Complaining too much and too often is not a trait to boast about. It’s a sneaky habit that we don’t even realize we’re entertaining until it’s spelled out for us in plain text.
If you think you might have donned the role of complainer without intending to, then your brain probably needs some strong points on why you should stop complaining.
In this post, you’ll find 5 such reasons that will compel you to give up this habit for good.

Up until recently, I used to complain non-stop.
If I ran out of money, I complained to my friends. If my ceiling fan broke, I complained to my parents. And if the hot temperature was making my skin too oily, I complained to the heavens.
‘Why me?’ I’d ask, annoyed and blissfully oblivious to the fact that my problems were not unique at all.
Slowly but surely, I realized my mistake, and once I did, it was glaringly obvious how utterly exhausting my incessant complaining was. Not just for me, but also for the people around me.
And so I decided to pull the brakes on this habit, and oh boy, what a marvelous change it had in my life. I swear my brain is fifty percent quieter and calmer now.
But still, there are days when I tend to slip back into my old patterns.
And when that happens, I like to remind myself of the reasons why I stopped complaining, and why I am better off without this toxic habit.
Before moving on, pin this post for later!

This post is for anyone who’s trying to convince themselves to stop complaining.
Below are 5 strong reasons that will compel you to let go of this troublesome habit and be happier in life.
Read on!
Why You Should Stop Complaining
1. It Causes A Lack Of Gratitude
Gratitude is a key piece to contentment. It’s something wellness experts preach about for a good and fulfilling life.
But if you complain too often, then it’s probably coming from a place of lack. That isn’t to say that your life is lacking, but your mindset probably is.
When you allow yourself to obsess over the slightest of issues, you lose focus on what actually matters in life. You end up feeling as if what you have isn’t enough.
I remember how ungrateful I used to act back when I was a regular complainer. It always drained my gratitude reserves, and I couldn’t appreciate what I had in life.
But there’s a way you can use this to your advantage. If complaining causes a lack of gratitude, then practicing gratitude might be the way to stop complaining.
It’s amazing how positive a change this simple trick can bring. The more content you are, the less you’ll feel the need to complain.
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2. Complaining Blocks Your Positive Thoughts
I think we can all agree that complaining wouldn’t be considered a positive action. In fact, it creates a negative aura that has a bad impact on your attitude.
The way to break out of your irritated thoughts is to divert yourself in a positive direction.
But instead, we channel that irritation into our speech, which blocks the passage for positive thoughts.
This is very likely to affect your decision-making and problem-solving skills.
Have you ever noticed that people who think positively rarely complain? They know it is futile to entertain this habit, so instead, they focus on being optimistic about life.
There is a simple conclusion we can draw from this – Instead of complaining, we should make way for positive thinking.
It’s an amazing skill you can develop to navigate the various challenges in life.
Here is a post that will help you with this: How To Be A More Positive Person (10 Mindful Habits)

