Ready to meet a happier version of yourself? One month is all you would need. Take this 30-day happiness challenge, and say hello to a better life.

When I entered my late teens, the concept of happiness slowly started becoming vague. There would be moments of joy, but I could never seem to hold on to it.
Some time ago, I realized what has been missing all along.
As we grow up, we lose connection with our child-like nature and undermine the value of little things in life for happiness.
Just observe a child, and you’d see what I’m talking about.
They are always finding ways to stay entertained. Everything is a source of wonder, and nothing is colorless to them.
What if I told you that this marvelous ability to be in a blissful state is still very much alive in you? I know it’s true because I’ve been tapping into it a lot lately.
And because I love shouting about every little self-discovery I make, I wanted to share this with you.
How To Get Happy In 30 Days
I hope you’re ready for this because we’re going on a joy ride in the form of a 30-day happiness challenge!
Oh, you’re going to have so much fun with this one.
Excited to elevate your joy level? Pin the post to hold on to this challenge!

For the coming 30 days, you have to cross off the given tasks in the assigned order.
Task number 1 needs to be done on day 1, task 2 on day 2, and so on.
The whole point of this one-month challenge is to help you find some healthy and quick ways to access happiness.
So, take special note of the tasks that make you super happy, and do them more often in your routine.
If you’re ready to meet a better version of yourself, read on. I am rooting for you to be your happiest self. 😀
30-Day Happiness Challenge
1. Gift Yourself A Flower
Kickstart your happiness challenge by giving yourself a pretty flower.
Go to your nearest florist and pick a single flower for yourself. A simple yellow thingie picked from the sidewalk would work too. 🌼
Carry it with you for the rest of the day, and later store it between the pages of your favorite book.
For those of you who don’t like plucking flowers, spend some time with a blooming plant. It’s just as effective.
2. Smile Every Time You Face The Mirror
What was the last time you smiled at yourself in the mirror? I bet you can’t remember.
But no worries, because the second day of this challenge requires you to do this activity on repeat.
Every time you look into the mirror, give it your most real and authentic smile because the person looking back at you deserves nothing less.
A Mindful Post: 15 Easy Ways To Simplify Your Life
3. List 5 Things You Like About Yourself
We don’t compliment ourselves enough, but it’s something that can be really fulfilling to our self-worth.
Pick a piece of paper, or create a fresh journal entry, and make a list of 5 things that you really like about yourself.
Here, I’ll go first – ‘I love my ability to enjoy my own company to the fullest.’
Okay, that wasn’t hard at all, and I instantly feel happier. Now, it’s your turn. And remember – you need to mention 5!
Anything less is not acceptable, sorry. 😛
4. Do 10-Minute Yoga
Hope you’re in the mood to bust some stress and make space for the first mindful activity in this list. We are going to do some yoga!
I realize that doing any form of movement is draining on the first day, so this is just going to be a 10-minute exercise.
I have some personal favorite short yoga exercises, but this is your challenge, so you get to pick.
Type ’10 minute yoga’ in the youtube search bar, and then scroll down to pick something that appeals to you. Thank me later for making you do this.
Also, if you want to extend your session, try this 35-minute pure joy yoga. It’s an all-time favorite of mine.
5. Create A Happy Playlist
Music is a type of self-therapy that you can mold according to your needs. It literally caters to every emotion that humans are capable of feeling.
For the fifth day though, we are going to create a happy playlist.
Think of the songs that make you happy and add them to a new playlist. Even 3-4 songs are enough to get started. You can add more later afterward.
Also, have fun giving your playlist a quirky and joyful name. Mine is called ‘I want it all,’ named after my favorite happy song.

