Your gentle guide on how to deal with loneliness and rebuild your inner strength.

Out of all the off-putting emotions that humans are capable of feeling, loneliness has to be the weirdest one.
Sometimes, it makes sense to feel lonely.
Breakups, loss of friendships, isolation, changing locations, and other surprising changes in your social life can trigger loneliness.
But there are also times when life is perfectly normal and you still end up feeling empty on the inside.
Such moments can be scary because they cause a disconnect from within.
You might lose interest in your routine and struggle to understand your own emotions.
But instead of running to a party in desperation or getting lost in the emptiness, there are some gentle steps you can take to shake off your loneliness and feel whole again.

Here are 11 things you can do when loneliness strikes to rebuild your relationship with yourself and slowly feel like your normal self again.
11 Helpful Ways To Deal With Loneliness
1. Acknowledge How You Feel
The first step in dealing with loneliness is to acknowledge it.
Pretending you’re okay when you’re not won’t help. It’s okay to feel lonely; everyone does at some point.
Accepting your feelings is the beginning of healing.
I have days where I feel completely isolated despite being surrounded by people.
Admitting that I am feeling alone helps me face my isolation without judgment and I am then able to take steps to help myself.
What you can do for this:
- Write down your emotions in a journal
- Take a walk outside and let your feelings flow
- Record yourself talking about how you feel
- Practice affirmations like ‘It’s okay to feel this way, just makes me human’
2. Reach Out To Someone
When loneliness strikes, reaching out to even your closest person can feel daunting. This might be because loneliness makes us vulnerable.
But at the end of the day, companionship is the one thing that you might need the most at the moment, even if it’s momentary.
Start small — just text a friend or a family member and let them know how you’re feeling. If you’re up for a call, make one.
And if you can schedule a coffee date with your friend, even if it’s at home, then even more perfect!
I remember when I was battling depression during the first year of college, even a simple chat with an old friend used to brighten my day.
Don’t be afraid to take the initiative. Many people appreciate being reached out to, even if they don’t always show it.

3. Try Indulging In Your Hobbies
You might feel like you have nothing in your corner right now, but you actually do.
It’s your past hobbies and all the little activities you like indulging in when you’re feeling wholesome.
Well, who’s to say you can’t use those hobbies to make yourself whole again?
Pick up your old instrument again, find your art supplies, dust off your bookshelf, and find something to read.
If a hobby ever meant something to you in the past, it can be impactful again. You just have to be willing to try again.
In case anyone’s wondering (which I am sure no one is), here are my favorite hobbies:
- Watching TV shows
- Journaling while having coffee and home-made cookies
- Reading romance books
Check out: 41 Interesting Things To Do Alone To Embrace Solitude
4. Try New Things
If the idea of going back to an old hobby doesn’t row your boat, then you can always try new things.
This might sound like way too obvious advice, but until you try this yourself, you can’t rule it out.
One of the reasons why I can enjoy living alone is because I keep my routine exciting by trying new stuff. If I didn’t, I’d probably go mad.
I recently started crocheting (my teenage self is in shock) and am also learning Turkish (with a goal to visit the country once I finish the course).
Here are some ideas for you:
- Grow a garden
- Knitting or crocheting
- Start a blog
- Visit a cafe you’ve never been to
- Take an e-course
- Try new workouts on YouTube
- Listen to podcasts
- Take a solo trip
- Learn digital marketing (perfect side hustle)

5. Visualize Your Inner Strength
Loneliness can leave you feeling weak from the inside.
It’s a low mental state more than anything, and you need to remind yourself of your own strength.
I recommend visualization for this. Here’s the one that helps me a lot.
Get comfortable in a quiet spot, close your eyes, and picture yourself as a tree. Imagine your roots slowly spreading deep, far, and wide.
Feel the strength in your bones, the power in your veins, and let a sense of calm wash over you.
You are a beautiful person with a beautiful soul who is enough as they are, and such kind of visualization techniques can help you remember that.
If this doesn’t work, you can always try a guided meditation:
6. Read Books And Watch TV Shows
I know it’s hard to connect yourself to stories when you’re feeling isolated. But if you pick the right thing, it can end up adding to your life in beautiful ways.
At the start of this year, I was feeling really disconnected, and even though it was the last thing I wanted to do, I started a new show called Anne With An E.
With each episode I watched, I felt myself coming back to myself.
It’s because I picked something that celebrated nature and womanhood, and in a way represented everything I stand for.
So, ask yourself this — What do you need at this moment?
Is it a fun romance book that makes you believe in love again, or a suspense TV series that provides an escape to another world?
Be intentional while you pick, and whatever you go for will do the work of filling your empty time and space.

