Ever tried unearthing some blissful ways to slow down your life? The process can be truly magical and revealing.
Among the chaos surrounding the world, slowing down has become the need of the hour. So, in this post, we will go over some practical strategies to make it happen.

Let’s kick off this post with some normal, rhetorical questions.
How many times have you overdone yourself at work?
And on how many occasions can you recall stretching your mental limits to the point of excessive stress?
I’d like to be honest here and share that in the past, I’ve been guilty of getting swept up in the rush of life. So, for me, the answer to these questions would be – a lot.
I’ve had lots of moments in life where I just ran and ran, without pausing to catch my breath. And I did it to a point of utter exhaustion.
The present me seriously has no idea how I kept up with the chaotic speed that I’d set up for myself.
Looking back though, I wish I’d done things differently.
Which brings me to an important question for this post – Why do you need to slow down?
Like, what’s the need to do so?
And to what extent is it okay to lower your pace without missing out on other important things in your life?
Before diving into the ways to slow down, it’s important to answer these questions (because it’s easier to act upon the strategies once you fully understand the needs.)
Why You Need To Master Ways To Slow Down
Your mind is a tiny thing, capable of doing tremendous things. But I don’t think we are meant to take advantage of it to a point of exploitation.
Granted, you rush yourself to keep up with life’s demands. Or maybe you’re afraid to stop because of some external pressure.
But trying to be a life/people pleaser, you somewhere end up neglecting your mental health. And oh boy, can that have drastic effects.
If you’ve been on the constant backburner for a while, now (as in right now), might be a good time to slow yourself down.
You need to master some solid ways to slow down, because:
- Life isn’t a race, it’s a journey.
- Your mental health demands you to go slow.
- Just because the world is running a marathon, you don’t have to participate.
- You deserve peace and contentment.
- Slowing down is the best reward for your hard work.
- Our inner selves crave quiet and gentle moments.
Hope I’ve re-affirmed your need to lower the pace of life. Now, we head to the section that you’re here for.
Before moving further, pretty please pin this post to share some love. 😀

This post is all about 11 ways to slow down and change your perception of life.
Let’s get started!
11 Amazing Ways To Slow Down And Live Blissfully
1. Digital Media Detox
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that digital media is a necessary evil.
It’s necessary because it’s the top mode of communication, and has made globalization so simple.
It is evil because it rarely gives you room to breathe.
The app notifications popping on your screen are meant to entice and hold your attention.
As a result, for many of us, our laptops and phones end up becoming stressful addictions.
Well, I say we are in charge of our own sweet lives, and we can absolutely limit our use of digital media for the sake of our pretty minds.
If you are serious about slowing yourself down, recognize the need for regular social media detox, and then smoothly execute it.
Here are some brilliant tips for a digital media detox:
- Have a social media-free day every week.
- Turn off your notifications after work.
- Switch off your phone an hour before your bedtime.
- Don’t check your phone first thing in the morning.
- In your ideal time, indulge in self-care rather than scrolling through your phone.
- Instead of watching movies/shows, read books sometimes.
- De-activate your social media accounts on weekends.
- Meet your friends in person instead of calling/chatting/face-timing.
Related Post: 5 Unproductive Habits You Need To Ditch
2. Retreat To A Quiet Space
I am sure you have a few places in your life that give you solitude. Let’s call them your ‘retreat spots.’
A retreat spot might be a corner of your room, a tree that you’re attached to, or a recliner placed on your balcony.
Spending time in a retreat spot is one of the most insanely effective ways to slow down.
It can be your unique way of connecting to your inner self, away from the noise of the world that’s screaming at you to be quick.
Tucked away from everyone, you can just relax and allow yourself the utmost freedom to be yourself.
Don’t just seek out your retreat spot in troublesome times.
Since the goal here is to minimize your stress, consider having an hour of retreat session every day.
Don’t know how to relax a loud mind? Learn how to calm yourself down using 10 simple techniques that work for everyone.
3. Stop Rushing Yourself
To properly wire your mind for ‘slow living,’ it’s essential that you let go of your attachment to the idea of ‘being in a rush.’
Oh, it can seem appealing, I know.
When you step out of your house in the morning, you want to be quick on your feet, basically to keep up with the crowd and get things done quicker.
You also want to think fast, and act just as quickly, because how else would you stand out in life?
But here’s a newsflash – Being in a constant rush doesn’t make you superhuman.
In fact, slow living is the one trend you need to keep up with. It’s what’s making people happier these days!
When the rest of the world is always running around chasing goals, you want to be approaching those same missions in a different way.
The essence of slow living is all about being calm, which enhances your mental health, and this reflects in the way you work too.
Don’t try to stretch yourself mentally. You’re not a rubber band.
Go slow, and enjoy every second of what you do. Life will slow down along with you.
And then, you’ll finally learn to smile while riding that crowded subway every morning. 🙂
To gain absolute control over your moments of panic, bookmark for later: 11 Important Things To Remember When You Feel Overwhelmed
4. Build A Regular Habit Of Reading
If you’re sick of the nagging from the external world, reading might be just the retreat you’re looking for.
