On the lookout for ways to attain body wellness? Here are 11 beautiful habits that will change your life, for the better, and for the best.

Hey, there, sweet plums. Hope you’re feeling fine and healthy.
Before I introduce you to the habits that you’re here for, I’d like to tell you a little about why this post is super-important.
I think you’d agree with me when I say that mind, body, and soul form the essence of life.
They are interdependent, which means one simply cannot exist without the other. That’s why it’s our responsibility to look after all three with utmost reverence.
In my opinion, body wellness is the first step toward ultimate health, since it’s where our mind and soul reside.
Taking care of your body needs to be a priority.
I spent most of my teen years neglecting to do so. In fact, until I began grasping the concept of body wellness, health was my blind spot.
Looking back, I find it funny, but also understand why it was so difficult for me to take charge of my body.
Building good habits demands patience, and the willingness to do so. I was too busy with school to pay attention to such a crucial part of my being.
But once I realized how big of a difference I could make by looking after myself, I got started and have never looked back.
That’s why, from the moment I started this blog, I knew body wellness would be one of my main niches. And I’m really excited to tell you about the ABCs of caring for your body.
Trust me when I say this, once you imbibe body care into your routine, you’d never want to go back.
I can say so because looking after my body’s needs has completely changed my life, and I want the same to happen to you.
Let’s start by grasping the true meaning of body wellness.
Understanding The Beautiful Concept Of Body Wellness
Body wellness is much more than just the idea of good health.
It is a stage of life where the body thrives from within, and the effects are clearly visible on the outside.
Its concept goes way beyond fitness as we see it today (slimming down, gaining weight, or other goals we often struggle to achieve).
The beauty of body wellness is that it doesn’t demand you to make big sacrifices, or even spend hours running after it.
It asks you to do something very simple and achievable.
Treat your body with respect, and give it a little chunk of your time every day.
Fitness might be fleeting (or come in stages depending on how much effort we put into it.)
But body wellness can last a lifetime if we inculcate some basic healthy habits.

By adopting these habits, and practicing them without fail, your body will be truly fine and healthy.
Ultimately, this sense of assurance is what most of us want our everyday state to be.
Here are my 11 recommended habits for ultimate body wellness.
Number 10 is the one I discovered recently, and have vowed to keep with me for life. So make sure to read till there.
Let’s dive in!
How To Attain An Ultimate Body Wellness (11 Beautiful Habits)
1. Start Your Day With A Glass Of Warm Water
Warm water is the right way to break your fast in the morning.
It activates your body’s metabolism after a night’s rest and prepares your gut for processing food for the coming hours.
The most advantageous benefit is that it rids you of the toxins in your intestines.
I am always up for doing things that help me lose body toxins, so this is a habit that didn’t take me long to build.
Here’s a mindful water-drinking tip for you – Before drinking your glass of warm water, speak your intentions for the day out loud.
This might sound a bit silly, but hear me out.
Water has powerful tendencies, and every molecule that comprises it is full of positivity and cleanliness.
It is a beautiful element of earth, and also one of the most basic sources of our sustenance.
So, it makes sense to treat it as a friend and soak up its good vibes.
By voicing your goals while looking into your glass of water, you acknowledge your vision. This gives you the inner strength that will drive you to work hard.
Don’t just take me for my word. Try this trick for yourself, and see if it works for you.
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2. Do A Morning Stretching Workout
It’s a healthy habit to start your day with some kind of movement.
A morning stretching routine is convenient because you can do it in your room, right after waking up and drinking warm water.
By doing a proper stretching exercise, you can relieve your body of any tension that it might have from sleep. Your muscles get to relax, and your body loses its stiffness.
Also, stretching can be a mindful activity to practice, and one of the best ways to connect your mind, body, and soul during the sunrise hours.
Honestly, I find it quite therapeutic. No wonder it’s one of my favorite times of the day.
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Earlier, I used to spend the first 15 minutes of my day scrolling through my phone, then yawning and getting started with my day.
Now, I make it a point to tuck my phone out of sight, and hit play on a youtube stretching workout.
It’s the best use of an early morning hour, believe me.
Recommended: 5 Amazing Benefits Of Morning Exercise
Here’s one of my go-to morning stretches.
Add it to your youtube playlist, and while you’re doing so, have a look at the lovely comments. They’ll inspire you to try this habit for yourself.
3. Include Protein In Your Breakfast
Protein might be the most neglected portion of your diet, and hence it demands special attention, especially if you’re truly looking to be well and healthy.
Protein is responsible for repairing your body tissues and creating new ones.
It is a crucial building block of your bones, muscles, and skin.
Did you know your hair and nails consist mostly of protein?
With such important roles to play in the human body, you can see why protein is considered to be a health-packed nutrient.
Turning your breakfast into a protein-rich meal is a splendid idea to make up for your required protein intake.
A protein-rich breakfast keeps you full for a longer duration. Hence, it minimizes your chances of snacking in between meals.
Plus, it’s light on the stomach, while being fulfilling at the same time.
