We all have days when we find ourselves at home, bored out of our minds and just scrolling through our phones, which is such a time waste.
We know there’s a lot that we could be doing, but everything seems too dull and nothing is intriguing enough to pick up.
These days, I’ve been spending a lot of time at home by myself. Not really by choice, but due to some weird circumstances.
And one thing I’ve come to realize is that boredom is never the enemy.
It’s actually a wonderful chance to do something new with your life. Something refreshing, relaxing, or maybe life-changing.
Some cool ideas to pick from would help, which is what this post is all about.

If you’re stuck wondering what to do with your time at home, I’ve got you covered.
Here is a list of unique and fun ideas that’ll make your time at home way more exciting and meaningful:
25 Things To Do When You’re Bored At Home
1. Start a Tiny Challenge
Think of something small and random to test out.
Can you survive a whole day without your phone? How about drinking a gallon of water daily for a week? Or do skincare twice a day for the rest of the month?
You can also do a ‘no complaining’ challenge for 24 hours.
This is such a goodie good way to turn your curiosity into a personal experiment and see what happens.
2. Write a Letter to Your Future Self
Writing a letter to your future self may sound like something a teenager would do as a self-growth challenge, but it’s a beautiful way to connect with yourself in your hours of boredom.
Think about it. You can describe your current life, your struggles, what you love right now, and what you hope for.
And then you can hide the letter somewhere or use an online service to email it to yourself in a year.
This little exercise will leave you feeling a sense of responsibility and also give you hope for the coming time.
3. Invent a New Recipe
Take what you have in your kitchen and make something absurd (but edible).
A cereal sandwich? Pasta with peanut butter? Or the easiest — a smoothie with fruits of your choice.
You might accidentally create something genius. And if you do, share your recipe in the comment box, please!

4. Plan a Fake Vacation
Open a map and pick a destination. Then, plan everything as if you were really going.
Find the best places to stay, activities to do, and local food to try. You can even learn a few words in that country’s language.
It’s a fun way to dream and maybe even manifest a real trip in the future.
5. Binge-Watch an Anime
I am not an anime lover by any means, but when I am super bored at home, it somehow becomes my thing.
I mean, it’s a whole universe of stories, emotions, and stunning visuals. And there are so many anime out there that you can pick from.
Seriously, if you have a scenario for a story in your head (like mafia romance), all you have to do is look up anime for it and you will find results for it.
If you’re looking for something heartwarming, you can try My Neighbor Totoro. For a good laugh, you can try One Punch Man. And for adventure, you can never go wrong with Attack on Titan.
You might even pick up a few Japanese phrases along the way (dattebayo!).
6. Create a Personal Soundtrack for Your Life
Make a playlist with songs that represent different phases of your life.
One for childhood, high school, and that one summer that you’ll never forget.
It would be like scrapbooking but with music!

7. Translate a Random Phrase into 10 Languages
If you’re in the mood for doing something totally random, which can happen when you’re bored out of your mind, then try this:
Pick a funny phrase (like “I love pizza more than life”) and translate it into different languages using Google Translate.
Then, attempt to pronounce them. It’s surprisingly fun and might inspire you to actually start learning a new language.
8. Try a New Handwriting Style
If you always write in print, then write something in cursive.
If your handwriting is always neat, go chaotic with your hand and write a messy journal entry.
Try block letters, tiny letters, or write backward. It’s oddly satisfying and kind of therapeutic, no kidding.
9. Do a “Reverse To-Do List”
Ever heard of a reverse to-do list?
Instead of listing what you need to do in a day, you write down what you’ve already accomplished.
You get to add even the smallest stuff, like making your bed, drinking water, and taking your dog for a happy walk.
It will add new meaning to the word ‘productivity’ and make you appreciate yourself more.

10. Watch Online Reaction Videos
Sometimes, the best way to enjoy something you love is by watching someone else experience it for the first time.
You can find first-watch reactions to a classic movie, a viral song, or a mind-blowing plot twist in a TV series,
You get to relive the excitement and also notice some details you missed before.
It feels like watching with a virtual friend, which is perfect when you’re feeling alone and bored at home.
11. Read a Wikipedia Article on Something You’d Never Think to Learn About
Okay, I know Wikipedia articles are not most people’s favorite thing, but when you do it voluntarily, it becomes quite fun.
Hit ‘random article on Wikipedia and see where it takes you.
You could end up learning about a 16th-century pirate, an extinct species, or the history of an everyday object.
If nothing else, you’ll walk away with a couple of weird new facts.
12. Take a Personality Test You’ve Never Tried
Okay, this one is super fun and something I used to do over and over again as a teenager whenever I was bored at home.
I used to take MBTI test a lot. Here is the link for that if you want to try it.
If you’ve already tried that, then you can take an Enneagram test or go with something fun and weird.
Like, maybe find out what type of sandwich you are, what country matches your soul, or what your aura color says about you.
This is going to be fun and oddly insightful!

