Doubting your choice to be single at the moment? Here are some underrated benefits of being single that will convince you to own your singlehood like a boss.

Everything You’ll Find In This Post:
- Psychology Of Being Single
- 10 Reasons To Stay Single
- Health Benefits Of Being Single
- Benefits Of Being Single In Your 20s
Let’s face it, ladies. The struggle of being single is real.
When all your friends are going out on fun dates, getting proposed to, walking down the aisle, or having adorable babies, it can be hard not to question your singlehood.
I mean, being in love is pretty wonderful, right?
But you know what’s highly underrated, but just as beautiful as being in a loving relationship?
Dating yourself!
And yes, something like this does exist, and in layman’s terms, we call be being single.
Psychology Of Being Single
People who are single by choice might be the most aware people on this planet.
They are in tune with their current demands and aren’t hesitant to build their plans accordingly, even if that means putting off the idea of being romantically involved with someone.
I have always admired such people because they know how to respect their inner self’s demands.
They don’t bend to society’s pressure to be in a relationship. Instead, they rely on their gut to know it’s something they don’t need at the moment.
Being Single Isn’t Something To Be Shy About
There is nothing wrong with wanting to have your space all for yourself; I mean, it is your space, isn’t it?
Just to be clear, I totally dig the sight of a wonderful couple holding hands in the street. I know love is a magical force and I also realize its importance in one’s life.
But seeing as how I am a happy single woman at the moment, I am feeling the need to send out some powerful messages to other females who are in the same boat.
This post is going to be all about the blissful benefits of being single that we don’t talk about enough (but totally need to.)
Let’s get right to it!
1. You Have Better Control Over Your Emotions
I am going to call it as it is – Being in a relationship can be messy.
When you’re putting your heart at risk, your emotions are bound to get twisted. If you hit jackpot with your partner, then everything is fine and beautiful.
But if you’re on the wrong boat, then ouch! It’s heartbreak all over the deck with nobody but you to clean the mess.
Not to mention being in a relationship requires a lot of emotional input on your behalf. This is definitely not something you’d find single people complaining about.
When it’s just you holding your own hand, you have an easier time controlling your emotions.
There is no risk of running into heartbreak, and no tears you need to spend over arguments that suck at your feelings.
In simple words, you are the boss of your emotions (please give yourself a self-five on my behalf.)
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2. You Can Focus On Your Career
I am not saying that being in a relationship slows down your career growth. I know many married women who are so successful that I pull out a notepad when I’m talking to them.
But honestly, there are also certain people who work better when they’re single.
When you’re at the building phase of your career, it’s better if you can keep your focus undivided. And as we’ve already established, a relationship demands to be prioritized (and rightly so.)
So, it’s okay if you want to put your career first right now. It’s a sensible and wise thing to do, and your future self will thank you for it. 💝
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3. There Is No One You Need To Answer To
It’s normal for romantic partners to be interested in each other’s activities. In fact, it’s something that depicts concern, genuine interest, and a fair amount of protectiveness.
And while all that can be cute and lovely, it can also be a nuisance at times.
Where were you this afternoon? I thought we agreed we don’t like that guy? And are you seriously wasting time with this again?
Um, too many questions, and you might not always be in the mood to answer them.
But as a single person, this isn’t something you’d need to worry about. You can go anywhere, meet anyone, and plan anything without having to explain your decisions to anyone.
In other words, you are free to make small to big-scale choices to your heart’s content.
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4. Your Personal Growth Is Not Influenced
Okay, this one is interesting, so hear me out. I think the way you grow when you’re in a relationship is different than how you would as a single.
When you’re dating, it’s not just you anymore. Both you and your partner grow alongside each other.
The way you see life, your expectations of yourself, and your dreams entwine.
Certain forces and changes are in play that make this coupling happen. Amidst this, it can be hard to maintain your voice.
I love everything that makes me grow on my own, which is why I believe being single is best if you haven’t quite figured out your life’s direction yet.
It’s better to grow first and then join someone midway, rather than getting sidetracked from the path that’s meant to be yours.
5. You Have More Time To Yourself
Relationships are time taking, which means it’s inevitable that you’ll have fewer hours to spare for yourself.
When you’re not seeing anyone, it’s easier to divert all your energy and attention to yourself.
You can make self-care a priority, nurture your mental health, and simply enjoy spending leisure time with yourself.
Your weekends can be reserved for a spa day, or you can head out to a cafe by yourself to read in quiet.
It might not seem the best of the perks of being single, but ask anyone who’s one-half of a couple, and they’d tell you this really is a privilege.
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6. You Are Free To Explore Your Romantic Options
I am all about being a one-partner gal, but it’s also a little freeing to have the option to explore the romance field.
When you’re not exclusive with someone, you are free to appreciate the qualities of someone you see in passing. Whereas being in a relationship might make you feel guilty about doing so.
