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Plum Healthy Fine’s guide for becoming that girl in 2025 is here! Try these 9 unpopular hacks to embrace your healthiest spirit and start feeling like the lovely goddess that you are!

2024 has been a year of trial and error for me.
I learned some important life lessons, overcame hurdles that held me back from being happy and made some wonderful memories both by myself and with the amazing people in my life.
But one part of my journey that brightly pops out is my quest to become “that girl”.
Many excited women around me were talking about this hot trend, and for good reason, mind you.
The trend encourages women to embrace a more intentional and empowered lifestyle, emphasizing qualities such as self-love, goal-setting, and overall well-being.
I’m usually not big on social media trends, but the appeal of becoming my best self hooked me right in.
From waking up at 5am (no kidding) to buying dumbbells to gain some muscles, I tried everything under the sun to embrace my “that girl” persona.
I thought my interest wouldn’t last long enough, but the more time I spent tweaking my wellness habits and rituals, the more I started enjoying the process of working on myself.
I set out on this journey with a tough love mindset and too many unrealistic expectations but ended up at a spot where all my focus was on loving myself and creating habits that made my soul and body sing.
We will be entering a new year soon, but unlike the rest of the hot online girly trends, “that girl” buzz is here to stay.

In this post, I’ll reveal 10 amazing (and underrated hacks) to become “that girl” in 2025.
There’ll be no talk about pushing yourself beyond your limits or setting any crazy goals.
We’re going to keep these tips realistic, simple, and sweet – all of which have worked wonderfully for yours truly.
Let’s dive in!
10 Ways To Become “That Girl” In 2025
1. Focus On Moving Your Body Over Workouts
Workouts are amazing for keeping the body in shape and feeling strong and invincible, and they’re an important part of “that girl” trend.
But workouts have a major flaw that many of us find hard to escape: you won’t feel like doing them all the time.
Exercising consistently has the power to make you feel at the top of the world, but workout slumps can make you feel just as crappy.
The only way to get past this? Focus more on moving your body naturally, and worry less about exercising every single day.
This is something I practiced at length for the past three months. I did my exercises whenever I could, but most of my body movement came from walks, doing chores, and taking hikes in adventurous spots.
Go ahead and sign up for that gym membership, and buy all those fitness equipment on your New Year wishlist.
But when it comes to staying healthy, prioritize moving your body over workouts.
Pick more chores, ditch the elevator, try outdoor hobbies, and aim to cover 8k-10k steps a day.
Dancing to your favorite songs will burn just as many calories as those pushups that you might dread doing. Just saying.

2. Ditch Dieting In Favor Of Mindful Eating
I understand the need to go on a diet, but after following mindful eating for a full year, it’s the only practice I can vouch for for ultimate wellness.
There are hundreds of diet plans floating around these days. You’d be tempted to try something new every day, and the end result is always loads of frustration and poor gut health.
Instead of blindly following meal plans that you see working for other people, focus on intuitive eating.
Consume food that makes your gut feel good, make mindful choices, and avoid eating things that your body doesn’t react well to.
The beauty of mindful eating is that it doesn’t involve banning any food from your diet.
You learn to focus on your needs rather than your urges, so reaching for the right food at the right time becomes easier.
This didn’t come naturally to me in the beginning. I overindulged and made many wrong choices before finally finding a balance that brought me peace.
Keeping a food journal really helped, along with reading Anita Gibson’s ‘Eating In The Light Of The Moon’.
This book has completely changed the way I look at my body in relationship to food, and is something I’d recommend every woman to read.
It takes time to get your mind on board with mindful eating, but once you get started, you won’t want to go back, I promise.

3. Romanticize Your Life
I used to be dubious at the idea of romanticizing the normal parts of my life.
I thought if I made every moment of my routine interesting, then it’d be harder to appreciate the natural beauty around me. Yeah, doesn’t work like that.
You need to be (and should be!) absolutely free in your efforts to romanticize your life.
When you take the steps to make the ordinary extraordinary, you end up creating a narrative that adds richness and depth to your experiences.
Romanticizing your life isn’t about escaping reality but rather choosing to view it through a lens of positivity and appreciation.
It’s about infusing passion into your daily routine, enjoying the magic of the now, and fostering deeper connections with your favorite things in the world.
With this practice in your toolbox, your goal to be “that girl” will be less intimidating and more fun, which is the whole frigging point of this trend.
Here’s to scented candles, cozy reading sessions, and nice perfumes in 2025. May you fall in love with the act of adding colors to ordinary things in life.
Bookmark now: 30 Classy Yet Affordable Ways To Romanticize Your Life
4. Stick To Healthy Skin And Hair Care Routines
In my teenage years, I neglected my skin and hair as if they weren’t a part of me. No hate for my past self, but I wish I could go back and tell myself to pay more attention to myself.
The moment I stepped into college, I finally allowed myself to breathe and start paying attention to my skin. Well, what you focus on blooms.
My skin and hair are a hundred times healthier than before, and it’s all because I wised up and started prioritizing self-care.
Whether you have naturally glowy skin (I envy you, my friend) or sensitive skin like myself, sticking to a skincare routine will do wonders for your health.
You’ll also find it easier to take charge of your skin and hair troubles, and be more in sync with the changes in your body, something that is a key part of becoming “that girl”.
Here is my basic skincare routine:
- Face wash with salicylic acid cleanser in the morning.
- Moisturizer, followed by sunscreen.
- A nourishing lip balm with SPF.
- Face wash before bed, followed by dermatologist-prescribed creams.
You can see that I don’t use many products, as I believe that when it comes to skincare, less is often best.
If you have acne-prone skin like me, I’d recommend consulting a dermatologist as they’d be able to guide you better. I consult with mine every two months to make sure that I’m doing things right.
The haircare routine that I’m loving these days:
- Apply hair serum (from the brand Minimalist) an hour before shampooing. This product has reduced my hair fall to a great extent.
- Cleanse hair with Tresemme shampoo, followed by L’Oreal conditioner.
- Use dandruff shampoo when needed,
- Apply a hair mask instead of conditioner once a week.
- Wear a heat-protectant serum before turning on the hairdryer.

