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Not sure how to take a mental break from life? Here are 10 soul-nourishing ideas that will recharge your mind and make you look forward to the good things in life.

Life is a beautiful journey, but it comes with its own fair share of troubles.
Certain situations, experiences, and even moments can be taxing for your brain, leading to mental burnout that should be handled with care.
An overwhelmed mind, exhaustion, lethargy, and disinterest in one’s work are some crucial signs that you need a mental break from life.
Your mental health should be your first priority, always. If your brain isn’t in a good space, it can be hard to give your best to your job, relations, and even yourself.
That’s why it’s okay to step back and take a break from life; you deserve it and are more than worthy of it.
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You don’t need to go on expensive vacations or become invisible to take a break from life.
There are affordable and doable ways to recharge your mind and get jazzed about life again.
In this post, we’ll delve into 10 simple things that you can do to take a mental break from life, without actually putting things on a major pause.
Let’s get started.
10 Ways To Take A Mental Break From Life
1. Unplug
Whenever I find things getting too hectic for my liking, the first thing I do is turn off my phone. It’s surprising (but not really) how fast my brain goes from being anxious to relaxed.
Our phones and laptops are a major part of our lives. They make everything and everyone accessible to us.
But as with any good thing, these things come with their own downfall. Being so connected to the world means you are never really alone with your thoughts.
Even in bed, your mind could be a hundred miles away as you mindlessly scroll through your social media feeds. This can easily lead to mental overload.
That’s why unplugging your devices can give you the break that you’re looking for.
It’s okay to put your phone in airplane mode and put your computer away for a while; your mind will thank you for it.
2. Seek Solitude
Your brain needs regular breaks from the chitchats and the external noise.
Maybe you have a job that requires you to spend time a lot of time with people, or you live in a big family or a dorm facility.
Even if you’re not interacting with a lot of the people you see on a daily basis, your brain still picks up on their energies.
In fact, the presence of too many people could very well be the cause of your mental exhaustion. If that’s the case, give yourself permission to step back and seek solitude.
There’s nothing wrong with locking your room and indulging in your personal stuff as often as you want and need.
The more alone you can be with your thoughts, the more pleasant your interactions will be with others. It’s a simple matter of recollecting your mental energy and then reinvesting it.
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3. Socialize
While some of you might benefit from seeking solitude, others might thrive by going out and meeting a couple of friends.
Your tired mind might be looking to step out of your mundane routine, and nothing screams fun like a night out with your close friends.
Head to a bustling part of your city and let your free-spirited self run wild. You can be your most authentic self, free of all the limitations that you unintentionally put on yourself.
I usually go to a cafe with a friend, and then come back home to be alone with myself.
It’s a good idea to socialize for fun and then seek solitude within the same day. Gives a balanced flavor to your mental break, which can be very refreshing for your mind.
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4. Practice Self-Care
Here is a question you need to ask yourself more often – “In this very moment, what is something you can do to make yourself feel better?”
All the activities you can think of fall under self-care.
For me, a cup of green tea, a self-help book, and a long shower work like magic against stress. These little activities can be instant mood lifters.
Self-care is all about putting your daily life on pause and connecting your mind to your soul. The best thing is that it’s accessible to all.
You don’t need a thick purse to invest parts of yourself into a beautiful journal. Drinking a cup of coffee in your favorite corner of the house won’t take much either.
So, self-care as a form of mental break? Check!
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5. Do A Mental Detox
Everyone should have a personalized mental detox routine. The purpose of a mental detox is to flush out all the excess thoughts in your brain that cause stress, panic, and overthinking.
During this routine, you indulge in a series of mindful activities that soothe your mind. Consider it a type of mental cleansing ritual, if you will.
Here is a mental detox routine you can use to take a break from life:
- Unplug your electronic devices.
- Find a cozy corner.
- Set the mood by lighting candles, playing music, and opening the windows.
- Dump your thoughts in a journal.
- Drink herbal tea to reduce stress.
- Stretch your body.
- Meditate to some calming music.