You can go on cute one-evening dates, have nice flirty conversations and still return home as a single.
There is something comforting about knowing you won’t miss out on good romantic prospects. This also makes you emotionally mature.
When you do get into a serious relationship with someone, you’d be experienced enough to know how to glide smoothly through the messy phases.
Also, your special someone might be just around the corner, and let’s just say, it’d be a heck of more convenient for both of you if you’re single when you find him.
7. Saving Money Becomes Easier
This might seem like an odd perk to add to this list, but haven’t you heard, ladies? Dating isn’t cheap.
I’ve heard my female friends complain that their money drains at the speed of leaked gas when they’re in a committed relationship.
There are birthday gifts to be exchanged, monthly and yearly, and daily anniversaries to be celebrated, not to forget about the many dates you’ll be going out on.
And I don’t know about you, but I am more than okay with saving myself all that cash and spending it on myself instead.
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8. You Become Self-Dependent
It is no secret that love partners depend on each other for a lot of things. A lot of it is normal and expected, while some of it can be unhealthy on certain levels.
As a single woman, you depend on yourself to fulfill your basic needs. Any desires you have are also yours to be taken care of.
Your self-dependent nature isn’t a sign of rigidity; even though some people might make you feel otherwise.
It just means you realize the true importance of being self-sufficient, and that you don’t need a man to handle your life for you.
Your self-dependent nature will also form a strong foundation for your future relationship, which is the best favor you can do for your love life. 🌺
Highly recommended: 10 Self-Love Habits Every Woman Needs For A Strong Life
9. You Have Stronger Friendships
Is it just me, or do you agree that being in a relationship makes you lose touch with your friends? I mean, loving someone and living up to it is no joke.
You are investing in a person, hoping to build a future together, so it’s no surprise you lose some things in the process. You might end up putting all your time and energy at stake, and sometimes, even your friendships.
That’s why I am grateful to be able to give time to my close people, a task that would be difficult if I wasn’t single.
So, don’t get worked up about not having a love life; you have other relations to focus on.
Meet new people, expand your social circle, and focus on strengthening your friendships. It’s a great time to love without being in love.
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10. It’s Easier To Build Firm Mental Boundaries
Having a partner is like sharing your brain with someone.
Sounds spooky, I know, but that’s what relationships are like. It can be hard to maintain your individualism, let alone have a mental space that’s all yours.
That’s why I firmly believe every woman should build strong mental boundaries that nobody is allowed to pass.
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You need this to protect yourself from being hurt, disrespected, or mistreated by the world.
And since creating this sacred mental space is a slow and personal process, you need to do this when you’re single.
Honestly, this might be the strongest perk of being single I can think of, and I highly recommend you get to working on it as soon as possible.
Health Benefits Of Being Single
I feel like health is yet another aspect that we don’t talk about when discussing a person’s relationship status.
Say what you might, but your body grows differently depending on whether you’re single or in a relationship.
It makes sense if you consider the differences in your habits and routine in the two scenarios.
While I’m sure there are some health benefits of having a lovely partner in your life, I just love the simplicity of body care as a single woman.
Here are some cool health benefits of being single.
1. You Sleep Better
When your heart’s involved in a romantic whirlwind, there are bound to be sleepless nights.
Arguments, overthinking, stressing, fighting, and making up are all normal parts of a relationship. But honestly, they suck for your sleep.
Conversations with my female friends have revealed they sleep soundly when they’re not in the dating game, and I agree wholeheartedly.
After all, it’s hard to lose sleep over a partner who you haven’t met yet, right? 😳
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2. You Have Healthier Eating Habits
Raise your hand if your appetite has ever been affected by relationship troubles in the past.
I’ve binged eaten my way out of heartbreak (only to fall back right in), indulged in emotional eating, and also been plagued by a severe loss of appetite.
That’s why I now take pride in building healthy eating habits to nourish my body with all the good food that it deserves.
3. You Have Time To Focus On Your Body
Also, it’s hard to resist the habit of seeing yourself through your partner’s eyes, which makes it hard to be the boss of your body image.
That’s why I love that as a single woman, my reasons for wanting to be healthy are all about me.
There is more time to exercise, stay on a good health routine, enjoy your food, and focus on your overall wellness.
So, if you’re single, be happy for having the privilege to take better care of your health. You’re doing great! 💃
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Benefits Of Being Single In Your 20s
I feel like there is hype around dating in your 20s. It’s like the moment you cross your teen years, you’re expected to just be with someone.
I get the appeal. Your 20s are amazing years to feel alive and explore your romantic side to your heart’s content.
It’s also a great time to learn the ropes of dating and control your emotions concerning a partner.
But if by choice or because of a lack of matching prospects, you are single in your 20s, I would love to tell you why it’s actually a really good thing.
