Full disclosure – This 7-day happiness challenge is inspired by the picture of the smiling egg you see down below.
I found it about a month ago and have not been able to stop fawning over it. Isn’t it the cutest thing ever?

I even put it as my screen wallpaper. Now every time I pick up the phone, I smile back at the easter egg (it’d be rude not to).
And isn’t that what life is all about? Finding reasons to make yourself happy, making each day count, and reminding yourself that life is what you make of it?
There are countless ways to seek happiness in your surroundings, and through habits that focus on enhancing your positive thoughts.
We often believe that we have to do something significant in order to be happy.
A lot of us think that unless we are successful in life or make a drastic change, we’re not worthy of happiness.
The reality couldn’t be more different.
Through this 7-day happiness challenge, I want you to realize that happiness comes in small packets, and you have a choice to make this emotion an inherent part of your being.
Before reading on, pin this 7-day happiness challenge for safekeeping.

This is a 7-day happiness challenge for every person who’s looking to be happier in life.
Each day of this challenge will prompt you to tap into a different source of joy, helping you see that life has many surprising elements that are full of happiness.
Hope you have fun making your way down the list.
7-Day Happiness Challenge
1. Seek Joy In Little Things
We’ll kickstart this challenge by setting a basic rule – There is no need to wait for big moments to make yourself happy.
If you are waiting for a big change to stir your happy thoughts, you are limiting yourself to a small zone, outside of which you won’t allow yourself to be happy.
We need to get rid of this mindset right now. You can extend your happy space to a limitless boundary by teaching yourself to seek joy from little things in life.
And the best thing is, you can choose to do this from right this second on.
When you wake up in the morning, do it with a feeling of gratitude. Step outside, take a deep breath, and let the morning breeze touch your face.
Enjoy your meals as if you’re eating for the first time.
Don’t make your way through the morning coffee in a robotic state. Instead, savor each sip by inhaling the aroma and closing your eyes with a smile.
Allow yourself to smile more and laugh freely, even if it’s over things you’d usually consider silly.
These little acts will add up to create a state of happy mindfulness. As a result, each hour of your day will give you countless reasons to be happy.
Don’t quite know how to go about this? Check out: 35 Little Things In Life That Can Make You Happy

2. Buy A Gift For Yourself
In her podcast, Mel Robbins describes a 3-step strategy to pull yourself out of a low zone: Acknowledge your feelings, do something nice for yourself, and move your body.
For the second step, she got herself some flowers that instantly brightened her day.
And I thought to myself, ‘Wow, that sounds doable. I’d love to do something like that more often.’
I know we get things for ourselves all the time, be it clothes, accessories, stationary, or food. But mostly it’s out of necessity.
How many times do we actually step outside with the intention of buying a present for ourselves?
Prior to listening to that episode of the podcast, I never did it actively. But now, I’ve made it a weekly ritual to buy myself something nice out of pure self-love.
When you do this, you send a message to your inner child that it’s loved and taken care of. You let yourself know that ‘I deserve to feel cherished, and I am capable of making myself feel good.’
So, go ahead, and get yourself a present.
It can be an ice cream cone, a cute journal you’ve been eying for a while, or a pair of shoes that you’ll rock with your favorite pair of jeans.
Just be intentional, and declare out loud that ‘This is a present to myself from myself.’
Highly Recommended: How To Be A Happier Person – 8 Ways To Enjoy Life To The Fullest

3. Experience Pure Joy Through Yoga
For the third day of this challenge, I am going to ask you to pull out your yoga mat.
This day is going to be all about connecting to your inner self and nudging your stressful thoughts aside to make way for contentment.
Yoga is hailed for its healing tendencies. It is a simple form of exercise that isn’t draining for your body.
Because of this, it is a popular choice for people who are at the beginning level of their wellness journey.
The workout I’ve picked for you to do is one of my favorites. I do it every Sunday without fail and it leaves me feeling like I’m on cloud nine.
It’s light, fun, and sweaty without being exhausting. No more reasons are required to give this thing a shot.
Put on your cute workout clothes, or wear anything that’s comfortable on your skin, and step onto the mat barefoot.
The lead trainer in this video is so cheerful that she’ll have you smiling throughout the 35 minutes of this fluffy yoga session.
4. A Soothing Self-Care Session
Before I sat down to type this post, I pampered myself through a self-care session, the reason being that I could count on it to put me in a happy mood.
Self-care is the best way to recharge your spirit and send yourself into a relaxing zone.
Mostly acclaimed to have the same result as that of an expensive spa session, this thing will instantly calm your nerves and soothe your senses.
You can opt for a long bath, surrounded by scented candles and soft music. Use your favorite essential oils to make it a luxuriating experience
If you’re looking for a skin-nourishing hour, then put on a facial mask, cover your eyes with slices of cucumber, and lie down while listening to a podcast.
My go-to idea for self-care usually involves a shower, a skincare routine, followed by reading while eating a bowl of berries.
Even sipping a cup of coffee with journaling is counted as self-care, provided you do it in a state of mindfulness and zone out any external noise that might intrude.
For more ideas, check out: 101 Quick 5-Minute Self-Care Activities For A Refreshing Time

