Are you a student looking to simplify your complicated college life? You’ve found the right post at the right time! Here are 9 super-important self-care tips for college students that will help you lead a stress-free way to graduation.

College life is not an easy pill to swallow.
For some rare and amazing humans, it might be the easiest time of their life. But for a lot of us lovely commoners, it’s a wild rollercoaster that we dread stepping on but are excited about at the same time.
There is so much going on in so many places, that it’s like being in a whirlwind of a tornado.
- Which classes should I sign up for?
- Which party should I attend? And wait a minute, am I even in the need to party?
- Why is this course so hard? What was I even thinking taking up this class?!
- This new relationship…is it flying too fast too soon?
- Am I weird for being the only single person in my newfound friend circle? (P.S: You’re not.)
I am telling you if there was a book that answered all of these questions, it’d be a bestseller.
But good thing there is something that can help you in your quest for an easy (and fun) college life.
It’s a cute little button called self-care, and I am going to help you find your way to it (and also give you a little nudge to push it!)
The Importance Of Self-Care For College Students
First and foremost, self-care is the solution to your college troubles. I am not exaggerating, it really is!
Self-care can help you unwind after a long day of running in-between classes. It keeps your sanity in check and relieves you of stress.
It is the best language of self-love, something which you need plenty of to get through the college chaos.
But most importantly, it is the recipe for a delicious life full of self-acceptance and gratitude.
Let’s have a look at some of the top benefits of self-care.
Benefits Of Self-Care For College Students
As a college student, these are the golden benefits you can access through a blissful self-care routine:
- A decluttered life
- Better study time
- Increased focus and alertness
- Better connection with their inner self
- Avoiding impulsive decisions
- Stronger friendships
- Better mental health
- Peaceful life
Reaping these rewards for blissful student life is not that hard. A few little changes can create all the big differences.

This post is all about self-care tips for college students that are super important for a stress-free life.
Let’s dive right in.
9 Self-Care Tips For College Students
1. Make Your Room A Haven For Self-Care
To become a pro at self-care, you’ll need a space to practice this beautiful art. For this, I recommend you turn your room (or your side of the shared room) into a haven for self-care.
Take out some time to put up motivational quotes and beautiful pictures on the wall. Make your self-help books accessible from the bed, and create a space for your journals.
The moment you enter your room, your soul should rejoice at the view and feel right at home.
If you get this one thing right, self-care will be a constant and welcome presence in your mind.
2. Focus On Body Care
You might be swamped by various college activities, but neglecting your physical health is a mistake you can’t afford to make.
Looking after your body will enhance your college experience.
So, don’t look at it as an obligation. Rather, enjoy your body care rituals and practice them regularly without fail.
Here are some healthy ways to focus on your body as a college student:
- Drink a lot of water
- Eat healthy
- Exercise regularly
- Proper skincare
- Don’t entertain your bad eating habits
- Shower every day
- Maintain your oral hygiene
- Use positive affirmations to inspire healthy changes
To keep up with your health in college, check out these 8 beautiful habits that I swear by for body wellness.
3. Distance Yourself From Your Phone (Occasionally)
The best self-care practices are the ones that don’t involve technology.
I know that a lot of your college interactions happen through your phone, but distancing yourself from your phone/laptop will allow you to open up to other experiences.
Turn off your phone when there’s nothing important waiting for you on the other side.
Recommended: 15 Cozy Winter Self-Care Ideas
Read books, hum to yourself while painting your nails, or go out for a jog. Do some stargazing from a beautiful spot on your campus.
Sit in a cafe and sip coffee, and practice mindfulness away from the notifications blasting on your phone.
4. Nurture Your Social Circle
The college phase of your life can be socially life-altering. You get to meet new people and form new bonds, which is always a good thing!
Even if you’re an introvert (hello, there, my inner self), you’ll end up forming at least one new lifetime friendship. No matter how big or small, care for your social circle.
The people around you will help you grow and learn many important lessons in life, and you’ll do the same for them in return.
Also, be in touch with your family and friends located in different parts of the country. Call them every week, and facetime whenever possible.
The physical distance between you doesn’t have to reflect in your heart. 🙂
Check out: 7 Types Of Self-Care
5. Have A Good Sleep Routine
As a college student, sleep is an area that you need to tend to for your overall wellness. You need your beauty sleep to keep up with the demands of your studies.
Create a soothing nighttime routine, and use these bedtime journal prompts to put your thoughts to bed. Sleep for at least 7-8 hours, and also focus on improving your sleep quality.
If you struggle with this, then learn how to sleep better at night using 10 tricks that work for everyone.
Did you know: Waking up early can help you tackle your college life like a pro!
Know how I became a morning person and made myself love waking up early. Spoiler alert: It might be easier than you think. 😉
6. Make Way For Self-Love
The ultimate goal of self-care, in my opinion, is to inspire self-love. You can do anything in life if you have unconditional love for yourself.
