Struggling to finish your everyday tasks on time? Here are 5 brilliant time management tips that will make you a pro at managing your time without any stress.

Time can be a pretty complex entity to handle.
Its presence is like the sword of Damocles – hanging over your head as you work against the dreaded ticking of the clock.
I don’t know about you, but I am so not a fan of working under pressure. It ruins my performance and turns me into a fluffy stress ball.
The pressure to always ‘be on time’ can be insane.
You have a gazillion tasks to micromanage, and not enough time to get it all done without letting your nerves get the better of you.
But here’s the thing – 24 hours a day might not seem like a big number, but that’s only when you look at it at the surface.
Think about it. 24 times 60 equals 1440, which is the number of minutes you get to live each day.
I could further break down that number into seconds, but I won’t bore you with the math.
My point is that maybe time isn’t the actual problem here. Maybe it’s our approach that’s at fault, which is great because that means we can fix it.
Thankfully, time management is not a tale from some faraway land and is a skill that is very much up for grabs.
And believe it or not, it is easier to master than you might think.
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In this post, we look at 5 time management tips that will simplify your life and make you more organized.
These are the tricks I use every single day to manage my time, and quite frankly, to save myself from going insane.
If time has proven to be a slippery slope for you so far, then read on, because you’re about to learn how to tame this thing for good.
5 Time Management Tips
1. Make Use Of A Daily Planner
We all know the importance of good old planning to structure our time. By planning things in advance, you set yourself up for success.
Thanks to the rise of digital media, there are a ton of ways to schedule your routine (my favorite being Google Calendars.)
But to date, there is nothing that can beat the merits of using a notebook as a daily planner.
The reason is simple – when you write down your routine, your plans take a concrete form. Once a goal has been laid down in ink, you are accountable to finish it on time.
American entrepreneur Jim Rohn once said, “Never begin the day until it is finished on paper.”
I couldn’t agree more. Having tried numerous methods of daily planning, I can safely say that a planner is the best way to go.
You can grab a daily planner online or visit your nearest stationary shop. To make things colorful and interesting, pick a planner that is aesthetically pleasing.
Don’t wait for an auspicious occasion to put your planner to use. The time to get started is now.
Create to-do lists, map out your daily/weekly schedule, and jot down your appointments, chores, and all the pesky little tasks you always forget to do.
Cross off your goals as soon as you finish them – it’s the most satisfying part of using a daily planner.
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2. Spend Your Energy On The Right Things
I learned the hard way that it’s not okay to spend your days prioritizing tasks that mean nothing to you in the long term.
When I was in school, I burned the midnight oil studying for every exam, even the ones that had nothing to do with me getting into a college.
What I should’ve done was carve out a good chunk of time for self-care and building some healthy habits.
You might not believe it, but humans are prone to putting their energies into places that don’t matter.
Take socializing for an example. How many times have you shown up to an event and later regretted it because you got nothing out of it?
Or just as likely, how often have you stayed at home on a weekend night, watching Netflix and getting bored, regretting saying no to a girls’ night out?
Knowing whether you need to show up for something can be a tricky game.
But here’s how I do it – I simply ask myself with a clear mind what I really need at this moment, and then I decided whether or not something is worth my time.
All it takes is some mindfulness and awareness to tune into your inner needs and sync them with your external demands.
The more time you spend doing the right things, the less often you’ll find yourself doing the wrong things.
Here are some simple ways to stop giving attention to tasks that don’t matter:
- Don’t take on more than you can handle.
- Learn to say no when you need to.
- Ditch perfectionism – it’s not worth your time.
- Never put your personal needs on the back burner.
- Avoid reaching for your phone every few minutes.
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3. Focus On One Thing At A Time: The Pomodoro Technique
Lack of focus causes unproductivity and could be a major reason why you struggle with time management.
Working on a task with a complete focus for a few minutes is way better than sitting at your desk for an hour with a stray mind.
I see many people complain about not having enough time, just like I used to in the past when there used to be a gazillion things on my mind.
My simple advice to such people is to avoid multitasking and bring your attention to the task at hand.
If you catch your brain fretting over doing the laundry while you’re cooking yourself a delicious meal, call yourself out right then and there.
