Getting organized can seem like a daunting task for messy souls, but after countless trials and errors, I have a simple step-by-step formula that is pure gold.
Keep reading if you’re ready to organize your life in one week and become an organized person once and for all.

We all have days when we’re comfortable lying amidst a pile of unwashed clothes.
Some days, it even feels amazing to bask in the chaotic vibes of our own creation. Adds a rebellious touch to our mundane lives.
But let’s be honest. A part of you is always on edge because of the same. It hates the messy state of your routine and is screaming at you to get your life together.
Well, it’s time to shush that inner voice, pull up your sleeves, and become an organized bee.
Now, it could be that you’ve never done much organizing your whole life, or maybe you are usually put together and have just fallen off the wagon.
Regardless of the level of your organizational skills, this post will act as your guide to becoming more organized in your everyday life.
From the inside of your scattered wardrobe to your haphazard routine, we will cover it all.
Best news? It will take you no more than 7 days to organize your life and become a pro at the organizing game.

Read on for some of the best hacks to organize your life in one week.
How To Organize Your Life In One Week
Day 1: Plan Your Coming Week
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Not my words. Taylor Swift says so, and I agree with her wholeheartedly.
Most of the time, we fail to act upon our intentions because of zero (or weak) planning. You master the art of planning, and the first step to being organized will be under your belt.
On day one, you’re going to create a to-do list for the coming week. Jot down all the upcoming appointments, meet-ups, and pending tasks. Create a weekly calendar and schedule your tasks in advance.
Do a rough meal planning, and while you’re at it, go ahead and create a simple morning routine that you can stick to for the next 7 days.
A planner will come in handy for this. I always thought I was okay at staying organized, but my life took a complete spin once I introduced a planner to my routine.
It’s the one productivity tool that will turn your intentions into actions, and make your everyday life more organized and stress-free.
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Day 2: Declutter Your Room And Digital Devices
Is there anything more satisfying than dumping your clutter in the trash? I say not.
For the second day of this organizing challenge, go around your room raiding drawers and shelves for items that you do not need.
The basic rule is that anything that you’ve not used in the last three months should be taken out. It’s up to you if you want to stretch this timeline back to six months. I bet you’ll end up finding a lot of clutter either way.
Digital decluttering is just as important. Clean out your email inbox, empty out the trash and spam box, and do the same for your phone inbox.
Go through your gallery and get rid of unnecessary photos. Extra documents and files need to go as well. Run a quick virus check on your devices and remove the cache.
Even if you’re the most organized person in the world, there’s always clutter that needs to be removed, which is why decluttering has become one of the Sunday habits that help me stay neat.
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Day 3: Organize Your Wardrobe
Your wardrobe holds all your styling secrets and dressing hacks. From turning into a girl boss to preparing for a first date, it’s the one place you can always count on.
If you’ve been putting off organizing your wardrobe, it’s time to push this task to the top of your priority list for day 3.
For one, it will save you time when you’re in a rush, and secondly, it feels freaking amazing to open your wardrobe and find clothes arranged in a sensible order instead of being stacked up in a pile.
I like to organize my clothes according to the types. Crops tops go together, t-shirts stay nicely rolled in my drawer, and jeans have a corner of their own right next to the row of skirts and shorts.
If you have multiple clothing pieces of one color, you might want to organize them color-wise.
Try to arrange everything in a way that all the items are in direct line of your sight. Again, it’s a hack that will save you the trouble of having to turn over your clothes to find the missing ones.
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Day 4: Dust, Scrub, And Clean
Alrighty, time to put on your oversized tee and old pair of pajamas for a cleaning session.
Pick up a dusting cloth and wipe off the dust from every surface in your room. Use a cleaning liquid to remove the stains on your mirror and any glass surface. All of this should take you about 20 minutes.
This day will be incomplete if we don’t include the bathroom. It is, after all, the one place that caters to your body’s cleansing needs. So, go ahead and scrub the tiles and clean the area thoroughly.
I know this day might be the most dreaded part of this one-week organizing challenge for some of you, but looking at it as therapy might help. Cleaning is, after all, one of the top recommended ways to reduce stress.
You can also tune into some upbeat music to romanticize your cleaning experience.
At the end of the day, change your bedsheets. I swear I’ll never get used to the amazing feeling of slipping into a freshly-made bed. A perfect way to relax after a tiring and productive day.

Day 5: Stick To A Routine
Even if you’re not a routine person, being on a routine for one day can help you get your act together. So, for the fifth day, you are going to manage your time effectively by sticking to a simple routine.
This would be a great time to test Google Calendars and see if you like scheduling your hours with the help of this digital planner. Seriously, it’s an amazing tool for organizing your time and will make life easy peasy for you.
Start by waking up at a reasonable hour – anything before 8 am works. Follow a healthy morning routine, eat a fulfilling breakfast, and then go over your to-do list for the day.
Be attentive and focused during your work hours, schedule proper breaks in between, and unplug yourself from your work life the moment you’re back at home.
Eat dinner on time and wrap up your day with a blissful self-care night routine. You’ll be surprised by how well your brain sleeps after a day of being on a good routine.
Might Help: How To Create A Daily Routine That Works For You – 7 Easy Tips

Day 6: Organize The Neglected Parts Of Your House
My skincare drawer is the messiest corner of my room since it’s prone to getting disorganized pretty quickly.
I act like a lazy bee whenever it comes to dealing with it, but when I’m trying to break out of a rut, it’s the first place I polish.
I know you have similarly neglected corners in your house that are in dire need of some organizing. Let’s show some mercy and give them some of our time and attention.
I am talking about the pen stand you don’t clean out, the drawer under your study desk stuffed with paper trash, and the books stuffed without any order on your shelves.
Go around your house cleaning and organizing all these neglected spaces. You’ll be one step closer to being minutely organized.
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Day 7: Stock Up
So we got rid of the junk, cleaned our space, and also got to spend a day on a routine. Now, it’s time to stock up on the missing pieces and make sure there are no gaps in our organized house.
During my organizing spree, I usually realize that I’m running out of many important items. So, I always end my organizing tasks by preparing a shopping list and then going to the market.
Take stock of your kitchen and prepare a grocery list. Also, assess your stationary situation – maybe you need a new planner, pens, or some new notebooks.
Add everything to the list and head over to your nearest shopping complex to stock up.
And voila! That’s how you organize your life in 7 days.
Similar: 7-Day Happiness Challenge To Lift Your Spirits

Organize Your Life In The Next 7 Days
Even the most mundane projects can become exciting when taken upon as a challenge, and getting organized is no different.
This 7-step formula has become my go-to method to get organized whenever I am in my chaotic phase. I can always count on it to break out of my unproductive shell.
Use this post to organize your life in the next 7 days and create the balance in your surrounding that your mind loves and thrives upon.
Related Post: 13 Habits Of Organized People That Will Make Your Life Easy
Got any organizing hacks to share? I’d love to know some of your secrets!
Reach out to me in the comment box with your suggestions, and if you have any queries regarding how to organize your life in one week, feel free to ask away. It’s always a pleasure interacting with my lovely readers.

Great piece, will start doing that. Thanks for sharing .
The pleasure’s all mine. Thank you!