Having a 5am morning routine might sound like a daunting idea to the late risers.
I mean, who in their right mind would sabotage their precious sleep and get up at 5 freaking am in the morning?
I am going to be unabashed here and raise my hand, because yes, I have a 5am morning routine. And believe it or not, it is the most cherished part of my day.
But, come on, let’s admit it. This is something we all secretly wish to be able to do.
I mean, you’re here reading this post despite the annoyed voice in your head screaming, “No way! This isn’t happening.”
Oh, but yes, this is happening, because I am here to help you shut that noise and build an unbreakable early morning routine.
The Perks Of Waking Up At 5AM
Two years back, I made a promise to be more active in the morning. I wasn’t looking to be super-productive; a simple
But that’s the thing about wellness – you start by doing little, and you end up wanting more.
My quest for a healthy morning routine brought me to a wake-up time of 5 am.
Some days, I made myself get off the bed, and other days, it happened naturally. I even found myself getting up as early as 4:15am!
It took time to gain control over my wake-up hours, but once I got it right, I found it to be extremely beneficial.
There’s a reason why Michelle Obama works out at 4:30am in the morning. There’s something really lively and amazing about this habit.
You need a 5am morning routine to:
- Increase your productivity
- Go to bed on time and have a restful sleep
- Carry your daily tasks actively
- Start your day on a positive note
- Be more energetic
- Have a stress-free routine
- Create a healthier lifestyle
- Perform better at work
- Improve your mental health
- Be more focused and attentive
All in all, an early morning routine will make you a happier person, which is the only reason you need to work on this habit with enthusiasm.
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In this post, I reveal all the deeds of my 5am routine that I’ve successfully maintained for 2 years now.
These morning hacks are perfect for those who love all things related to habits and routines.
And for my lovely readers who are looking to build a morning routine from scratch, this will act as a simple and perfect guide to morning wellness.
Read on to know more.
The 5AM Morning Routine That Keeps Me Sane And Happy
1. Wake Up To The Alarm Clock
I recently started using an alarm clock instead of my phone to wake up, and it’s totally changed the game for me.
You want to avoid using your phone as soon as you wake up.
This little device is of immense use in our daily lives, but exposing your eyes to the notifications isn’t a mindful way to start your day.
So, if you’ve been failing to rise early through your phone alarm, switch to the good old alarm clock. It absolutely works.
Related Post: 11 Bad Morning Habits You Need To Give Up
2. Get Out Of Bed ASAP
For most people, waking up at the crack of dawn isn’t the real challenge.
The problem is they can’t keep their eyes open for more than 5 minutes.
Somehow, the bed keeps them hooked, and they end up falling back asleep. That is a scenario that my past self can totally relate to.
But here are some clever ideas that helped me get rid of the morning laziness:
• Put your alarm clock on the table on the other side of the room. Now, you have no choice but to drag yourself out of bed to turn it off.
• Turn on the ceiling lights within a minute of waking up. Your eyes should be exposed to brightness to avoid grogginess.
• Make your bed before you do anything else. An unkempt bed might invite you to slide back in, curl up like a cat, and doze off.
• Step outside for a minute to breathe in some fresh air.
However, it might still be troublesome for sleep lovers to ditch their early morning sleep.
Here’s a post that can help you with that: How To Become A Morning Person And Love It (10 Simple Ways)

3. A Detox Drink
Your gut can be complex to deal with. After all, it’s the core of what keeps your whole body functioning.
But some simple habits can help you keep your gut health in check, the most important of which is your morning food habits.
The first thing you consume after hours of sleeping has a major impact on your gut health, so it’s best to use this to our advantage.
Have a detox drink within 10 minutes of waking up.
This will rid you of any toxic substances that might be accumulated in your stomach from your previous day’s meals.
My go-to morning drink is a glass of warm water with some lemon squeezed in. You can add some honey to make it sweet.
A simple glass of warm water works too. Just make sure to drink it before brushing your teeth.
I love this ritual because it makes me feel light instantly.
Plus, water has calming and healing energies. It makes your morning instantly more positive.
Similar Post: 5 Amazing Drinks To Reduce Bloating And Feel Good

4. Make Yourself Presentable
My definition of looking presentable in the morning is simple – When you look in the mirror, you should feel fresh and ready to take charge of your day.
I work from home, so my morning appearance isn’t something I paid attention to initially.
But then I started going on walks and realized I quite liked gearing up like a girl boss for my morning jogs.
Now, even on days when I do a home workout, I make myself presentable for me. And it makes a ton of difference to my morning energy.
You don’t want to buzz around carrying your bed energy with you. It doesn’t make you love your morning routine and makes you lazy instead.
Wash your face with cold water, comb your hair, tie them back, and apply a gentle lip balm. Some lightweight moisturizer would be great.
Don’t forget to smile at the mirror and remind yourself of how beautiful you are (believe it or not, it’s 100% true.)

