Before I say anything at all, here is an honest confession on my end.
Five years ago, I was not happy with my life, even though I didn’t realize it at that time.
Now, is that supposed to convince you that I am the right person to tell you how to be a happier person?
Yes, it is.
As someone who was once on the other end of the tunnel, I know the concept of happiness can be hard to comprehend.
I also understand the struggle to find joy when your mind has been wired to focus on the bad and reject anything that makes it happy.
But more than anything, I know I can help you be happier in life because I did it. And oh boy, what a life-changing ride it was.
Being Happier Has Changed My Life
Prior to being a wellness blogger, I was a confused soul.
I struggled to maintain good relationships, didn’t how to face my emotions, and was clueless about my career.
Everything seemed exciting but boring at the same time. Yeah, I know, I was a hot mess.
But something in me must have been exhausted from looking for a purpose in life.
When I’d had enough of wandering around in frustration, I took a pause, changed my track, and went after happiness instead.
And as I slowly unearthed my tendencies to be happy, things naturally started falling into place.
Fast forward to right now, and I’ve never been more content in life, which is why I decided to pen this super-duper important post for you.
Hey, there. Before reading further, pretty please pin this post to share the love. 🤗

For the sake of full disclosure, being happy doesn’t necessarily mean a problem-free life.
You most probably will go through heavy emotions. It’s a part of being human, and life wouldn’t be the same if everything was bright all the time.
But if happiness is your best friend instead of being a foreign entity, your brain finds it easier to navigate through hurdles and challenges.
In this post, we discuss 8 splendid tips on how to be a happier person.
If you’re ready to break the mental barriers that stop you from being truly happy, read on.
How To Be A Happier Person In Life (8 Authentic Ways)
1. Weed Out Everything That Makes You Unhappy
It’s true that positivity is the cure for negative thoughts, but sometimes you need to get rid of the latter before you can even start making space for the former.
The same is true for happiness. It is attracted to places that are free of bad energies, with plenty of space for growth and development.
To make this happen, you need to root out anything that’s blocking your access to happiness.
In fact, go ahead and make a list of everything that’s holding you back from joy.
Your brain likes it better when you spell your life facts, so it’s always a good idea to write things down.
I am sharing some things from my personal life that I had to cut in order to be a happier person. Feel free to take cues for your own journey:
- A group of friends that doesn’t support you and instead brings out a negative side of you.
- Toxic habits that drain you mentally.
- A social media platform that makes you feel bad about your life.
- An unhealthy obsession with your body’s shape. You are beautiful no matter what, period.
- A job that gives you no satisfaction at all (Check out: How to create the life of your dreams).
- House clutter that gets in your way and causes disturbance.
For better insight, check out: 10 Things You Need To Let Go Of To Be Happy In Life

2. Know That You Are Worthy Of Being Happy
I understand your skepticism regarding lifetime happiness.
It might seem like a far-fetched concept if you haven’t had much luck with it so far.
But as I always say, your luck is what you make of it.
Believe me, happiness is something that can be created, and you are 100% capable and deserving of having it in your life.
If you feel you need to get to a certain point in life before making way for happier thoughts, I’m calling you out on it right now.
You don’t need to achieve something huge to be happy.
Just being a human is a reason enough to surround yourself with every source of happiness that the world has to offer.
Stop making yourself feel unworthy of this blissful emotion. If there was ever a right time to be happy, it’s right now.
A post to make you feel worthy: 10 Self-Love Habits Every Woman Needs For A Strong Life
3. Open Yourself To Positivity
Can there be happiness without positivity? Unless your definition of the two is different from mine, I don’t think that’s possible.
If your brain houses negative thoughts, there won’t be space for happiness.
It’s a harsh truth to acknowledge, but you might be indulging in negativity more than you realize, sabotaging your chances to be happy.
For clarity, here’s a stark difference between a positive mind and a negative one:

Which mindset do you think would make you happier? I know, there’s no competition.
For long-lasting happiness, positivity is the ultimate state of mind to be in.
For one thing, it simplifies your life. And for another, it is the first step toward manifesting a good life.
Your life is attracted to the energy that your mind resides in. If you believe in good thoughts, goodness is what you will receive.
In short, positivity is mandatory for a happy and healthy mind.
Whenever you are ready to let go of your sabotaging thoughts, check out: 10 Mindful Habits To Be A More Positive Person
4. Learn To Be Still
I always say that when you don’t know what to do, be still.
A mindful pause can be your answer to seemingly large problems. It’s a tried and tested formula that I’ve used countless times to get myself out of a glitch.
Since this idea has worked wonderfully so far, I recently took it a step further. I decided to make stillness my prominent state.
I read it somewhere that if you don’t like where you are, you should move because you’re not a tree.
While I can see that thought line working well for a lot of people, I personally don’t agree.
I’ve always held an affinity for trees and see a personification of myself in them.
Trees are green, happy, and giving in nature because they stay still in one spot, but underneath the soil, their roots can spread far and wide.
And what a beautiful way to grow that is. A perfect combination of stillness and grounded movement.
My happiness meter has shot upward ever since I started practicing stillness.
If the idea inspires you, feel free to test it out. You won’t know unless you give it a try.
Bookmark for later: 21 Habits Of People Who Are Always Happy

