For some time now, I’ve been working on a list of ‘things to love about life’ in my journal.
I started this activity to help myself realize that life is so much more to life than materialism, productivity, and success.
With each little item that I add to my growing list, I find myself falling for my life in ways that I never have before. It’s a foreign feeling, and I am hoping to make it last forever.
There are countless things to love about life. From the daisy in your backyard to your favorite lunch, you are surrounded by simple yet beautiful things that make life worth living.
The everyday hustle and uncertain situations can make it hard to love your life. But I promise you that the good things in life far outweigh the bad.
If you can pause for a moment every day to really appreciate the world around you, you’ll realize just how magnificent life is, and how lucky we all are to be existing in these times.

In this post, I share with you 21 beautiful things to love about life.
It’s time to hush that voice in your head that is always screaming ‘life sucks’ and instead nurture the part of you that says ‘life is pretty darn amazing’. 🙂
21 Things To Love About Life
1. The Feeling Of Love
Haven’t you ever looked at a person and felt a feeling of fullness in your chest? Like an overwhelming sense of joy that is hard to contain?
I feel that way toward my mother whenever she laughs over our weekend board games. I feel the same way when my dog is rolling in his bed and giving me his puppy dog eyes.
That’s what love feels like. A powerful emotion that is perhaps the most important reason to be alive.
In the movie Interstellar, love is rightly described as the fifth dimension. Love is magic, it is life itself, and we as humans, are blessed enough to be able to feel it.
2. Changing Seasons
I am always in awe of the changing seasons. Summer, autumn, winter, and spring. How did we ever get to be so lucky as to experience life in so many flavors?
Even when we’re in the middle of a season, every day is different from the other.
Sometimes it’s cloudy, other times it’s sunny. And then we have rainy mornings that are best enjoyed over a cup of steaming coffee.
I am convinced I was sent to this planet to love frosty winter days, but honestly, I’ll take any season. Each is beautiful in its own way.
Related: 30 Classy Yet Affordable Ways To Romanticize Your Life
3. Books And Stories
Stephen King said, “Books are a uniquely portable magic,” and I couldn’t agree more.
You can get lost in the pages of a book for hours, and emerge from the experience as a completely different person.
Every book has a story to tell, and every story has a message that can be life-changing. From self-help books to fun romance novels, you won’t run out of options to immerse yourself in a different world.
Books and the stories within them, along with the wonderful minds that created them, are one of the best things to love about life.

4. Magic Of Music
There are few things in the world that bind all of us together, and music is one such gem that is present all around us.
It’s in the rustling of the leaves, the sound of the rain, and of course, the millions of songs that have been recorded to date.
I am yet to meet a person who doesn’t listen to music regularly or at least enjoys it occasionally.
Music is therapy to the soul, a way for listeners to connect to their deepest selves and soothe their hearts.
You can dance to happy songs in your moments of joy, mourn the loss of old times through heartbreak songs, and celebrate the power of love by tuning into a love song.
Recommended: 5 Best Things I Did To Improve My Mental Health
5. Furry Animals
I am a dog person through and through. But I honestly love all the furry animals in this world (even the dangerous ones who I wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole.)
Just do a quick image search of ‘furry animals’. Your heart will melt like an ice cream cone.
How is it even possible for there to be so many colorful and vibrant creatures on earth, all of them so beautiful and furry?
I would love to cuddle with a fox, but that would probably reduce my days on Earth. For now, I am more than happy to get my daily dose of love snuggles with my pomeranian Arry.
6. The Green Nature Around You
If you ever find yourself running out of reasons to love your life, just step outside and take in the nature around you.
Feel the touch of the air on your face, extend your arm to capture the sunlight in the palm of your hand, and gently touch the soft petals of a flower.
We’re truly blessed to have the healing power of nature with us. It is the best teacher and the best friend that you can seek at any time.
Must read: 10 Insanely Simple Daily Habits To Improve Your Life

7. The People In Your Life
All the people in your life – from your parents, friends, and family to the storekeepers you exchange simple hellos with – have a role to play in your story.
Some days, a loved one might fail to cheer you up, while a smile from a goofy kid at the grocery store might make your day.
A hug from your friend can kickstart the healing process of your broken heart.
And your mother’s soft voice telling you that ‘you’re going to be just fine’ can give you the confidence you need to go after your dreams.
Each person you interact with shapes you for the future, and they make your present more meaningful just by being themselves.
Love the people in your life without any conditions, and you’ll never be alone in this beautiful journey called life.
8. Movies And Shows
Can you imagine living in a world devoid of TV shows and movies? I’m not a TV binger but even I have some favorite shows and films that I love to re-watch.
Movies and shows provide you a way to escape your daily woes and hit refresh on life. Your favorite characters inspire you to dream big and go after what you want, whatever that might look like.
Also, how cool is the cinema? I just got back from watching Oppenheimer and really enjoyed those 3 hours on the big screen.
This spectacular part of life is one of the top things that I love about the modern world, and I think you might relate to that as well.
9. Cozy Moments
I am a sucker for all things that are cozy and warm. Might be the reason why spend so much visiting lovely cafes all around my city (no complaints though, totally worth it.)
Hot chocolate on a winter night, fairy lights in a cafe, and taking a long bath with candles lit around you. moments like these can light up your heart and make you feel fuzzy from the inside.
What’s good about cozy moments is that you can actually create them whenever you’re in the mood to indulge in self-care.
Speaking of which, if you haven’t practiced self-care in a while, please go and make yourself some hot tea after you’re done reading this post. Enjoy it while reading a book, and thank me later.
Read now: How To Create Good Vibes – Bring Positive Energy To Your Home

