Whether you’re a wandering soul or a sorted person, it never hurts to know yourself more. Here are 31 self-discovery questions that will help you reassess your priorities and find out who you are.

Sometimes, I feel like everything that’s going on in the world is meant to confuse the heck out of our poor little souls.
We are chasing list after list in the name of productivity. Our social media feeds are full of feeds we probably don’t even need.
And our free time is either negligible or spent on screens that don’t do much to add to our worth.
So, when someone tells me they don’t know themselves or what to do with their lives, it doesn’t surprise me.
I’ve had points in life where I felt completely clueless too, but my burning desire to know myself better always kept me going.
I have a habit of questioning my thoughts from time to time, and it saved me from making mistakes and wasting time chasing goals I didn’t even want to pursue.
That’s the value of self-discovery. Even though it is an endless pursuit, it rewards you the more you dig into it.
When you understand yourself better, you make sound decisions, pour into the right relationships, and respect yourself more.
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The best thing is, you don’t need to escape to a foreign land to know who you are. Let’s leave that stuff to the rom-com movie directors.
Here are 31 interesting questions you can answer from the comfort of your room to kickstart your self-discovery journey and get to know yourself on a deeper level.
31 Self-Discovery Questions You’ll Love Answering
1. What activities make you lose track of time?
2. What would you do differently if you knew no one would judge you?
3. How do you express your creativity?
4. What is a dream you’ve had since childhood?
5. What are the top three books or movies that have influenced your life?
6. What does your ideal day look like from start to finish?
7. What qualities do you admire most in others?
8. When do you feel most at peace?
9. What is something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?
10. What are your top three priorities in life right now?

11. How do you define true happiness?
12. How often do you listen to your inner voice?
13. What fears are holding you back?
14. How do you show love to others?
15. What personal achievement are you most proud of?
16. What do you need to let go of to move forward?
17. Who in your life has had the most significant impact on you, and why?
18. How do you recharge when you’re feeling drained?
19. What does success mean to you?
20. What’s a decision you made that changed your life?

21. What are your favorite ways to take care of yourself?
22. When do you feel most confident?
23. What are your non-negotiables in relationships?
24. What’s a new skill or hobby you’d like to learn?
25. What’s one thing you would do if you knew you could not fail?
26. How do you define a meaningful life?
27. What does your best self look like to you?
28. What do you want your legacy to be?
29. How do you stay true to yourself during hard times?
30. What impact do you want to have on the world?
31. How do you want to grow in the next year?

So…That Was Fun
It was surprisingly fun writing down those questions and answering them for myself.
If nothing else, this little exercise will definitely amuse and entertain you.
But on a more serious note, there is real worth in such acts of self-exploration.
You might not realize it in the moment, but the wheels in your mind shift when you put important questions in front of it.
The more clarity you gain from your responses, the more you’ll find yourself heading in a direction that aligns with your true self.
It’s okay if you don’t have answers to some of these questions yet. It’ll come to you in its own time.
Keep revisiting this post time and again to see how your answers change over time. It’ll help you more than you realize.
Read next: 11 Ways To Get Your Life Together Starting Now
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