3. It Makes You Act Like A Victim
This particular side-effect of complaining is the one I personally dislike the most. When I had a habit of complaining, I used to put myself in the shoes of a victim.
If I scored low on an exam, I’d blame the examiner for setting tough questions, sometimes going as far as to look down upon the education system.
Basically, I used to treat myself as a victim of life. Now, I know that the world doesn’t owe me anything, and I am responsible for a lot of stuff that’s happening in my life.
It’s a harsh truth, but one that you need to fully absorb if you want to let go of the false satisfaction that you receive whenever you complain.
Yes, life is unfair at times, and in those moments, you have the full right to vent your frustration.
But if you do this whenever things don’t go your way, you’d end up being too comfortable in your role as a victim. Ultimately, this would harm you more than anyone else.
Instead of taking on the victim mindset, learn from your experiences. Don’t give yourself a chance to play the blame game.
Acknowledge your emotions when something bad happens, but then move on. It will give you more peace than staying stuck on your problems.
Similar: 21 Amazing Habits Of Happy People That Are Life-Altering
4. It Makes You Give Up Too Easily
Have you ever realized that complaining has a negative impact on your goals and ambitions?
We all know that goals require us to put in the effort and a bit of hard work, combined with smart work.
But when we complain too often, we naturally become problem-oriented, rather than focusing on the solutions.
This promotes the habit of giving up rather than trying. You believe there is no way out of a situation, so you might not want to keep going.
As a result, your short-term goals might go unticked, and your long-term vision of life might also become skewed.
Obviously, this is a waste of your potential, so it’s in your best interest to limit your habit of complaining.
If you want to stay ambitious, you need to adopt the attitude of a winner. And as far as I know, winners attempt, but they never complain.
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5. It Has A Negative Impact On Your Mental Health
One of the prime reasons why I stopped complaining was that it had a poor impact on my mental health.
As we’ve already established, complaining is quite a negative habit to entertain.
It makes you focus on the worst-case scenarios, and you might worry about things that aren’t of any importance.
I don’t know about you, but I never feel good after a session of complaining. I like talking to my close friends, find it relieving to share my troubles with them and listen to theirs in return.
But after a conversation that mostly involves me ranting about something that doesn’t deserve my attention, I feel drained.
You might find this relatable. Complaining is, after all, quite an exhausting habit. It drains your energy reserves and leaves you with a feeling of emptiness.
Consequently, your brain’s health suffers, and you might experience stress, sadness, irritation, and low moods more often.
A Post That Might Help: 10 Simple Everyday Habits To Improve Your Mental Health
6. It Might Exhaust The People Around You
So far in this post, we’ve been talking about how complaining affects you, but we can’t ignore the fact that there are two sides involved in this process.
If complaining is a toxic habit to house, then listening to complaints isn’t a pleasant experience either.
Imagine the occasions when someone has complained to you about something, and you’ve had nothing to say in return.
Isn’t it just a little discomforting, especially if it’s happening again and again?
I agree that our loved ones should care about our feelings. You are entitled to demand attention from your close people because you do the same for them in return.
But at the same time, it might be unreasonable to expect anyone to put up with our non-stop complaining.
Each person has their own share of troubles to deal with.
Our role in this world is to provide a shoulder for each other, but we shouldn’t have to put up with habits that might be harming the other person as well as us.
There are many ways you’d want to be known in your social circle, but I’m sure being a complainer isn’t one of them.
So, for the sake of maintaining healthy social relationships, it would be a good idea to discontinue your pattern of complaining.
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7. It’s Quite Unnecessary
The last and simplest reason why you should stop complaining is that it is an unnecessary habit and adds no value to your life whatsoever.
You might justify complaining as a way to vent your thoughts, but there is a big difference between the two.
Venting is a way to express your negative emotions, while complaining is a way to see the bad in every situation.
It’s okay to make exceptions. We can’t keep ourselves in check at all times. But if complaining is an incessant habit, make a firm decision to quit it.
Anything that holds you back in life should be thrown out. There are other healthier ways to deal with your frustrations.
Meditate every day for 10 minutes, exercise when you feel overwhelmed, do yoga at least once a week, and create mindful journal entries.
These are some of the simplest and most effective things you can do to reduce stress and hold yourself back from complaining.
Bookmark For Later: 7-Day Happiness Challenge To Lift Your Spirits
Now Is A Good Time To Stop Complaining
The most solid action plan you can adopt to quit complaining is to make a strong resolution against it.
The reasons mentioned in this post offer a solid argument in favor of a life that is free of complaining. Allow yourself to vent, but do it with the purpose to find a release for your negative emotions.
But the moment you feel yourself complaining out of dissatisfaction, make yourself stop, and ask whether this mindset is bringing you anything good.
If the answer comes out to be no, then backtrack your thoughts and shift yourself in a different direction.
Hope that was helpful!
P.S.: Do you have any tips that are effective to quit the troublesome habit of complaining? If yes, then I’d love for you to share your process. It’s always good to receive fresh ideas.
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