This means you love yourself irrespective of your circumstances and regardless of your fitness levels. No matter what ball life rolls your way, you don’t leave your hand.
If someone acts harshly with you, you have the power to defend yourself. And in no condition do you ever question your body or mind (or your beautiful spirit.)
Related: 10 Self-Love Habits Every Woman Needs For A Strong Life
Love yourself fully, and your college troubles will bow down before you. Things will get easier, and you’ll wake up each morning excited and determined to seize the day.
7. Limit Your Alcohol Consumption
I know peer pressure is the real deal, and alcohol is a normal part of college life. But I still chose to add this piece of advice here because it’s a crucial one.
We all know drinking alcohol is not an act to be boastful of.
It might sound like a fun weekend idea, but drinking alcohol in college can have detrimental effects on your studies and your health.
Prove that you care for yourself by putting your foot down at the next party. Refuse the extra glass of shot and take pride in being the boss of your life.
Our bodies are our gardens to which our wills are gardeners.
– William Shakespeare
Something worth reading: 8 Healthy Food Habits For A Beautiful Lifestyle
8. Spend Some Quality ‘Me-Time’
This is a time in your life when you will have inner conflicts, troubles, and changes that can get hard to keep up with.
How you deal with these changes will have a big impact on your future.
Help yourself by spending some quality ‘me-time.’ This will help you discover the changes in you and connect to your inner needs.
You will also be able to make quick decisions and avoid spending your energy in the wrong places.
This is also the best way to deal with stress and cleanse your negative energies (because no one can do a better job of decluttering your mind than yourself.)
A cute post you can use for your ‘me-time’: 51 Best Solo Date Ideas
9. Prioritize Your Mental Health
College life can be hectic, not to mention insanely overwhelming at times.
While you learn about your chosen career during your classes, your personal life also goes through many changes.
It’s the time in life when you might be falling in love, forming new friendships, and getting a hang of ‘being in a relationship.’
Managing your studies and your growing personal life can be stressful.
That’s why your mental health needs special attention amidst this blooming chaos.
So, regardless of what goes on in your life, make your mental care a priority, and you’ll find things getting significantly easier for you.
The next section of this post goes into extra detail about this which you’ll find extremely helpful.
Mental Health Tips For College Students
Ready to master a few techniques for your mental health?
Here are 5 best ones that helped me survive college without going crazy:
1. Learn Time Management
Use some creative ways to plan your week in advance.
This will save you a ton of headaches of rushing through your classes and juggling your personal life.
Use daily planners, or try your hand at google calendar. You won’t know what kind of planning works for you until you give it a shot.
2. Don’t Overdo Yourself
It might be tempting to turn yourself into a perfect student machine, but you’re not born to be so mechanical.
Take on a little less workload than what you can handle, so that there’s enough room for your soul to breathe and smile.
Also, make yourself familiar with the concept of slow living. It can prove to be life-altering for college students.
3. Rest To Recharge Your Mind
To have a stress-free time as a college student, learn to take breaks when you feel overwhelmed.
Don’t act on your fear of missing out on things when you’re tired. You’ll only end up exhausting yourself even more.
Bookmark: 11 Important Signs You Need A Mental Break
Rest only helps you recharge and get back on track with a fresh mind. So, do it as often as you need to, without feeling guilty about it.
4. Know That It’s Okay To Prioritize Yourself
There might be people you need to hang out with on the weekends, places you need to visit, and a checklist you need to tick off.
But do all of that after you’re done taking care of yourself.
You are your first priority, period. And your true friends will understand and respect this.
Saying no is the best form of self-care.
Here’s a gentle post to help you own your need for space: 7 Authentic Reasons To Stop Feeling Guilty About Self-Care
5. Read Self-Help Books
During college, you’ll have a lot of textbooks you need to finish each semester.
But, also try to find some time to read out-of-syllabus books for your personal growth. It’ll be a refreshing change for your eyes.
For more tips related to mental wellness, check out the Mental Health section of my blog. It has some specially curated blog posts with some practical ways to nurture your well-being.
Self-Care Is Your One-Way Ticket To A Stressfree College Life
And as I hope you’ve learned through this post, it isn’t so hard to practice.
Just follow the tips we’ve discussed in this post, and you’ll find yourself on a fun college ride.
Be regular with your healthy habits, and don’t forget to focus on your mental health. It’s the most sacred part of your wellness.
How has your college experience been so far? Sum it up in one sentence, and leave your response in the comment box. Would also love to know some of your self-care tips for college students!
I wish I’d been more aware of self-care way back in the day when I was a student. These tips will really help those struggling at college/uni.
I hope so too! Thank you so much for stopping by. 🙂
Great advice here… I love that you mention about having a break from the phone
Yes, digital media detox can be life-changing during college. I am glad you liked the tips. Thank you for visiting!
Great points. I missed several of them (think sleep and alcohol) during my time at college. 🙂
Thank you, Adriane! Seems like you did well practicing the other tips, though. Hope you had an amazing college time.