Habits of happy people, when compiled together, can act as a soothing and mindful life guide.
Inspired by the lifestyle of people who are always happy, here is the ultimate checklist of habits you need for a joyful and content life.

Have you ever met someone who you think is happy every time you meet them?
I know I have been fortunate enough to come across such people, and it’s always a great pleasure getting to know them.
Surrounding yourself with happy people is amazing for your mental health. They add value to your life, fill you with positivity, and are super fun to be around.
It’s impossible not to smile and laugh in the presence of such people, and honestly, who doesn’t like being cheered up?
But you know what’s better than being in touch with a happy person? Becoming happy yourself!
And believe me when I say that it is absolutely possible to find your own eternal happiness and alter your life forever.
Happy people are like rays of sunshine. Wherever they go, there will be light.
You can learn a lot about life from people who are happy inside out.
I love observing such people. I think they can inspire a massive change in those who are open to being motivated.
Before we dive into the habits of happy people, let’s take a close look at the importance of happiness.
The Pursuit Of Happiness
Being happy is your birthright, a fact that many of us forget with time.
The older we get, the more responsibilities we earn, and the harder it becomes to hold on to the idea of being happy. But you are much more than your life’s challenges.
Your work doesn’t define your core, and neither do your circumstances. Only your state of mind has the power to label your thoughts.
And happiness is the best space you can find for your mind.
The phrase ‘pursuit of happiness’ doesn’t imply chasing joy. Its real meaning is ‘to live a life where you surround yourself with activities that add to your well-being.’
Being happy is a choice, not a goal that you have to run after.
And believe me, it’s high time for you to build some positive habits that encourage you to choose happiness every day for the rest of your life.
Related Post: Best 30-Day Happiness Challenge To Become A Cheerful Person
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This post is all about 21 habits of happy people we all need to adopt for a positive lifestyle.
If I am able to inspire you to pick up even a single habit from this list, I will consider my work here done.
Let’s get going! 🏃♀️
1. They Love Themselves
Seeking happiness without self-love is like rowing a boat without rudders.
The happiest people are those who have unconditional love for themselves.
They realize their own value, have faith in their choices, and are proud of their achievements.
Their habit of self-love doesn’t allow them to berate themselves. So, they know where to draw a line between tough love and self-kindness.
If you’re ready to finally acknowledge your true worth, master these 10 self-love habits and build unshakeable confidence.
2. They Have Good Friends
You might think that happy people surround themselves with a ton of friends. But the truth is they don’t care about their number of friends.
Whatever friendships they build, they do it with sheer love and affection, pouring their hearts out.
They hold on to their genuine friends and don’t hesitate to let go of toxic friendships.
One caring friend, with nothing but pure intentions in their heart, is enough to fill you with joy. Happy people realize this solid truth and live by it. 🌺
Recommended: 10 Insanely Simple Daily Habits To Improve Your Life

3. They Savor Every Moment
Call it mindfulness, or a zeal to live life to the fullest, but happy people are pros at savoring every moment.
While most people wait for big moments to be happy, content people often find little ways to fill themselves with joy.
This, I think, is a beautiful mindset to feel alive.
Big achievements are a part of life, but most of your days are made up of small moments that can lead to great satisfaction.
A Post I Think You’ll Love: 35 Little Things In Life That Can Make You Happy
Learn to celebrate your little wins, appreciate the beauty around you, and create something out of everything.
Do this, and life will give you a million reasons to smile.
4. They Are Kind To Others
This world would be a better place if everyone could be kind to each other.
Being kind doesn’t require much. It’s a simple choice you can make whenever you step out of the house.
Kindness is the best antidote to resentment, bitterness, and unwarranted emotions.
It’s something that people love to reciprocate, which creates a circle of positivity in every conversation that you’re a part of.
Also, kindness leads to a clear conscience and ultimately turns your heart into a vessel of happiness.
So, make it a rule to be kind to others. I promise life will be kind to you in return. 🥰