7. Join Online Communities
While technology can’t replace face-to-face interactions, it’s awesome for bridging the gap between you and the world from the comfort of your room.
There are online communities where you can share your thoughts with others who understand what you’re going through.
Example: 7 Cups, where you can connect with listeners (for free) and therapists (paid), and also talk to other members in groups.
As a more fun option, you can join a fan club of your choice.
I spend a good number of hours every week on Discord talking to Swifties all over the world.
We have song-listening parties, conversations on new and old music, and all kinds of fun activities related to Taylor Swift.
For readers, Goodreads is a fantastic platform to set reading goals, join book clubs, and talk to other members about your favorite books. I love this one so much.
8. Always Have Something Playing In The Background
I usually love spending quiet time without any devices, just curling up with a good book or working on a chore without any music.
But during my lonely phases, I need there to be sound around me. It helps me feel connected to the outside world while still working on being alone.
Playing music is the most obvious choice, even if it’s instrumental. I am exploring Kacey Musgraves these days.
Her music is all about wellness, self-care, and prioritizing yourself, so she might be the artist to listen to during your lonesome times.
You can also leave a TV show running in the background while you work around the house, preferably something you’ve already watched.
I saw my mom doing this when I was a kid and borrowed this habit from her as an adult.
Last, a podcast! My favorite one. Tune into one through your headphones or leave it playing on speaker while you work or just lie in bed.
It’s amazing the difference one good podcast episode can make to your mood. I always feel like a different and a better person afterward.
Currently listening to: Anything Goes With Emma Chamberlain.

9. Try Online Dating
For all the single peeps out there who are craving the company of a partner, online dating makes it all too easy to dip your feet in the waters.
I have friends who have found their partners online, and also those who ended up finding good friends this way. I admit it can be a tricky slope to navigate.
There are some not-so-genuine people on these platforms who you’d want to steer clear of. But it’s actually quite fun too.
Head for this option when your inner romantic needs some engagement. Dating and experimenting with your love life isn’t a bad way to erase loneliness.
Not ready to date? You might need: 51 Best Solo Date Ideas To Make You Love Yourself
10. Bring A Pet Home
I always wanted to get a pet but held myself back because it’s a whole life that I’d be taking responsibility for.
I thought he might make things more complicated for me, or that I won’t be a good enough pet parent to him.
But despite all my reservations, I listened to my heart and adopted a fur baby, and he has brought me more happiness than I could’ve imagined.
My life two years back was okay, but something was missing. I felt it when I was alone in my room, unable to connect with a hobby or feeling lost in my own head.
Arry, my pomeranian, taught me what it means to live in the moment. To love without expecting anything in return. To be happy even when there is nothing much to be happy about.
He has changed the way I live, and he makes every second that I am by myself mean something because he is right there with me.
I know the decision to bring a pet home cannot be impulsive. You need to be very sure about it.
But one thing I can tell you is that he or she will make loneliness a far less occurrence.
They will bring you joy, offer you companionship, and stick by your side during your bad days.
So, if you’ve ever wanted a dog or a cat, this might be your chance to really think about it and take the leap of faith. It might just turn out to be the best thing you ever do.

