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In this post, you’ll discover 21 good habits for your mental health that are simple yet highly effective. Start slow and build your way up to the ultimate state of happiness.

Five years ago, I was facing a life crisis, and in my mind, I’d declared myself to be the weakest person I knew.
Lord knows why or how I reached that conclusion, but I just knew I wasn’t mentally strong, and I’d accepted that as my reality.
Then one day, someone said this to me:
“You ever tried focusing on your breaths? It’s the solution to all your problems in the world. From fitness to career to relationships, breathing deeply can change the game for you.”
I didn’t believe it, of course, but later that night, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. It felt good, so I did it again.
And guess what? All of a sudden, I was better, and in those few moments, everything in the world was right again.
I realized two things that day – a) I was not weak at all (nobody is), and b) One tiny habit can lead to a drastic improvement in your mental health.
You Need Good Habits To Nurture Your Mind
In my quest for wellness, I’ve come to realize that we all possess inner strength and resilience.
But we need good habits and practices (like breathing) to bring our strength to the surface.
For the last few years, my life has been all about building habits and training myself to change my reality, and I want to use this blog to share these habits with you.

If you’ve been putting your mental health on the backbench, it’s high time to prioritize it.
Nothing in life matters much if your mind is not in a good place, which is why mental health habits need to be a part of your daily routine.
21 Good Habits For Better Mental Health
These are the 21 good habits for mental health that I swear by for a happy life. They are easy to adopt and will keep you stress-free all day long.
Read on for some good mental health tips for your everyday life.
1. Wake Up At The Same Time
Your mind loves consistent habits and routines. The more consistent you are with your habits, the more grounded your mind will be.
Your wake-up time is one of those things in your routine that should be consistent. By waking up at the same time every day, you will create balance in your routine life.
This will also regulate your sleep schedule and make your bedtime consistent. You will remain focused, productive, and energized all day long.
Your mood will improve significantly, as will your emotional well-being.
Related Post: 11 Brilliant Morning Habits That Will Change Your Life

2. Keep A Journal
Your everyday thoughts, feelings, and emotions can cause stress when left unattended. Your brain has stuff that needs to be let out regularly, and that’s why you should keep a journal.
Journaling is the simplest way to communicate with yourself and sort out your mind. It lets you declutter your mind and discover hidden parts of your inner being.
A person who journals regularly finds it easier to create happiness and control their emotions.
If you want to make your mind feel heard and understood, gift yourself a journal and start pouring your thoughts on it every night before bed.
With a journal as your companion, you’ll never feel alone.
You might need: 45 Journal Prompts For Personal Growth – Discover Your Best Self
3. Meditate For A Few Minutes Each Day
Sometimes, all you need to make your brain happier is to put it on silent mode for a few minutes, which is what meditation does.
Meditation involves bringing your awareness to the present moment by focusing on your breaths, an object, or your bodily sensations.
It silences all your thoughts, giving your mind a much-needed break from being active all the time. This beautiful habit is hailed for its healing tendencies.
Meditate a few minutes each day to add happiness, bliss, and mindfulness to your well-being.

4. Make Use Of Affirmations
When your self-sabotaging thoughts get in the way of your progress, a few encouraging words are all you need to feel in charge of your life.
- I am bold.
- I am enough.
- I am brave.
Three simple words can hold more power than hundreds of motivational videos that you probably don’t have the time to watch.
Affirmations can help you curb anxiety, deal with sadness, and find peace during troublesome times.
Using them on a daily basis will bring your positive thoughts to the surface and enhance your self-belief.
It’s a tiny habit but will lead to a drastic change in your mental health.
One of the best things I’ve added to my wellness toolkit recently is an affirmations deck. I didn’t even know it existed until a friend got it, and I just knew I had to get one for myself too.
This is the one I got (so pretty to look at, and highly inspiring):
I pull out a random card in the morning, or sometimes I pick by choice, and then I use the message as my mantra for the day.
It’s become a pure joy morning ritual that I’m absolutely in love with. 😊
5. Keep Yourself Hydrated
It’s not just your body that needs water to function well. Your brain also needs hydration to stay healthy and sharp.
Water has healing and calming tendencies, and its value in your life is irreplaceable.
I can personally attest to the fact that increasing your water intake improves your mental health.
Three years ago, I made it a habit to drink 10 glasses of water a day, and life has been relatively easier to manage since then.
Instead of reaching for water only when you’re feeling thirsty, train yourself to drink water every other hour.
Keep a water bottle on your table while working. Carry it wherever you go, and sip from it regularly to stay hydrated.
BonusTip: Getting a fruit-infuser water bottle might help you achieve your daily hydration goals. It’s a cute way to make your water more interesting, colorful, and fruity.