Books have a way of sucking you into their pages.
They can enchant you, capture your attention, and most prominently, slow down your overwhelming thoughts.
Those who read know how great of a blessing it is.
And those who don’t read miss the opportunity to escape from their stressful thoughts.
Once you learn to read, you will be forever free. -Frederick Douglass
Build a habit of reading, and you’ll find yourself being naturally calm.
These tricks might help you to add reading to your routine:
- Be active on Goodreads to find reading inspiration. They have a healthy community of readers.
- Act reading to your bedtime routine.
- If you’re a beginner reader, go for short stories first.
- Explore genres that intrigue you. Your taste in movies/shows can give you hints on this.
- Whenever you feel yourself under stress, train yourself to reach for a book.
- Read non-fiction to help your personal growth.
You Might Like: 10 Insanely Simple Daily Habits To Improve Your Life
5. Change The Way You Breathe
I didn’t realize I was breathing the wrong way until I joined a music society.
Sure, they were just training me in breathing exercises simply to improve my vocals.
But I found the act of mindful breathing so blissful that I swore to adopt into it my life. And honestly, I haven’t been doing so badly.
How you breathe can have a massive impact on your way of life.
Slow and mindful breathers spend their lives at a languid pace.
These are the people who’ve figured out that their breaths hold great power, and you would benefit from being one of them.
Tips to use your breaths to slow down:
- Use your nose to breathe.
- Make active use of your belly.
- Do breathing exercises.
- Breathe deeply and slowly.
- Try meditation to harness your breaths.
- Do yoga once a week.
Something to read on your low days: How To Lift Your Mood When You’re Feeling Low
6. Sleep In Peace
There are two kinds of sleeping you can partake in:
- Sleeping for the sake of sleeping
- Sleeping for a beautiful wellness
I’ll give you an orange if you guess which one is the holistic approach.
Okay, here you go.🍊
Obviously, we need sleep to rest and recharge.
Going without sleep isn’t a possibility for our body, a condition that many people mistake to be a ‘requirement.’
Don’t adopt this perception of sleep. It will make you treat it as a task, rather than looking at it as a blissful resting zone.
Quality sleep can do wonders for your mental health and is truly one of the best ways to slow down.
If you focus on enhancing your sleeping experience and building a good self-care night routine, you’ll find yourself slowing down naturally.
To properly master this tip, read: How To Sleep Better At Night (10 Perfect Ways)
7. Reassess Your Priorities
Do you have a defined set of priorities in life? And are you sure you’ve got them figured out right?
You may believe yourself to be a sorted person in life, and you very well might be.
But change is a necessary and beautiful part of life, which means you should allow yourself the space to rethink your goals.
Setting your priorities is the first step toward personal growth, and reassessing them is your way of acknowledging that same growth.
That’s why it’s important to sit down and assess your priorities time and again.
Once you get your priorities right, you’d know which areas of life to put your energy into, and which ones to spend less time on.
How to set your priorities the right way:
- Create a list of important things in your life.
- Hold an introspection session to ask yourself valuable questions.
- Journal entries can give you some clarity.
- Pay special attention to the position you assign to your health and self-care. Then reassess those positions.
Once you have your priorities set right, you can be at ease and allow yourself to slow down mentally.
A post I think you’ll adore: 35 Little Things In Life That Can Make You Happy
8. Pay Attention To Your Inner Child
Your inner child is the part of you that’s been with you since you were born. No matter how old you get, this little part of you remains more or less the same.
Your inner child is innocent, playful, and wild.
It doesn’t understand the concept of rushing or keeping up with demands. All it cares about is freedom and living life to its fullest.
If you ask me, we can learn a thing or two from our inner child. It knows the importance of little joys in life better than our adult version.
So, stop neglecting your inner child, and instead tune in to its demands.
Eat that ice cream as if you are a child, hop on the stairs if you feel like doing so, and sleep right now if your eyes are drooping.
You don’t need to wait for big achievements to celebrate your life. You should know how to be content and happy whenever you want to.
To connect to your inner child, learn how to master emotional self-care using 12 simple ways.
9. Practice Slow And Mindful Eating
Consuming food might be a means of survival, but don’t tell me you don’t enjoy eating.
I sure as heck love my food, and I can’t imagine having my meals in a rush.
Though, in the past, there was a time when I used to do the complete opposite.
Read this post to know how I healed my relationship with food after years of struggle. It could really help you get some insight into your own food habits.
If you slow down your process of eating, it will naturally reflect in your other daily activities.
Be mindful while buying, preparing, serving, and eating your food.
Eat slowly, and chew properly. Don’t gulp your water in one go. Instead, take small sips.
To learn more, please read: 13 Unique Ways To Practice Mindful Eating
10. Pour Your Fast-Paced Thoughts In A Journal
Ignorance might be bliss, but not when it comes to deprogramming fast living from your mind.
It’s hard to fully imbibe the idea of slow living without flushing out your fast-paced thoughts.
