I’ve always been quite fascinated by the habits of organized people.
During my teen years, I thought I belonged to this category, but later realized I was way off in my understanding of this idea.
I used to think being organized meant staying neat, immaculate, and living by some strict principles that you never stray from.
That was before I entered the field of blogging, and was forced to reassess my ideas circulating organization.
I am in a career that demands I stay motivated, disciplined, and focused. There are no external deadlines governing my routine.
Working under such inconsistent conditions means I need to be as self-centered as possible, and that’s where organizing came in.
It’s a skill I started developing a few months back, knowing that if I wanted to grow an online space, I needed to be as collected as I could.
And to say that this skill has changed my life would be an understatement. It’s helped me find consistency in everyday life and be at the top of my game.
That’s what being organized does for you.
It lets you stack the messy parts of your routine into ordered forms, making your life easier and more pleasant.

The best way to get started with a new habit is to learn from those who are already acing it.
This is a pretty smart and quick way to adopt a skill that you don’t know much about.
That’s why, in this post, we’ll look at the top 13 habits of organized people that will make life super simple for you.
If you’re looking for motivation to become your most organized self, read on.
13 Good Habits Of Organized People
1. They Have Balanced Routines
Aristotle once said, “We are what we repeatedly do.”
Now, there is a lot to unearth right there, but the simplest takeaway is that your routine is a big representation of you.
Any organized person knows this well and so they live by routines that help them stay balanced in every area of life.
For example, their mornings comprise waking up early, practicing self-care for their mental health, and good physical habits like exercising and eating a healthy breakfast.
That’s what a balanced routine looks like – catering to the body, the soul, and the mind.
To be organized, it’s important to have routines that keep you sane, productive, and active all day long.
Here are some brilliant posts that can help you with this:
- How To Create A Daily Routine That Works For You – 7 Easy Tips
- 5AM Morning Routine For A Fresh Start Of The Day
- 9 Healthy Morning Routine Ideas To Start Your Day Right
- How To Create A Productive Afternoon Routine (9 Good Habits)
- 12 Amazing Ideas For The Best Self-Care Night Routine
2. They Write Down Their Goals
One of the most brilliant habits of productive people is that they write things down.
You won’t find them without planners, notebooks, journals, sticky notes, and colored pens.
These are the tools they use to plan their day, a habit that is an intrinsic part of their being.
We all know how to make plans, but keeping them locked in our heads is not really a healthy idea.
It leads to stress and unnecessary fretting, creating confusion around your impending tasks.
You need an outlet to pour down your goals, and thankfully, pens and papers are cheap enough to make this feasible and affordable.
If nothing else, create checklists each morning or the night before.
It is a quick way to plan in advance, hold yourself accountable to get things done, and stay organized.

3. They Declutter Regularly
I am yet to come across an organized person who stores things they don’t need.
This is because they make sure to declutter their space from time to time.
There really is no point in keeping junk – whether it’s on your bookshelf, your wardrobe, or your phone.
It disturbs the energies around you and occupies space that can be put to better use.
You can start by keeping your workspace decluttered.
Throw away paper piles, clean your pen stand, arrange the items in your drawers, and keep your desk neat and organized.
Declutter your electronic devices at least once a week. Go through your emails, messages, and chats, and discard the ones you don’t need to store.
Once a month, organize a declutter spree in your home to get rid of any junk.
Donate the clothes you don’t wear anymore and give away the books you won’t be reading again. What’s not important to you could mean a lot to somebody else.
It’s also important to do regular brain dumps.
Do it by venting your emotions in a journal, talking to a friend about your week, and reading affirmations to heal your thoughts.
Similar Post: 10 Important Things To Do At The Beginning Of Every Month
4. They Work On A Schedule
Organized people are all about micromanaging their routines, which they do by creating a schedule and sticking to it.
They use the concept of time-blocking to reserve their hours.
By doing so, they are able to keep up with their time and stay on top of their tasks.
They usually have a scheduling system that enables them to map out their day in advance.
Google Calendars is an excellent digital planner that you can use to create schedules in advance. It’s got a lot of convenient features and is user-friendly.
Personally, I like scheduling my day, but also believe it should be done under control.
Time is finicky and I often love being in control of it, but I also like flowing along sometimes.
So, go ahead and create a schedule, but don’t make it too tight.
Have a timetable that’s easy to stick to and also allows you moments to breathe and relax.
Keep things flexible and light, and practice mindfulness to have a better grasp on time management.