6. Go For Walks
Being out in nature is therapy for your soul. The trees, birds, grass, and people milling around remind you just how alive this world is, and that you are a part of this thriving energy.
Going out for daily walks keeps both your brain and body healthy. It is a simple way to get your heart pumping and be in contact with nature.
Plug in your headset, and just get out of the house in the evening. Morning walks would be even more beneficial. because of the fresh air and beautiful sunrise.
Recommended post: 10 Insanely Simple Daily Habits To Improve Your Life
7. Drink A Cup Of Green Tea Everyday
Green tea is mostly hailed for its physical health benefits, but this antioxidant-rich tea has plenty of mental health benefits to offer as well.
It contains L-theanine, an amino acid that is known to have calming effects that reduce anxiety.
It has lower caffeine content than coffee, just the right amount to help you sleep better rather than interfere with your sleep schedule.
One refreshing cup of tea every day will improve your mood and help in stress management.

8. Give Yourself Breaks
Don’t be so busy in your routine that you don’t even have time to rest and breathe. You’re not doing your mind any favors by hustling 24/7, and it will affect your productivity in the long term.
Avoid mental burnout by taking a short break every other hour or so. Recognize signs of exhaustion by listening to your body and giving it what it needs.
Drink some water, walk around in your office or around your house, or just lean back and focus on your breaths till you feel recharged.
When your day is over and you’re tucked in bed, let go of all your worries instead of carrying them to your sleep.
Your weekends should be all about self-care and recovery so that the coming week can be stress-free and healthy.
Read: 11 Important Signs You Need A Mental Break In Life
9. Get Plenty Of Sleep
Speaking about breaks, are you getting enough sleep at night? If not, then you might need to work on your bedtime habits.
It’s no secret that sleep is a natural medicine to heal the body and soul after a tiring day. Every person needs 8-9 hours of sleep at night for a healthy lifestyle.
For a good sleep schedule, I recommend you create a self-care night routine that’s easy to stick to.
Take a warm shower, brush your teeth, practice skincare, and read or do some journaling before bed.
Simple bedtime rituals can be highly effective to unload your stress and sleep like a baby at night.
Avoid using your phone an hour before your bedtime, and listen to sleep meditation to fall asleep on time.
Don’t miss: 9 Important Things To Do Before Bed – Night Routine Checklist

10. Focus On One Thing At A Time
Multitasking can be harsh on your mental health. It forces you to be fast, rush through your day, and create stress that you don’t need.
Your mind functions better when it’s given one task at a time. So, it’s best to just focus on one thing at a given moment.
Doing so will slow down your racing thoughts, increase your attention span, and keep you sharp and focused throughout the day.
Don’t Miss: 11 Good Things To Do Every Day To Make Your Life Better
11. Exercise Regularly
I love exercising because it makes me feel good and strong. Nothing else in the world will make you feel more alive than intentionally moving your body and getting your heart pumping.
Exercising has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. It causes the release of endorphins, which are natural mood boosters.
If you want to be a happier person, add exercise to your routine. Try different forms of workouts until you find something you love.
Exercises you can do for good mental health:
- Walking, jogging, and running
- Strength training
- Swimming
- Cycling
- Dancing
- Pilates
This might help: How To Motivate Yourself To Workout (8 Tips)

12. Be More Present
Do you often find yourself lost in a train of thoughts, living in the past or worrying about the future?
This has become quite a normal habit among humans in today’s generation, which would explain why people are less and less happy.
You can’t spend your precious moments inside your head. That can be quite taxing for your mental well-being.
Your reality is the present moment, which includes the room you’re sitting in, the breeze you feel when you step outside, and the fragrance of the flowers when you pass your neighbor’s garden.
If you’re missing out on these tiny moments because of a busy mind, it’s time to stop and practice mindfulness – the art of living in the present moment.
How to practice mindfulness
- When you catch your mind drifting off, tune into your breaths.
- Be more aware of your bodily sensations.
- Don’t judge your mind when it acts out. It’s okay to not be in control at times.
- Read The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle.
- Be curious and open about your surroundings.
- Try mindfulness meditation. It really helps!
13. Make Time For Your Hobbies
I had multiple hobbies as a kid, and they made me super happy. I bet you can relate to that.
A lot of things change when we transition into adulthood, but that part of your childhood doesn’t have to.
Hobbies can and should be a normal part of everyone’s life, simply because they are heartfelt activities that promote good mental health and connect you to your inner child.
Make a quick list of all the hobbies you’ve ever been interested in. It could have something to do with music, painting, or even pottery!
Maybe you’ve always wanted to try something different but never got around to it. Add it to your list, and then spend a few days exploring each of these hobbies.
Let your creative spirit guide you into finding activities that fill your soul with joy. How well you’re able to fit your hobbies into your schedule depends on you. So, I hope you prioritize this well.