You can’t slow down in life by simply pretending. Some active work and thought have to go behind this process.
Your best bet against an overwhelmed mind is journaling.
Seriously, it is a golden route that I highly recommend you to trudge, something that helps you tackle your thoughts head-on.
Journaling is a perfect way to gain control over a rampant mind, and it embodies the idea of slow living like nothing else does.
At the end of the day (or in the morning), sit down with your journal, and share every little worry you have.
Come up with authentic solutions in your entries, and don’t forget to chip in reminders to go slow in life.
Journal prompts to help you slow down:
- What is your most worrisome thought at the moment? What would help you let it go?
- What does the term ‘gentle living’ mean to you?
- Write three words you deeply connect to. Try to visualize them by drawing abstracts.
- Use positive health affirmations to rejuvenate yourself.
For your nighttime self-care journaling, bookmark: 50 Bedtime Journal Prompts For A Quiet Reflection
11. Master Self-Care
Do you indulge yourself in self-care? Or are you conveniently making the excuse of running short on time to forgo this practice?
Self-care is a beautiful way to tend to your most basic and intrinsic needs.
If you’re not including it in your daily routine, you’re missing out on your chance to slow down.
I swear by self-care for every problem in my life. Even twenty minutes of blissful indulgence can make a ton of difference in your mental health.
It has the power to heal and strengthen your thoughts, and honestly, for me, it is no less than a self-therapy session.
No wonder it is one of the most recommended tips for people looking for ways to slow down.
For a proper guide, read: 7 Types Of Self-Care (And How To Practice Them For A Better Life)
Positive Affirmations To Remind You To Slow Down
Just knowing the ways to slow down might not be enough to invoke action. Sometimes, all you need are a few positive words to first inspire change.
Make use of these affirmations to slow down yourself mentally, and then master the above-listed ways to slow down.
Don’t just skim through this list. Each and every affirmation can have a lasting impact once you truly imbibe the essence of it.
- I am in charge of my actions.
- Nobody has more power over my life than me.
- I choose to slow down, simply because I can.
- In my overwhelming moments, I choose to be calm.
- I command my breaths to be slow.
- I recognize the power of good books to help me slow down.
- I am in full control of my thoughts.
- I appreciate the little things in life.
- I am letting go of the idea of being ‘busy’.
- I pick slow living over a fast-paced life.
If you’re a journaler, make a note of these affirmations to use on stressful days. You can even type them down in your notepad to read on your way to work.
Bookmark For Later:
Explore These Solid Ways To Slow Down Your Life
Go on a digital media hiatus, and take a break in your retreat spot. Also, please stop rushing yourself. Read regularly, and focus on the way you breathe.
Improving your sleep is one of the best ways to slow down your thoughts, just like reassessing your priorities is.
Be attentive toward your inner child, practice mindful eating, and use a journal to vent.
Most importantly, master self-care, and enjoy the art of slow living.
Now, it’s time to hear from you. What are some of your personal ways to slow down mentally? Drop your response in the comment box. I’d love to hear from you.

Those are some great tips. Thanks for sharing. I definitely need a digital detox !
You and me both, haha. Will do it this weekend. Thank you so much for visiting!
Great tips. I have a hard time slowing down. Thanks.
I get that. Sometimes it’s just hard to know where to start. Hope the tips help.
I like this and it’s amazing. These are important to follow and I’m working on them. Thank you for the reminder.
Glad I could be of help. 🙂
I love this post, especially the reminder to choose to slow down. It seems like I’m always in such a rush and pulled in many directions. This is a great reminder to take a deep breath, then slow down.
Yes, one breath in, another one out. It’s amazing how much of a difference slow living can make to our mental health. I’m glad you liked the post.
Wonderful tips! This is a good reminder for me to slow down too since I keep forgetting to do that. I do the reading and journaling, but the others I don’t so I need to take note of them. And the “breathing” thing is an eye-opener; I need to consciously remember to properly breathe. Thank you for sharing!
Hi! I’m happy you liked the post.
And seriously, breathing the right way can be such a game-changer. I am not a master at this yet, but I get better every time I remind myself to be mindful of my breaths.
Let’s all hope to be better at self-care. 🙂
“Life isn’t a race, it’s a journey”. I love this quote. Life should be savored and I don’t think you can do that when your running life on a treadmill.
Absolutely. Gradual changes in mindset can make such a big difference though. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
These are such wonderful, great ideas! I always feel rushed, I’m going to print out these affirmations to help me remember to slow down and appreciate what I have.
Sharon, that sounds like a great idea. Glad you liked the tips.
Practicing mindful self-care is one of my favorite ways to slow down.
Way too often we get caught up in the need to be “busy” all the time without realizing how detrimental it can be to our well-being.
Thank you for the reminders of how to slow down in life. Great post!
Hey, Karen.
Absolutely! Mindfulness combined with self-care can be a perfect way to combat this need to be ‘busy’ all the time. Hope everyone is able to slow down at least enough to take in the little joys of life.
Glad you enjoyed the post. Thank you!