11. Get Outside
Your mind might convince you to stay stuck in your lonely bubble, but you don’t have to listen.
Wash your face, put on some sunscreen and lip balm, tie your shoelaces, and get outside.
Go to the park, walk on a quiet road, grab a coffee, or just sit on the grass and observe your surroundings.
You can also take a book with you or listen to music while spending time in nature.
The fresh air, greenery, and sunlight will lift your spirit and make you feel less alone in this big beautiful world.
Loneliness Can Be Hard, I Know
I’ve poured all the tips that personally help me deal with loneliness, but I want to acknowledge that it can be a hard thing to navigate.
All I’ll tell you is this — Even when you might think you’re alone, you’re not.
There are people out there who are feeling the same emotions as you right this second.
If nothing else, find strength from that connection, and know that you have everything you need right this moment to be full.
And whatever is missing can be worked toward, if only one chooses patience and self-love over other things.
I hope you can give yourself all that you need from yourself.
Read next: How To Live A Soft Life – 8 Practices To Become A Soft Lifer
Did the post help? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comment box. I love receiving messages from you.
I just finished reading this blog post, and I have to say, it truly resonated with me. Your thoughts on loneliness are so raw and relatable that they brought me back to my own experiences when I was preparing for the NEET exams ✍️
The pressure, the long hours of studying, and the isolation from friends and social activities really took a toll on me. I often felt like I was alone in this journey, but reading your words made me realize that I wasn’t the only one feeling that way.
I noticed you’re also a die-hard Swiftie. It’s amazing how her music has a way of speaking to us during tough times, right? Songs like “The Archer” and “Mirrorball” have been my go-to during those lonely study nights. Her lyrics are so comforting and relatable, that they make you feel understood and less alone.
On another note, I’ve been listening to Kacey Musgraves for the past 3 years, and her music has been a soothing balm during my most stressful times. Her song “Rainbow” particularly helped me by keeping my spirits up when things seemed overwhelming. It feels wonderful that I’ve finally found someone who appreciates her as much as I do.
I have to say, I’m obsessed with your blog page. The way you articulate your feelings and experiences is truly inspiring. It has became a little addiction for me to check in and see if you’ve posted anything new in a awhile. I also knew that you’ve posted ’15 Summer Hobbies That Will Make The Season Count’ and will definitely read it after my exam in the evening
Your writing not only resonates with me but also provides a sense of comfort, knowing that there are others out there who understand what I’m going through.
I’ve even signed up for your newsletter btw, so yay to me
Even though a few hours from now I’ll be writing my end semester exam but after commenting here I’m feeling more confident and less lonely. Wish me luck for today’s exam
I’ll be even sharing an in depth analysis of this blog with a special note of thanks on your contact section. Do check it out, it’s quite a lengthy read but it’ll definitely make your day
And don’t forget that you’ve got a fan now
Hi there!
Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out. I try my best to create genuine content, and it tugs at my heart when someone tells me that what I wrote did something for them. Motivates me to keep going and never stop.
While I wish nobody ever had to feel lonely, this emotion is a part of life. Your struggles while preparing for your exams are relatable. It’s definitely not easy, being locked in your room, giving all your time and energy towards one goal, no matter how big it is. When your friends are making plans or doing things, and you have to decline or watch from a distance. But I also think one needs a strong spirit to make it through such a phase. And while it must be hard to look back at that time, I hope it brought you good things in return.
And yes! I love Taylor Swift. Her music has been a savior more times than I count. She blesses us with songs we didn’t even realize we needed.
So so happy to know that you’re a Kacey fan. Will listen to Rainbow. Thanks for mentioning it. I’ve been listening to Deeper Well on repeat during my daily walks and am simply mesmerised by the way she describes wellness and happiness.
I am happy to know that you relate to my blog posts. Blessed to have you as a reader, and I want you to know how much I appreciate you sharing everything you did in this comment.
I think I’m late in wishing you for the exam now, but all the very best for all the future ones you’ll take. And also hoping that this one went well.
I will be responding to your mail soon.
Thank you for your lovely words! They mean everything.
Yo Akansha,
I’m so sorry for the late response! I can’t tell you how happy I am that you replied to my comment. Actually I’m getting a reply from a blogger for the 1st time 🙂
Just as you feel blessed to have me as a reader, I feel equally blessed to have you as a blogger.
Btw, my exam went well, and I wanted to thank you for the future wishes. Your encouragement means a lot.
And yess! Deeper well is a great companion song for walks. Can’t relate better. In the meantime you must have enjoyed the “Rainbow” song by Kacey Musgraves. Didn’t you ?
I also hope that you’ve received my special note of thanks by now. I know you’ll respond to it when you’re free, so take your time & no worries.
Looking forward to more of your wonderful posts :))
Glad your exam went well. And yes, I did listen to Rainbow and really loved it. It’s a beautiful song. Thanks again!