Ready to ditch your unhappy habits and make your days more cheerful? Let’s unpack some essential rules of happiness that will fill your life with positivity and turn you into a joyful person.

There was a time when it wasn’t easy for me to be happy. Looking back, I now know it’s because I never actively sought happiness.
It took me time to realize that good things don’t come to you unless you create change.
If it’s true happiness that you’re after, you have to be willing to change and evolve, even if it means living by certain habits and rules.
Five years ago, I would bristle at the mention of any rules. I found them to be quite annoying and was fully convinced I was better off without them.
How could anything limiting ever be good for my being?
Yet here I am – writing about the 5 golden rules of happiness that I’ve come to rely so strongly on to create joy in my life.
I know happiness should flow like water, but sometimes, we need to unclog the pores that stop us from accessing this blissful emotion.
And by sticking to some basic rules in life, you can access the ultimate free-flowing state of happiness.

In this post, I reveal the 5 essential rules of happiness that I swear by for a stress-free way of life.
If you’re ready to ditch your old ways in favor of a happy life, read on.
5 Golden Rules Of Happiness
1. Live In The Present
I’ve had the privilege of knowing some awesome and happy people. The one thing that stands out about them is their ability to live in the present moment.
Honestly, I was pretty bad when it came to living in the now.
My mind was either busy going over conversations that happened ages ago or cooking up possibilities for the days yet to come.
Needless to say, it was a mindless habit and it gave me nothing good. Your past is better off staying in the past, and your future is unpredictable.
Sure, introspect your past for some self-reflection, and feel free to relive your happy memories, but leave all the baggage behind.
Plan and prepare for your future, but don’t get attached to the concept of it – because it doesn’t exist at the moment.
Teach yourself the art of sticking to your present. Pay attention to the little things – observe the stars, smell the flowers in your garden, and smile as you watch other people laugh.
Practice mindfulness by meditating for a few minutes each day. Yoga is a super relaxing way to calm your rushing thoughts – do it at least once a week to find pure joy.
Related Post: 11 Good Things To Do Every Day To Make Your Life Better

2. Don’t Complain
Nobody enjoys hearing you complain, especially your inner self that knows how draining this habit is.
Constant complaining makes you assume the role of a victim. Even the tiniest of issues start appearing larger than life, and you might become problem-oriented rather than focusing on the solutions.
If you’re constantly getting frustrated by life and complaining about it to the people around you, how will you find the space to create happiness?
Of course, it takes time to break a bad habit, but the first step is to always acknowledge its presence and then put in some effort to discard it.
I’ve found that if I keep my voice low and soft while I’m being a “complainer”, it doesn’t feel like I’m complaining at all.
In the long run of things though, your aim should be to stop relying on the act of complaining to find release for your emotions.
Not yet convinced? Read: 7 Strong Reasons Why You Should Stop Complaining
Here’s a conundrum – If you’re not voicing your irritations and disappointments in life by complaining, how else do you deal with the bad stuff in life?
The solution can’t be to bottle up your feelings at all times because that won’t be fair to your mental health.
That’s where our third and perhaps most important rule of happiness comes in.

3. Look After Your Emotions
I used to think life is either black or white. On some days, I was a happy-go-lucky soul, and on others, I didn’t even feel like crawling out of bed.
My mistake was that I never handled my emotions on the go. If something troublesome happened, I used negative outlets (like complaining) to make myself feel better.
Your heart is capable of feeling a myriad of emotions. It’s your responsibility to pay equal attention to each of them.
Acknowledge your feelings the moment they hit you. Don’t be afraid to give a name to your emotions.
If you’re in pain, let it flow out of your system in the form of journal entries or conversations with friends who understand you.
In your sad moments, treat yourself the way you would a friend in need. Self-kindness can overcome the greatest of barriers, so use it as a tool to nurse yourself through delicate times.
If you feel like crying, let those tears out instead of holding them back, and remember that what goes down comes up.
When you are happy, laugh your heart out and cherish the good times. Celebrate every victory
Read self-help books, check out blogs that light your heart up like the fourth of July, and check in on yourself through regular journaling (I make sure to do it and I swear, it takes half the weight off my shoulders.)
Bookmark For Later: How To Master Emotional Self-Care (12 Important Ways)

4. Love Yourself Unconditionally
I once read somewhere that falling in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.
You will meet plenty of people in your wonderful life. Some will stick by your side, others will just become chapters in your story.
But you? You are the main character! How can you write the pages of your story without being in love with the main protagonist, i.e., you?
Start your self-love journey by smiling toward the mirror every morning. A tiny gesture, but it can really change the way you look at yourself.
Prioritize yourself without guilt, put a lid on your negative self-talk, and don’t allow anyone to disrespect you. Learn to be your own best friend and accept yourself in every form.
In simple words, love yourself unconditionally to be your happiest self, and see how things change for you.
There might be days when it’s hard to tap into your self-love energies and that’s okay. Make sure to refill your cup using the power of affirmations and loads of self-care.
Also, get to know yourself up close and personal.
What does your inner child want? What makes your heart sing, and what are the things that you are better off without?
When you are self-aware, you work to provide yourself with whatever’s missing. It’s like making sure a loved one is taken care of.
Self-love cultivates a feeling of abundance and doesn’t let you act from a place of lack.
It turns your life into a rich experience where every day is a new day, and seriously, that’s the best reason to hop on the train of self-love and ride your way to a happier life.
Don’t Miss: 10 Self-Love Habits Every Woman Needs To Be Mentally Strong

5. Show Love To Your Body
A happy mind resides in a healthy, confident, and strong body. The more comfortable you are in your skin, the easier it’ll be for you to create happiness for yourself.
We all have different approaches toward health. What works for me could be a deal breaker for you, and the same applies in reverse.
But here are some rules of body wellness that you might want to steal for yourself.
Kickstart your morning routine with a glass of warm water to detoxify your body, and aim for at least 8 glasses throughout the day.
Eat that cookie without any guilt, but also fill your plate with nutritious food and vegetables. Balance is the key to a healthy and happy gut.
Make it a habit to exercise every day. Get that body grooving to the workout of your choice and bust your stress through the power of movement.
Lastly, start wearing clothes that speak to you. Your style should define your personality without any fear of judgment.
Don’t hide your body under clothes that make you feel less than your most awesome self. You are one of a kind, and you should be proud to put your best self on display.
A Post Worth Reading: How To Become That Girl – 11 Amazing Hacks

Follow These Rules For A Happy Life
Ever since I started prioritizing my mental health, I knew I had to find healthy ways to create happiness for myself. Nobody else was going to do it for me.
There are still days I struggle to find balance, but sticking to these 5 rules makes it easier to go to bed in a relaxed state of mind.
You don’t have to apply these same rules to your life. Every person is unique, and it only makes sense for them to live by a unique set of rules that work for them.
Pick whatever tips suit you and play around with them until you find that sweet spot where it is easier for you to access happiness. You have all my love and best wishes in the world.
Penny for your thoughts? Share your views on the rules of happiness in the comment box down below. I’m always up for some fun chitchat with my lovely readers.
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