This post is all about a beautiful wellness practice called JOMO, the joy of missing out — the best way to get rid of FOMO and find happiness in what’s right for you at this very moment.

Imagine spending a Saturday night cozied up with your favorite book instead of going out simply because everyone else is.
Or maybe you decide to skip the latest social media trend, knowing that it doesn’t align with your values.
These little acts are perfect examples of embracing JOMO, the joy of missing out, a wellness practice that is so beautiful that every human should explore it at least once before they reject it.
In a world where everyone’s chasing the next big thing and flaunting their lives on social media, it’s so easy to feel like you’re missing out.
You get sad at not being invited to parties and not having a big circle of people to hang out with.
You show up at events that you’re not even interested in, and there is a lack of meaningful relationships in your life because you spend your time hanging out with the wrong people.
Other people’s achievements make you feel small, and you find yourself trying to create a life that doesn’t match your vibe at all.
This is what we call FOMO, the fear of missing out.
JOMO, on the other hand, is a lovely antidote to FOMO, and I believe it should be the natural state of being for everyone on this planet.

Let me introduce you to JOMO properly, and explain why it’s rightfully the best wellness trend, and how you can embrace it to live more fully!
What Exactly Is Jomo?
JOMO is all about finding happiness in simplicity, enjoying the present, and reclaiming your time from social pressures.
FOMO feeds anxiety and dissatisfaction by making you feel like you’re never doing enough.
But JOMO allows you to slow down and appreciate the peace that comes with not needing to be everywhere, do everything, or live up to every expectation.
JOMO (the joy of missing out) isn’t about avoiding people or saying no to fun.
Instead, it’s about prioritizing what matters and being mindful of how you spend your time and energy.
The ultimate goal? Learning to find joy and fulfillment in being where you are, doing what you’re doing, and not worrying about what everyone else is up to.
What Makes JOMO The Perfect Wellness Trend?
So many of the hot wellness trends these days are hyping up ‘perfection’. It’s kind of tiring, honestly.
As someone who lives by wellness, I try my best to support trends that are truly good for your mind, body, and soul.
And seriously, JOMO might be the best thing ever to have graced the world of wellness.
It’s a direct response to the burnout that’s caused by all the noise on social media and in our real lives, and I for one, am all about embracing it.
Here’s why you should embrace JOMO:
1. Mental Health Benefits
JOMO encourages slowing down, which helps reduce anxiety, increase mindfulness, and really improves your mental health.
2. Improved Focus
By focusing on fewer activities, we’re less likely to be scattered and more likely to engage deeply in things that truly matter to us.
3. Greater Self-Worth
When we stop comparing ourselves to others, our self-worth becomes intrinsic, not reliant on others’ approval.
4. More Time For Personal Passions
Embracing JOMO frees up time for activities you genuinely enjoy, whether it’s a hobby, reading, cooking, or just relaxing.

Now that we’ve understood the beauty of JOMO, let’s look at all the ways you can practice it in real life to make your life more intentional.
How to Embrace JOMO In Real Life
1. Reframe Your Mindset Around Social Media
Social media can be a major trigger for FOMO.
We’re constantly flooded with updates of parties, trips, and achievements, and the pressure to keep up can be suffocating.
If you’re constantly seeing everyone else’s highlights, it’s easy to feel like your life isn’t as exciting enough.
That’s why you need to rebuild your relationship with social media.
You need to stop treating social media as a necessity, because it was never meant to be that, and make your time online more intentional.
Limit your screen time by setting specific no-phone hours during the day, like the first hour of the morning, your bedtime, and during walks outdoor.
Curate your feed so it inspires and uplifts you rather than making you feel inadequate. You can do this by unfollowing channels and muting other people’s feeds.
Take regular breaks from social media, whether it’s one day a week or a digital detox weekend.
All of this will help you be in charge of your social media life rather than letting it rule you. Less FOMO, more JOMO.