Ask yourself – ‘Why am I thinking about the future instead of sticking to the past? And moreover, is worrying about the impending tasks helping me right now?’
This is a mindful way to slow down your thoughts and teach yourself to live in the moment.
What Is The Pomodoro Technique?
If you’re looking to be more productive during work, try using the Pomodoro technique to build focus.
Let’s assume I have to write a blog post. Using the Pomodro technique, I will set a timer for 25 minutes, and write my post till the timer goes off.
This will mark the completion of one Pomodoro.
After a 5-minute break, I’ll again set the timer to 25 minutes, and mark off another Pomodoro, followed by a 5-minute rest.
After completing 4 Pomodoros, you can take a longer break of 20-30 minutes.
This method is hands-down the best way to break down your task into shorter, achievable goals. It helps you avoid procrastination and builds your focus to a fantastic level.
When your utmost attention is on the task at hand, you will get it done in record time and be on your merry way to the next item on your to-do list.
Fun Fact: Pomodoro is the Italian word for tomato. The inventor of this technique, Francesco Cirillo, named it after a kitchen timer that was in the shape of a tomato.

4. Have Clear Intentions Behind Every Task You Do
During a major slump phase in my life, I was struggling to get myself to work.
My routine was all over the place, inspiration was non-existent, and time seemed to be slipping without any structure.
While chewing at the end of a pen cap (gross, I know) and scrolling through my Pinterest feed, I saw a quote that read ‘Set intentions, not resolutions.’
I immediately knew what I was doing wrong. I was setting daily resolutions, which was great and all, but my intentions had no ground to stand on.
‘Study one chapter of Chemistry’ is a resolution. On your good days, you might be able to breeze past it successfully, but that won’t always be the case.
On the other hand, an intention would be something like:
‘The chapter I have to study doesn’t seem that interesting, but I won’t know until I try. I want to understand this subject better. So for the next hour, I’ll give it my best shot.’
See the difference there?
The former approach doesn’t leave much room for you to adjust. It seems concrete and too solid.
But intentions come straight from the heart. They allow you to acknowledge your feelings first and then make a plan accordingly.
To be more intentional with your time, do this – Be clear on how you want to spend your coming hour, and also know the why of it.
Have a conversation with yourself in your head, write down your positive intentions if you want to, and then sit down with a relaxed mind to work on your goal.
Benefits of doing this – Clarity on goals, positive work mindset, no hidden emotions regarding your task (you’ll already know how you feel about it), and a fearless relationship with the concept of time.
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5. Get Rid Of Your Fear Of Time
Okay, folks, here is one of the boldest time management tips I can give you – Let go of your fear of time, for good.
Seriously, I mean it. If you’re constantly worried about running out of time, how will you live freely?
When I was a student, it was easy to fool myself into thinking that I was an expert at managing my time.
I used to be that girl who lived and breathed everything related to the clock. It enabled me to tick off my goals on time but at the cost of my mental health.
I didn’t admit it to myself back then, but here’s a confession five years too late – I was scared of time. Thought I didn’t have enough of it and so I needed to keep working.
But I realized later on that time shouldn’t dictate your routine. It’s your life, so you get to govern the rules, not your table clock.
As I’ve already mentioned, there is no shortage of time.
Your hustle-obsessed brain wants you to believe otherwise, which is why it creates a haze of panic that forces you to rush with time.
If you want to be a pro at managing time, let it flow before you attempt to command it. Respect it, but don’t fear it.
The moment you stop going about your days as if you’re on a constant time crunch, you’ll master the art of managing your time like a boss.
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Manage Your Time Effectively With These Tricks
Anyone can become a pro at managing time, given that they approach it the right way.
The time management tips discussed in this post are insanely effective for anyone who’s struggling to have a stress-free routine.
Start with getting yourself a beautiful planner. Set fresh goals every morning, create your to-do lists, and prioritize your important tasks first.
Make sure you’re putting your energy in the right places and focusing on one thing at a time.
Be intentional regarding all your tasks, and slowly work on ridding yourself of the fear of time.
With enough patience and practice, you’ll master these tips and make your way to a stress-free life.
Got any questions regarding any of these time management tips? Ask your doubts in the comment box, or drop a simple hi. I am always up for a chat with you wonderful people.
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