5. Embrace Your Present
A wandering mind might lead to life-changing realizations, but not if it does so 24/7.
A healthy self-introspection session is a different thing, in which you might need to turn over your past lessons and also make plans for your future.
But if your mind drifts off to the past or the future too often, we call it overthinking and worrying.
It’s a toxic behavior that invites stress and needs to be broken ASAP.
Your past cannot be changed, and your future is still undecided. The only thing that’s real is your now.
It’s the only moment that can bring you peace and happiness because it’s actually in your control.
Respect your time by living in your present. Be mindful of your breaths, slow down, and make yourself fall in love with life as it is currently.
Even when you find your thoughts going on an expedition (which is natural enough), stay rooted in your awareness of the present.
With enough practice and self-reminders, you can master the art of living in the moment and magnify your happiness.
A Fun Post For You: 30-Day Happiness Challenge To Become A Cheerful Person
6. Find Happiness From Little Things
Want to know the best secret of people who are always happy? They seek happiness from little things in life.
One of my old friends is a pure positive soul. She smiles a lot and never runs out of reasons to laugh.
I’ve been very inspired by her joyful nature, and so I picked up on her habit to find happiness in the most mundane things.
And it’s been so rewarding!
We often look for an event or occasion to make ourselves happy.
‘Oh, the week’s been so tiring, I can’t wait to visit that cafe and try their new menu on the weekend.’
I mean, I get that weekends are pretty awesome to unwind, but you don’t need to wait for them to make yourself happy.
A cup of coffee and a deep inhale of its rich aroma can cause you to smile too.
And ever stopped to smell a blooming flower, or pick a stray orange leaf off the ground? These small actions can make your soul sing.
When you open your eyes to the tiny wonders around you, life becomes rich in experience, and then every day is exciting and happy.
A Joyful List For You: 35 Little Things In Life That Can Make You Happy

7. Keep Your Body Happy
Can you be happy from within if your body isn’t in the same zone?
Mmm, maybe you can. But I can guarantee you one thing, your happiness won’t be on the same level that you’re capable of achieving.
Happiness resides in your mind, which in turn lives in your body. Make your body happy, and every part of it will thrive as a result.
Some simple daily habits can make a ton of difference to your mental and spiritual health.
I am talking about things like staying hydrated, eating vegetables, consuming sweet fruits, and exercising at least 5 times a week.
I can just see some of you curling your nose at these ideas, and I totally get why!
Even the simplest of habits can seem daunting when they aren’t an integral part of your routine. But that’s where I come in to save the day. 🦹♀️
FYI, I was not a healthy person in my teens.
If someone had told me I could manage my anger by drinking more water, I’d laughed my head off.
But now? I am all about staying on top of my wellness routine. And the best part is I actually enjoy it and can’t imagine my life without it.
Here’s all the information you need to make your body happy: How To Attain Ultimate Body Wellness (11 Beautiful Habits)
8. Hobbies, Creations, And Doing What You Love
So, you’ve decided to pursue happiness, but how do you plan on displaying it?
There should be some solid outlets to help you practice happiness, and there are three ways you can make this happen.
What do you do in your free time?
Do you end up wasting most of it by not doing anything at all? I certainly used to do this earlier.
Or do you put this time to good use by indulging in a favorite hobby?
As kids, most of us used to have so many hobbies. We did everything from drawing and playing to running around in wild circles.
As adults, your life doesn’t have to be any different.
Pick up those old hobbies again, or create new ones. Learn an instrument, try gardening, or paint something messy.
The options are limitless. You just have to be willing to act.
Recommended Post: 12 Amazing Ideas For The Best Self-Care Night Routine
We live in a world where you don’t need to be an awesome artist to create something. Technology has made everything easier and more accessible.
My blog is a product of my creative spirit, and I love it so much. It fills me with life.
This is the true power of creation, and you need to instill it in your routine to maximize your happiness.
You can head to YouTube to check out some DIY crafts, make a vision board, or a photo frame, or start a blog like me.
Basically, create something. The artistic side in you needs this outlet to feel revived.
Bookmark: 101 Quick 5-Minute Self-Care Activities For A Refreshing Time
Doing What You Love
Answer a question for me right now – what do you truly love doing?
If possible, grab a pen and make a list of these things. And starting tomorrow, do at least one of these every day.
For a better idea, here is my own list of things I absolutely love doing:
- Watching an episode of my favorite sitcom HIMYM
- Reading a cute romance novel
- Going out on a solo walk
- Cuddling with my adorable pomeranian
- Catching the first light of the sun in the morning
- Sitting in quiet
- Journaling my thoughts
These are some of the things that fill my heart with gratitude and immense love for all things life.
So, I make it a point to do them often throughout my week.

What does your list look like? If you’d like to, share it in the comment box. It might help you solidify your intentions.
These Are The 8 Steps I Took To Be A Happier Person
And psst, they worked like charm.
If you’re still dubious about the content of this post, I wouldn’t blame you.
I was just like you once, questioning every little reminder from the universe screaming at me to get over myself and let in some much-needed sunshine.
But I really turned my thoughts around, and this blog is a result of that happiness.
Yes, I still have days when I feel low and sulk in my room. But I do it while reading a self-help book or sipping a cup of green tea.
That is the power of a happy mind! Even in misery, it finds a corner to relax and recharge itself.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I fully believe in your power to change.
Bookmark this post, write down these tips in a notepad in your own words, and allow yourself to hope for happiness.
And remember, just in case you need me, I am always up for a good chat in the comment box. 🙂
Very helpful advise ,l have never looked at happiness this way , Thankyou
Hi, Caroline! I’m glad the post could offer you a fresh insight into happiness. Hope you have fun implementing the tips. Thank you for leaving a comment behind!
Hello, I read this blog and found myself relating and experiencing to many of the things you had mentioned, I found extreme value in the advice and tips you shared and can’t wait to turn a new positive leaf on my journey! Look forward to diving into the other blogs you suggested as well. Thank you so much and stay safe!
Hi there! So so happy to know that the post helped you. I appreciate you taking the time to type out your comment too. All the best on your journey. Good things await you!