5. They Sleep Without Any Worries
I love it when someone tells me they are fast sleepers.
“Well, what else do you need?!” I exclaim in response and then ask them how they do it.
Their answer is simple – they don’t carry their worries to bed.
I mean, easier said than done, I know, but this really is the key to good sleep!
All the happy people I’ve met so far have the super ability to sleep deeply.
They don’t waste their energy by overthinking during nighttime; instead, they use this period to rest and rejuvenate.
Related Post: 12 Ideas For The Best Self-Care Night Routine
6. They Focus On The Positive
Optimism is the river that connects a person straight to the land of happiness.
If you allow your mind to wander toward negativity, the job of seeking happiness becomes a hundred times more difficult.
The people who focus on the positive are able to do so because it works brilliantly for them.
They know that in this beautiful journey called life, what you perceive is what you’ll get.
So, make a conscious decision to be positive, and allow good things to happen for you.
Related: 10 Things To Let Go Of To Be Happy In Life

7. They Enjoy Their Own Company
Happy people are their own best friends. They enjoy spending time with others, but also know how to party alone.
They have fun self-care ideas that they practice regularly, and they are always up to try new solo activities.
It doesn’t matter whether they are dating, single, or happily married.
Regardless of their relationship status, they are amazing at dating themselves.
This habit helps them magnify their happiness, and also allows them to make more space for their loved ones.
For all the women looking to try their hand at self-dating, here are some fun solo date ideas you can try for an amazing ‘me time.’ 👒
8. They Live In The Present
Those who constantly think about their past or worry about their future have a hard time holding on to happiness.
Not living in the present is a sheer waste of energy and time.
You can’t rewrite your past, and your future is unpredictable. The only thing that’s real is right now.
Slow down your thoughts, enjoy what you have at the moment, and work for better things rather than planning for them in your head.
Check out these 11 ways to slow down to master the art of living in the present.

9. They Are Carefree, Not Careless
There is a thin line between being carefree and being careless.
If you figure out how to stay on the former side, nothing in the world can cause you stress.
It’s amazing how some people are able to be carefree without losing sight of their responsibilities.
This habit allows them to live life without worries, and make room for happier thoughts.
Aim to be carefree, not careless, and you’ll have clear-cut access to unlimited joy.
Check Out: 11 Toxic Habits You Need To Quit Right Now
10. They Have A Positive Body Image
People who love being happy often have a positive body image.
They like themselves in every form and know how to respect the uniqueness of their body.
You won’t find them frowning looking into the mirror, because they like what they see.
If ever they decide to work on their body, they do so with the idea of getting healthy, not so they can fit into the world’s standard of beauty.
I think we all can see how this nourishing mindset leads to a blissful life.
Bookmark For Later: 8 Ways To Practice Body Positivity And Regain Your Confidence

11. They Look After Their Health
You can’t be happy if you’re not healthy, and wise people know this truth.
An unhealthy lifestyle leads to laziness and sickness, both of which are detrimental to your life’s purpose.
It’s super important to eat well, look after your skin, drink enough water, and sleep well at night.
Not looking after your health is disrespectful to your existence. Start treating your body like the sacred entity that it is, and you won’t have any trouble building a content life.
If you’re keen on joining the happiness club, adopt these 11 beautiful habits for ultimate body wellness.
12. They Value Peace Over Materialism
Look, I know it feels great to be able to buy your luxury.
I mean, who doesn’t like sleeping on a fluffy mattress bought with your own hard-earned money?
It feels awesome to be able to give yourself everything you know you deserve.
But your luxury should never be the centerpiece of your happiness.
If you need certain objects to satisfy your senses, then your potential to be well from within might be lost.
It isn’t bad at all to seek satisfaction from materialism (I do it too), but don’t entirely depend on it as a source of your joy.
Aim to be rich at heart and practice being peaceful; everything you want in life will follow as a result.
Related: 12 Minimalist Habits For A Simple And Sweet Life

13. They Practice Self-Care
There are women who go home after a tiring day, and the first thing they do is prepare for a recharging self-care session.
They take a long bath, moisturize their body, eat a healthy dinner, look after their family, and then curl up in bed with a book.
They do this because it makes them happy, and there’s no reason why you can’t do it too.
Self-care includes all the activities that add to your wellness and improve your mental health.
It isn’t something you do once and then put off for a few weeks; self-care needs to be practiced every other day without fail.
Remember that self-care isn’t selfish; it’s self-love in its most beautiful form.
Feel free to check out my self-care archives. I’ve written many helpful posts there that I think you’ll love.
14. They Have A Healthy Relationship With Food
This might seem like an odd choice of habit for this list, but I have seen it firsthand that happy women have a perfectly healthy relationship with food.
Happy people are pros at mindful eating.
They’re amazing at tuning into their body’s needs to make conscious food-based decisions.
This habit leads to a peaceful state of mind. I know this because I could never get myself to be happy until I got rid of my food anxiety.
If you struggle with your food habits, here are 5 gentle methods I used to heal my relationship with food.