5. They Don’t Leave Tasks Unfinished
Procrastination is one of the most annoying unproductive habits. It makes us delay even the easiest of chores and brings dull energy to our systems.
But do you know why we end up procrastinating things in the first place?
It’s because we give in to the temptation of leaving tasks unfinished, encouraging the chain of procrastination.
Things would be so much easier if we tick off our goals at the time we intend to.
If you need to shop for groceries today, do it today. Tomorrow won’t be any different, but you will certainly have more on your plate.
This is something organized people understand well, so they never ever leave a task pending.
This way, they nip the procrastination bug in its bud, making sure it doesn’t affect their organized life.
Recommended: How To Stop Procrastinating – 9 Best Ways To Get Things Done
6. They Keep Things In Their Rightful Places
Have you ever turned your room upside down in search of such important stuff?
I know I’ve lost my mind on a hundred different occasions looking for some jewelry, a favorite pen, or an old photograph from a vacation.
If only I’d put it in its place…
It’s a throughline that all the lazy crazy peeps would be able to relate to, along with my past self.
But organized people know the price of losing things, so they always, always keep things in their rightful places.
The moment they’re done using something, they tuck it back where they took it from.
This saves them time and trouble for future use and keeps their organized space intact.
If you’d like to adopt this habit, then assign places to every tiny thing in your room, and put it back after every usage. There’s nothing more to it than that.

7. They Prepare Ahead Of Time
A basic rule of being organized is to prepare for your routine tasks in advance.
This means you lay out your clothes for the next day before going to bed, plan your meals beforehand, and arrange your desk for tomorrow before leaving work.
If you are going out with friends in the evening, decide what to wear before heading to work.
Lay out your workout gear in the morning so you feel motivated to exercise when it’s time.
In short, prepare for all your tasks that can be pre-planned.
Organized people do this every single day; it’s how they put their worries for the future to rest and feel a sense of control over their plans.
Read: How To Start Your Week Right – 7 Smart Monday Habits
8. They Keep Their Life Simple
Most of us want to get organized because it makes our life simple. But for an organization to work well, it’s important to embrace the idea of simplicity first.
This means letting go of the idea that things have to come hard to you in life. Because no, they do not.
Nothing in your life has to be hard if you don’t want it to be.
There are many challenges to be had and lessons to be learned, and you most probably will have countless situations that cannot be controlled.
This is precisely why you need to simplify your life to whatever extent that you can.
There is no need to hustle when you can make do by walking at your own pace.
Take it from the habits of organized people – the simpler your mindset, actions, and solutions are, the more organized your life will be.
A Guide To Get You Started: 15 Clever Ways To Simplify Your Life For Ease And Comfort

