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Feeling run down by life? Here are 5 things you can do to heal your mental burnout and start loving your life again.

You wake up, drag yourself out of bed, and head straight for the coffee pot. But that jolt of caffeine you used to crave barely registers.
Work feels like an endless slog, and every task is like a mountain that you dread climbing.
You used to find joy in your hobbies, but they now feel like chores. And social outings make you want to crawl under your blankets and never come out.
You’re exhausted, but not necessarily in the physical sense. It’s a deeper weariness, a hollowness that seeps into your soul.
If any of this sounds familiar, you might be facing an enemy common to all humans — mental burnout.
It’s not laziness or weakness. It’s a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged or excessive stress, which is all too normal in today’s constantly connected world.
Burnout sucks your energy, robs you of your inspiration, and makes you uncaring about the things that you’re passionate about.
But something that most fail to realize is that rather than being a punishment, burnout is actually a sign from your mind. Sign to step back just a little, slow the eff down, and make some changes to your life.
But how do you do that without putting your career and goals in jeopardy? This post is your answer to that.

Despite being an advocate for all things wellness and happiness, I find myself facing burnout more often than I’d like. But these tips save me every freaking time.
If you’re ready to recover your normal self and reclaim your spark for life, then read on.
8 Ways To Deal With Mental Burnout
1. Retreat (Even If It’s For A Few Minutes)
We humans love clinging to the idea of all-or-nothing.
When things get hard, we think there are only two options — either run away, or stand your ground and keep enduring.
But there is also a third choice, much gentler and realistic: Retreat and let yourself to breathe.
There is more power in short breaks than we might know.
You do it once, and you might not feel an immediate change.
But do it again, and again, and you’ll start finding the mental clarity that was lost in the noise of stress.
The more often you allow yourself to take breaks, the more peace you gain. And peace, my friend, is the best companion you can find amidst a phase of burnout.
So, the next time when your mind screams too much, whether you’re at the office or surrounded by family, excuse yourself and retreat to a quiet spot. Trust me, it helps.

2. Spend Time Under The Sun And The Sky
Burnout can cause you to lose interest in things you usually love doing. That’s why it’s hard for people to connect with themselves during this phase.
But you know what’s an evergreen way to find yourself? Through nature!
It’s free, doesn’t require much effort, and can be accessed from pretty much anywhere.
And when it comes to recovering from burnout, the sun and the vast blue sky are your best allies.
The sun has all the light and goodness that your mind and body need to recharge, and the sky is simply beautiful to look at.
Spend time connecting with the sky in a park, in your backyard, or near the window. You need it more than you might realize.

3. Change Your Routine
I usually believe in sticking to your routines for mental stability, but in the case of burnout, this tip falls flat.
Your mind is in need of a change here, and playing with your routine is the easiest way to give yourself this change.
See what part of your routine is adding to your stress and make changes to it.
If you wake up early most days, you can try waking up a bit late and making your mornings slow for a change.
On the other hand, if you usually wake up late, you can try leaving bed sooner and creating a morning routine that gives you purpose.
It all depends on what you need at this moment from yourself.
Here are some routine changes that might help:
- Spend an hour before bed on yourself. Skincare, shower, reading, whatever helps you find quiet.
- Try new workouts instead of sticking to your old ones. The road can be a nice replacement for the gym.
- Catch the sunrise whenever you can.
- Instead of to-do lists in the morning, create a reverse list at night, writing everything you accomplished during the day.
- Read paperbacks in your free time.
- Nap during the day to rest your body.
- Add prayer, gratitude practice, or meditation to your schedule.

4. Hop On The Self-Care Wagon
Self-care is a beautiful practice that is all about giving your body and mind everything they need to thrive, not just survive.
It’s made from little rituals like sipping herbal tea in a quiet spot or starting your day with meditation.
Doing anything that fills you up and recharges your energies, is self-care.
If you haven’t been in touch with your self-care needs lately, now is the time to get back into the circle.
Self-care habits for your body:
- Get enough sleep
- Drink more water than usual
- Eat nutritious food (while still having your comfort foods)
- Stretch your body whenever you feel too tense
- Do a quick 10-minute YouTube workout
- Go on long walks in nature
- Take a long bubble bath for relaxation
- Put on a face mask and paint your nails (feeling pretty is good for your soul)
Self-care habits for your mind:
- Pen down your worries in a journal
- List down the things you are grateful for
- Practice positive affirmations every day
- Tune into a feel-good podcast (recommendation: ‘On My Mind’ by Ava Jules)
- Create a playlist of songs you relate to at the moment
- Ditch the negative self-talk in your head
- Read 5 pages of a self-help book (recommended: Burnout by Amelia Nagoski)

5. Let Go Of Some Commitments
It’s not unfair to expect yourself to carry on with your normal commitments and tasks when you’re mentally overloaded.
That would be like being in denial regarding the state of your mental health.
Some things would need to be dropped. If there’s even a single commitment that you can afford to step back from, do it without hesitation.
Sometimes, we give too much importance to every little commitment and don’t even give ourselves the option to not show up for them. So, be honest with yourself here.
Drop that extra class, delegate your tasks take a day off from work, and distance yourself from people who drain your energy.
Setting boundaries will save you from overdoing yourself and making things worse for your mind.

Time To Give Yourself A Break
These 5 tips will help you deal with burnout gently and recharge all your drained reserves.
Be open to changing what isn’t working; it’s the one thing that will really bring you back to vitality.
Most importantly, don’t stress yourself thinking about this state of being. Mental burnout is normal, and you will make a happy recovery with time.
Meanwhile, hold on to self-care like we talked about, yeah? Your mind will thank you for it.
Read next: How To Live A Soft Life – 8 Practices To Become A Soft Lifer
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