These are the 10 things you need to do to make space for true happiness in your life.

If you often read or explore stuff related to mental health, you’d be familiar with phrases like ‘finding happiness’ and ‘the pursuit of happiness.’
In the past, it used to make sense to me to venture in search of joy. But now, my mindset regarding happiness has shifted gears.
While venturing out in search of happiness might seem like an exciting and life-changing prospect, I don’t think we need to do that.
I think happiness is right within you, in your heart, and in your bones. It’s all around you, in plain sight, just waiting for you to recognize its presence.
It’s not a faraway concept that you need to familiarize yourself with. It isn’t a mystery, it isn’t meant to be elusive.
If happiness was something you needed to work hard for, then you wouldn’t be able to access it during the simple moments in life.
But you do experience it when you hear something funny. You feel it every time you open a present, when you score well on an exam, and when you see a loved one after a long time.
These moments do something to unclog your happiness, and it comes rushing out without you even having to make an effort.
But why do we then struggle to maintain this happiness?
While I don’t think it’s realistic to expect yourself to be happy 24/7 (that would be too pressurizing), I do believe there are ways to make it more easily accessible to yourself.
Think of happiness as an infinite emotion that’s floating all around you.
To let it in, you need to release habits that take up unnecessary space in your life and embrace practices that make it easy for joy to seep in.
And that’s exactly what this post is going to be about.

Today, we’ll be looking at 11 simple tips to make more space for happiness in your life.
If you are done chasing happiness and ready for it to flow to you, then read on.
How To Clear The Way For Happiness
1. Stay Clutter-Free
Clutter, whether physical or mental, creates a chaotic environment that hinders your ability to find peace and joy.
Your home should be a sanctuary filled with things you love and need, and every item should have a fixed position instead of lying around in the form of clutter.
Start the process of decluttering by picking one area at a time (your desk, a drawer, or your wardrobe.)
Let go of things that no longer serve you or bring you joy.
You’ll be surprised at how much lighter and freer you feel when your surroundings are tidy and organized.

2. Make Best Use Of What You Own
We often overlook the potential of the things and spaces we own, not realizing that there is always scope for romanticizing and making your routine more interesting.
Your kitchen is where you cook your meals, but it could also be where you head to on a Saturday night to bake some treats even though there is no occasion for it.
Your bathroom doesn’t just need to be a place for quick showers. It could also be a self-care zone where you take slow baths with soft music playing in the background.
That old bicycle covered in dust in your garage? It could be something you ride out on to get fresh air and feel like a kid again.
When you make the best use of what you have, you make way for contentment. That feeling of always wanting more disappears.
You’d still set goals and want better things, but you’d also know the worth of everything you have.
So, make sure you fully utilize what you own and create experiences that elevate your routine life.
Use that beautiful teapot for your evening tea, wear that special outfit on a regular day, and pick up your unread books in your spare time.
As I’ve already said, happiness isn’t something you chase; it’s something you welcome into your life by creating the right conditions, and they can often be created with the tools you already possess.
3. Be Mindful Of The Content You Consume
Have you ever wondered why you feel more burdened after putting down your phone sometimes, or why binging a series sometimes doesn’t leave you feeling good?
Even though you are consuming this content from the safe boundaries of your home, your mind goes places when you engage with your screens.
How will there ever be space for happiness if you’re occupied with content that adds no real meaning to your life?
So, please, for your own sake, be mindful of the content you consume.
Pick your TV shows and books wisely, listen to podcasts that instill mindfulness in you, and follow influencers that leave you feeling optimistic and awesome about life.
Unfollow those who don’t make you feel good. If news makes you anxious, then limit the time you spend on it. There is no shortage of good content out there.
For every one content source that feels negative to you, there will be two others that bring you positivity.
You have the power to choose what you let into your mind. So, opt for feel-good content and let go of anything that doesn’t contribute to your well-being.
The only reason two reasons to do this? Because it’s good for your mind and because you can.

4. Don’t Feed Into Conflicts
Not all conflicts are worth your time and energy. In fact, most just take your energy and drain your happiness reserves.
It’s important to engage in constructive discussions, but it’s just as important to recognize when a conflict is unproductive.
When faced with a potential conflict, pause and assess the situation.
Ask yourself if engaging in this argument will lead to anything good or if you’re just giving in to the heat of the moment.
I have found that rather than feeding into conflicts (whether they involve me or two different parties), de-escalation is always the right path.
If you can, avoid holding grudges, as they only weigh you down emotionally.
Forgiveness is not about excusing bad behavior, but about freeing yourself from the burden of anger and resentment so that there is more space for healthy emotions.
5. Open Your Heart To The Natural Beauty Around You
There was a big tree in front of my old house, and I never realized its true value until I moved to a metro city in a cramped location, with not a single tree in sight.
If I could go back in time, I would spend time under that tree, give it a meaningful name, and read my books there instead of doing it cooped up in my room.
I would save my pocket money and install a swing chair under it and grow some flowers around.
Moral of the story — Even when you think there is nothing good in your life, there is always nature, and it’s a big freaking force to have on your side.
When you wake up in the morning, open the curtains and drink your coffee by the window.
Turn your balcony into a relaxation zone so that you want to spend time there.
Go for walks in the park, click pictures of the sunset or sunrise whenever you catch them, and bring home a plant that you can sit by while indulging in a hobby.
Whatever piece of nature you have around you, make full use of it to enhance your life.
Nature will pave the way for peace and happiness on its own.