Look up healthy breakfast recipes on youtube. Pick whatever looks appetizing, and can be cooked easily in the mornings.
Currently, I am loving eggs for breakfast. I alternate between scrambling them or taking them in boiled form.
Some freshly squeezed orange juice pretty much completes the meal, but if I still feel hungry, I add whole wheat toast to my plate.
An apple or some berries are also great options!
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4. Care For Your Skin
A good skincare routine is highly essential for body wellness.
We’re living in modern times, where pollution and so many unhealthy food options directly impact our skin.
A few minutes of skincare routine can have some beautiful and healthy effects on your skin. Compared to the benefits you reap, the efforts are minimal, really.
Skincare can also change the way you see yourself, adding a positive layer of body image to your perspective.
I am not kidding when I say that on days when I feel conscious of my body, I make extra efforts to pamper my skin, just because doing so gives me a much-needed vote of confidence.
If you cultivate this habit, you’ll find yourself looking forward to sitting in quiet and treating your skin with some good care.
For me, it’s now become a ritual of some sort that I respect and enjoy.
- Bath every day, using a quality body lotion.
- Use a shampoo suitable for your hair, and apply a conditioner.
- Wash your face at least twice a day, using a face wash appropriate for your skin type.
- Use a face toner after washing your face.
- Moisturize your face, arms, and legs.
- Lip care with a gentle lip balm.
On a weekly basis, I like to give myself facial cleanups, a routine that takes me about an hour and is very much worth the results.
Highly Recommended: 5 Wellness Hacks I Wish I’d Learned Sooner
5. Have A Fruit Between Your Meals
This is the most unique habit I can ask of you to build. Fruits, like water, are also a gift from nature that have sweet benefits, literally.
They have vitamins, and minerals, and are high in fiber content.
Sugar that comes in packed form is not good to be consumed in large quantities.
What’s worse is that it can be addictive. How many days have you lived without eating artificial sugar? Not many, I bet.
That’s because we constantly crave it, and might find it hard to withdraw from it for long periods of time.
There are also so many sweet options around us that it can be hard to resist. This is where fruits come in.
Since they’re naturally sweet and are filled with loads of health goodness, fruits can help you keep a safe distance from sugary treats.
Eating fruit between your meals is also an excellent way to keep your stomach full.
This way, you’re less likely to reach for snacks that your body isn’t even asking for.
Carry a fruit with you to work, and eat two hours before your lunch. You can also make a fruit salad at times for a change.
Here are some options for you to stock in your refrigerator:
Apple, kiwi, melon, berries, grapes, guava, tomato, pineapple, pear, passion fruit, orange, and tangerine.
My favorites are apples and bananas since they’re easily available. 😀
You won’t want to miss: 8 Healthy Food Habits For A Beautiful Lifestyle
6. Drink A Lot Of Water Throughout The Day
In the first habit of this post, we’ve already established that water is one of the most powerful elements on this earth.
Being a basic source of life, water needs to be consumed in good quantity.
Most people make the mistake of drinking water only when they’re thirsty. This can lead to bad consequences.
I can name five of my relatives who ended up needing treatments for diseases that were caused by a lack of water consumption.
Your kidneys need water, and not just when you’re feeling thirsty. 8 glasses of water a day is the minimum recommended amount.
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When I first started drinking water actively, it took me some time to make a habit of it.
But now it’s such an integral part of my day, that I can’t go an hour without a glass of water.
Once you increase your water intake, you’ll be surprised by how quickly your body soaks it up and starts asking for more.
Now that we’re clear on why you need lots of water, here’s an incentive to get you started with this habit.
You’ll be glad to know that drinking more water makes your skin glow as nothing else does.
Seriously, it’s the simplest and least time-taking habit you can grow to make your face shine.
So, water for body wellness? Check!
7. Have A Cup Of Green Tea Every Day
Green tea is insanely beneficial, and I believe everyone should incorporate it into their diet.
I started drinking green tea after I realized I might need it to maintain my health.
Everyone in the wellness industry seemed to recommend it, so I decided to give it a go.
In the beginning, it tasted awfully bitter. I had to add honey to stomach the taste. However, within a week, I started looking forward to my green-tea time.
And guess what? Once it became a habit, it was evidently clear that the fuss around this tea is real.
Just one cup of green tea, and my stomach would feel lighter instantly.
Before I found green tea, I was hooked on milk and black tea.
It wasn’t really a good habit to inculcate, since I was sort of addicted to it. I also used to overindulge in coffee with cream and sugar.
But green tea (with a few drops of honey) came as a perfect replacement for sugar-filled daily beverages.
I still occasionally enjoy my cream coffee, but green tea is now a happy everyday drink that I absolutely love.
So for good health, and increased focus, you need to start drinking green tea. Make it fun by buying yourself a new mug, and investing in a quality green tea brand.
Create a green tea schedule when you spend time with a hot cup and practice mindfulness. Trust me, this is one of the best habits you can gift to your body.
You might want to check out: 7 Amazing Benefits Of Green Tea
8. Exercise For 30 Minutes
I’ll be honest with you. This was something I dreaded for a long time, and all for good reasons.