14. Create A Healthy Work-Life Balance
I swear if we could leave our work troubles at the office, life would be so much better. And fortunately, there are tangible ways to make this happen.
When you return from work, make a mental note to not think about your pending projects or deadlines. If possible, turn off your work notifications, and give all your attention to your family.
Self-care can be life-saving for this. Do a quick mental detox by journaling your thoughts and take a shower to shake off your stress.
In case you work from home (like me), having a separate office space can really help.
Popular on the blog: 11 Amazing Habits Of People Who Never Get Stressed
15. Do Yoga
Yoga instructor Jason Crandell says, “The nature of yoga is to shine the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body.”
And you know what, that makes absolute sense. I try to do yoga at least once a week, and it truly feels like the touch of ‘light’.
This holistic practice originated thousands of years ago and is known for its otherwordly effects on the body, the mind, and the soul.
Reasons to do yoga:
- Better posture
- More strength and flexibility
- Emotional balance
- Spiritual growth
- Improved mental health
And the best reason of all – To empty out your thoughts and immerse yourself into a soulful experience that will leave you feeling like your calmest self.

16. Avoid Complaining
Complaining too much is one of the toxic habits that you are better off without. It makes you adopt the mindset of a ‘victim’, and you might find yourself quitting more often.
If you’re always complaining about the little things, you’ll become problem-oriented rather than focusing on the solutions.
While life can’t be full of roses all the time, there are always healthy ways to deal with bad situations, and complaining is not one of them.
Important post: How To Master Emotional Self-Care (12 Important Ways)
17. Read Every Day
Reading is one of those good habits for mental health that can completely change your life. The best thing is that it’s easily accessible to you.
The most obvious (and also the best) way to read is to pick up a good book.
If you’re a story-loving soul like myself, you can go for fiction. And people who love words of wisdom can never go wrong with a self-help book.
Blogs are another great way to nurture your mind. I know daily news might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but the newspaper does have some well-written articles that you might enjoy.
Anyway, the bottom line is – there is no reason to sit ideal during your free time when you have the option to read.
Indulge in this activity during your commute, before bed, and as a hobby to enjoy being immersed in another world. It’s the healthiest form of escape, if you ask me.

18. Laugh More
One of the trademark habits of happy people is that they laugh freely. It’s impossible not to feel good when you hear someone laugh or whenever someone smiles you.
And who says that this positive person can’t be you? Just allow yourself to smile and laugh more often, and feel the magic happening.
We don’t laugh because we are happy. We are happy because we laugh.
-William James
Let your tiny moments of happiness show on the outside by indulging in a good laugh. These display of positive emotions are what make life worth living.
Try this: 7-Day Happiness Challenge To Lift Your Spirits
19. Practice Gratitude
Appreciating the little things in life can be highly uplifting. It makes you realize that life is bigger than your ambitions, failures, success, and goals.
A grateful heart knows the value of life, which is why you need to practice gratitude every day. It will ease the burden off your shoulders and teach you to find beauty in every moment.
Each morning, take a few seconds to send a quick prayer to the heavens, thanking God for all the things you’ve been blessed with.
Use your phone’s notepad or your journal to pen down three things you’re feeling grateful for at the moment. Trust me, you won’t ever run out of things to add to this list.
Tip: Get a gratitude journal to make this habit more fulfilling and fun. These things are highly effective and don’t cost much.

20. Keep Yourself Organized
All my life, I’ve been okay at staying organized, but recently, I realized just how crucial this habit is for the brain.
For example, when your room is neat and everything is in its place, you feel sorted from within. But a messy environment will most likely have the opposite effect.
The reason is simple – the state of your outer life reflects upon your mind. It’s better to use this fact to your advantage and organize your life ASAP.
Some things you can do to be organized:
- Declutter your space regularly
- Organize your wardrobe and shelves
- Follow a schedule
- Avoid paper clutter on your dusk
- Shop for groceries every Sunday
- Plan your meals in advance
Bookmark now: 13 Habits Of Organized People That Will Make Your Life Easy
21. Listen To Podcasts
I didn’t think I’d ever be a podcast gal until I stumbled upon ‘On My Mind’ by Ava Jules. Oh, that woman knows how to keep you hooked. Even if she’s talking about the most mundane things, I will listen.
It feels good to hear someone’s voice in your ears, telling you it’s okay to have tough moments and that things will get better.
Through podcasts, you’ll receive pieces of advice that you didn’t even know you needed. One episode can turn a bad day around and give you the strength you need to keep going.
I try to pick podcasts that have a casual tone of speech as I relate to that more. But the more podcasts you explore, the better you’ll get at sticking to stuff that works best for you.
Some podcasts I recommend:
- ‘Late Night Drive’ by Ellie Schnitt
- ‘Happy Hour’ by Gretchen Geraghty
- ‘On My Mind’ by Ava Jules (my all time fav)

Good Mental Health Habits Lead To Happiness
As I said at the beginning of this post, one good habit can drastically improve your mental health.
It’s something worth working on because happiness should be an evergreen presence in your life, rather than being conditional.
Try these 21 good habits for mental health, and watch as your happiness increases day by day.
Similar post: 5 Best Things I Did To Improve My Mental Health
Feel free to drop a comment if you have any questions, suggestions, or views to share. It’s always a pleasure to talk to you.
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