6. Challenge Your Negative Thoughts With Kindness
Negative thoughts are the worst enemies of happiness.
If your mind is busy battling with self-doubt, pessimism, envy, or even dissatisfaction, it will be hard to make space for anything positive.
Having such negative thoughts is natural, but how you respond to them matters more than you think.
Impatience and anger with yourself will only make things worse, but self-kindness and understanding will liberate you.
Speak to yourself as you would to a dear friend who is struggling.
Use affirming and gentle language, reminding yourself that it’s okay to have tough moments and that you’re doing your best.
If you think, “I always mess things up,” try to reframe it to, “I sometimes make mistakes, but I learn and grow from them.”
You aren’t perfect, but you are human, and that makes you worthy of compassion from yourself, even in the face of your darkest thoughts.
It will make all the difference to your happiness.
7. Don’t Obsess Over What You Can’t Change
I have lost many nights of sleep obsessing over situations that were completely out of my control.
It led to frustration and a waste of precious time that could’ve been spent nurturing good things.
You might often find yourself itching to correct an awful situation or the misdoings of other people.
You might think ‘Why isn’t this person more understanding?’ or ‘Why is this happening to me?’.
But often, the answer to the most complex situations is one simple response — ‘This mess isn’t mine to fix.’
Even when something directly impacts you or someone you love, you might not have the power to change anything.
Does that make you powerless? No. It makes you human.
And your job, as a human, is to let go and keep moving (or be still, because sometimes that’s what’s needed). Accept people as they are.
If being in touch with someone troubles your mind, rather than attempting to change them, take a step back.
Let go of the need to control everything and surrender to the natural flow of life. That’s the gentlest thing you can do for yourself, trust me.

8. Give Your Body What It’s Asking For
In my teenage years, I got cranky often and only realized in college during my wellness journey that I was intolerant to many food groups that I was consuming.
They were causing me a plethora of problems like acne, stress, and moodiness. If I’d bothered to listen to my body sooner, I’d have saved myself so much trouble.
But truly, it’s never too late to get started.
Your body is always trying to tell you what it needs, and tuning in can make a big difference in your happiness.
For instance, if you’re dehydrated, you might think you’re hungry and end up binge eating, only to feel stressed about it later.
A simple glass of water could be the answer here and help you avoid this unnecessary stress.
When you don’t get enough rest, you feel tired and cranky. It can lead to a messy routine and mood swings, even causing strains in your relationship.
You could avoid all this by getting eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night.
Your body also tells you when it needs rest and when it needs activity.
If you pay close attention, you’ll know when to go for your daily workouts and when to take a rest.
You see what I mean? By giving yourself what you need at the moment, you can turn your body into a vessel of positivity.
The result? More peace, more energy, and more joy in your everyday life.

9. Enjoy The Simple Pleasures And Victories
Promotions, clearing an exam, and earning more money have their own importance, but they shouldn’t be all that you live for.
Life is made up of simple pleasures and little wins. If you can get yourself to open up to them, you’ll never run out of reasons to smile and laugh.
Here are some of my favorite moments of simple pleasure:
- Finding a lost item
- Receiving a package
- The first sip of your morning coffee or tea
- Finishing a workout (even if it’s what you do every day)
- The flowers you see outside
- The changing phases of the moon every night
- A good meal
- The first rain of the season
See more: 35 Little Things In Life That Can Make You Happy
10. Practice Self-Care (Both On Your Good And Bad Days)
Self-care is essential, not just on the days when you’re feeling down, but also when everything is going well.
It’s a powerful way to show yourself that you matter and that your happiness and well-being are worth the effort.
On your good days, self-care can enhance your mood and keep your spirits high. It’s like watering a blooming plant, ensuring it stays vibrant and healthy.
Every day, do one thing that has nothing with your goals and productivity and is just for you.
Could be a walk in your favorite park, strumming guitar in your room, or reading a cozy romance novel on the couch.
On your bad days, double down on your self-care rituals, but with kindness and patience.
Allow yourself to rest, cry, or simply be. Engage in comforting activities like taking a warm bath, listening to soothing music, or watching your comfort movie.
During hard times, self-care will help you love and care for yourself without any judgment.
It will make you feel alive and looked after, making it easy for you to heal and recover.

11. Favor Love Over Hate And Anger
It’s easy to act from a place of hate, anger, and jealousy. But these emotions bring nothing but pain and suffering to you and those around you.
I’m not asking you to be lovey-dovey to every single person, even those you’ve wronged you. But just in your own heart, pick love over all the other nasty emotions.
What I mean by this is that when you find yourself seething in hate or anger, take a deep breath, gain some clarity on the situation, and channel your inner love to melt the anger.
Am I making this sound easier than it is? Probably.
But love is the strongest force in the world, and humans aren’t using love to the fullest capacity, myself included.
All I know is when I choose to look at things from a place of love and kindness, it becomes easy to breathe and stay calm in the face of chaos.
So, I am trying every day to tap into my loving tendencies.
It all comes down to choice. The more times you choose love, the more naturally it will come to you.
Happiness will flow in on its own because just like every other good thing in life, it is attracted to the superpower that is love.