For those who don’t work out regularly, any form of exercise can seem daunting, and something that is extremely painful.
If you can relate to this, I am telling you I understand, because I was the same. But since we’re aiming for body wellness, exercise is a part that just cannot be neglected.
If you’re someone who enjoys workouts, great! I hope you’re exercising for at least thirty minutes a day.
Related Post: How To Motivate Yourself To Workout
For those of you who haven’t worked out in some time, I would like to point out here that workouts don’t always have to come in form of long HIITs, hardcore cardio, or even sweating at the gym.
If you’re not looking to turn into a fitness buff, that’s totally fine.
There are a ton of fun workout videos on youtube, and that’s exactly where I started my course of exercise.
I am sharing my all-time favorite 30 minutes workout that I started with. Hope you’d give it a try.
If workouts don’t seem like they’re your thing at all, build a habit of going for walks.
Walking is an excellent form of cardio exercise, and also a beautiful way to connect your body with nature.
(In fact, if I had to choose between home workouts or regular walks as a lifelong habit, I would always pick walking.)
9. Journal Your Thoughts
It is impossible to talk about body wellness without touching upon your mental well-being.
Oftentimes, mental peace and strength are needed to be able to work on your body.
In the past, there were countless occasions when I wanted to give up on my health. I think at some point, every person striving to achieve body wellness feels exhausted.
At a point when good body habits haven’t been built yet, even forcing yourself to drink water can feel like a drag.
Journaling is a mindful art and can take your wellness journey to a whole another level.
It is a powerful tool, using which you can work with yourself, and keep your spirits up in the face of weak times.
This one habit can help you maintain the other 10 habits that we’re talking about in this post.
I keep regular journals, which I always divide into three sections representing the different aspects of my life.
One of them is ‘body wellness’, in which I write down all my health goals and all my self-doubts.
One diary entry can change the way you feel about yourself, and motivate you to be better, and healthier.
So, start spending time with your thoughts in a journal.
Mold it according to your style, write whatever you want to, and enjoy having a place where it’s just you and your candid expressions.
Be sure to shower yourself with a lot of praise and kind words. Those are the keys to keeping a positive journal.
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10. Build A Calming Night-Time Routine
Time for my current favorite habit! After a tiring day, I love curling up on my bed and spending time with myself, doing things to nourish my body and mind.
This habit fills my heart with calming vibes and makes me content and joyful at the same time.
I want you to feel the same, so I highly recommend you create a self-care night routine as well.
It can help you create respectful boundaries between your day and night. Your mind needs this separation to rid itself of any lingering stress from your day’s activities.
A night-time routine is also a perfect way to wrap up your day and set a nice tone for the coming day.
- Take a relaxing bath with a good-smelling body lotion.
- Do your basic face skincare.
- Moisturize your whole body.
- Write in your journal.
- Sip a cup of green tea.
- Read a book of your choice.
- Listen to calming music.
Afterward, you can tuck your book by your pillow, close the lights, and go to sleep with the music playing at a low volume.
This routine is tried and tested by yours truly and feels amazing.
11. Get 7-8 Hours Of Sleep
The last habit you absolutely cannot skip is having a good sleeping schedule.
The best way to go about life is to sleep by 11 PM and wake up by 7 AM.
But since I’m a night owl myself, I’m not going to be a hypocrite and ask you to sleep on time and wake up with the sun.
(But still, I mean…if you can, will you try, please? :p)
Irrespective of what time you sleep, and when you wake up, you need a good sleep of 7-8 hours.
Your body, eyes, and mind need these shutting hours to get prepared for the next day.
I would also like to point out that sleeping more than 8 (or 9) hours, should also be avoided.
If you find yourself sleeping more than this recommended amount of time period, it might be a sign of something in your life that needs to be fixed.
You could be overworking, or stressing over things, in which case it’s important to rid yourself of your nagging thoughts and focus on a peaceful sleep.
Bookmark For Later:
Your sleeping pattern greatly reflects the state of your life.
So take care to construct it the right way, catering to the needs of your body for your ultimate wellness.
Now, time to wrap things up.
I hope by now it’s clear that:
These 11 habits are golden for The ultimate body wellness
Start your day with a glass of warm water, do a morning stretching workout, and include protein in your breakfast.
Look after your skin, have fruit in between your meals, drink a lot of water, and have a cup of green tea.
Exercise for 30 minutes, journal your thoughts, build a night-time routine, and get 7-8 hours of sleep.
And, hey, don’t forget to smile. It only takes a second. 🙂
Liked the post? Or want to share your own wellness experience? Leave a comment. I’m always happy to hear from you.

Very good post. I certainly appreciate this site. Continue the good work!
Thank you so much! It’s great to have you here.
I really liked this blog. You have explained everything in such a simple manner that I couldn’t stop myself from reading the whole thing. I will definitely try to inculcate some of the habits mentioned here.
Thank you, girl! I am overjoyed to know that you liked the post. I hope you have a good time exploring these habits. Wishing you good health and loads of happiness.