9. They Focus On One Thing At A Time
Chaos is created when there are small changes taking place all at once, leading to a dynamic shift.
In scientific terms, I’m probably way off with this definition.
But in everyday life, that’s how you end up with a disorganized mind, i.e., by attempting multiple tasks at the same time.
Here is a simple antidote to this – Avoid multitasking, and focus on one and only one thing at a time.
You need to do this to live each moment to its fullest.
Whether you’re out watching a movie with friends or sitting at home finishing a report, bring your attention to the present and stick to it.
This is a basic rule of mindfulness, and also one of the good habits of organized people that helps them be happy in their everyday lives.
Don’t Miss: 21 Amazing Habits Of Happy People That Are Life-Altering
10. They Don’t Aim For Perfectionism
There are many good habits of organized people, but contrary to popular belief, perfectionism is not one of them.
They stay organized not for the sake of appearances, but because it makes them feel good. If you ask me, that’s the best reason to stick to a habit.
Your reason for wanting to get organized should not be related to perfectionism.
Otherwise, you’d just be setting yourself up for unrealistic expectations.
Organize your shelves, but be okay with keeping a few old books at the front for the sake of accessibility.
Replace the furniture that sticks out, but if you have to make do with your old chair because of a tight budget, don’t be dismayed.
Have a few binders to categorize your paperwork, but don’t go overboard; there’s no point in having a dozen binders if you’re going to spend hours maintaining them.
Prioritize ease and comfort above everything else.
You don’t need perfectionism to get organized. Realize this simple truth, and then redefine your idea of being organized.
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11. They Take Breaks
Even the most organized brains need rest. There are no exceptions to this wellness rule.
Organized people know the importance of catering to their mental well-being. So, they lavish themselves with moments of peace, quiet, and gratitude.
They hit pause when they feel exhausted, spend time with themselves, and are okay with not having something to do.
If you want to keep your thoughts fresh and save yourself from getting mentally exhausted, take regular breaks in life, even if that means taking a break from being organized.
It’s okay to not clean your room on a lazy weekend. The world won’t end and you won’t become suddenly disorganized.
But your mind will certainly thank you for giving it a much-needed reprieve.
Related Post: 11 Important Signs You Need A Mental Break In Life
12. They Don’t Mix Their Professional And Personal Lives
Oh, yes, I had to throw this one in. It has to be the most obvious trait of an organized person but is worth mentioning.
Organized people never ever mix their professional and personal lives.
They know that these are two different aspects of their lives, and so they prefer to keep a healthy amount of space between both.
Since I believe in creating healthy boundaries, I wholly support this idea.
The basic rule to make this happen is to leave your office life at work before heading home.
Don’t carry your career problems with you. It’s not fair to your personal life and the people in it.
Be friends with your colleagues, but also maintain a professional distance. Say no when you want to, be straightforward, and always prioritize your loved ones.
If you need to work from home, then have a small office space at home that is away from your bedroom and your common hangout spots.
This tip will help you stay mentally organized when it comes to balancing your work life. Trust me, it’s a piece of advice you don’t want to leave on the table.

13. They Stay Away From Worries
I know some things in life can be genuinely worrisome, but there is also peace to be found in the act of letting go.
Organized people don’t hold on to things they can’t control.
They know how to be content in every situation, and are steadfast in their beliefs that things will be right again.
You might not be able to control every aspect of your life, but you do have a say in how you approach your worries.
And the best way to deal with worrisome thoughts is to set them free.
Instead of diving into your negative mind space, turn to positivity, because it has the power to beautifully shift your mindset.
Don’t indulge in overthinking. It’s a fruitless endeavor and won’t bring you anything except stress.
Fretting and obsessing about your worries ruins your tendency to be organized.
So, be mindful and take active steps to declutter your negative thoughts.
A Post That Might Help: 11 Effective Ways To Reduce Stress And Find Inner Peace
Pick Up These Habits To Become Organized
It’s true that some people are naturally oriented toward an organized life, but most work on their habits to become this way.
A few months back, I was inspired to change my approach toward organization by looking at the lifestyle of Sophia Lee, who runs an interior design blog.
Inspired by her amazing success story, I felt the need to dive deeper into the habits of organized people.
Honestly, it was one of the best directions I could’ve looked into.
Being organized has simplified both my work life and personal life. I love the balance and stability that comes from having this skill in spades.
And I am not kidding when I say it doesn’t take a lot to adopt these habits into your life.
Use this post as a guide, and start organizing your life one aspect at a time. One month later, you’ll thank yourself.
Got any questions or suggestions? Reach out through the comment box. It’s always fun interacting with you.
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