Final Thoughts On Creating Space For Happiness
These are 11 things that I started doing subconsciously while adapting to my temporary life in the countryside.
I didn’t have any fancy tools at my disposal to help me with my low moments, or to distract me.
So, I had no choice but to face my emotions and use simpler ideas that came from within me to resolve my issues.
Funny how simplicity can often lead to the biggest and most positive changes in life, haha.
I hope these tips help you make space for happiness in your life and make your days on earth richer and brighter.
Stay happy, stay fine!
Read next: 9 Heartfelt Ways To Be More Grateful In Life
Got any thoughts or ideas to share on the post? The comment box is all yours!
An amazing read as as usual which resonated with me on many levels.
My room always has things in place, and there’s hardly any moment when it’s cluttered. Despite the demanding schedule of being a medical student, I’ve always managed to keep my desk organized. The peace that comes from a tidy environment is irreplaceable. To declutter myself mentally, I find solace in listening to soft ambient music. It’s a simple yet effective way to unwind and create a serene atmosphere.
I love romanticizing about my collection of teddies, which I’ve been collecting since childhood. They hold a special place in my heart and are a constant reminder of innocence and joy. It’s true, as you mentioned, that happiness isn’t something you chase; it’s something you welcome into your life by creating the right conditions. For me, my teddies are part of those conditions, bringing comfort and warmth to my life.
Your insight about binging on favorite web series or movies sometimes leading to boredom was eye-opening. Here, you’ve actually given me the answer I’ve been searching for the past few years. I was always confused about why indulging in my favorite shows sometimes left me feeling more drained than refreshed. Thanks to your blog, I now understand that true relaxation requires more than just distraction; it involves creating a balanced environment that nurtures our well-being.
I used to engage in arguments to prove my point, but I often ended up feeling exhausted and unheard. It was frustrating to see that people still didn’t accept my perspectives. When I decided to avoid these situations altogether, I found myself in a much more peaceful state.
My rooftop garden carries that same importance as that tree was to you. I’ve cultivated it over the years, and it’s become a sanctuary for me. However, I fear that if I ever have to shift my home again, the garden might be destroyed in the process. It’s a reminder of how delicate and precious the things we love can be, and how important it is to cherish them while we can.
Challenging negative thoughts with kindness is a wholesome suggestion. I often find blaming myself for things beyond my control. From now on, I will strive to treat myself with the same kindness I extend to others. Self-compassion is a powerful tool in maintaining mental health and fostering happiness.
Your point about don’t obsess over what you can’t change hit close to home. Last year, I had a quarrel with a good friend about a picnic destination. He initially agreed, but as the day approached and it rained heavily in that area, he blamed me for choosing such a vulnerable location. It hurt, and I stopped talking to him for about 2-3 months. Later, I learned that his harsh family conditions were affecting his mental health. I reached out to him, and he immediately apologized. It taught me the importance of empathy and the healing power of forgiveness.
I used to be very unstable regarding my emotions, only to realize that it was caused by a lack of sleep. Ensuring that I get enough rest has significantly improved my mood and overall well-being. Sleep is a crucial element in maintaining emotional stability and making space for happiness.
One of my moments of simple pleasure is seeing the flowers on my rooftop garden bloom every morning. It’s a daily reminder of growth, renewal, and the beauty of life. These small moments of joy add up and create a reservoir of happiness that sustains me through tougher times.
The last point about love is truly underrated. Love, in all its forms, is a powerful force that can transform our lives. It’s not just about romantic love but also the love we share with friends, family, and even pets. Cultivating love and expressing it freely can bring immense happiness.
As a suggestion from a reader here are 2 of them.
1. Mindfulness and Meditation
Practicing mindfulness or meditation can help you stay present and reduce stress. It’s a great way to center yourself and find inner peace.
2. Volunteer or Help Others
Giving back to the community or helping someone in need can be deeply satisfying. Acts of kindness not only benefit others but also enhance your own sense of happiness and fulfillment.
At last I would say that this blog is a beautiful reminder that happiness is within our reach when we create the right conditions and nurture our well-being. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experiences 🙂
Hello, Namantika. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and heartfelt comment! It means a lot to know that the post resonated with you.
Your insight on everything is so valuable and inspiring. I loved loved loved hearing about your rooftop garden and your teddies. Hope your garden thrives.
I’m also touched by your story about your friend. It takes a lot of empathy and understanding to reach out and mend a relationship, especially after a hurtful experience. Amazing how forgiveness and compassion can mend hurts and mistakes.
And yes, meditation and volunteering. Amazing ways to nurture your gentle emotions and clear space for joy. Thank you for sharing those ideas with us.
I hope you continue finding joy in your everyday life and working on your personal growth. Grateful to have readers like you.