Self-kindness might not be a popular concept, but it’s a key factor in improving your mental health. Here are 15 simple tips that teach you how to be kind to yourself and lead a better life.

Kindness is an appealing trait. From the moment we’re born, we are taught to be polite, courteous, and caring toward others.
While that is a crucial lesson for the betterment of humanity, I wonder why nobody talks about being kind toward yourself.
Isn’t self-kindness a habit that needs to be taught just as enthusiastically?
I mean, sure, how you treat others says a lot about you as a person. But your behavior toward yourself speaks volumes about your inner strength.
A person who criticizes themselves constantly would struggle against a problem. But a person who knows the principles of self-kindness would flourish in the same situation.
For obvious reasons, you don’t want to fall into first the category.
“You have peace,” the old woman said, “when you make it with yourself.”
–The Five People You Meet In Heaven
If you hold yourself in high regard, are an expert at managing self-love, and know how to be kind to yourself, then no challenge will be hard enough to faze you.
In this post, we discuss 15 important lessons on how to be kind to yourself.

Before getting started, take a minute to breathe deeply, and open the mental barriers that stop you from accessing your healing tendencies.
As soon as you’re done, dive right in.
15 Simple Ways To Be Kind To Yourself
1. Smile At The Mirror
So many people find it difficult to be kind to themselves because their relationship with the mirror is toxic.
They find it hard to be in the vicinity of a mirror without shriveling from inside, and this isn’t even a weekly occurrence.
You are exposed to the mirror multiple times a day. Avoiding looking into it is certainly a solution, but not a very concrete one. But I’ll let you in on a secret.
If you’re all about loving the heck out of everything that makes you you, a mirror will be your best friend.
Just smile at your reflection every time you’re facing a mirror. This is a simple technique but is super effective to nurture a positive body image and promote the feeling of self-kindness.
2. Do What You Love
I know you have other priorities in life, a job to tend to, and goals to tick off. But I promise none of that will be affected if you spend half an hour a day doing something that you love.
If anything, a good hobby will increase your attention and productivity levels, which is a great incentive.
So, answer this for me: What are the activities that fill you with joy? Is it gardening, reading, or playing the guitar? Make a list of all such hobbies that you love, and then make efforts to include them in your schedule.
3. Forgive Yourself
Forgiveness is an essential part of being kind, especially when it concerns yourself. With other people, you have the option to decide whether their mistake is forgivable or not.
But with yourself, you have no such choice, simply because you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life.
No good can come out of carrying your mistakes with you. It’ll just slow you down and block your route to contentment. Learn from your mistakes, then move the heck on.
Holding on will only make you feel guilty, and take up space in your mind that could be used to store better thoughts.
4. Slow Down To Be Kind To Yourself
Being in a hurry can be harsh on your mental health. You might feel like you’re saving a huge chunk of time by eating fast, commuting briskly, and tapping on your phone at the speed of light.
But honestly, the toll it takes on your brain isn’t worth it.
Your mind is capable of great things, but don’t waste its capabilities on the process of rushing through the motions of life.
Be kind enough to teach yourself how to slow down and see what a difference it makes to the quality of your life.
5. Develop Habits Of Self-Love
Do you love yourself unconditionally, or is this something you haven’t even thought to do so far? Loving others comes naturally to humans, but self-love is a blind spot they struggle to connect with.
If I could nab a loudspeaker and trot around the world spreading the importance of self-love, I would do it without second thoughts.
Believe me when I say this – your habits of self-love can lead you to a gold mine of hidden abilities that are waiting to be unlocked.
You and I both know how wonderfully unique you are. So, stop making excuses to not like yourself, and unleash your self-loving nature to its full capacity.
6. Give Yourself Presents
Have you ever given yourself a birthday present? I did it this year and it felt amazing (got myself a cute moon lamp I’d been meaning to buy .)
Find occasions to reward yourself, and if you don’t have any, make up something. How about a fall-themed present to mark the beginning of autumn? 🍂
Or something to celebrate the fact that you spotted a new flower in your garden today? (I mean, hurray, right?)
Honestly, you don’t even need reasons to make yourself feel good, so don’t be thrifty in this department.
7. Practice Regular Self-Care
Self-care is a daily practice where you spend time with yourself by nourishing your body and filling your mind with good thoughts.
It’s also how you take care of your emotions, personal space, finances, and social circle. You might already be doing these things on autopilot, but adding mindfulness to the mix can make all the difference.
Related Post: How To Practice The 7 Types Of Self-Care
Be aware of your inner demands, fulfill them on time, and declutter your life as often as you need to.
Exercise regularly, eat healthily, and make time for your loved ones. If possible, have a self-care session every day to keep yourself stress-free.
8. Treat Yourself Like A Friend
Have you ever noticed your behavior toward a close friend? I bet you praise them often, celebrate their success, and compliment their good qualities.
Just think how wonderful it’d be if you could do the same for yourself, and honestly, who’s to say you can’t? If you treat yourself as your own friend, you’ll notice an instant shift in your lifestyle.
Your brain will cultivate good thoughts, self-love will become easier, and your caring nature toward your loved ones will also be at its peak.
Bookmark for later: 51 Solo Date Ideas To Make You Love Yourself
9. Take A Break When You Need To
Alright, here’s another prominent lesson on how to be kind to yourself.
It’s an unrealistic expectation to live your life in work mode all the time. If you’ve somehow been doing this, know that it isn’t doing much for your mental health.
The human mind is prone to stress, overthinking, and worrying. And if you don’t hit pause and recharge, it’ll take a toll on you.
Be aware of any signs of mental exhaustion, and retreat for a few minutes the moment you spot one.
Some of the ways you can do this are to meditate, take a walk, drink tea, and listen to a rejuvenating podcast. A soothing shower also works like charm.
10. Give Yourself Pep Talks
I’m sure you have at least one person in your life who boosts your morale. But they can’t be with you all the time.
You need encouragement to ace your daily tasks and stay in high spirits. In my opinion, nobody can do a better job of this than you.
Look into the mirror, and tell yourself how proud you are to have come so far. Share your gratitude for life, speak positive thoughts out loud, and use self-love affirmations to make yourself feel special.
With time, giving yourself pep talks should be an ingrained habit that raises your zeal for life.
11. Recognize Your Achievements
All of us have some targets that we look forward to meeting. But I don’t think it’s nice of you to forget about them the moment you cross them. In fact, I think it’s a tad selfish. 🙄
Don’t you think your achievements need to be celebrated, regardless of their significance in your long-term plans?
This is how you’d actually lift yourself to do better and accomplish those mammoth goals you’ve set for yourself! So, celebrate every small success, and recognize every little win. It’s the best way to feel alive.
12. Don’t Feel Guilty About Prioritizing Yourself
Let me share something important with you today – It’s okay to put yourself first.
You can’t keep showing up for everyone and everything if your basic needs are not taken care of. It’ll just fill you with resentment and leave a bad taste in your mouth.
So, go ahead and put yourself at the top of your priority list. Your loved ones will admire you for this, and hopefully, do the same for themselves.
Unsure about this tip? Read these 7 authentic reasons to stop feeling guilty about self-care.
13. Shut Down Your Negative Self-Talk
I’ve met so many people who’re hard on themselves (hello, my past self.) Berating themselves is normal for them.
They’ve convinced themselves that self-criticism is the way to succeed in life, and so they perceive their negative self-talk as a necessity. Can you see how harsh this mindset must be to live with?
If you find yourself slipping into moments of toxic self-talk, snap out of them immediately. Tap the surface closest to you three times, or give yourself a little pinch to call out your negative thoughts.
It’s the least you can do to be kind to yourself.
14. Reach Out For Help
It’s good to be self-dependent, but toxic to go through rough patches all by yourself. Self-kindness is all about knowing when to be by yourself, and when to lean your head against another shoulder.
You have people in your life who care about you. Just like you’d want to show up for their hard times, they also want to do the same for you.
If you feel troubled, call a friend to vent. Or go see a caring neighbor for a tea conversation, and tell them what’s bothering you. Next time when they come to you, you can play the role of the listener and help them in return.
15. Don’t Be Happy Only When You’re Making Progress
These days, the idea of being productive comes with a dangerous illusion. It’s like if you’re happy, you must not be working hard enough to achieve your goals.
I recognized this pattern in myself a few months back and immediately took a step back from it. Don’t let your career achievements or any personal progress be the only occasions that make you happy.
You are worthy of feeling joy every second, every minute, and every hour of the day. So, pray for happiness, be content, and create habits that bring you peace.
Highly Recommended: 21 Habits Of People Who Are Always Happy
Remember To Be Kind To Yourself
Dear reader, you will meet people in life who won’t be kind to you. They will belittle you, make you feel small, and try to get under your skin.
This is how the world functions. For every good that exists around you, there is a bad that balances it out.
Your responsibility is to not fall into the list of people who you feel have wronged you. Becoming your own enemy is a disservice to all the blessings that have been bestowed upon you.
So, no matter what happens, be kind to yourself.
Because this is how you’ll get past the bad in this world, and attract all the goodness that your tender heart deserves.
Liked the post? Share your thoughts with me in the comment box. I’d love to chat. 🙂