15. They Nurture Their Strengths
It’s easy to berate yourself for lacking in certain areas, but think of everything you could achieve if you focus your energy on your strong points.
This is another thing that happy people know how to do.
They might also decide to improve their weak points, but only if it adds to their life’s purpose.
To put it simply, they are not obsessed with the things they’re not good at.
Instead, they spend their time honing their strengths, which ultimately leads to self-confidence and bliss.
A Fun Post For You: 10 Classy Benefits Of Being Single That No One Talks About
16. They Know How To Stay Calm
Happy people are not invincible. They are prone to negative emotions, just like the rest of us.
But what makes them different is that they know how to tame these feelings.
They have set action plans to deal with anger, anxiety, sadness, and hurt.
To be happy in life, you need to train yourself to react properly to negative emotions.
Here are 10 calming techniques that I personally use to tackle negativity. ✌️

17. They Share Freely
Those who are always happy are the best at spreading their joy.
They love the act of giving, which makes them loveable and unique.
It isn’t something they do to appear nice. They genuinely thrive on the habit of sharing freely.
Feelings like envy, jealousy, and resentment evade their minds because they’re preoccupied with the beautiful idea of sharing.
So, to unlock your happiness, teach yourself how to share. Remember that the more you give, the better you’ll receive.
Don’t Miss: 5 Wellness Hacks I Wish I’d Learned Sooner
18. They Face Their Emotions Head On
Running from your emotions has never been a healthy coping mechanism, and it never will be.
A joyful person knows this and hence deals with each emotion the moment it presents itself.
They have a healthy amount of control over their reactions; they know when to vent and when to rein in their words.
At the same time, they realize that crying is not a sign of weakness, and hence don’t hesitate to let out their emotions through their tears.
They celebrate their wellness to increase their joy and are kind to their negative emotions, which leads to a healthy mindset.
Here are 12 ways you can master emotional self-care for better mental health.

19. They Are Grateful
Gratitude is important if you’re looking to open yourself to everything that life has to offer.
When you appreciate everything you have, your affinity for life goes up.
You start finding reasons to smile, your loved ones become more valuable to you, and everything becomes a blessing.
So, take a page out of the lives of happy people, and start practicing gratitude. You’ll be surprised by what it can do for you.
20. They Don’t Get Overwhelmed
Not getting overwhelmed might seem like an impossible feat.
I mean, there are countless trigger factors in play that could make you lose your cool.
But believe me, there are people who never get overwhelmed, no matter what situation life might present.
They realize that getting overwhelmed has no good outcomes. So, they simply choose not to feed into their irrational thoughts.
Whenever you find yourself getting anxious, read these 11 reminders to stop feeling overwhelmed. Trust me, it really helps.
21. They Smile Often
To be happy from the inside, it’s a good idea to practice it on the outside. And the best way to display your wellness is to smile.
Smiling is a beautiful expression of your inner well-being. It spreads a message of positivity that is highly contagious.
One genuine smile from you can change someone’s day. So, do it more and do it often.

Okay, so those were the 21 habits of happy people that you can adopt for a content life.
I really hope to see you join the happiness club using the tips discussed in this post!
Now, it’s time for the bonus section. 💫
5 Daily Habits For Happiness
Happiness isn’t something you need to run after. It comes to those who are wise enough to seek it within their hearts.
Just focus on building a few simple habits, and your happiness meter will automatically be raised. 🥳
Let’s take a look at 5 daily habits you can cultivate to find true happiness.