5. Morning Self-Care
My mornings used to be chaotic when I was in school.
I thought I was supposed to launch headfirst into all the productive tasks like studying, working out, and getting dressed.
The problem was I never enjoyed any of those tasks and this made me dislike leaving bed.
You should always start your mornings on a slow and mindful note before launching into focus-related tasks.
A morning self-care session acts as the perfect bridge between the two.
This doesn’t have to include too many activities. Even one quiet ritual is enough to help you slow down and bring you to a calmer state of mind.
I usually do just one thing that makes me happy every morning, like reading, journaling, meditating, and sitting on my balcony with a cup of green tea.
These rituals help me look forward to doing more soulful things throughout my day.
For more ideas, check out these 101 quick 5-minute self-care activities.

6. Load Up On Motivation
Self-discipline will help you leave your bed at 5 am, but motivation will make you want to keep doing it.
Motivation is a powerful tool you can harness to your liking whenever you want to.
But there is something about the morning that makes it easier to tap into it.
That’s why I suggest you load up on motivation in whatever way suits your personality best.
If you’re a bibliophile like me, read one page of a self-help book that you like.
And if you work best with a pen and paper, write down a few positive affirmations.
You can even tune into a podcast while you go about your morning activities.
I’ve been listening to On My Mind by Ava Jules.
She’s got to be the quirkiest speaker I’ve heard so far, and I’m loving tuning into her voice every morning.
Find something similar that sparks your inspiration, and return to it every morning for a morale boost.
Recommended Post: 7 Morning Habits Of Successful People That Set Them Apart
7. Workout
For many years, I went out on long walks in the evening.
It was a habit my parents taught me to follow since I was a kid, and I’m extremely grateful for that.
But on a cold day in February last year, I stepped outside for my first morning walk as an adult, and the experience was so refreshing that I immediately shifted my workout routine.
When you exercise in the morning, your body gets the memo that it’s time to wake up.
These days, I’m doing 20 minutes of standing workout, followed by 25 minutes of abs workout, both of which make are super amazing.
I also like to switch things up by going out for jogs, which is 3/7 days a week.
Your brain snaps into attention, your muscles get a good stretch, and all your lazy thoughts get chucked out the window.
But most importantly, working out makes you feel powerful and strong.
It is a habit that health experts swear by for a holistic way of life, and for good reason.
For a better idea of what I’m going on about, check out these 5 amazing benefits of morning exercise.
8. Shower & Skincare
If you decide to add exercise to your mornings, a shower is a must. Even if you decide not to work out, you might want to take a bath to feel active and fresh.
Use a good body lotion with a gentle loofah, and make the water lukewarm. Avoid using soap on your face and wash it with a cleanser instead.
Follow this up with a skincare routine, using products that are suitable for your skin type.
Dab some toner on a cotton ball, and swipe it across your face in gentle motions. Apply face moisturizer for skin hydration, and use a lotion to moisturize your body.
Never ever skip on sunscreen. Your face needs it even if you stay indoors all day.
Using a lip balm is a must. I’ve swapped my lipstick for a colored lip balm and am loving using it every morning.
If you don’t want to ditch your lipsticks, then apply a base coat of a protecting lip balm first.
Related Post: How To Attain An Ultimate Body Wellness (11 Beautiful Habits)

9. Have A Fulfilling Breakfast
Skipping your breakfast is out of the question. You need the energy to carry on with the rest of the day, and food is how you’re going to get it.
Step into the kitchen, put on an apron, and make yourself a plate of fulfilling breakfast.
I always include eggs in my morning diet; protein heals and repairs your body and is a perfect addition to your breakfast.
I am obsessed with preparing toast and omelets. Both these items make up a delicious breakfast.
Avoid eating on your bed, and opt for the dining table instead. I’d also suggest you avoid consuming digital media while you eat.
Be attentive to your food, enjoy every bite, and practice mindful eating for a good breakfast experience.
Worth Reading: 8 Healthy Food Habits For A Beautiful Lifestyle