13. Design Your Ideal Weekend (And Then Make It Happen)
If you could have the perfect weekend, what would it look like?
Plan it all out in detail—what you’d eat, what you’d wear, what you’d do. Then, actually make it happen when you can.
14. Rearrange Your Furniture
If you’re bored with the setting of your house, then why not spruce things up by rearranging your furniture?
You can move your bed to the other side of the room, switch up your desk, or move around the decor pieces.
It’ll trick your brain into feeling like you’re in a new space without actually leaving home.
15. Do Yoga
You don’t need to be super flexible or own fancy yoga gear to enjoy a good stretch.
Just roll out a mat (or use a soft carpet) and follow a beginner-friendly yoga flow on YouTube.
Try a quick 10-minute session for relaxation, or challenge yourself with a more intense routine.
If you’re feeling sluggish, go for an energizing morning flow. If you’re stressed out, then a slow, deep-stretch yoga session can work wonders.
The best part is that you’ll feel refreshed, more in tune with your body, and way less bored afterward!
Here is my absolute favorite one that I can’t recommend enough:
16. Try to Break a Super Random World Record
Look up some of the easiest (or weirdest) world records and see if you can beat them.
You can try balancing a spoon on your nose, see how many socks you can put on in 30 seconds, or some other weird record.
17. Practice Giving a TED Talk
Pick a topic, anything you love or are insanely passionate about.
Then, pretend you’re giving a full TED Talk to a bunch of people. Go all in by standing up and gesturing dramatically.
What will this do for you?
Well, pass your time, obviously, but it’ll also raise your confidence and stir your thought process, which is quite a productive use of your free time.
18. Learn a Magic Trick
I’ve always been intrigued watching magicians perform on Got Talent shows, and I think we all are. Magic has that kind of effect on everyone.
But you know what’s cooler? Being the one doing the tricks!
YouTube has endless tutorials for simple magic tricks.
Spend some time learning a trick of your choice, then surprise your friends with your magical powers!

19. Make a Digital Vision Board
I am sure you’ve heard of the traditional vision board or maybe even made one.
But ever made a digital board? It’s super easy, fun, and creative. Also, less messy than a real board.
You can make it on Canva with the help of pictures from your Pinterest boards. Fill it up with phrases and images that make you excited for the
Skip the traditional vision board and make a digital one on Pinterest or Canva.
Fill it with things that make you excited for the future and help you manifest your dream life.
You can then print it out and hang it in your room.
20. Go Through Old Photos and Recreate One
This activity is for those who love clicking pictures.
Find a funny or awkward photo of yourself from the past and try to recreate it today.
Same pose, the same facial expression, and maybe even the same outfit if you still have it.
It’ll be really hilarious and nostalgic.
21. Take a Nap in a New Place
One of the best things you can do when bored at home? Sleep, my friend.
I mean, some shuteye is always good for the mind and the body.
But how do you make napping during the day interesting? I do it by picking a new spot to sleep in.
If you always nap in your bed, you can try the couch, the floor, or a different room.
It will make your sleep experience feel completely different.

22. Create a List of Things You Genuinely Want to Try in Life
I am not talking about writing down bucket-list cliches like skydiving, but things that genuinely excite you.
For example, I really want to take a train ride in a snowy landscape, so it’d be the top thing on my list.
Your list could include simple things like learning to do a cartwheel or something major like starting a YouTube channel and monetizing it.
23. Find an Old Hobby You Haven’t Done in Ages
Remember when you used to love drawing, making friendship bracelets, or playing an instrument?
Well, do it again! There seriously could be no better way to slay boredom.
You might just end up connecting back with your hobby and doing it over and over again every day.
Might help: 23 Fulfilling Hobbies For Women To Enjoy Their Free Time
24. Have a Self-Care Session
If it’s been a while since you poured into self-care, then give yourself a cozy session!
Here are some nice things you can do:
- Light some candles
- Put on some soft music
- Put on a face mask
- Give yourself a scalp massage
- Soak your feet in warm water with essential oils
- Do a full-body stretch
- Journal your thoughts
- Sit with a cup of tea
- Take a long bath or shower
A good self-care session will should be indulgent and personal, not like a chore. It’s the best way to turn boredom into relaxation!

25. Do the One Thing You Never Have Time For
You know that book you said you’d read? That closet you said you’d organize? The language you said you’d learn?
Now’s your chance to do one of those things that you always say you don’t have time for.
You can tackle a pending chore, do something growth-oriented, or make it all about entertainment (like watching a romcom).
No More Getting Bored At Home
Next time boredom hits, pick something from this list and just go for it.
You can turn a dull afternoon into something unexpectedly amazing.
Read next: How To Deal With Loneliness – 10 Gentle Ways
What’s the weirdest or most fun thing you’ve ever done when bored at home? Let me know!
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