10. Best Thing To Love About Life – Yourself!
Self-love takes practice and time, but you can open yourself up to it right this second by taking a look at your own uniqueness.
There are billions of people in this world, but there is no one like you. That is your power, and nobody can take that from you.
All the reasons you need to love your life are already within you.
You just need to see yourself for the beautiful soul that you are, and I promise that you’ll fall madly in love with every single aspect of your life.
Bookmark now: 101 Beautiful Affirmations For Self-Love And Healing
11. Acts Of Kindness
Don’t you just love watching a person treat another person with kindness? It really lifts you up and reinstills your faith in humanity, doesn’t it?
I fully believe that kindness comes back in full circle, and even if it didn’t, you don’t need reasons to be kind to someone.
Acts of kindness such as being empathetic, helping someone without being asked, volunteering, smiling at strangers, and giving genuine compliments will make you a better person.
Kindness will also make it easier for you to love your life and the people around you.
P.S. – Self-kindness is just as important! Check out this post: How To Be Kind To Yourself (15 Simple Ways)
12. The Vast Sky
Lately, my dates with nature have been happening on the rooftop at night under the watchful gaze of the stars.
The moon is a patient listener, and I love the way it calms my nerves and makes me feel beautiful inside out.
The vast sky is a reminder of how there are no limits to what we can achieve. Our hopes, dreams, and desires are meaningful as long as they make sense to us.
I also like that all my problems seem trivial when I look at the sky and imagine all the wonderful things that lie beyond it.
Sometimes, looking at the big picture is all the therapy you need to combat your negative thoughts and feel brave again. Good thing then that the sky is accessible to us all.

13. Creativity
Every single person in this world has the power to create, and it is one of the most thrilling aspects of being alive.
Whether through art, music, or writing, you can use your creativity to give life to your imagination and share it with the world.
You should spare some time regularly to create something. It’ll be good for both your spirit and your mind. Your creations could turn out to be one of your favorite things about life.
14. The Scope Of Learning
It’s kind of crazy how many skills are floating in the world out there, waiting for you to discover them and pick them up.
Learning and making yourself more knowledgeable is a good way to keep your mind on its toes.
You can learn a new language, start practicing an instrument, or take up an online course to give your career a boost (or to try your hands at a new one!)
Make sure you pick something that excites you. No reason to learn the drums if your heart doesn’t pitter-patter at the sound of the beats.
15. Joyful Occasions
I am all about celebrating once-in-a-lifetime moments like marriages and the birth of a new baby. These joyful occasions become stepping stones in a person’s life and gift them with unparalleled joy.
I love that humans decided to mark these occasions by coming up with birthdays and anniversaries (how genius was that).
You can find joy in anything, but having an occasion to tune into your inner joy is even better.
Some more occasions worth celebrating – Promotion, getting into college, doing good in an exam, getting your dream job, and a friend getting engaged!
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16. The Mystery Surrounding Our World
There is much about this world that we don’t know yet.
If we were to really look for answers, we’d probably get addicted to the mysteries that shroud our lives and the world that we live in.
But it can also bring out the explorer in you and help you step away from the mundane problems in life that don’t mean much in the grand scheme of things.
So, allow your curiosity to run free and take up some interest in the world that you live in.
Encyclopedias, spiritual books and podcasts, and the internet would help you with this.
17. Traveling
Traveling is the best thing you can do to have life-changing experiences and epiphanies.
There is something thrilling about visiting a new place and exploring it with a child-like fascination. If you can afford it, you should travel as often as you can.
Not just faraway destinations, the unvisited places nearby could have stories to tell and messages hidden for you.
You wouldn’t know what the world has in store for you if you won’t step out there and allow life to take you off your feet.
18. Holidays And Festivals
Every culture has different festivals, all of them so colorful and vibrant. Festivals bind humans together and are a way for us to celebrate events that went down years ago,
On a festive day, you can actually feel the thrumming energy in the air.
I mean, the holiday season is an all-time favorite for good reasons. I look forward to this time every year, just like the rest of the world.
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19. Sleep And Rest
Life is beautiful, no doubt, but we all need regular breaks to detach ourselves from our days and just relax. Thankfully, we have our nightly sleep for that.
At the end of each day, you get to crash on your bed, close your eyes, and rest your mind and body. It’s like recharging yourself for a new day!
Deep sleeping and napping are also perfect cures for bad days and sad hearts. Your resting periods help you put the past behind you and live in the present moment.
20. Fresh Beginnings
We should be thankful to have the choice to start afresh. You can let go of your past and start a new chapter in life at the start of any new day, month, or year.
Even harsh steps like letting go of a friendship that no longer serves you or stepping out of a relationship can help you come unstuck in life and move forward.
You can seek new beginnings by moving to a new location, switching jobs, or even doing something as simple as starting a new journal!
Some of these moves are bolder than others. But the allure of fresh beginnings can be enough to step outside of your comfort zone and build your dream life.
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21. Morning Time
Each hour of the day is special in its own way, but something about the mornings is different.
Each morning brings with it renewed energies and fresh opportunities. You get the option to hit reset on life and be better.
It is also the time of day when nature is at its peak beauty. The sun is rising, there is a light breeze in the air, and the greenery around you is getting ready to bloom.
Stepping outside for a few minutes in the morning can help you slow down your thoughts and appreciate the little things around you that you might otherwise take for granted.

There Are Countless Reasons To Love Your Life
We shouldn’t have to look for reasons to love life. It should come naturally to us.
But amidst the everyday hustle and uncertain situations, it can be hard to love life the way it is truly meant to be loved.
I hope this list was able to remind you of the beauty in life and give you plenty of reasons to be in love with your life.
Read next: How To Be A More Fun Person – 9 Effortless Tips
Now, it’s your turn. What are the 2 best things about life that you really appreciate? Leave your lovely responses in the comment box. I’d love to read your answers.
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