting for the new year to launch good habits.
The time to set yourself up for the new year is now.
Whether you’re stumbling upon this post months before the new year (which is when I have sat down to write this) or just ten days prior to new year’s eve, you can launch into your resolutions mindset right this second.
It’s not fair to expect yourself to ditch all your bad habits on the last day of the year and suddenly pick up a dozen new ones on the very next day.
You won’t be able to make your motivation last.
On the other hand, if you start feeding yourself good habits in advance, you’ll build yourself up slowly and get a head start on your resolutions.
You’ll also be more prepared to tackle the new year with confidence and momentum.
Pin this post now for safekeeping!

Whether your goals are centered around health, productivity, or personal growth, here are 10 simple habits to start before the clock strikes midnight on December 31st.
10 Habits To Start Before New Year 2025
1. Follow A Morning Routine
Mornings can be tough, especially if you’re not a natural morning person (I am not either).
But having a solid morning routine can make a huge difference to how you start your day.
Think about what makes you feel good in the morning and build your routine around that.
It could be doing 10 minutes of stretching to wake your body or sipping your coffee in quiet to find your calm.
If you’re into mindfulness, you could start your day with a few deep breaths or a quick meditation session.
Doing these positive little things every morning will make even your most chaotic days more manageable.
By the time 2025 hits, you’ll have a morning routine that’s practically second nature to you.

2. Do A Simple Gratitude Practice
Gratitude is one of those habits that can change your outlook on life.
If you know how to be grateful, you won’t be impacted easily by the negativities swirling around you.
Practicing gratitude is quite simple too.
Keep a little notebook by your bed and write down three things you’re grateful for every night before you go to sleep.
Your list could include something big, like having a supportive friend, or something small, like a tasty meal you had that day.
The more you practice, the more you’ll start noticing the good stuff in your life, even on the tough days.
And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to walk into the new year with a heart full of gratitude?

3. Move Your Body
I don’t know anybody who steps into the new year without the resolution to work out every day.
There’s a reason why gyms see a spike in memberships during this time.
But most of these new members don’t even make it to the end of January before calling it quits.
The reason? Going too hard too soon.
Your body needs time to adjust to exercises. And your mind needs more reasons to love your workouts.
So, whatever expectations you have for your body for the coming year, build yourself up for it by getting used to movements.
Every day, take time to move your body in a way that feels good.
It can be a brisk walk, a quick workout session on YouTube, cycling, or a simple stretching routine.
Do exercises you enjoy and get a workout done every day, even if it’s just for 10 minutes.
The goal isn’t to exhaust yourself but to keep your body active and energized.
By making this a daily habit, you’ll not only feel stronger but also more mentally clear as 2025 approaches.

4. Sip A Healthy Drink
There’s something really powerful about having a healthy drink every day without fail.
It could be a refreshing detox drink, a soothing cup of green tea, a flavorful herbal tea, or a nutrient-packed smoothie.
Experiment with different options or stick with your favorite, whatever makes your mind and body feel awesome.
This simple habit is more than just staying hydrated; it’s about giving yourself a moment to pause and nourish your body.
It’s also the healthiest way to start or wind down your day.

5. Declutter A Little Bit Every Day
A clean and organized space can do wonders for your mental health, but decluttering doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing project.
Instead of tackling your entire house in one go, try doing a little bit each day.
Maybe you start by clearing out one drawer, organizing your desk, or even just deleting old emails.
These small daily efforts add up over time, and before you know it, you’ll be living in a space that feels calm and clutter-free.
Best habit you could form to enter the new year with a fresh and clear mind.

6. Create To-Do Lists
To-do lists might seem basic, but they’re incredibly powerful for staying organized and focused.
Start each day by jotting down the tasks you want to accomplish.
It doesn’t have to be a long list. Just the key things you need to get done.
There’s nothing quite as satisfying as checking off those boxes and knowing you’ve been productive.
It helps you stay on top of your responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed.
With this habit as a part of your daily life, you’ll head into 2025 feeling more in control and on top of your game.

7. Read During Your Me-Time
New year finds even the most book-averse people making an attempt to read. It’s because this habit has the power to change your life in every sense.
Self-help books can give you strength, courage, and a change in perspective.
Good fiction can make you feel like you’re never alone and fill your mundane days with colors.
If you’ve always wanted to call yourself an avid reader, launch this habit before the start of the new year so that you can properly follow your reading goals in 2025.
Reading is such a great way to escape, learn, and relax all at once.
Carve out some time during your day to read. Could be in the morning with your coffee, on free afternoons, or at night before bed.
It’s your me-time, so make the most of it by reading genres that speak to you.
I am a sucker for romance and thriller, so that’s what I am binging on these days. Trying to finish my reading goal of 80 books for this year.
Note to self and whoever’s interested: Don’t go overboard with your reading goals, lol. Stick to a number that’s actually doable and doesn’t make you sweat.

8. Spend Time Outdoors
Nothing in the world can replace the joy of spending meaningful time in nature.
It’s the cheapest kind of therapy available to all of us.
Before you start planning your hardcore new year goals, get yourself to love the soothing energy of nature by spending more time outdoors.
You can do it by going on walks, enjoying your morning coffee on the porch, or just stepping out to breathe some fresh air during your breaks.
It’ll clear your mind, boost your mood, and make you more mindful of the world around you.
It’s also a gentle way to reduce your screen time and pour into something good.
As 2025 approaches, you’ll find yourself more grounded and in tune with the world around you.

9. Give Time to a Creative Hobby
Creativity is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets.
And in the hustle era that we’re living in these days, hobbies are the best way to access your creativity and de-stress too!
Whether you enjoy drawing, writing, knitting, or even baking, set aside some time each day to indulge in a creative hobby.
If you can build a habit of pouring into a hobby every day, then the new year will be a year of creativity and experimenting for you.
You’ll find yourself listening to your inner voice more often and actually following it, because that’s what hobbies and creativity do to your mind and heart.
Don’t focus on being perfect. Just express yourself to the best of your abilities and have fun.
Your inner child is going to love you for this.

10. End Your Day with Reflection
Taking a few minutes at the end of each day to reflect can be incredibly grounding.
Think about what went well, what you’re proud of, and what you could improve.
You can write these thoughts in a journal or simply take a moment to reflect quietly.
This habit helps you process your day and sets a positive tone for the next one.
It’ll also help you shake off your stress and go to sleep without anything weighing you down.
By the time 2025 comes around, you’ll have a better understanding of yourself and what you need to thrive in your everyday life.
Also, it’s a habit I’d very much recommend you carry forward into the new year for the sake of your mental health and happiness.

Let’s End The Year The Right Way
To give yourself a proper start to new year, it’s important that you first end this year the right way.
And the healthiest way to do that is to launch some good habits in advance, whether that’s a day before the new year or months before.
Imagine how good it’d feel to welcome the 1st of January, 2025 with your healthy spirit already in place.
Your new year’s resolutions will go much smoother and you’ll have the confidence you need to take on your challenging goals.
Hope you’ll give at least 2-3 habits in this post a try. Kudos to you if you manage to get more than 5.
Wishing you happy sailing for the remaining time of 2024!
Read next: 31 Winter Bucket List Activities You’ll Love Ticking Off This Season
Before you leave, share your plans and goals for the new year to give me some inspiration. Good wishes and thoughts on the post are welcome too!
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