Here are 10 amazing tips on how to wake up at 5am every morning feeling energetic, healthy, and fresh as a leaf.

Waking up at 5 AM is like a dream (or maybe a nightmare) to a lot of us.
We all know the benefits — better productivity, improved focus, and plenty of time to pour into your wellness at the start of the day.
But still, the idea is intimidating enough that we don’t even try to set an alarm for 5am (and when we do, we often end up hitting snooze and going back to sleep).
Yup, been there, done that.
But since I am the queen of trial and error, I experimented with plenty of tricks for days before finally becoming a happy morning person.
Am I making that sound too easy?
Oh, believe me, it wasn’t.
But I didn’t know all that I am about to share with you in this post (lucky you).
If I did, I think it’d have taken me a week tops to successfully implement a 5am morning routine.
It’s actually more doable than you think. No, you don’t have to become a cold shower enthusiast or do things you could never pull off before 8 AM.
The key is to make it a habit that actually feels good (and yes, that’s possible), which is what we’re going to focus on throughout this post.

Ready to join the 5 AM club? Here’s how to do it without feeling like you’re punishing yourself:
10 Tips To Wake Up At 5AM
1. Set Your Intention And Make It Strong
Why are you even trying to wake up at 5 AM?
If it’s just because you feel like you should that motivation will last about three days (maybe).
You need a compelling reason to get yourself out of bed.
Maybe you want to fit in some “me time” before your household gets busy.
Maybe you’re trying to get ahead on work so you can end your day earlier.
Or maybe you just crave some quiet before the world starts buzzing with noise.
Whatever it is, take some time to figure out your personal why.
Write it down, and visualize waking up and doing whatever it is you want to do.
The stronger your reason, the easier it will be to fight the urge to hit snooze when your alarm goes off.
2. Ease Into It Slowly
If you go from waking up at 8am to 5am in a single day, one of two things will happen. Either you’ll fail or wake up feeling grumpy.
Don’t shock your system like this, The smarter way is to ease into it gradually.
Try waking up 15-30 minutes earlier every few days.
If you normally wake up at 8am, start by setting your alarm for 7:30, then 7:00, and so on.
You’re basically training your body to think 5am is a totally normal time to be up. It’ll also make the process less overwhelming.
Patience and slow progress always pay off, don’t ever forget that.

3. Go to Bed Earlier
You can’t expect to be up at 5 AM if you’re still scrolling through Instagram at 1am.
Sorry to break it to you, but getting enough sleep is the key to waking up with the sun (or before it).
You should be aiming for 7-8 hours of rest each night, which means that yes, you will have to hit the hay by 9 or 10 PM.
Not very rockstar, but the trade-off is worth it.
To make winding down early fun for yourself, set up cozy vibes and indulge in night self-care.
Dim the lights, read something feel-good, and have a cup of herbal tea (without caffeine, of course).
A solid nighttime routine is something I personally swear by for waking up on time.
Without it, going to bed just feels like a boring task. So, wrap your day early and make it good.
Your morning self will thank you for it.
4. Make Your Mornings Exciting
Just like a good night routine is key to sleeping on time, a happy morning routine is key to waking at the time of your choice.
If your mornings are something you dread, then of course it will hard to get up at 5am.
But if you have something exciting to wake up to, it’s a whole different story.
Maybe it’s your favorite breakfast, an episode of a show you’re bingeing, or even 10 minutes to watch the sunrise with your coffee.
Whatever it is, give yourself something to look forward to.
Let mornings be your happy place so that you can truly rise and shine!

5. Get Some Tech Help
I don’t know if you know this, but there are some really cool apps and gadgets that can help you wake up earlier.
You can try sunrise alarm clocks that gently wake you up with light (instead of a shrill alarm), or apps that track your sleep cycle and wake you at the perfect moment.
You can use a digital planner on your tablet and use it to sort out those wee hours of the morning.
I have a cute and minimalist planner on my blog too. You can grab you free daily planner here.
Rope in whatever help you deem necessary, but also don’t go overboard.
You don’t need a gadget for every part of your morning routine.
For the most part, it’s the good old discipline and consistency that will make those tech gadgets a success.
6. Avoid The Snooze Button
Snoozing is basically hitting pause on your progress.
The more you hit snooze, the more you confuse your body.
It can be really tempting to squeeze in some extra sleep, but honestly, those extra five minutes of broken sleep do more harm than good.
The solution? Put your alarm across the room so you have to get up to turn it off.
Once you’re off the bed, it isn’t hard to turn in the direction of the bathroom and start freshening up.
Also, don’t forget to set an annoying alarm tone or use a loud shrieking alarm clock that you’ll want to stop ASAP.

7. Prep For Success The Night Before
Make your mornings as easy as you can by setting yourself up the night before.
Lay out your clothes, prep your breakfast, fill your water bottle, and set a to-do list so you don’t wake up feeling lost.
This will reduce decision-making in the morning, which can be hard when you’re still half-asleep.
The fewer barriers between you and your 5 AM glow, the better.
Related post: 9 Important Things To Do Before Bed – Night Routine Checklist
8. Move Your Body
Getting your blood flowing first thing in the morning will wake you right up and give you the energy boost you need to get your system going.
I’m not asking you to do a full workout (at least not initially).
A quick stretch, some light yoga, or a brisk walk is more than enough to shake off your grogginess.
As a bonus reward, you also get a good boost in your mood, which is the main reason why I personally prefer to work out in the morning. It makes my heart so happy!
For a lightweight and quick workout, I recommend Growwithjo on YouTube.
Her morning workouts are super fun and easy to follow, and you won’t dread doing them at all.

9. Stay Consistent In The Beginning
If you’re dead set on becoming a permanent member of the 5am club (my mom is one proud member), then you need to be consistent with this thing in the beginning.
Even on the weekends, you’re better off sticking to your routine than slacking off.
I know, I know. Who wants to wake up at 5 AM on a weekend?
But here’s the thing — Sleeping in on weekends throws you off your rhythm and makes your monday mornings 10 times harder.
And just like that, you find yourself being back to square one.
If you really need to catch up on sleep, take a nap later in the day rather than throwing off your whole schedule by sleeping in.
Once you’ve made a good habit of getting up at 5am, you can afford to sleep in late on your day offs.
But in the beginning, be consistent. It’ll pay off.
10. Be Patient, Please
I’d be lying if I said that I wake up at 5am every freaking day.
It is possible for some people, but I do slip some days, and I don’t mind it much when that happens.
Not every day will be perfect, and that’s okay.
You’re building a life-changing habit here, and that’s gonna take time.
Some mornings you’ll want to throw your alarm out the window, but it’s important to not be hard on yourself when you slip.
It’s also important to not force yourself to adopt an early morning routine if your mind and body don’t cooperate.
No point in setting a daily goal and chasing it if it doesn’t make you happy (remember the first point?).
But those of you who are adamant about achieving this, just keep on trying patiently.
If a night owl like myself can make it happen, you can too, trust me.

The Bottom Line
Waking up at 5 AM isn’t about becoming some super-productive machine (unless you want it to be, of course).
For me, it’s about carving out time for myself, embracing the quiet of the early morning, and starting my day with intention.
It can seem like a challenge in the beginning, I won’t lie.
But once you find your rhythm, you’ll wonder how you ever did mornings any other way.
So, are you ready to give this thing a shot?
Start with tip number 1. Set your intentions, and if you’d like to, share them in the comment box below to create a sense of accountability.
Have fun exploring the magic of early mornings!
Read next: 10 Small Lifestyle Changes That Can Make A Big Different In Your Health
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