Don’t Forget To Be Mindful With Your 5AM Morning Routine
It won’t do you much good to rush yourself, be restless, or be stressed in the wee hours of the morning.
You’ll dread leaving the bed and might end up quitting the idea of waking up early.
The best way to make your mornings bright is to do every task with utmost mindfulness.
Whatever you do, bring your full awareness to the task. Be present, stay in the moment, and focus on your breaths.
Also, experiment with different ideas until you find a 5am morning routine that works for you best.
If there’s anything I can help you with, reach out to me in the comment box.
Ask me questions about my 5am morning routine, give me some suggestions, or drop a simple hi. I am always up for a good chat. 🙂
Thank you so much for all the tips! 🙂 I too work from home. I get up make my bed take a shower head downstairs for breakfast and then find myself on the couch until 11:00 a.m.! I need to find a new routine! 🙂 thank you for the help! Pamela
Oh, that’s so relatable! When I first started working from home, I fully gave in to the luxury of being in control of my working hours. The thought to add self-care to my mornings didn’t even cross my mind. I’d just straight to my laptop on some days, or just laze around on the couch till I got bored. It’s just too tempting, haha.
My current morning schedule keeps me more active, and I do my best to stay consistent with it. Your morning routine already has some of the habits mentioned in the post. I hope the other tips help you create the routine that you desire.
Thank you so much for writing to me, Pamela. Hope to see you again!
Hello Plum, Lol It was refreshing to read through your page, keep on doing good! I am on a quest to do better for ME, myself and I AM, lol. This is a journey on
Its own especially if you are used to put everyone and everything else except Yourself on your priority list, so I AM definitely going to put this 5am morning routine to test, why not, my alarm clock goes off at 5h30am, so I can just well do that. I AM looking forward and excited to see what I will be doing with more time on my hand. Greetings from a cold and rainy Cape Town!
Hi, there! So nice to hear from you.
You sound like such a happy soul. It’s always a pleasure meeting people who are enthusiastic about self-growth. Seems like you enjoy being a morning person, and that’s awesome! Hope you have fun testing out the morning tips mentioned in the post. Keep it up xx
I often read such 5am articles but never end up putting it to practice. Your article is a reminder that I need to take my morning routine seriously for my own well being. Your ideas and tips are very encouraging and motivating.
Thank you
I am glad to know you found the article inspiring. Your wellness deserves to be prioritized, whether it’s in the form of an early morning routine or just reading blog posts that serve as happy reminders. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. Wish you the best.
Good morning,
Thank you for this article.
Wondering what your time stamp might be as you journey through your morning.
I think trying to visualize an early morning routine is an enigma to those who don’t wake up early.
How a morning will unfold is great but what time will they actually get it done would be even more helpful.
Thank you again for this inspirational read.
I love it! Do you have a night time routine?
I do! Even wrote a post on it: 12 Amazing Ideas For The Best Self-Care Night Routine
Hope you like it.
Wow! This was really inspiring! I feel so fortunate to have read your page and it all makes so much sense. We all struggle with self care and it goes out the window when you’re working raising kids and carrying for parents. Whew! I need some time for me and this sounds perfect.
Hi, there! I’m so happy to know you found the post inspiring. Being a mom can be exhausting at times for sure. Hope you’re able to schedule in some self-care into your busy routine. Being intentional about it always helps, which you already are. Thank you for stopping by!
It was such a good read..thank you! I am a mother of 2 toddlers and waking up at 5am have always been a struggle for me because I want to inbuilt it in my lifestyle but due to many outer circumstances I am not able to…one of them is being late to sleep. I would like to see how best I can schedule my day with kids and work. Do you have any suggestions on how a typical working Mother’s Day should look like?
Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. I can only imagine how busy life must be with two toddlers—it’s definitely no small feat to balance kids, work, and your own self-care.
Getting up at 5 AM can feel impossible when you’re going to bed late, and honestly, I think it’s important to be kind to yourself about that. Maybe you could try starting small—waking up just 15–30 minutes earlier than usual to have a little “you” time before the chaos of the day begins? That way, it won’t feel overwhelming, and you can build the habit gradually.
As for scheduling your day, every family is different, but here’s an idea:
Morning (after waking up): A quick moment to breathe. You can journal, drink your coffee, and do some stretching. Even five minutes of self-care would be really good.
Mid-morning to early afternoon: Focus on work, kids, or your chores, depending on your routine.
Post-lunch: If possible, align kids’ nap time or quiet time with a small break for yourself.
Evening: Try prepping for the next day after dinner—laying out clothes, packing lunches, etc. This can ease morning stress.
Nighttime: Make sleep a priority by having a consistent bedtime routine for yourself and the kids.
I might not be of much help with this because I am not a mom (yet, haha), but this is what my mother used to do, and she’s who I’ve learned most of my routine and organization skills from. So…hope it helps!
Your morning routine sounds wonderful and relaxing. Curiously, how long does it take you to get through these tasks?
Thank you so much, Tanya! It takes me about 1.5 hours to do all this, and sometimes even 2 when I am in a mood to be extra slow.