2. Learn The Power Of A Simple No
One of the most liberating parts of JOMO is learning to say no, and that too without guilt.
You don’t need to attend every event, be part of every group chat, or respond to every invite. Not everything that everyone does is going to be your cup of tea.
You also are not obliged to help everyone, especially not at the cost of your mental health.
The people in your life, and even you yourself, really need to understand that.
If you’re someone who finds it really hard to say no, then first start small. Say no to one event a week that doesn’t feel meaningful or energizing to you.
Be polite, but be firm. Say it like, “Thank you for inviting me, but I’m going to pass this time.”
I always use the “if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no” rule for invitations and activities. The only time I break this is when I feel like I am too much in my comfort zone and need to get out.
To embrace JOMO, you need to strike the right balanace between choosing to show up and staying in, and saying no to the wrong things, and yes to the right things is the way to do it.

3. Practice Mindfulness And Grounding Exercises
When you’re constantly rushing around or looking for the next thing, it’s easy to lose touch with the present.
JOMO encourages mindfulness, being fully aware of where you are and what you’re doing.
I’d love to tell you that mindfulness comes to you the moment you realize its importance, but that’s not the case.
In the beginning, some efforts are needed to make mindfulness your state of being.
Start your day mindfully by creating a morning routine that
First and foremost, you should make your mornings more mindful, so that the rest of your day can stay in tune as well.
Create a morning routine that includes rituals like yoga, meditation, journaling, or a few minutes of quiet reflection.
Pause throughout the day by taking mini-breaks. Use this time to breathe deeply, do some light stretching, and make yourself more aware of your surroundings.
I’d also recommend having a night routine that is all about relaxing and does not include any work or phone-scrolling.
Spending time in nature also helps, so make sure to go for walks, picnics, and outdoor meditations, even if it’s just for 5 minutes.

4. Reclaim Your Me-Time With Intentional Scheduling
One of the best parts of JOMO is how it allows you to prioritize activities that align with your values, interests, and goals.
We all know what kind of activities fill us up, but actually indulging in them? It’s a different feat in itself.
Schedule intentional me-time can really help with this.
I mean, since we know this is important, why not treat it as an important task to make sure it actually gets done?
Starting today, start setting aside me-time for yourself. Give at least 30 minutes daily to do something that brings you joy and relaxation.
Block out your downtime in the evening, on weekends, and protect this time from unnecessaery commitments.
Plan activities that you love and enjoy, be it in the form of hobbies, family-time, or self-care rituals.
JOMO is about finding joy in what’s truly meaningful, so fill your schedule with things you love, so that you have meaningful things to do on an everyday basis.
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5. Redefine Success On Your Own Terms
Success looks different for everyone, but it can be very easy to forget what it ‘should’ mean and instead chase success through someone else’s vision.
Embracing JOMO means chasing goals that make you happy instead of striving for achievements based on societal pressures.
So, ask yourself this ‘What kind of success is best for my heart, mind, and soul?’
Reflect on what you value most in the life. Is it quality time with family? Personal growth? Health and wellness? Start defining success based on these priorities.
Next, you need to let go of the need to be perfect.
The constant pursuit of ‘more’ often stems from a belief that we’re never enough, but JOMO encourages us to be kinder to ourselves and celebrate small victories instead of hyping up perfectionism.
Lastly, celebrate your JOMO moments, because they are points of success too!
Whenever you choose to stay in, read a book, or take a solo walk instead of doing what’s expected, recognize it as an act of self-care and growth, and be happy with yourself for making the right choices.
When you broaden your definition of success like this, you’ll find you can be successful every day, and have many reasons to celebrate yourself and your life.

There Is Beauty In Missing Out
At its core, JOMO is a self-care practice.
It involves taking time for yourself, creating boundaries, and doing what feels right rather than what’s socially accepted.
In a world that encourages constant activity and competition, JOMO is your chance to slow down, rediscover what matters, and feel genuinely content with less.
Choosing JOMO means prioritizing your happiness and well-being over the world’s expectations, and that’s something truly worth celebrating.
So, if you’re ready to embrace JOMO, start with small steps—say no when you need to, practice mindfulness, and don’t be afraid to unplug.
You’ll soon find that the joy of missing out isn’t about missing out at all. It’s about finding yourself, and finding peace, right where you are.
Read next: 11 Things To Do On Bad Days To Feel Better
What would be your top two tips for embracing JOMO to someone who has no idea what it means? Let me know in the comment box!
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