Here are some solid and cool benefits of being single in your 20s:
1. Less Risk Of Heartbreak
If you’re single in your 20s, then you’re at a lower risk of getting your heart broken by picking the wrong guy.
This might seem like a stupid perk, but trust me, it saves you the trouble of wasting your time and emotions in the wrong place.
So, it’s okay to take your time exploring your inner self. This will actually come in handy later.
The older you get, the better your hunch regarding people gets.
So, eventually, when you do jump back into the dating game, you’ll actually know what you’re doing, which will reduce your number of heartbreaks.
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2. Time To Reflect And Grow
Your 20s are precious because this is the time for you to make mistakes, learn, and grow.
You might have college to attend, jobs to apply to, an office to manage, or a small-scale business idea you want to dive into.
This is the period when you can do all these things, and allow yourself to make mistakes. While being in a relationship might not be a hindrance to your goals, it can be distracting.
So, till the time you’re single, give yourself the freedom to take risks. Take life-changing decisions, allow space for growth, and don’t let your FOMO on love hold you back.
Love will find you in its time, but your 20s won’t be back. So, exploit these years to unleash your full potential.
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3. You Can Travel All You Want
Your 20s are the best time for you to go on solo trips. Any journeys you take by yourself with reveal a ton of things to you.
Some places will surprise you, a few might open your eyes to massive revelations, and you’ll get to see some sights that will leave you speechless.
Solo traveling really can be life-changing, and it’s a perk that only single people can enjoy.
You’ll have plenty of opportunities to travel with your future partner. But right now, it’s your time to be a lone explorer and find your true calling.
There Are Some Awesome Benefits Of Being A Single Woman
I think at this point, you’d agree that being single is underrated.
If you’re single, you are the one in charge of your emotions, which is inarguably a good thing.
You also have time to focus on yourself and your career. Any positive growth you undergo is all your doing, and you have the bliss of not having to answer to anyone.
You have the green light to explore your romantic interests, save money, and be self-dependent.
Your friendships remain strong, and you have a solid time building healthy mental boundaries.
So that was a pretty strong defense for the perks of being single. Now I want to hear from you!
What is the one thing you love the most about being single? Drop a comment in the box down below. I’d love to chat. 🙂
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Wow amazing post! I agree with you so much about being single! Im single by choice for many years now and loving it! I can spend my day doing what i love the most. Im way more happy today than i was before!
I am so happy to know that! It’s always great to meet women who enjoy their singlehood. Shows deep appreciation of the feminine spirit and its wholesome nature.
Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience. Love your energy xx
This is a great way to look at it! So many people are afraid of being alone but you make it sound exciting and healthy!
I know, right. The fear of being single and alone is real and understandable. But if we can take a positive spin on it, it becomes super easy to see what a great opportunity it can be.
I am glad you found the tips exciting. Thank you for your comment.
You definitely speak the truth on these points! I know too many women who have never lived on their own and therefore never had to figure out how to take care of problems around the house, or their finances. Then when they get divorced or become widowed, they are truly lost. I take pride in the fact that I can handle situations that come my way!
Some hard truth right there. I feel like our society conditions us to believe that it’s okay to rely on a man to look after our basic needs. I admit there is a certain appeal to the idea being taken care of. But it’s so important to draw a line there, something you can only learn if you allow yourself to be fully independent as a single woman first.
And I can’t express how proud it makes me of the female spirit when I listen to women like you, Maureen. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic.
This is a great post! I think so many women think they need a relationship to be happy. But the relationship we build with ourselves is the most important to build first. In my experience, your 20s is the greatest time for this! Thanks for encouraging other women to think about this.
So true, Danielle. The more time you spend with yourself, the better you handle a relationship when it comes your way. That’s why your singlehood is the best time to gear up for whatever is yet to come, whether it’s a good partner or a life full of wonderful opportunities.
And I agree that your 20s are best for this.
Thank you for your lovely comment.
Such a great article! I agree with so much of what you said. I was single my entire 20s and half of my 30s, got married when I was 37. I think it’s so important to focus on yourself and embrace your season of singleness, especially if you desire marriage. There is so much to be learn about life and about yourself that is easiest when you are single.
Sounds like you’ve been living a great life so far! It’s so inspiring to hear of women doing the right things that fulfill the calling of their souls. I look forward to being able to do that. And you’re so right – Women who want to build a good marriage first need to master the art of living a single life. It just makes the journey that’s yet to come very beautiful and empowering.
Loved your thoughts, Amanda. Thank you.
This is the most informative guide I’ve read in a while. As a person struggling to move on from a relationship, you’ve opened my eyes to the positive side of it. Thank you!
Hey, there, Samuel. I know how hard it can be to move on from a relationship, but I feel satisfied to know the post helped you see the other side of it. Thank you for your encouraging words. They mean a lot. Sending loads of good vibes your way!