This wellness menu will help you pick the right wellness ritual for your current mood and make you actually want to indulge in self-care.

Imagine walking into a restaurant and not having a menu to order from. It’d be a confusing and weird experience, right?
The waiter and you’d go back and forth checking what’s available and then you’d need to sort through the mental checklist to see what you actually want.
Well, that’s probably what wellness looks like to your brain when you need to practice it.
There is no shortage of wellness rituals to pick from.
But there is a right time and moment for everything. What works for you today might not work for you tomorrow.
Without a visual checklist to pick from, it can be hard for your brain to be interested in the right wellness activity, which is why we end up not practicing wellness at all when emotions hit us hard.
Rather than forcing wellness on yourself, you need to give yourself options to pick from, and make the act a little more engaging.
That’s why I’ve created a wellness menu.
Full disclosure: The inspiration for this idea didn’t hit me out of nowhere.
I saw a lot of creators making morning menus, and that made me realize that I personally need a wellness menu more. And so this happened.
What Is A Wellness Menu?
A wellness menu is basically a list of self-care activities that are divided into various moods. Like, a normal menu has appetizers, main course, deserts, drinks, etc, right?
Just like that, a wellness menu has activities under different moods like anxiety, stress, sadness, and even joy.
Every day, you might experience at least one of these emotions.
So, when that happens and you need to do something to channel your feelings, you pick up this wellness menu, decide what emotion you’re feeling the most, and pick an activity that sounds appealing.
It’s easy peasy and very fun. You’ll also find a free cute printable for this wellness menu at the end of this post.

Ready? Here it goes:
Your Ultimate Wellness Menu
When you feel anxious:
- Take a short walk
- Listen to a song that grounds you
- Focus on your breaths for 3-5 minutes
- Tune into a short guided meditation
- Journal your thoughts
When you don’t feel good in your body:
- Drink a glass of water
- Do yoga to connect with your body
- Take a shower and dress up comfy and nice
- Practice body-neutral affirmations
- Have a healthy homemade smoothie
- Eat a fruit you like
When you are sad about something:
- Do some journaling
- Talk to someone who gets you
- Get out in nature and just breathe in
- Talk to yourself out loud
- Indulge in a hobby
When you feel overwhelmed:
- Unplug from your screens
- Sit in quiet with your own thoughts
- Do some breathwork
- Write down the top five worries in your head
When you are stressed:
- Do a cardio workout
- Head outside for a long walk
- Declutter your room
- Clean the bathroom
- Take a shower with music on
When you feel happy and nice:
- Read a book
- Watch a TV show or a movie
- Call a friend who loves to talk
- Go out on a solo date
- Light a scented candle
- Have a self-care session (DIY masks, hair wash, nail paint)

So, that was the wellness menu! Hope you enjoy using this (I certainly do).
See you in the next post!
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