- Read a book to close your mental detox routine on a positive note.
Related post: 10 Simple Everyday Habits To Improve Your Mental Health
6. Get In Contact With Nature
One of my all-time favorite quotes is, “The earth has music for those who listen.”
Time and again, I have found this to be true. No matter how bad a day I am having, a long walk on the road works like a balm for my mental health.
In the lap of nature, it becomes easier to tune out the world and tap into your inner peace.
Give yourself a break by sitting under the tree, going to a park, or doing some gardening. Go outside for a stroll in a nature-filled area while listening to some music or a podcast.
Spend a night under the star-filled sky, walk bare feet on the grass, and allow yourself to be taken in by the breathtaking beauty of nature.
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7. Release Your Emotions
Emotions can be beautiful, messy, and outright panic-inducing at times. Some of them might make you uncomfortable, while others might be so joyful that you’re scared to feel them fully.
As humans, we are hesitant to let our emotions out on full display – whether they’re positive or negative.
But honestly, it’s unfair to expect your mind to hold onto so many emotions when the best thing to do is to feel them and release them.
Give your mental health a break by letting your emotions out.
Write in a journal, talk to a friend about what your mind’s been up to lately, or find a creative way to express yourself (poems, stories, a blog.)
You can also do audio journaling by recording your thoughts on your phone (I do it all the time, and it helps.)
And if you find yourself shedding a few tears or laughing loudly throughout this process, it’s just a sign that you’re doing it right.
A post that might help: How To Master Emotional Self-Care (12 Important Ways)
8. Take A Mental Break Through Deep Sleep
I’m sure you’ve hit the bed on plenty of tiring days to sleep off your worries.
But have you ever tried romanticizing your bedtime experience to be able to sleep deeply?
I do it all the time, and it feels uh-mazing!
First and foremost, make sure your bedding is soft and comfortable. Your sheets should be clean, and there should be water on your nightstand.
Wear a sleep mask to block out excess light. Turn on a humidifier to make the air pleasant, breathable, and hygienic.
Lastly, tune into a deep sleep meditation or some calming music, let your breaths even out, and drift off to the relaxing vibes.
Related post: 12 Amazing Ideas For The Best Self-Care Night Routine

9. Let Your Inner Child Out
I was obsessed with board games growing up, but last week, I realized I had not a single board game at home.
When my parents came to visit, I had to download Ludo on my tablet so that I could spend some quality time with them, but playing on a digital screen was no fun compared to rolling an actual dice.
I immediately ordered Jenga, and playing that felt so good that now I am onto buying every single game that I owned as a kid.
This made me realize the importance of staying in touch with one’s inner child. When the adult in you is tired, the kid in you can step in to add some colors to your life.
What were some of your favorite activities growing up? Think, and do a few of those things. Sing, dance, paint, or invite a friend over for a board game.
Going forward, keep indulging in these activities regularly to be happier and stress-free.
10. Deep Breathing
Breathing is the quickest, most effective, and also an undermined form of mental break.
It calms your racing thoughts, brings your awareness to the present, and frees you from your troublesome thoughts.
Wellness experts all over the world swear by deep breathing for better health.
Even in the most chaotic environment, you can close your eyes, lean back in your spot, and slow down your busy mind just by focusing on your breaths.
So, when you are looking for a reprieve from life, but don’t have time to indulge in a long self-care routine, just sit down for a breathing exercise.
This is a mental health hack that won’t fail you, I promise.
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Go Ahead And Take A Mental Health Break
You deserve as many breaks as you deem necessary for your overall well-being.
Depending on your current situation, pick a tip from this post, use it to pause your strenuous thoughts, and ultimately let go of them.
It’s okay to not be okay, but more than that, it’s okay to do things for yourself to make yourself feel okay. 🙂
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This was interesting! It put into words things I was thinking to do.
I am at a los right now, trying to find my way. Thank you
Hey Pam. Glad to be of help. As long as you are putting in effort, you will find your way. I believe this wholeheartedly. Sending loads of love and strength your way from this side!