1. Morning Ritual
Having a morning ritual that fits your personality is a guaranteed way to succeed in life.
Your morning is that part of your day where you are at your maximum potential.
Make use of this fact to improve yourself. Otherwise, you’ll be missing out on a ton of health benefits.
Check out these healthy morning routine ideas to start your day on a happy note.
2. Proper Sleep
Good sleep is non-negotiable if you’re looking to build a happy life.
Your mind won’t thrive off of an odd sleeping routine. It needs 8 hours of nightly sleep to be able to function well, and ultimately be happy.
Build a superb nighttime routine, go to bed on time, and take steps to improve your quality of sleep.
Check Out: 10 Perfect Ways To Sleep Better At Night
3. Journaling
Journaling is the solution to all your problems, and I promise this is not an exaggeration.
If you are an overthinker, start a journal to tame your rampant thoughts. If you are a pessimist, use a journal to find your hidden optimistic side.
And if you don’t know how to be happy, keep a journal to tap into the wellness residing in your heart.
You might want to try these 50 bedtime journal prompts for a quiet reflection time.
4. Meditation
There is a lot of noise in the world today. It can be easy to adopt perceptions that are not really yours.
Finding some quiet time can help you calm down and connect to your inner self. In other words, you can find happiness through the art of meditation.
Many of you must have been thinking about building this habit for some time now. But, it’s time to stop procrastinating and actually start meditating.
Trust me, you need this for a happy and content life. 🧘♀️
Here’s a 10-minute guided meditation you can try. Feel free to explore more videos on youtube.
5. Exercise
Exercise is not just for your body; it can do wonders for your mental health as well.
A good workout session helps you release stress and promotes the feeling of self-worth.
It helps you gain strength to tackle your daily challenges with zeal and enthusiasm.
Personally, I am loving going on morning runs these days, but walking is also a great way to get yourself moving.
If you have trouble making yourself love exercising, read these 8 tips to motivate yourself to work out.
Now, it’s time to wrap up this post with a few gentle reminders.
What Habits Make You Happy?
After all the life-changing habits that we’ve touched upon in this post, if you ask me about my favorite habits, I’d tell you they’re the ones that make me feel like myself.
We all have a ton of potential for growth and self-care.
Yet a wrong mindset and negative habits might sidetrack you, making you lose sight of your true nature.
Think about it. Are you really the overwhelmed person that you become in the face of a deadline?
Or do you think you were actually meant to be a chill person, but somehow started associating with the overthinker in you?
Also, is it really necessary to be stressed when being calm is also an option?
All these questions are worth pondering over for some healthy self-introspection.
And once you meet your true self, I hope you’ll come back to this list of happy habits and adopt your favorite ones.
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I love this! Such a positive post and you’ve shared some great tips.
Thanks, Liv! Glad you liked it.
The happiest lives to me are the ones where one takes the time to dwell on the many blessings we too often take for granted. Frequently being mindful of joy is important.
So true. Self-gratitude is important for happiness. It makes us value everything that makes life worth appreciating. Thanks for sharing your views, Susan.
I LOVE this post! Happy people are just so lovable and genuine and uncommon! I like seeing that people like you are sharing “tips” and routines to try and get everyone to that happy place
Oh, you are so sweet! Really appreciate you taking the time to write to me.
Happy people really are precious, aren’t they? I’ve learned a lot from the content people I’ve met so far, and they’ve uplifted me at certain low points in my life. I try each day to be as happy as I can. It’s a work in progress, but I love myself more every day because of it.
Hope to see you again xx
Love this!Such great tips! I’ve mastered most of these except for living in the present moment. That one is easier said than done.
Thank you for commenting, Gina. I am super glad you liked the post. 🙂
And I agree! It’s been years since I realized that living in the moment is the solution to my overthinking, yet it’s still a work in progress. But seriously, every time when I am successful at this, my happiness has no limits.
I love this post! It’s so true that if we surround ourselves with happy people we are much more likely to be drawn up into happiness than be pulled down by misery.
I couldn’t have put that in better words myself, Katherine. Happy people can be so good for our mental health. There’s so much to learn from them.
I am happy to know you loved the post. Hope to see you soon!
Loved the list and explanations for habits of happy people. I also loved the morning routine suggestions. Great blog post!
Thanks a lot, Laura. Having a personal morning routine can be game-changing for people looking to get happy. I can attest to that myself. Hope you have fun exploring the ideas mentioned in the post.
See you again!
Amazing post, I particularly love the self-care tip. It’s a reminder that we matter too, thank you!
Absolutely, Rachel. We deserve self-care and everything that it has to offer. I wish you good luck in your pursuit of happines. Thank you for stopping by.
Being happy is simple but not always easy! These are great reminders!
Well said. Thank you for writing to me xx
Wonderful information! Happily following 80% of these habits, makes me feel better. Thank You Anansha❤️
So so glad to know that. Thank you for taking the time to drop a comment. Hope to see you again.