6. Head Out For A Mindful Walk
Walking as a part of your commute is different than taking a mindful walk. The former is a necessity, while the latter is a habit that makes both your mind and body happy.
Introduce yourself to the habit of regular walks by heading outside for a stroll in your neighborhood.
Plug in some music as you observe your surroundings, or simply tune in to the sounds around you.
Be in touch with your feelings as you move, and take note of the sights that make you happy. Be grateful for nature embracing your footsteps, and enjoy your solo walk.
Related: 5 Wellness Hacks I Wish I’d Learned Sooner
7. Compliment 3 Loved-Ones
Who are the three people in your life who make you happy? It’s time to share some love with them.
Call or text these people, and show your gratitude for their presence in your life. Give them a random compliment that you really mean from your heart.
Here are some simple yet impactful words you can use:
- You are the strongest person I know.
- I don’t know what I’d do without you.
- Thank you for existing. I love you a lot.
Always remember that the more happiness you spread, the more it magnifies for you too.
8. A Few Minutes Of Star-Gazing
We have a night activity in store for us on the eighth day. It’s your moment to spend some time with the stars!
If you have access to a roof, then go up after 9 pm and do some stargazing. Or else go out of your house and watch from the road. A clear view from your window is fine too.
If you feel curious, look up some constellations on your phone, and try to recognize at least one.
9. Write Positive Affirmations
Affirmations are powerful words that you can use to re-affirm some beautiful truths to yourself. They are amazing for seeking positivity from your inner self and gaining strength and resilience.
But best of all, a short session of writing affirmations can fill you with true happiness that stays with you all the long.
So, write down some good affirmations in your journal, or on a piece of paper that you can carry in your pocket.
Here are some power-packed affirmations that you can use to finish this part of your challenge:
- 121 Affirmations For Mental Strength And Fearlessness
- 101 Self-Love And Healing Affirmations
- 120 Positive Health Affirmations
10. Buy Yourself A Present
Congrats! You’ve made it to the tenth day of this challenge. Time to reward yourself by buying something from your wishlist.
It doesn’t have to be something huge. I gave myself a set of colored pens the other day and am having a blast using them in my journals.
You can get yourself a tiny perfume bottle, a pretty water bottle, or your favorite chocolates.
And hey, if that single flower from day 1 has left you craving for more, you can always get yourself a colorful bouquet.
It’ll brighten up your room and keep you inspired to finish off this challenge strong. 💐

11. Order Your Favorite Beverage
I usually stick to my daily cups of green tea; it makes my gut really happy.
But on days when I’m looking to be extra happy, I don’t hesitate to order a blueberry shake.
What’s your choice of beverage? Is it something chocolaty? A coffee-rich glass of goodness? Or is it a fruity blend of creaminess?
Decide, and order a glass for yourself.
Read: 21 Ways To Lift Yourself When You’re Feeling Low
12. Hug Someone
I’m keeping this one short, simple, and sweet. Your task for the day is to give someone a big hug.
It could be your roommate, a friend, your parents, or a sibling.
Just don’t let the moment be fleeting. Instead, hold on to them for a few seconds.
And make sure to smile wide as you present them with this gesture of love. I’m sure they’ll really appreciate it.
13. Exercise
Your mind, body, and soul are interconnected. Appease any one of them, and you’ll find your happy spot.
For the thirteenth day of the 30-day happiness challenge, hit the yoga mat for a workout session. How long you choose to work out is totally your choice.
If home exercise doesn’t work for you, go outside for a jog. You’ll move, sweat yourself out, and come back feeling strong.
Stuck in a physical rut? Read: 8 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Workout
14. Indulge In A Hobby
What are some of your best hobbies? I know mine are writing, reading, listening to music, and playing the ukulele.
I try to do some of these activities every other day. They help me stay connected to my inner self, keep my stress at bay, and also help me in focus-building.
Pick an old hobby that you haven’t indulged in a while, and spend some time practicing it.
If possible, make this a regular habit. As I said already, it’s good for your overall well-being.
You Might Like: 10 Insanely Simple Daily Habits To Improve Your Life
15. Take A Break From Social Media
Let’s start off the third week of this challenge with something small but powerful. I am going to ask you to go on a social media detox.
There might be several reasons why you are on various social media channels, but it cannot be denied that they come with their own demerits.
Taking regular breaks from your favorite social media network can help you slow down your thoughts, and become more mindful in your day-to-day life.
Best of all, I’ve found that I’m comparatively happier on days when I don’t open any social media apps.
Don’t trust me? Get past this day of your challenge, and you’ll know what I’m talking about.