Lovely ideas. It’s so easy to do these for others but why not ourselves? I’m getting myself a Christmas present this year!
Yes, we totally need to level up our value in our own eyes. Nobody else can help us with this. And yay! Glad to know about the Christmas present. Pick something lovely for yourself xx
These are all such great tips. So many of us forget to take care of ourselves, too.
That’s right, even though the goal should be to prioritize ourselves. And honestly, it doesn’t take much to do so. A few minutes of self-care can make all the difference.
Thank you for commenting, Victoria.
Great reminder! I agree ! Its so important to take care of ourselves to feel better!
Thank you, Linhy. I’m glad you agree.
Such a cute post. I love that you talked about doing what we love.
Yes, I find it to be a crucial habit for self-care. A hobby or just working on something you’re passionate about acts like a charm for your mental health. There is no other feeling like it in the world.
Self-kindness is so important, although often forgotten. I admit I do need to work on it a bit more myself, but I am learning slowly… Thanks for sharing!
I think there is always room for improvement when it comes to looking after our mental health. But it’s so important to at least be willing to work on it. It always fills me with joy when I meet people who are aware of their personal needs.
Thank you for writing to me!
Yes! Doing what you love is so, so important and slowing down! That is one of ny ultimate go to’s when I need a little more self care xx
So pleased to know that, Lou. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
i need to practice more self love
More power to you for recognizing that. All the best!
It’s so important to be kind to oneself! Thank you for the great tips
You are welcome, Tina. 🙂
Excellent tips!! Being kind to yourself is the pathway to a healthy mind and happy life.
My thoughts exactly, Samuel. Appreciate you taking the time to comment.
Excellent points, I love the smile at the mirror one because I really believe it is powerful.
Smiling at the mirror really is powerful. I’ve been doing more of it lately and it feels awesome. Thank you for dropping a comment!
I love this one: “treat yourself like a friend”. Thank you for sharing this amazing list!
I love that one too. Been trying to be there for myself as a friend lately, and it’s brought me some excellent results. Thank you for visiting!
This website always has a great article to reflect on!
Thank you, Stephanie! xx
Love this, self kindness is so important and something I am intentional about doing.
That’s great, Amanda! I’m trying to be more diligent about the same and it’s made a lot of difference. Thank you for commenting.