How to stay motivated to achieve your goals without suffering from mental burnout?
It’s a question worth a million dollars, but you don’t need to worry your pretty little mind about that hefty (and slightly unreasonable) amount.
This simple guide on self-motivation comes free of cost and is best for those who are looking to be more inspired on a daily basis.

When I first thought about starting a blog, I was running low on motivation. I wanted to keep procrastinating writing my first blog post, but somehow, I mustered the courage to take the first plunge.
One thing led to another, and now, my blog is a slowly booming business that’s helped me create my dream life.
I am not saying my life is perfect. Believe me, there are days when I want to crawl into an igloo with a warm blanket and never come out.
I bet on some level, you can relate to that.
But I think we can also agree that if we let our lazy feelings get the better of us, a lot of our potential would stay untouched.
The potential that’s just waiting for a spark of motivation, so that it can turn into actions that can further bring you impactful results.
Now, there is a lot to unpack here. But for now, we will focus on the one factor that bridges the gap between intentions and actions, that is, motivation.
It is the one thing that successful people seem to have in spades, but the truth is, they have some solid habits that help them stay motivated.
And one thing I’ve learned so far is that even if a single person can master a skill, then anyone can, and trust me, self-motivation is no different.
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In this post, I dish out 11 simple tips on how to stay motivated to achieve your goals.
They are easy to implement and will help you learn how to build motivation instead of waiting for it to show up on its own.
Read on to know more.
How To Stay Motivated To Achieve Your Goals
1. Start Your Day Right
Most often, I see people struggling with a lack of motivation throughout the day because they don’t start their morning right.
Do you know what one of the best habits of successful people is?
They have a solid morning routine that inspires them to face their head with excitement.
When you begin your day with some soothing morning rituals, you invite new energy into your life. Because of this, each day becomes a new day.
You get a chance to hit the refresh button, clear your thoughts from the past, and take confident steps toward your goals.
So, starting tomorrow, do this:
Get yourself to wake up early (anytime before 8 am is fine) and then follow some of these morning routine ideas.
You’ll see a positive spike in your motivation level, and it’ll keep you going strong throughout the day.
Working on your goals will become less strenuous and more fulfilling.
A Popular Post: 5AM Morning Routine For A Fresh Start Of The Day

2. Visualize Your Goals
Goals become fulfilled when we take action, and to act upon our goals, we need a constant stream of motivation.
But it can be challenging to complete this link if our goals stay stuck in our heads.
Have you ever thought about giving life to your goals by visualizing them?
It’s an idea that people have been doing successfully for years now and seeing great results.
Visualization needs to be done with the clear intention of getting in contact with your goals.
One of the top techniques for this is to write down your goals. I maintain a separate journal for this and keep it in sight whenever I’m working.
Creating a vision board is another great way to keep your motivation running. I also like hitting the record button on my phone and giving voice to my plans.
You can come up with your own visualization techniques. It can be quite fun to do once you get used to it.
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3. Be Friends With A Daily Planner
This tip is an extension of the last point, but it’s super duper important.
A daily planner can come in extremely handy for those who prefer to keep their goals in sight.
I avoided using it for a long time, thinking it might make things more stressful. But after reading several articles on some of my favorite blogs, I decided to jump on board.
I was in for a surprise because not only did my planner reduce my stress, but it also made me more mindful of my routine.
You can buy a planner from an online store and get one from a stationary shop.
Many of them come with a section for meal planning, which is an awesome perk that will help you practice mindful eating.
During your bedtime, create a to-do list in your planner for the next day.
It’ll help you dump your thoughts for the future out of your head, and go to bed without any stress.
After waking up, do a quick scan of your daily goals and visualize doing them in your thoughts.
Keep your planner tucked close to you throughout the day, and tick off each small go as you finish it off.
Checking off the last item will be immensely satisfying and also the right amount of addictive to keep you coming back to your planner every day.
Recommended: How To Create A Daily Routine That Works For You – 7 Easy Tips