5. Create A Grounding Morning Habit
If you’ve been watching “that girl” videos for some time, you’d know that morning routines are an insane part of this wellness trend.
But to be honest, I’m not a fan of the unrealistic demand of sticking to a strict morning routine throughout the year. I’ve tried doing that, and trust me, it only leads to disappointment and guilt.
Instead of creating an 11-step morning routine, create just one grounding morning habit that can be a permanent part of your routine.
This could be a 30-minute workout, a yoga routine, going out for walks, or even reading one chapter of a self-help book. Whatever helps you start your day on a good note.
You can build other morning habits around your grounding morning ritual and adjust them according to the changing demands of your routine.
I love switching my morning routines according to the season, but I always, always start my mornings with a cup of coffee, two digestive cookies, and a cozy book.
It helps me slow down and step into the day in a relaxed yet energized state of mind.
Popular on the blog: How To Become A Morning Person And Love It (10 Simple Ways)
6. Learn To Spend Time Alone
I’ve been loving the rise of ‘living alone’ vlogs in the online community. It’s empowering to see women enjoying their own company and being so in tune with their personal needs.
I’m not saying you need to pack up your bags and go live in an apartment. Just build a better connection with yourself by learning to be happy alone.
Make time for hobbies, take yourself on solo dates to the movies or at a cute cafe, read cozy books, spend time in nature, and practice lovely self-care rituals to de-stress and recharge in the quiet of your room.
All those workouts, daily habits, and morning routines that the “that girl” trend is known for will become much more enjoyable once you know how to be by yourself.
Your self-love and confidence will grow as well, which are major bonuses to follow up on this tip.

7. Live By Your Own Definition Of ‘Healthy’
As much as I love the online wellness community and the positive messages it has to give, it can be all too easy to get swept into someone else’s idea of what being healthy looks like.
It’s great if you aspire to be like someone who you consider the prime definition of “that girl”. But your health goals shouldn’t be created at the cost of changing who you are at your core.
We all have different values and needs in life. Your thoughts, body, spirit – all are unique in their being.
It’s unfair to expect yourself to stick to a definition of healthy that doesn’t even make you happy.
It can be hard to shed the body norms and fitness ideas that society has imposed on you, but if you really want to become “that girl” this year, then it needs to happen on your own terms and conditions.
Decide what your ideal healthy self looks like, without any preconceived notions and expectations.
Turn to realistic health influencers for guidance, women who promote body love just as strongly as healthy living and aren’t afraid to speak about their bad days.
Be okay with taking breaks from your routines, and avoid putting pressure on yourself to look or act a certain way.
And just in case anyone’s wondering, for me, being healthy means doing things that make me happy inside out, avoiding food that my gut rejects, and working on my body to feel strong.
8. Make Your Bedtime Screen-Free And Relaxing
What was the last time you went to bed without having looked at your phone?
I know this little digital box is precious to you, but looking at screens before bed isn’t helping your “that girl” mojo.
Many people spend time on their phones at night to make up for a lack of personal time during the day.
It gives them a false sense of relaxation, but scrolling through social media feeds or watching reels is anything but rejuvenating.
Bedtime is supposed to be your hour to unplug from the world and tune within.
This is the worst time of the day to compare yourself to carefully edited Insta pictures or type out a string of messages while fighting sleep.
I won’t ask you to quit social media or do 24-hour digital detoxes, but please, for the love of your beauty sleep, quit using your phone before bed.
Do some meditation, stretch in bed like a cat, journal your thoughts, or read a book to relax your mind. Anything but the sound of tap-tap-tap would be preferable.
This might seem like a cruel punishment in the beginning, but thank me later when bedtime becomes your favorite time of the day. I’ll be waiting.

Ready To Step Into Your “That Girl” Era?
I usually love shedding old routines and building new habits in the new year, but for 2025, I’m choosing to carry forward my “that girl” spirit.
The 8 “that girl” hacks discussed in this post have transformed the way I approach my health, and I believe they’ll help you in your wellness journey as well.
You are already that girl. The only thing left to do is step forward and start acting in ways that can help you claim your best self.
I hope this is the year when you finally get there.
Read next: Ultimate Life Reset Checklist – 30 Tips To Reset Your Life
You just discovered 8 unique “that girl” hacks for 2025. Got any thoughts or tips you’d like to add? Feel free to reach out in the comment box.
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