16. Greet The Rising Sun
To cross this stage of your 30-day happiness challenge, you’ll need to become a morning person for one day.
Wake up early, drink a glass of warm water, and go out in nature to say hello to the rising sun.
This morning activity will boost your spirit, fill you with positivity, and act as a refresh button for your body’s wellness.
You’ll also carry the happy vibes from the morning sunrays for the rest of the day.
17. Create A Gratitude List
Gratitude and contentment are directly proportional to each other, and both of these things together form the basis of a happy life.
Make a list of all the things that you feel grateful for today.
It might include names of people, your beloved possessions, and some of your favorite things from nature.
Be thankful for each item, and feel its importance in your heart while you’re writing about it.
18. Dance To An Upbeat Song
Taylor Swift has taught me that fretting is no good for your health. You should instead just shake. it. off.
Pick an upbeat song, and dance your heart out to its rhythm. Give yourself permission to be awkward, energetic, and self-entertaining.
Dancing is awesome to burn off some calories and get rid of your pesky worries. And of course, happiness is always guaranteed.
Important: 5 Things You Can Do To Stop Being Sad
19. Have A Mini Self-Care Session
Self-care is a button you can press anytime for instant joy. It’s quick, effective, and can be done from the comfort of your room.
Organize a short self-care session for yourself at a suitable time.
Take a bath, pamper your skin, journal your thoughts, paint your nails, or try different outfits from your wardrobe.
For more ideas, check out: 101 Quick 5-Minute Self-Care Activities
20. Put Up A Smiley Face On Your Cupboard
Here’s a super simple task for you.
Draw a cute smiley on a piece of paper, and stick it to your cupboard, or anywhere in the room that’s in direct line of your vision from your bed.
It’ll act as a 20-day checkpoint of your 30-day happiness challenge, and give you a well-deserved sense of achievement.

21. Eat A Juicy Fruit
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but most importantly, it makes your gut super healthy.
Your body thrives on the goodness of healthy food, so let’s give it a reason to rejoice today.
Eat a juicy fruit, and take your time munching on it. It can be orange, grapes, watermelon, or any fruit available in your refrigerator.
Related Post: 8 Healthy Food Habits For A Great Life
22. Create Something
There is something magical in the power of creation. It makes you feel unique, special, and proud of your skills.
Go back to your childhood, and put your creative skills to use as an adult.
Create a collage, a DIY photo frame, or draw something unique. It honestly doesn’t matter what it is, as long as you enjoy the act of it.
Let your fun spirit guide you into picking something suitable, and put your creation on a proud display in your room.
23. Watch Funny Videos
There is so much fun content around the world, and you have access to it at your fingertips. So, let’s make use of this advantage.
Binge-watch some funny videos on youtube. Discover new stand-up acts, or re-watch some of your old favorite clips.
If you have a favorite sitcom, watch that, and laugh your heart out to the characters being their usual silly selves.
One of my favorites from the blog: 21 Habits Of People Who Are Always Happy
24. Cook For Someone
Think you have terrible cooking skills, and might end up burning the kitchen down?
Doesn’t matter, because I’m in the same boat, but I manage to pull it off every weekend!
My brother is a foodie, so I like cooking for him. It’s very satisfying watching him enjoy my food, and I’d love for you to experience this too.
Invite a friend over, or cook for a sibling. Now, this person could even be you! Because honestly, who better to pick for a treat than yourself?
25. Meditation Day
Let’s unwind our jumbled thoughts, and meditate for a few minutes today.
Pick a quiet spot, sit in a relaxed position, and close your eyes.
Inhale for three counts, hold for three, and exhale for three. If you’d like to, experiment with different time periods.
Be in proper control of your breathing; it’s a simple yet highly effective way to get started with meditation.