4. Have An Action Plan To Deal With Low Energy
Low moods are like speed breakers in your goal-manifestation journey. But having an action plan can be helpful in such jerky scenarios.
Whenever you’re hit with a low-energy phase, first of all, get yourself to calm down.
I know lack of motivation can be scary for a lot of people, but you need to realize that your mind is different each day.
Just because you can’t feel it right now, doesn’t mean your motivation is gone.
Clear your panic, take deep breaths, and use your low phase to take a mental break from your goals.
Sit with your thoughts, do meditation, and pamper yourself with self-care.
Keep in mind that healing your energies and practicing emotional self-care is also a form of productivity, one that is gentle and kind to your soul.
If you are looking for something more helpful, use this 5-step action formula to stop being sad. It’s my go-to guide for my low-motivation days. 🙂
5. Pick Your Role Models
There must be some person who inspires you to give your best, someone who fills you with high energy every time you watch videos or read articles on them.
Write down the list of such people and then pick your role models out of them.
Now, whenever you’re struggling to work on your goals, all you have to do is connect yourself with one of your role models.
It’s important to have more than one role model so you can turn to the right personality depending on the type of goal you need help with.
For example, whenever I want to feel inspired to work on my blog, I go to Sophia Lee, who’s an insanely successful blogger.
But if I’m feeling hopeless about all of my life goals, I head over to Taylor Swift. Her success story as a woman is highly motivating for me.
You don’t have to associate your journey with that of your role model’s.
Their purpose in your life is to refill your inspiration tank. You can still do things in your own authentic way.
Use their stories, words, and work to help yourself realize that anything is possible and that you have it in you to slay your small and big goals like a girl boss.
Worth Reading: 21 Amazing Habits Of Happy People That Are Life-Altering
6. Break It Down
If I were to ever be a mountaineer, I wouldn’t want to fret over the distance I have to cover.
Instead, I’d focus on taking one step at a time, and cover the whole distance by breaking it down in my head, taking short breaks in between to recharge my energy.
Long story short, a goal becomes intimidating if you look at it in its entirety.
Your brain might be a complex being, but it loves receiving information in simplest forms. Give it doable instructions, and it’ll have an easier time complying.
A big reason why people end up running out of motivation within a week of setting a big goal is that they never break it down.
The big goal remains just that – big (and as a result, unfinished.)
If you’ve been making the same mistake, it’s not late at all to rectify it. Start breaking down your goals into shorter tasks.
You want to drop a few pounds? Then focus on shedding the first two pounds first within an acceptable time frame.
Whatever goal you pick, break it down, and take it one step at a time. With this tip as a part of your work plan, your motivation lamp will burn bright and steady.
A Post That Will Help: 15 Clever Ways To Simplify Your Life For Ease And Comfort
7. Be Clear On Your Intentions
In the past, I left a lot of my goals unchecked, because I was never clear on my reasons for wanting to finish them.
A few mindful habits helped me correct this mistake, and only then did I realize how big a role intentions play in goal manifestation.
Being intentional means being crystal clear on why you’re chasing a particular goal.
When you set down solid intentions, you come from a place of strength and power.
You provide a purpose to your plans and actions, which gives your goals an unshakeable foundation.
Whenever you find yourself losing interest in a particular vision, ask yourself the following questions:
- Why am I doing this?
- What does finishing this goal mean to me?
- How will my life look like prior to completing the goal?
- Can I see myself being fine without getting this done?
Answering these simple questions will help you check in with your mind and get it in alignment with your inner needs.
You can even whip out a notepad and list down your reasons for getting started. Your hidden intentions will come to the surface and you’ll stay motivated to achieve your goals.
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8. Create An Inspiration Board
I’m sure you’ve thought of having an inspiration-filled wall in your room but never gotten around to it.
If you’re serious about ticking off your goals, you might want to utilize a weekend to create an inspiration board.
An inspiration board contains pictures, checklists, and quotes from your favorite personalities. Its presence in your space is a reminder of everything you value in life.
It’s different from a vision board in the sense that it doesn’t necessarily have to contain your goals. You can choose to turn it into a vision board if you’d like to.
But building an inspiration board is much simpler. You can stick anything on it – from illustrations to artwork to movie/book quotes.
An empty wall or your cupboard can act as your inspiration board surface.
To make things fun, add one new inspiring artwork to it every week. This will keep things fun and also revitalize your room’s energies.
Related: 13 Habits Of Organized People That Will Make Your Life Easy
9. Stay Optimistic
If you are pessimistic regarding your goals, then you likely won’t see them through to the end.
To be successful in an endeavor means to surrender your negative thoughts and be super optimistic about your vision.
When you think positive, you will act positive, and reap positive results in return.
This isn’t you being ‘unrealistic’, but it’s you showing faith in your abilities and inspiring yourself to keep improving your skills.

During your growth journey, you will encounter many moments of self-doubt that will make you want to quit.
Your role is to convert each of your self-sabotaging thoughts into positive ones and avoid complaining.
The more you do this, the easier it will be for you to channel your inspiration on command, and stay motivated to achieve your goals in time.
Related: How To Be A More Positive Person (10 Mindful Habits)
10. Have A Supportive Social Circle
Sometimes, when I’m having a bad day, talking to a supportive friend can make a ton of difference.
Even something as simple as, “I don’t feel like working out,” turns into “Why am I not working out, again?”
It can take time to find people who support you in life, but you might already have at least one person who has faith in you.
In your moments of self-doubt, you need people who can show faith in you on your behalf. This can help you restore your motivation and get back in the game.
So, when you find people who make you feel good about yourself, keep them close.
Surround yourself with a circle that is uplifting, and positive, and helps you stay motivated to achieve your goals.
It’s equally important to let go of anyone who makes you feel like you’re not good enough. You don’t need such negative energy to get in your way.
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11. Motivate Yourself Through Journaling
You might be lacking motivation because you’re not communicating with yourself well enough.
It’s a problem that many of us fail to realize, but thankfully, there’s an easy fix for this.
A journal is your best tool for self-communication, so it is the one thing you absolutely must use to connect to your inner self.
If you don’t already have a journal, now is the time to pick up this wonderful habit.
Pen down entries filled with self-love, enthusiasm, and goal orientation. Turn into your own cheerleader by heaping praises upon yourself.
Reassess your goals, set new ones, and tell yourself to not be disheartened if some things don’t work out in your favor.
Sometimes, all you need to do to is call out to your inner self and connect with it to get motivated to achieve your goals.
Bookmark For Later: 50 Amazing Bedtime Journal Prompts For A Quiet Reflection

Self-Motivation Is An Internal Force
Might not seem like it, but you are in full control of your motivation.
There might be days when you’re running low on inspiration but need to get some major things done.
The hacks I mentioned above will help you make sure these days happen less frequently, and when they do strike, you can easily refer to the same tips for a much-needed boost.
Now, it’s your turn to share. What’s your go-to hack to stay motivated to achieve your goals? I’d love to know what works best for you. Questions and suggestions are always welcome.
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