5. Do Something To Strengthen Your Social Relations
Social happiness might be another neglected part of your routine life.
Yes, you probably already spend time with your family and friends, but there are always ways to make these bonds stronger and seek the most out of them.
Relationships are all about giving and receiving. They need your attention to grow and thrive. A little bit of your time and effort can make a huge difference.
As Steven Covey said, “In relationships, the little things are the big things.”
So on the fifth day of this challenge, put a conscious effort to strengthen your social bonds.
Visit a cafe with your best friend, call your parents, or drop a text to a friend saying how much you love them and thank them for existing at the same time as you.
If you usually wait for plans to come along, be an instigator today and set up a weekend outing with a bunch of friends.
Dedicate this day to feeling the happiness that comes from being connected to other people. If doing so feels good, then make an intention to do more of it in the future.
Don’t Miss: 10 Things To Let Go Of To Be Happy In Life
6. Re-Do Your Room Into A Happy Space
Your surroundings have a big impact on your mental health.
A dark and dingy space would send you into a grey zone, whereas brighter colors have the opposite effect.
Up until last year, I usually relied on my inner being to be happy, not putting much thought into my external factors.
But then came a point when I couldn’t ignore the importance of having a soulful environment, and that prompted me to make my room livelier.
It usually takes days for a successful room makeover, but you can accomplish a lot in a single day too.
Start by organizing your room. Put everything in its place, make your desk neat, and arrange your shelves. Everything in your sight should be tidy and well-kept.
Make your bed, fluff out your pillows, and get rid of any stray objects lying around. Browse Pinterest for some beautiful pictures that you can relate to, and print them out to stick on your cupboard.
If you want to take this extra mile, create a happy vision board to manifest your dream life.
Your room is a reflection of your mind. Nurture it to the best of your abilities, so that when you step into your room at the end of a day, you’re prompted to ditch your worries and feel right at home.
Explore more ideas: How To Create Good Vibes – Bring Positive Energy To Your Home

7. Spend Time With Mother Nature
Nothing in this world is more selfless and pure than nature. It has an abundance of joy tucked in its lap, accessible to anyone who comes looking.
If you want to be content every single day of your life, you can do it with the help of nature.
Open your senses to your surroundings, deepen your connection to nature, and you’ll have a companion who’ll stick by your side in every changing season.
You are going to start this friendship on the last day of this 7-day happiness challenge.
Find a few minutes to spend time with an element of nature. If you’re looking for some warmth, find a sunlit corner in your house, and sit on the floor.
Breathe deeply, drink some tea, read a book, or journal your thoughts as you bask in the warmth of the sun.
You can also head outside for a morning or evening walk. Choose a tree-filled route to help you feel grounded and fill your senses with the green magic of nature.
And if that doesn’t sound appealing, how about some stargazing at night? I bet the moon would love to have you join it on a starry escapade, providing you a reprieve from the daily hustle and bustle.
The choices are endless, but whatever you do will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy on the inside, a feeling that we often call happiness.
Similar Post: 30-Day Happiness Challenge To Become A Cheerful Person

You Deserve To Be Happy
As you can see, nothing in this list is out of your reach. I made sure to include tasks that are simple yet holistic because that’s what happiness is about.
The sole purpose of this 7-day happiness challenge was to make you realize that you deserve to be happy.
You do not need to be exceptional and massively successful to feel joy. Being a human in this wonderful world is a reason enough to be happy.
But in case it’s one of those days for you when you’re not in the mood to be happy, I want you to know I understand.
Every emotion you have is valid; it’s okay to not be okay. And if you can relate to that, I’m attaching the links to some posts that might help you.
- 21 Ways To Lift Your Mood When You’re Feeling Low
- 11 Important Things To Remember When You Feel Overwhelmed
- 5 Things You Can Do To Stop Being Sad Right Now
- How To Master Emotional Self-Care (12 Important Ways)
- 5 Best Things I Did To Improve My Mental Health
Check out whatever calls out to your soul right now, and bookmark this 7-day happiness challenge for later. I promise it’ll be here whenever you’re ready to take it. 🙂
Also, if there’s anything at all that I can help you with, feel free to reach out through the comment box down below. Suggestions and tips are welcome too.
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