26. Clean Your Room
I wasn’t a fan of cleaning earlier but then got myself to love the act. It’s a perfect way to get rid of stress, plus you end up with speck-free surroundings!
Blast some music, and get to work on cleaning your room. Declutter your desk, organize your shelves and re-arrange the clothes in your wardrobe.
Clean the dust off every surface, and later take a shower to celebrate your small win.
A Super-Helpful Post: How To Create A Productive Afternoon Routine
27. Pick Up A New Skill
You can never have enough skills in your list of abilities. They are essential for personal growth and success.
But their importance skyrockets when they match your interests and make you truly happy.
What’s the one thing you’ve always wanted to work on? A new language, public speaking, or maybe cooking? Today is the day you get started with it.
I started learning Turkish as a part of my personal program, and it’s been a valuable experience so far.
So, I definitely recommend you to not skip this part of your challenge, and take it seriously.
28. Have A Relaxing Evening
You’re so close to the finish line now! You deserve all the love and care in the world for being so eager to pursue true happiness.
Reward yourself by relaxing in the evening.
Turn into a couch potato, flick through the channels on your television, and eat your favorite food. Take a bath or skip it.
Basically, allow yourself to just be, and let go of all your worries and burdens.
Ideally, this is the state of mind we all should aim to have at the end of every day.
Read: How To Create An Evening Routine – 8 Things To Do After 6 PM
29. Invest In A Journal
On the second last day of your 30-day happiness challenge, you are going to buy a cute little journal for yourself.
If you’re not someone who keeps a regular journal, this is your chance to finally get started.
And if you are a lover of all things journals and stationaries, then I’m sure you’ll love adding a fresh piece to your collection.
This journal is going to be dedicated to self-love, healing, and mental strength. Let’s call it your ‘self-love’ journal.
Don’t write anything in it yet. We’re saving the best for the last.
Related: 21 Productive Empty Notebook Ideas
30. Write A Self-Love Entry In Your New Journal
Remember that journal I made you buy yesterday? Yeah, we’re going to put it to good use now.
Let’s end this challenge on a strong and powerful note, and adopt a life-changing habit of happiness.
Unlock your self-love journal by creating a heartfelt note for yourself. Be authentic, real, and open about your emotions.
Self-kindness is the key to maintaining a journal. So, stick to that, and be proud of yourself for completing your 30-day happiness challenge.
Because believe me, I am proud of you too.

Complete This 30-Day Happiness Challenge For True Joy
I always say that happiness is a choice that every person is capable of making. It’s the most powerful emotion out there, and it really is yours for the taking, if you decide to do so.
And the fact that you’ve made it this far down the post is a sign of your willpower. You really are in true pursuit of happiness, and it doesn’t have to be a struggle.
Take this 30-day happiness challenge, take it one day at a time, and finish it off strong and happy.
One question before you leave – What random act of happiness would you suggest I try? Leave your answer in the comment box. I’d love to hear from you.

Stop at a coffee/tea shop/bakery and when paying for your order, either pay for the person behind you or pay a set amount to discount their order…even by $5 or $2, whatever is affordable to you. You will brighten someone else’s day and see how this changes your day!
Hi, Kelly. That sounds wonderful! Small acts of kindness like these can go a long way to making you happier. Makes you realize your power to make a difference to someone else’s life, even if it’s just for a day. I’ll remember to do this the next time I’m at the bakery. Thank you!
Put on your favorite song and dance in front of a mirror.
Nice one! It sure feels good to look at the mirror while you’re being free and happy. Thank you for your lovely idea.